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Colloton's actions were appropriate

Nile J. Williamson

Iowa City Press-Citizen

February 6, 2007

[Note: This material is copyright by the Press-Citizen, and is reproduced here as a matter of "fair use" for non-commercial, educational purposes only. Any other use may require the prior approval of the Iowa City Press-Citizen.]

I have noted with interest the ongoing stories in the Press-Citizen regarding the activities of John Colloton, retired director of University Hospitals. As an attorney, I recognize that conflicts of interest are real or perceived. A real conflict of interest is governed by regulatory or statutory law and is generally prohibited. A perceived conflict of interest usually arises out of its surreptitious nature -- that is, the activity is hidden and the fact that it is hidden raises questions as to whether the perceived conflict is harmful.

The Press-Citizen has not identified any real or perceived conflict of interest regarding any of Colloton's activities, and in fact recognizes that his status as director emeritus is shared by at least 38 other medical faculty members of University Hospitals such that the provision for office space, secretarial help and a parking space is not unique to Colloton.

Clearly, in all correspondence referenced by Press-Citizen, Colloton has identified his views as either personal or as a lead director of Wellmark. It is disturbing that the Press-Citizen would criticize the clearly appropriate actions of an individual who has served the UI both with his mind and pocketbook.

Nile J. Williamson

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