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Buzz swirls about Regent confab
Margaret Poe
The Daily Iowan
November 17, 2006
[Note: This material is copyright by The Daily Iowan, and is reproduced here as a matter of "fair use" for non-commercial, educational purposes only. Any other use may require the prior approval of The Daily Iowan.]
"It will be clear from the discussion there what will transpire next," Regent Amir Arbisser said.
The open session will be audited to the public from several locations across the state after a closed personnel discussion.
Faculty Council President Sheldon Kurtz speculated on Thursday that the meeting would feature the big announcement. But only time would tell, he said.
"I can't wait," the UI law professor said.
Regent Executive Director Gary Steinke declined to comment on the content of today's meeting.
Steve Parrott, the director of University Relations, also said he did not know what the meeting would entail.
"I'm curious to hear, like everyone else," he said.
UI Student Government President Peter McElligott said he didn't even know about the meeting until the notice was released. The UI senior said he has been able to voice his opinion during the search process, despite criticism among some UI faculty and staff that it has been too secretive a search.
"We're going to end up with an amazing president of the university," McElligott said. "All the candidates are of the highest caliber."
Last week, the committee reported it is moving close to a decision in the search - a decision in which the regents will cast the deciding vote. So far in the process, there have been no open forums with the candidates, and the potential presidential candidates' identities have not been revealed.
Kurtz, an avid supporter of on-campus interviews, said such meetings can help build campus support for whoever is chosen.
Anyone can attend the open portion of the meeting can do so at 105 Jessup Hall at noon. The meeting will also be audited in Urbandale, Ames, Cedar Falls, Council Bluffs, and Vinton.