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Once again, Michael Gartner
has demonstrated his glaring lack of knowledge about and empathy with the
university culture. Universities operate on a collegial basis. There is
much consulting and collaboration, and an attempt is made to respect the
opinions of everyone in the university community and to do so with civility.
Because this is so, heavy-handed, topdown edicts do not play well in university
cultures. An important part of any regent president’s job is to help other
members of the board understand this. It is important to recognize that
the University of Iowa differs from a business corporation in many respects
and cannot be run as one. Because of this fundamental lack of understanding
on Gartner’s part, I submit that he is unqualified to sit on the Board
of Regents, much less to lead it. He should resign immediately, before
he does additional damage to the relationship of the board with the institutions
it governs.