"Updated With New Material . . ."
This page is a link from the date in the upper right hand corner of Nicholas Johnson's opening page, created for those who check this Web site periodically, but could not otherwise discover what's been added since they last looked at it. It lists items added or modified since January 1, 2004.
The "Recent Publications" page, http://www.nicholasjohnson.org/writing/rcntpubl.html, provides links to the full text of all pieces written by Nicholas Johnson and available on the Web since April 1996. (Changes in law school classes' Web pages are not included here. Dates of change are indicated on those pages.) There were a disproportionately large number of additions to the "Another Iowan for Kucinich" page during December 2003 (including new analyses of Howard Dean) and to the "Iowa Child" [Iowa Environmental/Education Project; Coralville Rain Forest] page since the early months of 2004. -- N.J.
January 3, 2004. "Another Iowan for Kucinich." Addition of Omaha4Kucinich to the linked section, "Internet Sites About DK," and modification of the page's description at the top of the page.
"Cyberspace Law Seminar 2004." Addition of reading assignments, discussion questions, for first four seminar sessions to "Cyberspace Law Seminar 2004/Reading Assignments."
January 4, 2004. "Another Iowan for Kucinich." Addition of Kurt Nimmo, "Ashcroft Goes After the Left," to the linked section "Others' Writing."
Addition to "Recent Publications."
January 5, 2004. "Another Iowan for Kucinich." Addition of Jackson Diehl, "Foresight Was 20/20," to the linked section "Others' Writing."
January 8, 2004. "Another Iowan for Kucinich." Addition of BuzzFlash Kucinich Interview to the top of the section linked from "Watch and Listen to Dennis Kucinich" ["Dennis Kucinich. Want to see and hear Congressman Kucinich?"].
January 14, 2004. "Another Iowan for Kucinich." Addition of Nicholas Johnson's "Kucinich Compassionate, Courageous, Electable" to the linked section "Nicholas Johnson's Writing About Dennis Kucinich."
Addition to "Recent Publications."
January 19, 2004. Addition to "Recent Publications" of April 2001 article [articles are listed in reverse chronological order], "Focus: Defining the Land of the Fourth Estate," Global Issues: Media and Ethics, an Electronic Journal of the U.S. Department of State, April 2001, vol. 6, no. 1, U.S. Department of State, International Information Programs, with links to the publication in Arabic, English, French, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Vietnamese.
January 20, 2004. "Another Iowan for Kucinich." Addition of Nicholas Johnson's "Iowa Caucus Evaluation" to the linked section "Nicholas Johnson's Writing About Dennis Kucinich."
Addition to "Recent Publications."
January 21, 24, 26, 2004. "Another Iowan for Kucinich." Revisions to "Iowa Caucus Evaluation," and addition of sections reporting some "Entrance Polling Data" regarding Dennis' support, and "Iowa Caucus Results: The Numbers" links to sources of additional data from the caucuses generally.
January 28, 2004. Main Page [reached by clicking "Enter Here" on opening Web site page (www.nicholasjohnson.org)]. Addition, to second paragraph from the top, of links to Nicholas Johnson biographical statement, bibliography, and activities reports (along with pre-existing link to "Recent Publications").
February 1, 2004. Main Page [see immediately above]. Addition, to second paragraph from the top, of link to Nicholas Johnson's current Who's Who in America entry.
February 4, 2004. Additions to "Recent Publications" ["Iowa Child: Question About Questions," and "Is Kerry 'Bush Lite'?"; both linked only from "Recent Publications']
February 6, 2004. Addition to "Recent Publications" ["Why Do Networks Send TV Programs to Iowa Before the East Coast?"]
February 8, 2004. Addition to "Recent Publications" ["Jackson Reaction Seems Odd"]
February 16, 2004. Addition to "Recent Publications" ["Rain Forest Questions Remain"]
February 17, 2004. Addition of new Web page for the "Iowa Child" (or "Iowa Environmental/Education Project") at www.nicholasjohnson.org/politics/IaChild, with links to writing about the project by Nicholas Johnson and others.
February 23, 2004. "Iowa Child." [Addition of link to Des Moines Register's poll and February 23 story, Jonathan Roos, "Most Iowans Boo Rain Forest Plan"]
March 2, 2004. Addition to "Recent Publications" ["Superbowls and Less Than Super Leadership"]
March 5, 2004. Addition to "Recent Publications" ["What Are Nader's Options?"]
March 7, 2004. "Iowa Child" [Addtion of notice and link to CedarPundit's new "Iowa Pork Forest" Web site; links to columnist Dave Barry's ridicule of project, Iowa City Press-Citizen's poll (consistent with Register's results, above), and Iowa Child Panel's Report to Cedar Rapids City Council, Final Report, February 9, 2000]
March 8, 2004. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Dalby, "No Place Like Home for Great Apes"; Mendenhall, "Extra! Extra! Jungle Animals Escape Coralville Rain Forest;" addition of internal links to page, reorganization of material]
March 10, 2004. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Norman Luxenburg, "Answers Needed on Rain Forest"]
March 11, 2004. "Iowa Child" [Addition of March 11 results to the linked report of Iowa City Press-Citizen rain forest poll]
March 13, 2004. "Another Iowan for Kucinich" [Addition of Excel spreadsheet report of numbers of county delegates elected for each candidate from each of the 99 counties as link from "Another Iowan or Kucinich" and from the linked "Iowa Caucus Evaluation"]
March 20, 2004. "Iowa Child" [Addition of March 13 Des Moines Register editorial and Iowa City Press-Citizen op ed column, and March 20 Iowa City Press-Citizen first of three-part series about project]
March 21, 2004. Addition to "Recent Publications" ["Programming Indecency and the FCC"]; "Iowa Child" [Addition of second of Press-Citizen's three-part series]
March 22, 2004. "Iowa Child" [Addition of third of Press-Citizen's three-part series, and Dan Coffey letter to the editor]
March 24, 2004. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Press-Citizen's coverage of its March 22 public forum, chart of project's latest budget figures, Nicholas Johnson's personal notes prior to the forum, and Brad Mowrey letter to the editor.]
March 25, 2004. Addition to "Recent Publications" (with links from "Iowa Child") ["Rain Forest Issues and Concerns" and "The Elephant in the Rain Forest"]
March 26, 2004. "Iowa Child" [Addition of three letters to the editor from the March 26th Iowa City Press-Citizen regarding the March 22 Rain Forest Forum]
March 27, 2004. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Des Moines Register's March 22 editorial regarding a proposed arena, and Iowa City Press-Citizen March 27 editorial regarding the March 22 "Forum"]
March 30, 2004. Addition to opening Web site page [Addition to opening Web site page of poem, "The Common"]
March 31, 2004. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Edith Brysch's March 30 Press-Citizen letter, "Column Properly Judged Rain Forest," Norman Luxenburg's March 31 Press-Citizen op ed, "Rain Forest Organizers Mist Over Issues at Town Meeting," and a fuller list of Gazette coverage as well as a search feature for additional Gazette coverage and videos of KCRG-TV's Eden series]
April 2, 2004. "Iowa Child" [Addition of three letters to the editor in the April 1 Press-Citizen, and a link to the search feature for the Press-Citizen's archives]
April 3, 2004. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Cedar Pundit's April Fool's Day "Press-Citizen" news story] "Countries Represented in Regular Hits" on Web site [Addition of Antigua, bringing total to 140]
April 5, 2004. "Iowa Child" [Corrected credit for April Fool's Day rain forest "news story" from Cedar Pundit to RandomMentality]
April 9, 2004. "Iowa Child" [Addition of excerpt from Citizens Against Government Waste, Pig Book 2004, award to rain forest, Greg Hunter's story for ABC News, and Mike Madden's story for the Press-Citizen; Albert Jagnow's Press-Citizen letter to the editor; link to Brian Sharp backgrounder on David Oman] Addition to "Recent Publications" (with links from "Iowa Child") ["The Coralville Rain Forest: A Brief Overview of Remaining Issues"]
April 12, 2004. "Iowa Child" [Addition of three Des Moines Register items: "Coralville Rain Forest Project Builds Up Steam" and "Industry, Homes Make Way for Project," from April 11, and an editorial from April 4, "For A Secret to Growth, Look Outdoors" -- and Zack Kucharski's April 11 Gazette reporting, "Done the dome? Rain forest alone won't draw visitors, projects learn"]
April 18, 2004. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Scott J. Carpenter's April 18 op ed "Advancing Science," and Ted Kubicek's letter in the Gazette the same day, "Rain Forest Project's Figures Don't Add Up"]
April 19, 2004. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Mike Wagner's April 7 piece for KCRG-TV9, the Jean Lloyd-Jones quote from that piece, and Dan Coffey's April 18 "Iowa Rainforest Proponents Modify Approach"]
April 29, 2004. "Recent Publications" (with links from "Iowa Child") [Addition of Nicholas Johnson's Des Moines Register op ed column of April 29, "Will Rain Forest be a Boon or Boondoggle?"]
May 1, 2004. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Kay Thistlethwaite's "Whither the Coralville Rain Forest?" Press-Citizen op ed of May 1]; "Recent Publications" [Addition of "Public Investment, Private Profit: A Decision Tree"]; "The University of Iowa and the Historic Melrose Neighborhood" [Addition of this newly created Web site at http://www.uiowa.edu/~cyberlaw/UIMelros]
May 4, 2004. "Recent Publications" [Addition of Nicholas Johnson's Press-Citizen op ed column of May 4, "Getting Businesses to Do More"] Site's Opening Web Page ["Site is regularly visited by users in" increased from 140 to 143 countries] "Iowa Child" [Addition of Norman Luxenburg's May 3 Press-Citizen op ed, "IEEP Wastes Federal Dollars," Minneapolis Star Tribune columnist Ron Schara's column from April 25, "Things At Home Could be Better" and Brian Sharp's news story about IEEP Vice President Nancy Quellhorst, "Rain Forest Starts Staffing Local Office," Press-Citizen, April 6, 2004.]
May 7, 2004. "Recent Publications" [Addition of Nicholas Johnson's "Talk of Iowa" comments May 4, "The Neutrino Explanation of the Ploggly Hypothesis"] "Iowa Child" [Addition of Rob Bignell, "Your Congressman's Price Tag," Iowa City Press-Citizen, December 10, 2003, Gerald Holton, "Scientists need it; so do laypersons," Des Moines Register, April 29, 2004 (run in parallel by the Des Moines Register with Nicholas Johnson's "Will Rain Forest be Boon or Boondoggle," above) and Russell Tabbert's May 5 Letter in the Des Moines Register, "Just imagine"]
May 11, 2004. "Recent Publications" [Addition of Nicholas Johnson's "Lessons from Abou Ghraib," The Daily Iowan, May 11, 2004] "Activities Reports" [linked from "Main Page" ("Enter Here" page); update to include "Faculty Notes" from Iowa Advocate, Fall/Winter 2004]
May 13, 2004. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Jim Walters, "Vision? Try This Paean to Autos," Iowa City Press-Citizen, May 12, 2004, quote from Robert Novak, "Budget Reform?," column of May 6, and David C. Vigen, "Column Showed Rain Forest's Folly," Press-Citizen, May 13]
May 15, 2004. "Recent Publications" [Addition of Nicholas Johnson's "Labels and the Law," excerpt from Kirk Johnson, "Kobe Bryant Enters Plea of Not Guilty," New York Times, May 12, and (otherwise unpublished) "What's Kerry Thinking?", May 15, 2004]
May 18, 2004. "Main Page" [Addition of link, under "Politics," to "What's Kerry Thinking?" above]; [modification of "What's Kerry Thinking?" to include links to subsequent material with similar themes: Richard Reeves' column, moveon.org and Steve Sack's cartoon]
May 21, 2004. "Iowa Child" [Addition of quote from Zack Kucharski, "Indoor Rain Forest Committee Formed," The Gazette, May 21, 2004, and link to entirety of Gigi Wood, "Planners Name Advisory Panel," Iowa City Press-Citizen, May 21, 2004 (which includes a list of the 26 members).] "What's Kerry Thinking?" [Addition of link to Arianna Huffington's May 19 column, "John Kerry and Bobby Kennedy's Unfinished Mission"]
June 3, 2004. "Recent Publications (with link from "Iowa Child") ["Looking for Insights on Blogs," Iowa City Press-Citizen, June 3, 2004] and "Main Page" [[reached by clicking "Enter Here" on opening Web site page (www.nicholasjohnson.org)] [Addition of link (in second indented paragraph from top) to "print quality" 600dpi/800KB b&w photo of Johnson]]
June 8, 2004. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Iowa City Press-Citizen editorial, "River Project Demonstrates Area's Energy," May 24, 2004, and Marge Stell's Letter to the Editor in response, "River Landing: That's a Name," June 7, 2004]
June 18, 2004. "Law Review and Law-Related Articles" by Nicholas Johnson from 1956 to the present are now available in full text from the "Main Page" [reached by clicking "Enter Here" on opening Web site page (www.nicholasjohnson.org)]
June 29, 2004. "Wendell A. L. Johnson Memorial Home Page" [Substantial addition; streaming audio files of Wendell Johnson's University of Iowa general semantics class lectures from the fall semesters 1962 and 1963 along with other related streaming audio files]; "Law Review and Law-Related Articles" [Addition of remaining three articles unavailable from HeinOnline]
July 1, 2004. "Recent Publications" ["FCC Debate Masks Issues," Iowa City Press-Citizen, June 27, 2004]
July 10, 2004. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Brian Sharp, "Rain Forest Progress Slow Going," Iowa City Press-Citizen, and Random Mentality's commentary about the news story, July 6, 2004; quote from July 10 Des Moines Register editorial]; and "Main Page" [[reached by clicking "Enter Here" on opening Web site page (www.nicholasjohnson.org)] [Addition of link (in second indented paragraph from top) to "Major Magazine Articles" (in process as of this date)]]
July 14, 2004. "Major Magazine Articles" [see July 10, above; now with links to 15 articles]
July 17, 2004. "Recent Publications" [Addition of "Progress or Dystopia for Community Media?" from Spring 2004 Community Media Review, and (with links from "Iowa Child") Nicholas Johnson's Des Moines Register op ed column of July 17, "Coralville Project Can't Match Up to Omaha's Zoo"]
July 28, 2004. "Iowa Child" [Addition of John and Sandra Hudson's July 28 Press-Citizen letter to the editor]
July 30, 2004. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Sheila Samuelson's July 30 Press-Citizen letter to the editor]
August 1, 2004. "Recent Publications" [transcript of Nicholas Johnson's comments as guest on Dave Berkman's hour-long Wisconsin Public Radio program, "Media Talk," July 9, 2004]
August 23, 2004. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Thomas Jepson August 11, 2004, Iowa City Press-Citizen letter to the editor and Art Small quote from Rob Borsellino, "'Underdog' thinks big, doesn't fear going against Grassley," Des Moines Register, August 18]
September 1, 2004. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Zack Kucharski, "Coralville Rain Forest Project Running in Red," The Gazette, August 7, 2004]
September 5, 2004. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Eileen Robb, "Too Pricey," Des Moines Register, August 22, 2004, and Richard L. Rex's letters of January 26 and August 20, 2004, in the Iowa City Press-Citizen]
September 17, 2094. "Recent Publications" [advance text, with links to sources, of Nicholas Johnson's September 15 Earlham College lecture, "Media as Politics: What's a Voter to Do?"]
September 20, 2004. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Perry Beeman and Erin Jordan, "Amazon Meets Iowa" (and related stories), Des Moines Register, September 19, 2004; Editorial, "A Great State for Great Apes," Des Moines Register, September 18, 2004; Ian Binnie, "Merger is Decision of the Decade," Des Moines Register, September 18, 2004; Chris Rohret, "IEEP Will Help Child Learning," Iowa City Press-Citizen, September 15, 2004; Mehmet Serdaroglu, Letter: "Indoor rain forest will be boon for region," Daily Iowan, September 13, 2004; Brian Sharp, "Rain Forest Adds Schools Chief," Iowa City Press-Citizen, August 19, 2004; Vanessa Miler, "Stillwell Excited About Rain Forest Challenge," Iowa City Press-Citizen, August 20, 2004]
October 1, 2004. "Recent Publications" [Nicholas Johnson's contribution to discussion of the movie "The Corporation," "'The Corporation' and the Search for Agreement"]
October 2, 2004. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Brian Sharp, "City Moves to Seize Land for Rain Forest," Iowa City Press-Citizen, September 29, 2004; Chris Koeppel, "Rain forest right for Iowa," Letters, The Daily Iowan, September 24, 2004; Brian Sharp, "Rain Forest Takes Shape," Iowa City Press-Citizn, August 15, 2004; Beth Jorgenson, "Opportunity Knocks for Iowa with IEEP," Iowa City Press-Citizen, August 13, 2004]
October 3, 2004. "Recent Publications" [advance text, with links to sources, of Nicholas Johnson's October 5, Optimist Club talk, "Boosterism and the Fog of Rain Forests"]
October 5, 2004. "Recent Publications" [(with links from "Iowa Child") Nicholas Johnson, "Can't See the Forest Or the Trees," Corridor Business Journal, October 4, 2004]
October 11, 2004. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Julie Zare, "Johnson: Rainforest Project Lacks Focus, Money," Daily Iowan , October 6, 2004; Dean Hemesath, Letter, "Rain forest: World-Class Project," Des Moines Register, October 11, 2004]
October 17, 2004. "Recent Publications" [Nicholas Johnson, "Teleprompters and Media Ethics," September 27, 2004; Nicholas Johnson, "Birthday Greetings to Z102.9," October 7, 2004]
October 19, 2004. "Recent Publications" [Nicholas Johnson, "Sinclair’s Political Advocacy and the Public Interest," October 12, 2004]
October 26, 2004. "Main Page" [[reached by clicking "Enter Here" on opening Web site page (www.nicholasjohnson.org)] [Addition of link (in second indented paragraph from top) to "writing by others about Nicholas Johnson" page, currently listing 11 articles, 9 links to full texts]]; and "Iowa Child" [Addition of Eugene Spaziani, "Grassley Works, But Not Always in Iowans' Best Interests" and "Coralville: Rain Forest Gets Office Space"]
October 30, 2004. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Adam Pracht, "Rain Forest Discord Seen in E-mail; Project, City Officials Say Issues Have Been Resolved," Iowa City Press-Citizen, October 30, 2004]
November 1, 2004. "Iowa Child" [Addition of David Hogberg, "Iowa Pork Forest, Parts I, II and III," July 2004]
November 4, 2004. "Recent Publications" (and link from "Politics" on "Main Page" [reached by clicking "Enter Here" on opening Web site page (www.nicholasjohnson.org)]) [Nicholas Johnson, "Democrats' Recovery Begins by Looking in the Mirror," The Gazette, November 4, 2004]
November 6, 2004. "Recent Publications" (and link from "Politics" on "Main Page" [reached by clicking "Enter Here" on opening Web site page (www.nicholasjohnson.org)]) [Nicholas Johnson, "Election As a Civics Class," Des Moines Register, November 6, 2004]
November 11, 2004. "Recent Publications" (and links from "Major Magazine Articles" and "Media Reform" on "Main Page" [reached by clicking "Enter Here" on opening Web site page (www.nicholasjohnson.org)]) [Nicholas Johnson, "Dear Vice President Agnew," New York Times, October 11, 1970];
"writing by others about Nicholas Johnson" (a link from the top of "Main Page" [reached by clicking "Enter Here" on opening Web site page (www.nicholasjohnson.org)] ["Nicholas Johnson," Current Biography essay, 1968; Karen Beth Possner, An historical analysis of the ABC-ITT merger proceeding before the Federal Communications Commission, 1966-1967, University of Iowa, Doctoral Dissertation, 1975]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of Patton's Pad ("Grassley for Fiscal Responsibility"), Iowa City Press-Citizen, October 21, 2004; Adam Pracht, "Coralville Plans Commercial, Residential Area," Iowa City Press-Citizen, November 5, 2004; "E-mail Raises Doubts About Rain Forest," editorial, Iowa City Press-Citizen, November 8, 2004; Adam Pracht, "Councilor Wants Rain Forest Deadline," Iowa City Press-Citizen, November 11, 2004]
November 13, 2004. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Patton's Pad ("Now I know why they used to call it the Iowa Child project"), Iowa City Press-Citizen, November 13, 2004; Perry Beeman's two articles in the Des Moines Register: "Orangutan Dies at Primate Center," November 12, 2004, and "D.M. Ape Indah Dies of Severe Intestinal Condition," November 13, 2004; creation of new, appended section, "Iowa Primate Learning Sanctuary"]
November 25, 2004. "writing by others about Nicholas Johnson" (a link from the top of "Main Page" [reached by clicking "Enter Here" on opening Web site page (www.nicholasjohnson.org)] [Howard Junker, "The Greening of Nicholas Johnson," Rolling Stone, April 1, 1971];
"Iowa Child" [St. Louis Rain Forest; Zack Kucharski, "Rain Forest, Hotel Plans Prompt Dig at Ancient Campsite," The Gazette, June 15, 2004; Jamie Nicpon, "Coralville studies bond financing," The Gazette, October 14, 2004; Jamie Nicpon, "Iowa Children's Museum Sees Boost in Attendance," The Gazette, October 29, 2004; Zack Kucharski, "Coralville Acquiring More Land for Indoor Rain Forest," The Gazette, November 6, 2004; Zack Kucharski, "$3.2 Million Deal Set for Rain Forest Properties," The Gazette, November 11, 2004; Tammy Elam, "Better ways to spend $180M," Iowa City Press-Citizen, November 15, 2004; Zack Kucharski, "Coralville hotel bids exceed plan," The Gazette, November 20, 2004; Neil Daniels, "Coralville plays high stakes game," Press-Citizen, November 21, 2004]
December 2, 2004. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Daily Iowan editorial, "Coralville bidding woes raise doubts," December 1, 2004, and Zack Kucharski, "Getting off the ground; Rain forest board faces big decisions as fund raising proceeds," Gazette, December 2, 2004. New sub-headings inserted in "Opposition" section, with links.]
December 3, 2004. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Adam Pracht and Brian Sharp, "Project E-mail Not So 'Heat of the Moment'; Rain Forest Leader Approved Scolding," Iowa City Press-Citizen, December 3, 2004; Gary Grommon (letter), "Deliberate Deception Hurts Leach's Claims of Integrity," The Gazette, December 3, 2004];
"writing by others about Nicholas Johnson" (a link from the top of "Main Page" [reached by clicking "Enter Here" on opening Web site page (www.nicholasjohnson.org)]) [Addition of Kenneth L. Kolson, "Broadcasting in the Public Interest: The Legacy of Federal Communications Commissioner Nicholas Johnson," Administrative Law Review, 1978]
December 5, 2004. "regularly visited by users" (link from opening Web site page (www.nicholasjohnson.org) to "Counries Represented in Regular Hits") [Addition of Dominica and Myanmar to bring regular users country list to 145]
December 20, 2004. "Recent Publications" ["Open Meetings and Closed Minds: Another Road to the Mountaintop," Drake Law Review, 2004; "Media Concentration: An Historical Perspective" (remarks at FCC Forum, St. Paul), December 9, 2004; "Media's Role in Citizen Activism" (Nicholas Johnson Exchange with Barbara Ehrenreich), November 15, 2004]
"Law Review and Law-Related Articles" by Nicholas Johnson (a link from the top of "Main Page" [reached by clicking "Enter Here" on opening Web site page (www.nicholasjohnson.org)]) and "Recent Publications" [Addition of Drake Law Review article, above; addition of html-formatted version of "Forty Years of Wandering in the Wasteland," Federal Communications Law Journal, 2003]
"writing by others about Nicholas Johnson" (a link from the top of "Main Page" [reached by clicking "Enter Here" on opening Web site page (www.nicholasjohnson.org)]) [Addition of "Top of the Lists: Four Wanted Men," Newsweek, August 31, 1970]
"Nicholas Johnson and Media Reform," a new Web site with links to a range of related material, has been created and posted to the Web; it is available from the "Main Page" [reached by clicking "Enter Here" on the opening Web site page (www.nicholasjohnson.org)] and then clicking on "Media Reform"]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of Evan McCarthy, "Rain Forest Won't Attract Visitors," Iowa City Press-Citizen, December 18, 2004; Erin Jordan, "Rain Forest Project Relations Improve; After a spate of e-bickering this fall, project and Coralville officials are moving ahead with planning," Des Moines Register, December 19, 2004; Editorial Board, "Our Vistas Can Lure Tourists," Des Moines Register, December 20, 2004]
December 22, 2004. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Adam Pracht, "2005 Critical for Rain Forest," Iowa City Press-Citizen, December 22, 2004, and Jim O'Neal, "Indoor Rain Forest May Break Ground by Spring 2005," The Gazette, December 22, 2004]
December 23, 2004. "Recent Publications" [Addition of "Can [Animal Rights] Research Conflict be Resolved?" Iowa City Press-Citizen, December 23, 2004] "Iowa Child" [Editorial, "Reversing Iowa Stagnation," The Gazette, December 23, 2004; Random Mentality [blog], "The Red and the Green, December 22, 2004]
December 25, 2004. "Recent Publications" [Addition of "Principles of Red Lion on the Endangered List," Television Week, December 20, 2004]
December 26, 2004. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Editors, "Roses & Thistles: That Steam in Coralville is No Jungle," Des Moines Register, December 26, 2004]
December 27, 2004. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Bob Robinson, "Other Needs," Des Moines Register, December 27, 2004.
December 31, 2004. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Jim Thomas, "Focus on Iowa's Natural Sites," Des Moines Register, December 31, 2004; Editorial, "10 Issues to Watch in 2005; Coralville Industrial Park," Iowa City Press-Citizen, December 31, 2004]
January 1, 2005. "Iowa Child [Addition of Richard A. Patterson, "Rain Forest Board Does Too Much in Secrecy," The Gazette, January 1, 2005]
January 6, 2005. "Iowa Child" [Addition of reference to "Faith Based Initiative," "The West Wing," Season 6, Episode 2T5010 (6.10), January 5, 2005]
January 10, 2005. "Recent Publications" [Addition of "Rain Forest Dreams and Deficits" ["Bold Thinking Requires Focus to Match Potential"], The Gazette, January 9, 2005]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of Nicholas Johnson, "Rain Forest Dreams and Deficits," above; Associated Press, "Texas Company Wants to Sell Biosphere 2," January 9, 2005; Alan Scher Zagier, "If They Build It, Who Will Come? Iowa Builders Tout $180M Indoor Rain Forest, But Critics Unconvinced," Boston Globe, January 8, 2005]
January 14, 2005. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Tim Shriver, "Rain Forest Makes Iowa Laughable," Iowa City Press-Citizen, January 13, 2005; "A Changing Corridor," Gazette, January 13, 2005; Robert Novak, "The General and the Flag," November 15, 2003; Congressman Jim Leach, Transcript, "Iowa Press," Iowa Public Television, November 7, 2003]
January 18, 2005. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Wayne K. Swanson, "Suggesting Better Ways to Spend $180 Million," Gazette, January 17, 2005]
February 1, 2005. "Nicholas Johnson Speeches 1962-2005," a substantially revised Web site, including links to texts of speeches since 1996, has been created and posted to the Web; it is available from the top of the "Main Page" [reached by clicking "Enter Here" on the opening Web site page (www.nicholasjohnson.org)] and then clicking on "speeches"]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of AP, "Presidential Libraries Becomming a Tougher Draw," Des Moines Register, January 30, 2005; AP, "Iowa Values Fund: Drain, not Gain, Forecast for Big Incentive Awards," Des Moines Register, January 28, 2005; Adam Pracht, "Coralville Reviews Revised Hotel Plans," Iowa City Press-Citizen, January 22, 2005; G. F. Castonguay, "The Power of Politics -- and Words," Des Moines Register, January 21, 2005; AP, "Presidential Libraries Compete for Visitors in a Theme-Park World," November 16, 2004; Editorial, "I.C. Airport Plan Needs Specifics," The Gazette, October 12, 2004; Editorial, "Trolley Could Save Rain-Forest Folly," Daily Iowan, June 17, 2004; Ed Tibbetts, "Nussle Budget," Quad City Times, March 5, 2004]
February 14, 2005. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Adam Pracht, "Rethinking the Marriott," Iowa City Press-Citizen, February 8, 2005; Tammy Elam, "Coralville Plan Destroys Homes," Iowa City Press-Citizen, February 14, 2005]
"Nicholas Johnson and Media Reform" [Addition of sub-section, "Commentary," and Charles Benton, "Where's the Public? Media Reform in the Digital Age," [speech text], January 25, 2005]
February 18, 2005. "Recent Publications" [Addition of "Open Minds About Open Meetings," Des Moines Register, February 18, 2005]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of Joe Sharpnack, "IOWA CHILD PROJECT Please dump money here" [editorial cartoon], Gazette, February 17, 2005; Steve, "The State of the American Taxpayer," Pardon My English [blog], February 2, 2005; Random Mentality, "Stop the Insanity," Random Mentality [blog], November 11, 2004]
February 26, 2005. "Recent Publications" [Addition of "10 Questions for Nicholas Johnson," Jacobs Media, February 21, 2005]
"Nicholas Johnson and Media Reform" [Addition of "10 Questions With Nicholas Johnson," Jacobs Media, February 21, 2005; Andy Rooney, "No Place to Hide From Ads," CBS 60 Minutes, February 20, 2005]
"Countries Represented in Regular Hits" on Web site [Addition of Faroe Islands, Fiji, and Former USSR, bringing total to 148]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of Ian Binnie, "Open Dome," Des Moines Register, February 27, 2005; Adam Pracht, "Rain Forest Project Behind," Iowa City Press-Citizen, February 25, 2005; Marc Hansen, "Hall of Pride is Enough to Make You Proud," Des Moines Register, February 24, 2005; Alma Gaul, "Botanical Center Plans Bold Expansion," Quad City Times, February 23, 2005; also: expanded discussion, with links, regarding the National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium in Dubuque and the Garfield Park (Chicago) Conservatory and the lessons these attractions offer to the Coralville rain forest]
March 1, 2005. "Recent Publications" [Addition of "Is Ward Churchill a Conservative?" Daily Iowan, February 28, 2005]
March 8, 2005. "Recent Publications" [Addition of "'No Child' Leaves Kids Behind," Iowa City Press-Citizen, March 8, 2005; with the linked Bill Gates, "Our High Schools Need to Grow Up," The Gazette, March 6, 2005]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of Editorial, "Iowans Should Grab Chance to Buy Land," Des Moines Register, March 6, 2005; Mike Kilen, "In Search of Wild Iowa," Des Moines Register, March 6, 2005; Adam Pracht, "Marriott Hotel Heading Into Final Stretch," Iowa City Press-Citizen, March 2, 2005; Brian Sharp, "Coralville Sues Contractor," Iowa City Press-Citizen, March 1, 2005; Joe Van Ginkel, "Corporate Welfare Rarely Produces Jobs," Des Moines Register, March 1, 2005; David Pitt, " New Iowa Aquarium Honors the Mississippi," Associated Press/The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, August 17, 2003]
March 14, 2005. "Recent Publications" [Addition of "Why Iowa Needs to Raise Its Cigarette Tax," The Gazette, March 11, 2005; "The Responsibilities of Philosopher Kings," Drake Law Review Annual Banquet, March 11, 2005; "Indecency in Broadcasting," WSUI-AM, "Talk of Iowa," March 9, 2005; "Hypocrisy and Indecency in Broadcasting," Interview, "The Mike Webb Show," KIRO, March 1, 2005]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of Adam Pracht, "Councilors in the Dark Over Rain Forest Progress," Iowa City Press-Citizen, March 12, 2005; Adam Pracht, "Government Monitors Use of $50 M Grant," Iowa City Press-Citizen, March 12, 2005; Kris, "Can This Relationship Be Saved?" Iowa Pork Forest Blog, March 12, 2005; Liz Mathis, "Coralville Rainforest Project," KCRG-TV9, March 12, 2005; David Lewis, "Young Leave Over Lack of Culture," Iowa City Press-Citizen, March 11, 2005]
Other supporting material [Appendix to "Why Iowa Needs to Raise Its Cigarette Tax," above, Marc Hansen, "Med Student Lights Up at Prospect of Higher Cigarette Tax, Des Moines Register, March 10, 2005, HealthDay News, "School Anti-Smoking Programs Don't Work," Des Moines Register, March 6, 2005; Link from "The Responsibilities of Philosopher Kings," above, "The Global Threat to 'Rule of Law' and Judges," (AP, "Judge Mourns Husband Amid Tight Security," The Gazette, March 6, 2005; CNN, "Judge on Saddam Tribunal Killed," March 6, 2005; AP/USA Today, "Gunman Opens Fire at Atlanta Courthouse; Three Are Killed," March 11, 2005; Amanda Paulson and Patrik Jonsson, "How Judges Cope with Everyday Threats on the Job," Christian Science Monitor, March 4, 2005); Link from "Is Ward Churchill a Conservative?, see March 1, 2005, above, of Kevin Simpson, "Sacred Cow of Tenure Laid Low?" Denver Post, March 13, 2005]
March 17, 2005. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Editorial, "Council Right to Expect Some Results," Iowa City Press-Citizen, March 17, 2005]
March 19, 2005. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Bob Patton, "Cidado Coral, Brasil," ("Patton's Pad" editorial cartoon), Iowa City Press-Citizen, March 19, 2005; Barb Vakulskas, "Rain Forest Makes Iowa Laughable," Iowa City Press-Citizen, March 19, 2005]
March 28, 2005. "Recent Publications" [Addition of "Politicians Lie," Steve Nicholes' interview, KCRG-TV9, March 10, 2005]
"Iowa Child' [Addition of Leslie Crockett, "'Rain Forest' Will Benefit Area," Iowa City Press-Citizen, March 28, 2005; Editor, "Pork Forest Baloney," Iowa Pork Forest Blog, March 25, 2005; Sandra L. Hudson, "'Rain Forest' Serves Environment," Iowa City Press-Citizen, March 23, 2005; AP, "Boston's 'Big Dig' Opens to Public," December 20, 2003]
April 11, 2005. "Recent Publications" [Addition of "Time to Build or Get Off the Pot," Iowa City Press-Citizen, April 11, 2005]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of Nicholas Johnson, "Time to Build or Get Off the Pot," above; Ted, "Letter From a Town Hall," www.crookedtimber.org blog, April 11, 2005; Zack Kucharski, "Coralville Leaders Entertain Options," The Gazette, April 9, 2005; Zack Kucharski, "Doubt Cast on Projects," The Gazette, April 9, 2005; Brian Sharp, "Coralville, Marriott Split," Iowa City Press-Citizen, April 9, 2005; Robert Bates, "Cedar Rapids Zoo Project Deserves Public's Support," The Gazette, April 8, 2005; Emily Derrico, "Coralville rain forest still short," Daily Iowan, March 31, 2005]
April 18, 2005. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Bob Patton,"Up the River (Front) Without a Paddle," ("Patton's Pad editorial cartoon), Iowa City Press-Citizen, April 16, 2005; Adam Pracht, "River Landing at $34.6 M," Iowa City Press-Citizen, April 16, 2005; Seung Min Kim, "Coralville Project to Proceed," The Daily Iowan, April 13, 2005; Editor Iowa Pork Forest, "It's Awful Easy for People Who Have Not Been Participating," April 12, 2005; Lyle Muller and Tom Owen, "Rain Forest Timeline Addressed," The Gazette, April 12, 2005; Adam Pracht, "Hilton First Stop in Coralville Search," Iowa City Press-Citizen, April 12, 2005]
"About" [Update of "Nicholas Johnson Activities Reports, 1990-2005" from "Faculty Notes," Iowa Advocate, Fall/Winter, 2004-2005 [reached by clicking "Enter Here" on opening Web site page (www.nicholasjohnson.org)]]
April 20, 2005. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Zack Kucharski, "Rain Forest to Seek $20 Million from State," The Gazette, April 20, 2005; Nicholas Johnson, "What's New? Evaluating Iowa Child's $20 Million Application," April 20, 2005; link to Iowa Pork Forest, "Dear Iowa, Can I Have Another $20 Million Dollars? Love, Rainforest," April 20, 2005]
April 21, 2005. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Adam Pracht, "Rain Forest Education Plan Outlined," Iowa City Press-Citizen, April 21, 2005; revision (responding to "Education Plan") of Nicholas Johnson, "What's New? Evaluating Iowa Child's $20 Million Application," above; State 29 (blog), "Pitch Your Tent At Rainforest Motel 42," April 21, 2005; Heywood Sanders, "Space Available: The Realities of Convention Centers as Economic Development Strategy," The Brookings Institution, January 2005]
April 25, 2005. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Editorial, "Clearing Air on Envronmental Project," The Gazette, April 24, 2005; Rob Bignell," Don't Give Up What Everyone Else Wants," Iowa City Press-Citizen, April 24, 2005; blog entries, Iowa Pork Forest, "Pitch Your Tent at Rain Forest Motel 42," April 21, 2005 and "OMG, Are They Serious?," April 23, 2005; Random Mentality, "More Fake Rain Forest Stuff," April 22, 2005; Sandra Altman, "Closed Shelters Limit Options for Rural Iowans," Des Moines Register, April 16, 2005; link to Kevin Kelly's "IowaRainForest.org" Web site]
April 26, 2005. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Nicholas Johnson, "The Register's Rain Forest Endorsement: A Summary Response," April 26, 2005; Editorial, "Fund the Unexpected, the Iowa Rain Forest," Des Moines Register, April 25, 2005; "Register Endorses Rain Forest, Bloggers Not Impressed," April 25/26, 2005 [a collection of commentary about the editorial found on the Iowa Pork Forest and other blogs from State 29, Random Mentality and Thoughts from the Oasis Amidst the Corn]].
"Recent Publications" [Addition of "The Register's Rain Forest Endorsement: A Summary Response," April 26, 2005, above]
May 2, 2005. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Editorial, "Show Private Support for Rain Forest," Iowa City Press-Citizen, April 30, 2005; Editor, "Iowa City Press-Citizen: Show Me the Money," Iowa Pork Forest, April 30, 2005; Editor, "Bio-Diesel vs. Bio-Tourism," State 29, April 28, 2005; Lee Rempe, "Better Reasons Needed to Justify Rain Forest Project," The Gazette, April 27, 2005; Jerry Perkins, "Biodiesel Fuel Plant Planned for Wall Lake," Des Moines Register, March 1, 2005]
May 23, 2005. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Adam Pracht, "More Retail in Store for Coralville; Two Commercial Areas Going Up," Iowa City Press-Citizen, May 14, 2005; Brian Sharp, "Abandoned Retail Markets Rebound," Iowa City Press-Citizen, May 13, 2005; Brian Sharp, "Spike in Mall Value to Benefit Area; Coral Ridge Owners Protest Assessment," Iowa City Press-Citizen, May 13, 2005; Adam Pracht, "New Coralville Development Already Filling Up," Iowa City Press-Citizen, May 13, 2005; Editorial, "Tourism Plan Makes Sense," Iowa City Press-Citizen, May 3, 2005; Jeffrey Patch, "Rain Forest to Ask State for Money," Des Moines Register, April 21, 2005; Sam Edsill, "Coralville Rain Forest Official Touts Education Value of Project," Daily Iowan, April 21, 2005]
May 24, 2005. "Nicholas Johnson and Media Reform" (currently a link from opening Web page) [Addition of dozens of links to media reform organizations and other resources; Nicholas Johnson, "Broadcasting and Its Regulation: 1895-1970," presentation during "The FCC Past and Present" panel, National Conference for Media Reform, May 14, 2005 (audio); link to new Iowans for Better Local TV Web site; link to Duncan H. Brown and Jeffrey L. Blevins, "The Role of the Public in the FCC's Broadcast Policy-Making Process: Have We Entered a New Era," May 26, 2005]
May 28, 2005. "Nicholas Johnson and Media Reform" [Additon of Nicholas Johnson, "Broadcasting and Its Regulation: 1895-1970," presentation during "The FCC Past and Present" panel, National Conference for Media Reform, May 14, 2005 (transcript); links to Ben Bagdikian, The New Media Monopoly (Boston: Beacon Press, 2004); Eric Barnouw, A History of Broadcasting in the United States (vol. 1, A Tower in Babel [to 1933]; vol. 2, The Golden Web [1933-1953]; vol 3, The Image Empire [1953-1970] (New York: Oxford University Press, 1966, 1968, 1970); Kay Mills, Changing Channels: The Civil Rights Case that Transformed Television (Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2004) and Danny Schechter, Weapons of Mass Deception (film; 2005) (book, 2003)]
June 1, 2005. "Nicholas Johnson and Media Reform" [Addition of Nicholas Johnson, "Media Responsibility and the Iowa License Renewals," Talk of Iowa, WSUI-AM, Iowa City, WOI-AM, Ames, May 31, 2005 (audio only; transcript to come)]
June 2, 2005. "Nicholas Johnson and Media Reform" [Addition of Nicholas Johnson, "Media Responsibility and the Iowa License Renewals," Talk of Iowa, WSUI-AM, Iowa City, WOI-AM, Ames, May 31, 2005 (transcript)]
June 5, 2005. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Nicholas Johnson, "Unfocused and Unfunded, Rain Forest Inspires Mostly Questions," Des Moines Register, June 5, 2005; Rene Sanchez, "If They Build it Maybe They'll Come; Will Rainforest 'Sizzle' -- or 'Fizzle'?" Minneapolis Star Tribune, June 5, 2005]
June 20, 2005. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Adam Pracht, "Coralville Land Values Expected to Skyrocket," Iowa City Press-Citizen, June 11, 2005; Kevin Woods, U.S. Presence in Mideast Fueled by Need for Oil, The Gazette, June 8, 2005; William Wright, "Make 'Rural Heritage' Our Mantra," Iowa City Press-Citizen, June 7, 2005; Editorial, "Center's Science Needs to Work," Des Moines Register, June 4, 2005; Editorial, "Coralville Stays Course on Project," Iowa City Press-Citizen, June 4, 2005; Tim Borchardt, "Simple Solution for Anger," Iowa City Press-Citizen, June 2, 2005; Editorial, "Iowa Must Step Up Investment in Public Lands," Des Moines Register, June 1, 2005; Perry Beeman and Juli Probasco-Sowers, "Where's the Fun? Iowa Ranks Near Bottom in Public Land for Recreation," Des Moines Register, May 29, 2005; Jim Walters, "Examining Rain Forest 'Facts,'" Iowa City Press-Citizen, December 3, 2003; Jack Lyne, Selection Executive Editor, "$280 Million, 2,200-Job Complex: Is It Heaven, Iowa or a Rainforest?" The Site Selection Online Insider, Blockbuster Deal of the Week, January 8, 2001]
June 24, 2005. "Recent Publications" [Addition of "Rain Forest Hires Rain Man; A Commentary on Rain Forest Project's Negotiation with KUD," June 23, 2005; "Senators Refuse Condemnation of Lynching," The Carpetbagger Report: Reality-Based Commentary, Analysis, and Tirades on Politics in America, June 19, 2005]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of Nicholas Johnson, "Public Finance and the Coralville Rain Forest," Talk of Iowa, WSUI-AM, Iowa City, Part 1 of 2, June 22, 2005; Nicholas Johnson, "Rain Forest Hires Rain Man; A Commentary on Rain Forest Project's Negotiation with KUD," June 23, 2005; this piece, in turn, contains links to Zack Kucharski, "Rain Forest Enlists Experts; Firm Experienced with Attractions Using Habitats Expected to Boost Fundraising for Coralville Project," The Gazette, June 23, 2005; Adam Pracht, "Rain Forest Project Set to Hire Overseer; Officials: KUD Could Help Bring in Funding," Iowa City Press-Citizen, June 23, 2005; and "Amateur Hour," Iowa Pork Forest, June 23, 2005; as well as the Web sites of KUD International and Kajima USA]
"Politics" [Addition of Nicholas Johnson, "Senators Refuse Condemnation of Lynching," The Carpetbagger Report: Reality-Based Commentary, Analysis, and Tirades on Politics in America, June 19, 2005]
June 27, 2005. "Recent Publications" [Addition of "Public Finance and Public Broadcasting," Talk of Iowa, WSUI-AM, Iowa City, Part 2 of 2, June 22, 2005]
July 1, 2005. "Recent Publications" [Addition of "What Works: Colonial Williamsburg and Coralville's Rain Forest," June 29, 2005]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of new section, "Public Money, Private Project"; substantial redesign of "Faulty Financial Analysis" subsection, now called "What Works? Financial Analysis"; Nicholas Johnson, "What Works: Colonial Williamsburg and Coralville's Rain Forest," June 29, 2005; Robert Richardson, "The Rainforest Enlists Fundraising Professionals," Rytoonz (editorial cartoon), Iowa City Press-Citizen, June 29, 2005; Bill Poovey, "Chattanooga Surges Back with Revitalized Waterfront," Associated Press, June 26, 2005; Rachel Gallegos, "Arts Fest Aims Higher," Des Moines Register, June 24, 2005; Editorial, "New Retail Can Root in Downtown C.R.," Gazette, June 23, 2005; William Matthes, "Pork from the Pork Forest," June 22, 2005; Deidre Bello, "SouthGate Aims to Revive West Branch," Iowa City Press-Citizen, June 17, 2005; Cindy Hildebrand, "Clean Water is Basic 'Iowa Environmental Project,'" June 6, 2005]
July 5, 2005. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Bob Patton, "We understand the Iowa Rainforest folks had a little trouble finding a project manager . . .." Patton's Pad (editorial cartoon), Iowa City Press-Citizen, July 2, 2005; Growing Iowa, Des Moines Register (Web site with links to stories from April 11, 2004 to July 3, 2005); Ben Meiry, Letters, "Failed Science Exhibits Could Discourage Kids," Des Moines Register, June 22, 2005; Krsti Knous, Letters, "Science Center a Community Gem," Des Moines Register, June 22, 2005; Editorial, "Follow Illinois' Lead in Tracking Incentives," Des Moines Register, June 14, 2005; Donnelle Eller, "State Gives Support to Startups," Des Moines Register, June 14, 2005; Editorial, "Congress Should End States' Business Giveaways," Des Moines Register, June 8, 2005]
July 11, 2005. "Recent Publications" [Addition of Nicholas Johnson, "How to Violate Copyright Without Copying Anything," The Gazette, July 10, 2005 (with links to The Gazette editorial to which it is a response, "Stop Bumming Your Music," July 1, 2005; Aaron Larson, "Keep on Rockin' In the Free World," The Gazette, July 9, 2005; and the Supreme Court's Grokster opinions); Nicholas Johnson, "KUD-Rain Forest 'Understanding' Retains, Creates Questions," July 8, 2005]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of Candida Maurer, "Rain Forest Still a Foolish Idea," Iowa City Press-Citizen, July 11, 2005 [inserted rather than linked]; Nicholas Johnson, "KUD-Rain Forest 'Understanding' Retains, Creates Questions," July 8, 2005; Adam Pracht, "Rain Forest, Group Set Deadlines," Iowa City Press-Citizen, July 7, 2005; Zack Kucharski, "Deal Sets Rain Forest Opening," The Gazette, July 7, 2005; introductory remarks to Iowa Child site revised, July 11, 2005]
"The Global Press" [Addition of GlobalVoicesOnline.org link from "The Global Press" page (a link from the opening page, www.nicholasjohnson.org: "global alternatives to American media"), July 6, 2005]
July 20, 2005. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Heather McElvain, "Does Area Have Mall Overload? Expert: Tiffin Project May Be Too Much," Iowa City Press-Citizen, July 20, 2005; Heather McElvain, "$200M Tiffin Project in the Works," Iowa City Press-Citizen, July 19, 2005; Victoria Brown, "Theater Column Way Off Base," Iowa City Press-Citizen, July 19, 2005; Gary Frost, "Let's Think Cool in Coralville," Iowa City Press-Citizen, July 15, 2005; Alex Rediger, "Learning Boundaries at Festival," Iowa City Press-Citizen, July 14, 2005; Sue Savage-Rumbaugh, "Tell Importance of Rain Forest," Iowa City Press-Citizen, July 14, 2005; Kevin Dobbs, "We Built It . . . Will They Come?" Des Moines Register, July 11, 2005]
July 27, 2005. "Recent Publications" ["Perils of Public Payment for Private Projects," July 22, 2005; "The Trifecta of Local Development, July 21, 2005]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of Nicholas Johnson, "Perils of Public Payment for Private Projects," July 22, 2005 (containing full text of David Elbert, "State Grants, Loans Given to 8 Companies," Des Moines Register, July 22, 2005, Tim Higgins and Jonathan Roos, "GOP Wants Limits on Eminent Domain," Des Moines Register, July 22, 2005, Alan Kline, "Polk's Reckless Events Center Financing Plan," Des Moines Register, July 21, 2005, and Stacey Cargill, "Need Tool to Measure Gambling Claims," Des Moines Register, July 21, 2005); Nicholas Johnson, "The Trifecta of Local Development," July 21, 2005 (containing full text of Adam Pracht, "Town Leaders See Mall Proposal," Iowa City Press-Citizen, July 21, 2005, Heather McElvain, "Work on Riverside Casino Gets Going," Iowa City Press-Citizen, July 21, 2005, Adam Pracht, "Coralville Development in Early Stages," Iowa City Press-Citizen, July 21, 2005); Heather McElvain, "Riverside Agrees to Water Deal; Council OKs TIF Funding for Casino Project," Iowa City Press-Citizen, July 8, 2005; State 29 (blog), "'Fiscally Prudent' Taxpayer-Financed Corporate Welfare," April 28, 2005]
August 9, 2005. "Iowa Child" [Addition of sections on "Aquariums" and "Zoos" with links to Shaila Dewan, "A Pioneer of the Big Box Builds a Tank for Some Very Big Fish," New York Times, August 7, 2005; Morey & Associates, "Annual Aquarium Attendance Report: 2004"; Morey & Associates, "Annual Zoo Attendance Report: 2004"; People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, "State of the Zoo Industry: Factsheet" (2004); Mary Noble, "New England Aquarium: How Does a Non-profit Come Back After Hitting the Wall?" (May 2004); Eric Jaffe, "Fishy Business," Boston Magazine (2002); Sean Gorman, "Aquariums: Beyond Fish in a Box," Scripps Howard News Service, October 6, 1997]
August 15, 2005. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Editorial, "Homers: Namesake," Gazette, August 15, 2005; Editorial,"Coralville's Requirements Are Prudent," Iowa City Press-Citizen, August 14, 2005; Perry Beeman, "Rainforest Project in Coralville Adds Cousteau to Board," Des Moines Register, August 11, 2005; Adam Pracht, "Strings Tied to Rain Forest Land," Iowa City Press-Citizen, August 10, 2005; Zack Kucharski, "Rain Forest Terms Discussed," Gazette, August 10, 2005; Random Mentality [blog], "Show Me the Money," August 10, 2005; Patt Johnson, "Jordan Creek Redirects Competition,"Des Moines Register, July 31, 2005; John Seewer, "Parks Ride Wave of Water Fun," Associated Press, July 30, 2005; Las Vegas Convention and Visitor Authority, "Historical Las Vegas Visitor Statistics, 1970-2004"]
August 22, 2005. "Recent Publications" ["Is the FCC Wrong to Hire the Religious Right?," Interview, "The Mike Webb Show," KIRO, August 11, 2005]
"Iowa Child" [Jim O'Neal, "Rain Forest Drops Design Firm," The Gazette, August 21, 2005; Heather McElvain, "Rain Forest Board Drops Architect," Iowa City Press-Citizen, August 20, 2005; State 29 [blog], "The Vagina is Like a Rain Forest," August 18, 2005; Tim Jamison, "City Convention Center Seeing More Business but Still Running on Taxpayer Subsidies," Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier, August 7, 2005; David Hammer, "Arkansas: 'Billgrimage' Has Clinton's Hope Birthplace Back in the Black," Associated Press, May 27, 2005; Roddy Stinson, "City Hall's Hand-Picked Hotel Builder Sued for $667,206 in Iowa," San Antonio Express-News, March 15, 2005; American Gaming Association, "The State of the States 2005: The AGA Survey of Casino Entertainment"]
August 29, 2005. "Recent Publications" ["Power Question is Simple One," Iowa City Press-Citizen, August 29, 2005; "The Significance of Iowa City's 'Public Power' Vote; Where Are the Relevant Statutory Provisions and What Do They Say?" August 1, 2005]
"Iowa Child" [Jamie Nicpon, "Recreation/Brown Deer Sees Red; Coralville Golf Course Ends Up Costing City," The Gazette, August 28, 2005; Editorial, "Business Has Been Booming for the Iowa City Public Library," Iowa City Press-Citizen, August 28, 2005; Editorial, "Rain Forest Deadlines Needed," Iowa City Press-Citizen, August 27, 2005; Bob Patton,"News Item: Coralville City Councilor Likens Rainforest Project to St. Louis Arch," ("Patton's Pad editorial cartoon), Iowa City Press-Citizen, August 27, 2005; Zack Kucarski, "Why Rain Forest is on Thin Ice; Lack of Progress Fuels Coralville's Demands," The Gazette, August 26, 2005; Zack Kucharski, "Rain Forest Given Ultimatum; Coralville Council to Pull Crucial Support if it Doesn't See Binding Agreement Soon," The Gazette, August 25, 2005; Adam Pracht, "City Sets Deadline for Rain Forest; Leaders Must Respond to Draft Land Transfer Agreement by September 20," Iowa City Press-Citizen, August 25, 2005; Kris, "And So the Fun Begins," Iowa Pork Forest [blog], August 25, 2005; Anne Scheetz, "Don't Lose Faith in Rain Forest," Iowa City Press-Citizen, August 25, 2005; Daryl Smith, "Rain Forest a Unique Learnng Opportunity," Des Moines Register, August 25, 2005; Madelaine Jerousek and Philip Brasher, "Clouds of Doubt Hang Over Rain Forest; Frustrated by Slow Progress, Some City Leaders are Considering Alternatives to the $180 Million Project," Des Moines Register, August 24, 2005; Adam Pracht, "Council Wants Rain Forest Input; City Prefers Original Architect for Project," Iowa City Press-Citizen, August 24, 2005; WHO-TV13, "Iowa Rainforest Problems," August 24, 2005; Kris, "And the Kitchen Sink," Iowa Pork Forest [blog], August 23, 2005; Heather McElvain, "Rain Forest Losing Its Magic," Iowa City Press-Citizen, August 23, 2005; Carol Spaziani, "'Yes' on November 8 Provides Options," Iowa City Press-Citizen, July 25, 2005; Dave Sjullie, "St. Louis Festival Beats Freedom Festival," The Gazette, July 14, 2005]
September 6, 2005. "Recent Publications" [Nicholas Johnson, "Your Second Priority," September 5, 2005]
"Iowa Child" [Zack Kucharski, "Rain Forest Architect Brings World Vision; Work on Previous Project May Influence Design," The Gazette, September 4, 2005; Editorial Board, "Leave Rain Forests to the Tropics," Daily Iowan, September 2, 2005; Perry Beeman and Madelaine Jerousek, "Rain Forest Backers Hire Firm as Project's Future Stays Unclear," Des Moines Register, September 1, 2005; Zack Kucharski, "Rain Forest Ouster Urged; Coralville Council’s Key Vote Hinges on Leadership Change," The Gazette , September 1, 2005; J.D. Mendenhall, "Can't See Rain Forest for Trees," Iowa City Press-Citizen, September 1, 2005; Adam Pracht, "Rain Forest Project in Danger; Environmental Project Leaders Hire New Architect," Iowa City Press-Citizen, September 1, 2005; Editorial, "Can Project Leaders Save Rain Forest?" Iowa City Press-Citizen, September 1, 2005; Perry Beeman, "Rainforest Project Hires Architects from England," Des Moines Register, August 31, 2005]
September 12, 2005. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Editorial, "Is This Town Really Going to the Dogs?" Iowa City Press-Citizen, September 12, 2005; Rytoonz [Robert Richardson], "Lazin' on a Sunny Afternoon," Iowa City Press-Citizen, September 8, 2005; Gary Frost, "Rain Forest for Science," Daily Iowan, September 7, 2005; Civic Skinny, "Coralville Project Headed for Scrap Heap," Cityview, September 1, 2005]
September 26, 2005. "Recent Publications" [Nicholas Johnson, "Why You Should Care Who Serves on the FCC," The Gazette, September 25, 2005]
"Public Power" [Addition of Paula S. Dierenfeld, "Know Facts on Public Power," Iowa City Press-Citizen, September 23, 2005; additions/revisions to Nicholas Johnson, "The Significance of Iowa City's 'Public Power' Vote; Where Are the Relevant Statutory Provisions and What Do They Say?" August 1, 2005]
"Iowa Child" [(More missed deadlines:) Addition of Heather McElvain, "Coralville Awaits," Iowa City Press-Citizen, September 20, 2005; Angie Meng, "Rainforest Officials to Miss City Deadline," The Daily Iowan, September 20, 2005; "Negotiations for Site of Indoor Rainforest Continue," Sioux City Journal, September 18, 2005.
(Return $50 million for hurricane relief:) Neill Goltz, "Give Rain Forest Funds to Victims," Iowa City Press-Citizen, September 26, 2005; Editorial, "Rain Forest Funds at Risk," Iowa City Press-Citizen, September 24, 2005; Bob Patton, "Patton's Pad: 'Emergency Food Relief,'" Iowa City Press-Citizen, September 24, 2005; Adam Pracht, "Grassley: Rain Forest Funding OK; Katrina Will Not Affect $50 Million," Iowa City Press-Citizen, September 23, 2005; Loyde Lull, "Give It Up," Des Moines Register, September 23, 2005; Adam Pracht, "Oman: Rain Forest Funds Safe," Iowa City Press-Citizen, September 21, 2005; Cragg Hines, "Inaction Plan, Pork Plea, Plus a German Postscript," Houston Chronicle, September 20, 2005; Gloria Kottick, "Send Rain Forest Funds to Gulf," Iowa City Press-Citizen, September 2, 2005
(Other:) Carol Hunter, "To Attract Others, Iowa Should Borrow a Page from Portland," Des Moines Register, September 25, 2005; Donald Baxter, "Missed Deadline? Try Housing," Iowa City Press-Citizen, September 25, 2005]
October 11, 2005. "Recent Publications" [Nicholas Johnson, "Fork in the Road and Alternative Futures," Town Meeting on the Future of Media (FCC Forum), Iowa City, October 5, 2005]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of Philip Ahrens, "Rain Forest Funds Needed Elsewhere," Iowa City Press-Citizen, October 10, 2005; Zack Kucharski, "Rain Forest Future Murky; Talks continue past city deadline; claim to fed money studied," The Gazette, October 8, 2005; Paul G. Jagnow, "Rain Forest Not Worth Tax Money," Iowa City Press-Citizen, October 3, 2005; Michael Sellz, "Rain Forest is a 'Boondoggle,'" Iowa City Press-Citizen, October 1, 2005; Civic Skinny, "Rain Forest to Des Moines?" Cityview, September 29, 2005]
November 1, 2005. "Recent Publications" [Nicholas Johnson, "Censorship from State to Self," Commission on Radio and Television Policy, Vienna, Austria, October 21, 2005]
"Nicholas Johnson and Media Reform" [Addition of Nicholas Johnson, "Censorship from State to Self," Commission on Radio and Television Policy, Vienna, Austria, October 21, 2005; Nicholas Johnson, "Fork in the Road and Alternative Futures," Town Meeting on the Future of Media (FCC Forum), Iowa City, October 5, 2005]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of Adam Weeks, "Project Needs Our Support," Iowa City Press-Citizen, October 29, 2005; Adam Pracht, "Grassley 'Embarrassed' but Committed; Others Blame Oman for Rain Forest's Woes," Iowa City Press-Citizen, October 28, 2005; Adam Pracht, "Booking Gigs Not a Problem," Iowa City Press-Citizen, October 28, 2005; KCRG-TV, "Rain Forest Project Could be Withering," October 27, 2005; Adam Pracht, "Rain Forest Vote Still Coming," Iowa City Press-Citizen, October 25, 2005; Civic Skinny, cityview, October 20, 2005; Colin Gordon, "Distorted Budget Brings Lard Home, Sends Pittance Abroad," Des Moines Register, October 19, 2005; Angie Meng, "Officials Question Rain Forest," The Daily Iowan, October 11, 2005]
November 10, 2005. "Recent Publications" [Nicholas Johnson, "Thinking Outside the Cubicle: Business Skills in a Wider World," Alpha Kappa Psi, Iowa City, Iowa, November 9, 2005]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of Perry Beeman, "Grassley Seeks Limit to Rain Forest Spending," Des Moines Register, November 9, 2005 (afternoon); Zack Kucharski, "Congress Reins in Rain Forest; Legislation Would Shut Off Federal Funds, Impose Deadline for Raising $50 Million," The Gazette, November 10, 2005; Angie Meng, "More Woes for Rain Forest," The Daily Iowan, November 10, 2005; Adam Pracht, "Grassley to Limit Rain Forest Funds; Senator Orders Matching Non-Federal Money," Iowa City Press-Citizen, November 10, 2005; Adam Pracht, "Rain Forest Ideas on Display; Designers Attend Environmental Conference, Iowa City Press-Citizen, November 9, 2005; Senator Chuck Grassley, "Grassley Measure Requires Iowa Environmental Project to Match $50 Million Federal Appropriation," News Release, November 9, 2005]
November 12, 2005. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Editorial, "Rain Forest Needs a Deadline," Des Moines Register, November 11, 2005; Editorial, "Tightening Government's Belt," The Gazette, November 11, 2005; Zack Kucharski, "Dubuque Talks Rile Coralville; Rain Forest Keeps Tenuous Focus on Coralville Negotiations," The Gazette, November 11, 2005; Adam Pracht, "Rain Forest to Continue Working With City; Land Transfer Discussions Ongoing," Iowa City Press-Citizen, November 11, 2005; Perry Beeman, "Grassley Puts Limits on Rainforest Spending; Bill Would Freeze Grant, Demand More Fundraising," Des Moines Register, November 10, 2005; Zack Kucharski, "Rain Forest Board to Make One More Pitch to Coralville," The Gazette, November 10, 2005 (afternoon)]
November 14, 2005. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Editorial, "Critical Days for Environmental Project," The Gazette, November 13, 2005; Editorial, "Deadline Was Needed for Rain Forest," Iowa City Press-Citizen, November 13, 2005; Perry Beeman, "Leaders of Forest Project Mum on Spending; They Decline to Elaborate on How They Have Used $3 Million of Taxpayers' Money," Des Moines Register, November 12, 2005; Heather McElvain, "Casino Rising -- and Under Budget; Some Headaches Remain in Riverside Resort Project," Iowa City Press-Citizen, November 12, 2005; Bob Patton, "Get Rich or Die Tryin,'" ("Patton's Pad" editorial cartoon), Iowa City Press-Citizen, November 12, 2005; WHO-TV, "Project Organizers Vow to Continue Talks With Coralville," November 11, 2005; Josh Hinkle, "Grassley Says Show Me the Rainforest Money," Iowa Pork Forest and the Grassley Two-Year Limit, November 11, 2005; KCRG-TV9 News, November 10, 2005, 5:14 a.m.; KWWL-TV7, "Coralville Rain Forest Project," November 10, 2005; David Yepsen, "Vilsack Should Heed His Own Advice," Des Moines Register, October 23, 2005; James Q. Lynch, "Gambling: Flush with Anger; Diversion of Casino Taxes to Supply Water and Sewer to Resort Draws Ire," The Gazette, October 7, 2005]
November 16, 2005. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Robert Richardson, "Hey, That's My Pork!," Iowa City Press-Citizen, November 16, 2005; Carol deProsse and Clara Oleson, "One Rain Forest Not Worth Saving," The Daily Iowan, November 16, 2005; Editorial, "Rain Forest Deadline Too Generous," The Daily Iowan, November 15, 2005; Heather McElvain, "Rain Forest Group Seeks New Funding; 2004 Financial Records Released," Iowa City Press-Citizen, November 15, 2005; Zack Kucharski, "How Rain Forest Spends Its Money; Almost $1.5 million Spent on Coralville Project in 2004, Grant Supplied Bulk of Money," The Gazette, November 15, 2005; Editors, "What Comes Around," Gomers: What's Going Wrong, The Gazette, November 14, 2005; Zack Kucharski, "Rain Forest Grant $s Already in Use; Over $1 Million of Fed Dollars Spent," The Gazette, November 14, 2005]
November 21, 2005. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Ian Binnie, "Snakes, Too," Des Moines Register, November 19, 2005; Editorial, "Heed Report's Call to Foster Manufacturing; State Must Invest More, Encourage Collaboration," Des Moines Register, November 17, 2005; "Winners & Losers: Winners," CityView: Central Iowa's Alternative, November 17, 2005; "Georgia Aquarium" November 23 opening, commentary and link to Web site; Adam Pracht, "Rain Forest Deadline: May 1, 2009," Iowa City Press-Citizen, July 6, 2005; Editorial, "Let's Move Forward on Rain Forest," Iowa City Press-Citizen, January 31, 2004; "Report (Lehman): Attended ICAD Meeting," Excerpt from Minutes, Johnson County [Iowa] Board of Supervisors, Informal Meeting, Part 4, January 18, 2000]
"About" [Update, with 2005 lectures, "Nicholas Johnson Speeches; 1962-2005" (from www.nicholasjohnson.org click on the link to "Enter Here;" the link to speeches is near the top of that page)]
November 28, 2005. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Angie Meng, "Coralville to Eye Rain Forest," The Daily Iowan, November 28, 2005; Joe Sharpnack, "I Gotta Cut Back on Your Feed" [Editorial Cartoon], The Gazette, November 27, 2005; Associated Press, "Rainforest Organizers Threaten to Take Project Elsewhere," Quad City Times, November 27, 2005; Jennifer Jacobs, "Rain Forest Organizers Put Pressure on Coralville; City Officials Are Told to Commit to the Environmental Project or Face Losing It," Des Moines Register, November 26, 2005; Zack Kucharski, "Rain Forest: Courting 2 Cities At Once; Rain Forest Was Pursuing Dubuque Site 2 Months Before Its Coralville Ultimatum," The Gazette, November 26, 2005; Civic Skinny, "Rainforest Back in Des Moines? People Are Talking, But Odds Are Against It," CityView, November 24, 2005; Robert Ray, Demands Letter to Coralville, November 24, 2005; Zack Kucharski, "Rain Forest Demands More Land; If Coralville Doesn't Meet Conditions by Dec. 2, Project Will Look Elsewhere," The Gazette, November 24, 2005; Adam Pracht, "Rain Forest Wants Show of Support; Letter: Without City's Assurance, Project Will Look at Options," Iowa City Press-Citizen, November 24, 2005; Associated Press and the Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier, "Coralville Given Deadline on Rainforest Project," November 24, 2005; Eileen Robb, "It's Time to Plow the Rain Forest Under," Des Moines Register, November 23, 2005; Frank Stewart, "Rainy Day," Des Moines Register, November 23, 2005; Carol deProsse and Clara Oleson, "Time to Pull Plug on Rain Forest," Iowa City Press-Citizen, November 22, 2005; David Lewis, "'Energy Black Hole' Must End," Iowa City Press-Citizen, August 30, 2005; Julie Spencer, "Be Realistic on Rain Forest Plans," Iowa City Press-Citizen, August 30, 2005]
December 5, 2005 "Iowa Child" [Addition of Jim Ruebush, "Rain Forest Not a Good Investment," Iowa City Press-Citizen, December 5, 2005; Beth Dalbey, "Wild Adventures Ahead Downtown?" Des Moines Business Record Online, December 4, 2005; Linda Detroy Alexander, "Surely She Didn't Intend It To Be an Ill Omen," The Gazette, December 3, 2005; Zack Kucharski, "Big Week Ahead for Coralville, Rain Forest," The Gazette, December 3, 2005; Tim Borchardt, "Time to Move On," Iowa City Press-Citizen, December 3, 2005; Dave Umhoefer, Steve Schultze and Avrum D. Lank, "Museum Audit Leads to Criminal Inquiry," Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, December 2, 2005; Jackie Kaeding, "Questions Remain About Proposed Rain Forest," Iowa City Press-Citizen, December 2, 2005; Adam Pracht, "Rain Forest Coming Down to the Wire; Project's Board May Consider Other Locations," Iowa City Press-Citizen, December 2, 2005; KWWL-TV7, "Rainforest Project Deadline Missed," December 2, 2005; WHO-TV13, "Could Des Moines Get the Rain Forest?" December 2, 2005; Dateline Iowa, "Rain Forest Planners to Meet With Officials," Des Moines Register, December 1, 2005; Rob Kundert, "Rainforest in Dubuque?" Dubuque Telegraph-Herald, December 1, 2005; Editorial, "Time to Move On," Iowa City Press-Citizen, December 1, 2005; Steve Nicoles, "Rain Forest Plodding Along," KCRG-TV9 News, November 30, 2005; Katie Wiedemann, "Museum Plans Expansion At the Port of Dubuque," KCRG-TV9, November 29, 2005; Editorial, "Let the Rain-Forest Buyer Beware," The Daily Iowan, November 28, 2005; Perry Beeman, "Ape Trust to Open Doors to Public a Bit More," Des Moines Register, November 28, 2005; Larry Burch, "Don't Spend Taxes on Events Center Hotel," Des Moines Register, November 15, 2005]
December 12, 2005. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Angie Meng, "Rain Forest May be Drying Up for Coralville," The Daily Iowan, December 12, 2005;
Jerry Enzler, "Additions to Museum Must Be of Great Value; There Are Many Plans for America's River Phase II, But It Might Be Too Much to Create a Rainforest," Dubuque Telegraph Herald,December 11, 2005; Chris Huston, "Rainforest Project Horrible Waste," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, December 11, 2005;
Perry Beeman, "Riverside, Tiffin Show Interest in Rain Forest; Dubuque and Des Moines Also Are Considering the $180 Million Facility," Des Moines Register, December 10, 2005; M. D. Kittle, "Is Rainforest in Forecast?," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, December 10, 2005; Zack Kucharski, "The Environmental Project: E. Iowa Towns Interested; Tiffin, Riverside Make Rain Forest Proposals," The Gazette, December 10, 2005; Hieu Pham, "Rain forest alternatives? Tiffin, Riverside; Developers trying to keep project in Johnson County," Iowa City Press-Citizen, December10, 2005; Patton's Pad, "Common Sense and Public Outcry," Iowa City Press-Citizen, December 10, 2005;
Emileigh Barnes, "Rain Forest May Flee," The Daily Iowan, December 9, 2005; Perry Beeman and Erin Jordan, "D.M., Dubuque Consider Pitches for Rain Forest,; The Group in Charge has Opened Talks After Being Unable to Reach a Deal in Coralville," Des Moines Register, December 9, 2005; Perry Beeman, "Riverside, Tiffin Want Iowa's Rain Forest," Des Moines Register, December 9, 2005; Des Moines Register, "Man's Dream for Rain Forest Stays Alive," Des Moines Register, December 9, 2005; Letters, "All is Not Well at the Well," Des Moines Register, December 9, 2005; Associated Press, "Coralville Wants Out of Bidding War Rain Forest Project; Organizers Say They Will Entertain Other 'Firm Offers;' Dubuque Might Be One of the Possible Alternatives," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, December 9, 2005; Emily Klein, "Galena Repackages Tourism Effort; Business Group Seeks to Expand the Retail Cycle by Several Months," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, December 9, 2005; Zack Kucharski, "Rain Forest Deal Falters," The Gazette, December 9, 2005; Zack Kucharski, "Riverside, Tiffin Developers Seeking to Land Rain Forest," The Gazette Online, December 9, 2005; Editorial, "It's Time for More Than Promises," The Gazette, December 9, 2005; Pamela Brogan, "Grassley: Top Worry is Funding Not Location," Iowa City Press-Citizen [Gannett News Service], December 9, 2005; Press-Citizen, "Timeline of a Rain Forest," Iowa City Press-Citizen, December 9, 2005; Editorial, "It's Time for Coralville to Move On," Iowa City Press-Citizen, December 9, 2005; Gregg Hennigan, "City Looks for Other Options for Land," Iowa City Press-Citizen, December 9, 2005; Gregg Hennigan, "Rain Forest, Coralville Start Shopping Around; Project Officials to Talk With Other Cities," Iowa City Press-Citizen, December 9, 2005; Mark Geary, "Businesses in Coralville Optimistic With Possibility of No Rain Forest," KCRG-TV9, December 9, 2005; Steve Nicoles, "Environmental Project, Coralville Split," KCRG-TV9 News, December 9, 2005; Katie Wiedemann, "Dubuque Welcomes Possible Rain Forest Project," KCRG-TV9 News, December 9, 2005; O. Kay Henderson, "Developers of Rainforest Look to Other Communities,"RADIOIOWA, December 9, 2005; WHO-TV13, "Des Moines in Contention for Rainforest Project," December 9, 2005;
Angie Meng, "City to Eye Design," The Daily Iowan, December 8, 2005; Perry Beeman, "Coralville: Rain Forest Looking for a New Place to Grow," Des Moines Register, December 8, 2005; Zack Kucharski, "Rain Forest: Des Moines Site Back in Play; Capital Interested if Project's Talks with Coralville Fail Today," The Gazette, December 8, 2005; Scot Christiansen, "Simulated Rain Forest Not Needed Anywhere in Iowa," The Gazette, December 8, 2005; "City of Coralville Rain Forest Statement," Iowa City Press-Citizen, December 8, 2005; "Environmental Project Statement on Meeting," Iowa City Press-Citizen, December 8, 2005; Steve Nicoles, "Rain Forest Timeline," KCRG-TV9, December 8, 2005;
Erin Jordan and Perry Beeman, "Decision on Coralville Rain Forest Site Nears," Des Moines Register, December 7, 2005; Zack Kucharski, "Rain Forest: Mistrust Ran Deep; Leaders in Johnson Pushed for Rain Forest Exec's Ouster in April ," The Gazette, December 7, 2005; Richard L. Rex, "Stay the Course with Rain Forest," Iowa City Press-Citizen, December 7, 2005;
Editorial, "Iowa Rainforest: Boon or Boondoggle?; Dubuque Officials Should Keep Their Distance from Project Synonymous with Pork-Barrel Spending," Dubuque Telegraph Herald ,December 4, 2005;
Iowa Pork Forest, "Rain Forest Con-Artists," November 11, 2005; Des Moines Register, "Rainforest Timeline," November 10, 2005; Neill Goltz, "The Coralville Rainforest -- Shared Sacrifice," Daily Kos [blog], September 19, 2005; Jeffrey Patch, "Rain Forest to Ask for State Money, Des Moines Register, April 30,2005]
December 19, 2005. "Recent Publications" [Addition of Nicholas Johnson, "Rainforest Project Needs Focus," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, December 15, 2005]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of Tom Woodruff, "Some Benefits of Rain Forest, Iowa City Press-Citizen, December 18, 2005;
Mark Lemon, "Iowa Should Think Big," Des Moines Register, December 17, 2005; Terrence Neuzil, "Keep Community in Mind on Rain Forest Decision," The Gazette, December 17, 2005; Patton's Pad, "Heeeey, Ladies; How's It Goin'?," Iowa City Press-Citizen, December 17, 2005;
Mike Thayer, "Wasted Vision," Daily Iowan, December 16, 2005; Jason Clayworth, "Lottery Mystery: Who Won $113 Million?," Des Moines Register, December 16, 2005; Mark Lagomarcino, Robert Latta, Mark Lemon, Gregory Schmidt, Jim Thomas, "Rain Forest Letters," Des Moines Register, December 16, 2005; Rob Kundert, "Museum Plans Phase 2; Talk of a Rainforest Coming to Town Forces Officials to Release Details," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, December 16, 2005; Zack Kucharski, "Grinnell Pursues Rain Forest Site," The Gazette, December 16, 2005; Janet Suchomel, "Abandon Inappropriate Rain Forest Project," The Gazette, December 16, 2005; Robert Richardson, "Indoor Mountain," Rytoonz (editorial cartoon), Iowa City Press-Citizen, December 16, 2005;
Emileigh Barnes, "Rain Forest Exploring Options," The Daily Iowan, December 15, 2005; Nicholas Johnson, "Rainforest Project Requires Focus," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, December 15, 2005; Mary Zielinski, "Riverside Casino Has a 'Topping Out' Party; Highest Point Erected; September Opening Set," The Gazette, December 15, 2005; Hieu Pham, "Grassley Backs Rain Forest Board; Location Not a Factor, He Says, Iowa City Press-Citizen, December 15, 2005;
Associated Press, "Environmental Project Forms Search Committee; Grinnell Officials Make Offer," Iowa City Press-Citizen, December 14, 2005; Editorial, "State Should Not Give Funds to Rain Forest," Iowa City Press-Citizen, December 14, 2005; Zack Kucharski, "Coralville, Rain Forest Groups Keep Talks Intact; But Board Also Tells City It's Evaluating Other Communities," The Gazette, December 14, 2005;
Editorial, "Rain Forest Hinges on Donor Support; D.M. a Fine Site, But City Must Weigh Its Priorities," Des Moines Register, December 13, 2005; M. D. Kittle, "CarteGraph Maps Strategy; High Hopes Still Buoy Dubuque's Technology Park," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, December 13, 2005; Editorial, "Rain Forest Funding Still Big Question," Iowa City Press-Citizen, December 13, 2005; Matt Kelley, "Grassley Defends Decision on Rainforest Funding," RADIOIOWA, December 13, 2005; State 29, "Weasel Grassley Defends Rainforest Pork Change," December 13, 2005; Tim Jamison, "Council Agees to Cover Stadium Project Cost Overruns," Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier, December 13, 2005]
December 26, 2005. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Editorial, "Questions Left Unanswered," Corridor Business Journal, December 19, 2005; KGAN-TV, "More Interest in Environmental Project," December 20, 2005; Ron Shoop, "I'd Keep It," Des Moines Register, December 21, 2005]
January 2, 2006. "Recent Publications" [Addition of Nicholas Johnson, "Rain Forest Lessons," Des Moines Cityview, December 29, 2005]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of Editors, "'Get Out and Do It'; James Gang Builds Community With Passion, Collaboration," Iowa City Press-Citizen, January 1, 2006;
Editors, "Gomers of 2005: What's Gone Wrong This Year; Rainy Days for Rain Forest," The Gazette, December 31, 2005; Editors,"Running Through 2005; The Press-Citizen Reviews the Year's Top 10 Stories," Iowa City Press-Citizen, December 31, 2005; Editors, "2005's Top 10 Issues; Coralville Industrial Park," Iowa City Press-Citizen, December 31, 2005;
John Carlson, "Average Folks Made It a Memorable Year," Des Moines Register, December 30, 2005;
Nicholas Johnson, "Rain Forest Lessons," Des Moines Cityview, December 29, 2005; Rob Kundert, "Visioning Has History in Dubuque; Envision 2010 Not the First Time Community Input is Taken to Shape Action by the City," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, December 29, 2005;
William Streff, "Try Thinking Smaller," Des Moines Register, December 28, 2005;
Tim Baker, "Don't Let Naysayers Retard Iowa's Agenda," Des Moines Register, December 27, 2005; Adam Weeks, "Environmental Project Good Idea," Iowa City Press-Citizen, December 27, 2005]
January 9, 2006. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Ken Fuson, "Rainforest (and I) Could Use Largesse from Lottery Winner," Des Moines Register, January 9, 2006; James Spoden, "Make a Cultural Center Focus of Rain Forest Project," The Gazette, January 9, 2006;
Emily Kittle, "Rainforest 'Has No Context;' Dubuque Museum Officials Show Some Interest in the Educational Aspects of the Project," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, January 8, 2006;
Sheila Hahn, "Our World Has Been Turned Upside Down," The Gazette, January 7, 2006;
Associated Press, "Biodiesel Plant Planned in Keokuk," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, January 6, 2006; Rob Kundert, "Building a Better Dubuque; Committee Announces Top 10 Ideas," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, January 6, 2006; Rob Kundert, "Envisioners See Ideas Crystalize; The Process Generated Plenty of Interest Throughout the City," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, January 6, 2006;
James Q. Lynch, "Grassley Supports Rain Forest," The Gazette, January 5, 2006; Robert F. Sayre, "Moving on After Rain Forest," Iowa City Press-Citizen, January 5, 2006;
Ken Fuson, "What to Expect This Year (Is It Almost 2007 Yet?)," Des Moines Register, January 2, 2006; Editors, "10 Issues to Watch in 2006," Iowa City Press-Citizen, January 2, 2006;
Dean Borg and David Oman, "Talk of Iowa: The Iowa Rain Forest Environmental Project," Iowa Public Radio, December 20, 2005]
January 16, 2006. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Editorial, "Towns Should Take It Slow With Rain Forest," Iowa City Press-Citizen, January 14, 2006;
Zack Kucharski, "Dubuque Withdraws from Rain Forest Site List," The Gazette, January 13, 2006; Brian Morelli, "Rain Forest Looking at Sites; Tiffin Possible New Home for Project, Iowa City Press-Citizen, January 13, 2006; Kevin G. Hall, "Ultimate Cost of Iraq War Could Reach $2 Trillion, Research Suggests," Knight Ridder Newspapers, January 13, 2006;
M.D. Kittle, "Planning for Port Party Picks Up; America's River Festival is Wooing Another Nationally Renowned Attraction," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, January 12, 2006; Zack Kucharski, "Rain Forest Official Leaves Job; Stilwill to Serve as Consultant for Now," The Gazette, January 12, 2006; "Vilsack Waits for Private Rain Forest Investment," The Gazette, January 12, 2006: "Stillwill Leaves Rain Forest Project," WHO-TV 13 News and Associated Press, January 12, 2006;
Editorial, "Our Gift of Fun," Des Moines Register, January 11, 2006;
Editors, "Envision Reaches a Milestone; What's Next? Announcement of '10 Big Ideas' Won't Mean Much Without Follow-Through," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, January 8, 2006
Jamie Wilson, "Iraq War Could Cost US Over $2 Trillion, Says Nobel Prize-Winning Economist; Economists Say Official Estimates Are Far Too Low; New Calculation Takes In Dead And Injured Soldiers," Guardian, January 7, 2006]
January 23, 2006. "Recent Publications" [Addition of Nicholas Johnson, "Time to Learn from 'What Works,'" Iowa City Press-Citizen, January 20, 2006; Nicholas Johnson, "The Politics of Domestic Spyring," Daily Iowan, January 19, 2006]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of Editorial, "Boost Biotech by Boosting Universities," Des Moines Register, January 22, 2006; David Elbert, "Rain Forest Won't Grow in D.M., So Just Admit It," Des Moines Register, January 22, 2006;
Nancy Dunkel, "Support of Many Key to Economic Development; Questions of Growth, Opportunities Should be Faced with Typical Dubuque Optimism," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, January 21, 2006; State 29 [blog], "'"It's a Floor Wax. It's a Dessert Topping. It's Whatever They Want it to Be,'" January 21, 2006;
David Brewbaker, "Pack Your Bags for the Jungle," Des Moines Register, January 20, 2006; Mary Zielinksi, "Rain Forest: Riverside Won't Offer Funds Now," The Gazette, January 20, 2006; Nicholas Johnson, "Time to Learn from 'What Works,'" Iowa City Press-Citizen, January 20, 2006; Side Notes and Detours [blog], "Good Advice on the Rainforest," January 20, 2006;
Rob Kundert, "City Cautious With Bluff-Top Condo Plan; The Dubuque City Council Sent the Project Back to the Zoning Commission at Their Tuesday Night Meeting," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, January 19, 2006; Steve Nicoles, "Riverside Won't Commit to Rain Forest Money," KCRG-TV9 News, January 19, 2006;
Saturday Night Live, "Shimmer," January 10, 1976]
January 30, 2006. "Recent Publications" [Nicholas Johnson, "Can't See the Forest: Lessons From a $180 Million Terrarium," Environmental Law Society, January 27, 2006]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of "Blank Park Zoo Planning to Double Its Size," Des Moines Register, January 28, 2006;
C. Michael Cassidy, "Advice from Georgia: Use University Research to Grow Jobs," Des Moines Register, January 27, 2006; "Ex-Rain Forest Official Gets Job at Chicago Firm," The Gazette, January 27, 2006; Editorial, "Riverside at 25 Deserves Praise," Iowa City Press-Citizen, January 27, 2006; Hieu Pham, "Chamber Picks New Prez; Quellhorst Chosen from 6 Finalists," Iowa City Press-Citizen, January 27, 2006; Zack Kucharski, "Business: I.C. Area Chamber's New Leader to Pursue Local, Regional Balance," The Gazette, January 27, 2006;
"Pork and Scandals: Hobbling the Lobbyists," The Economist, January 26, 2006; Craig Reber, "Land-Purchase Project Nears Goal; County Board Lands Another State Grant in its Bid to Buy 419 Acres of Whitewater Canyon," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, January 26, 2006;
Joe Van Ginkel, "It's Time to Level the Playing Field," Winterset Madisonian, January 25, 2006; Mary Zielinski, "Supervisors Open to Rain Forest; Washington County Votes to Submit Letter of Interest to Project," The Gazette, January 25, 2006;
Ed Fallon, "Gambling Isn't Economic Development," Des Moines Register, January 24, 2006;
Associated Press, "Director of State Museum Fired; Efforts to Transform Center Fall Short," The Gazette, January 23, 2006; Associated Press, "Energy: Biodiesel Could Use War Waste," The Gazette, January 23, 2006; Editorial, "Coffee, Tea, Community," Des Moines Register, January 23, 2006; "Gomers: What's Going Wrong; House (Almost) Always Wins," The Gazette, January 23, 2006; "Homers: What's Going Right; Rockwell Collins' $14.2 Million Expansion," The Gazette, January 23, 2006; Craig Reber, "Bio-Ag Plans Build on New Technology; Belmont Ag Complex Would be Even More Comprehensive Than a State-of-the-Art Facility Being Built in Nebraska," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, January 23, 2006;
Beth Dalbey, "How Big Will Des Moines Think?," Des Moines Business Record Online, January 22, 2006]
February 6, 2006. "Recent Publications" [Addition of Nicholas Johnson, "Technology's Role in Domestic Spying," Talk of Iowa, WOI-AM 640, February 2, 2006]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of Editorial, "History Center Raises Bigger Questions," The Gazette, February 5, 2006;
"England's Rainforest Planners Talk Of Venue's Success; Cornwall Says Project Has Helped Economy," KCCI-TV8, Broadcast February 3, 2006; Posted February 4, 2006;
Perry Beeman and Donnelle Eller, "Resort Park Planned for Red Rock; The Development May Include the Indoor Rain Forest That Has Been Planned for Coralville," Des Moines Register, February 2, 2006; "England's Indoor Rainforest Boasts Success," KCCI-TV8, Broadcast February 2, 2006; Posted February 3, 2006; "Cities Hope To Land Rainforest Project; Site Could Be Named By March," KCCI-TV8, February 2, 2006; Nicholas Johnson, "Technology's Role in Domestic Spying," Talk of Iowa, WOI-AM 640, February 2, 2006;
Associated Press, "Developers Offer Environmental Project Home Near Lake Red Rock," Gazette Online, February 1, 2006; Denny Coon, "Shared Wealth, "Des Moines Register, February 1, 2006; Rose Mary Pratt, "Broaden the Renewal Umbrella," Des Moines Register, February 1, 2006; "Towns Near Proposed Red Rock Plan Are Optimistic," KCCI-TV8, February 1, 2006; Brian Morelli, "7 Towns on Rain Forest Site List; Coralville, Riverside, Tiffin Still Under Consideration," Iowa City Press-Citizen, February 1, 2006; Stella Shaffer, "Rainforest Leader Says the Project is Still Alive," Radio Iowa, February 1, 2006;
Zack Kucharski, "Rain Forest Cash Offers Scarce; Interested Cities Want More Information," The Gazette, January 31, 2006; "Blank Park Zoo With Rain Forest," Orbitz, January 31, 2006; Brian Morelli, "Coralville Still Vying for Rain Forest; Deadline for Towns Today," Iowa City Press-Citizen, January 31, 2006;
"Rainforest Could Head to DM; Rainforest Project Organizers Explore New Sites; Des Moines, Dubuque Are Possibilities," KCCI-TV8, December 9, 2006]
February 13, 2006. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Editorial, "Newton Promise Could Benefit Students, City; A Better Idea: Low-Cost Tuition for All Iowans," Des Moines Register, February 11, 2006;
Editorial, "Promise or Problem?" The Gazette, February 9, 2006; Rick Smith, "City Vows Cedar Bend Decisions; Delegation Tells Vision Iowa Board It Will Determine Support By April," The Gazette, February 9, 2006;
Fritz Groszkruger, "Best Measure is Marketplace," Des Moines Register, February 7, 2006;
Rick Smith, "Golden Goose or Albatross?," The Gazette, February 6, 2006;
Richard Doak, "For a Healthy Economy, Focus on Fundamentals," Des Moines Register, February 5, 2006; Editorial, "Time to Make a New Hygienic Lab a Reality," Iowa City Press-Citizen, February 5, 2006;
Jennifer Lickteig, "Coralville Still in Rain-Forest Running," Daily Iowan, February 2, 2006; Dave DeWitte, "Clancey: Corridor a Model For Nation; C.R. Chamber Leader Speaks at I.C. Dinner," The Gazette, February 2, 2006; James Q. Lynch, "Universities Make Pitch for Economic Development Money," The Gazette, February 2, 2006; E. Michael Myers, "Lawmakers Ethanol Market Big; Bush Plans to Spend Extra $59 Millionon Non-Corn Research," The Gazette, February 2, 2006;
Dave DeWtte, "Survey: Overnight Stays For Iowa Travelers Fall," The Gazette, February 1, 2006; Zack Kucharski , "7 Cities Vying for Indoor Rain Forest," The Gazette, February 1, 2006;
Marlene Lucas, "Soy Reigns Supreme; Plainfeld Firm's Products Greasing the Way for Transportation," The Gazette, January 31, 2006; "Des Moines Still in Running for Rain Forest," WHO-TV13, January 31, 2006;
Associated Press, "MIssouri River Use Under Dispute; Montana, Dakotas Want Pro-Industry Ruling Reversed," The Gazette, January 30, 2006; "Gomers: What's Going Wrong: Greener Pastures," The Gazette, January 30, 2006; "Homers: What's Going Right; Great Start," The Gazette, January 30, 2006; Iowa News Service, "Economic Development Awards Given Out to 9 Communities," The Gazette, January 30, 2006]
February 20, 2006. "Main Page" [Revision of www.nicholasjohnson.org index page, and page to which "Enter Here" used to link]
"Recent Publications" [Addition of Nicholas Johnson, "Retroactive Ethical Judgments and Human Subjects Research: The 1939 Tudor Study in Context," Robert Goldfarb, editor, Ethics: A Case Study from Fluency, ch. 9 (Oxford and San Diego: Plural Publishing, 2005)]
"KGAN-TV" [Addition of link to Petitioners' "Reply," February 15, 2006 (to station's "Opposition" to original "Petition to Deny" license renewal)]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of Eric Clark, "Brucemore Celebrates 25 Years As a Thriving Corridor Attraction," The Gazette, February 19, 2006; Ruth Darling, "History Center Houses Valuable Resources," The Gazette, February 19, 2006; Marlene Lucas, "Entrepreneurs Can Buffer Loss of Major Employer," The Gazette, February 19, 2006; Marlene Lucas, "Small-Town Job-Savers; Economic Developers Must be Proactive in Gaining and Retaining Employers," The Gazette, February 19, 2006; Daisy Nguyen, "California Farmers Launch Project that Promotes Agritourism; Cherry Growers Counter Urban Sprawl," The Gazette, February 19, 2006; Doug Slauson, "Observatory Promotes Learning About Astronomy," The Gazette, February 19, 2006;
Matthew Hoekstra, "Crunch Time for Oval Financing; Not Everyone's Convinced Sale of Oval Lands Will Pay for Venue," Richmond Review, February 18, 2006;
Editorial, "Help Make D.M. a Music Capital," Des Moines Register, February 17, 2006; David Brancaccio, "Lipstick on a Pig; Earmarks, Pork and Federal Budgets," PBS, "Now," February 17, 2006;
Jeff Lee, "Speed-Skating Oval for Divas; Builders of the Massive 2010 Winter Games Venue Envisage an 'Internationally Recognized Icon' on a Par With Sydney's Famous Opera House," Vancouver Sun, February 16, 2006;
James Q. Lynch, "Iowa Prime Region for Bioeconomy," The Gazette, February 15, 2006;
Erin Jordan, "Hoover Draws Fewer Tourists, Students; Historical Sites Nationwide Strive to Spark Interest," Des Moines Register, February 14, 2006;
"Brits Rain on Our Rain Forest," Des Moines Register, February 13, 2006;
"C.R. Among Thirsty Vision Cities," The Gazette, February 12, 2006;
Perry Beeman, "Rainforest Wanted for Lake Red Rock Project," Des Moines Register, February 1, 2006]
February 27, 2006. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Martha Aldridge, "Whatever Happens, History is Priority for Center," The Gazette, February 26, 2006;
Nicole Riehl, "Luncheon Connects Old, Young Minds," The Gazette, February 25, 2006; Scott Romine, "Transfer Rain Forest Money to Alternative Energy Center," The Gazette, February 25, 2006;
Becky Athy, "Vision Iowa Board's Decisions Are Flawed," The Gazette, February 22, 2006; Egils Lapainis, "Indoor Entertainment Complex May be Solution," The Gazette, February 22, 2006;
James Greenwood, "Biotechnology Advances Make It Feasible," Des Moines Register, February 21, 2006; Jeffrey J. Gross, "Red Light Cameras a Great City Funds Raiser," Des Moines Register, February 21, 2006; Terri Holmgren, "Wants Don't Justify Aquatic Center," Des Moines Register, February 21, 2006; Janene Renaud, "Pool Proposal Wrong for Johnston," Des Moines Register, February 21, 2006;
"Civic Skinny: Zoo Staying Put," Cityview, February 16, 2006;
Iowa Pork Forest, "How to Make the Iowa Rainforest a Success," February 5, 2006
Greg Cruey, "Dubai Gets the World's Largest Indoor Ski Park," About.com, December 16, 2006]
March 6, 2006. "Recent Publications" [Nicholas Johnson, "Shooting Our Messengers," Iowa City Press-Citizen, March 3, 2006]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of Dick Hogan, "Is There a Future in History? Endowments Benefit Some Museums, But All Are Challenged to Balance Budgets," The Gazette, March 5, 2006; Rick Smith, "Cedar Bend Lake Has Plaque But No Plan," The Gazette, March 5, 2006;
Editorial, "Trails Plan Can Drive Progress," The Gazette, March 4, 2006; Chandra Jordan, "C.R. Needs to Expand Entertainment Offerings," The Gazette, March 4, 2006; "Selection of Rain Forest Site Expected This Month," The Gazette, March 4, 2006;
Rick Smith, "A Dream Deferred; C.R. Council Majority Favors Giving Back Cedar Bend Grant," The Gazette, February 28, 2006
Cindy Hildebrand, "Taking Aim On Ames?" February 27, 2006]
March 13, 2006. "Recent Publications" [Nicholas Johnson, "Pricey Presidents Added Cost," Daily Iowan, March 7, 2006]
"Main Page" [Addition to "Related Sites Maintained by Johnson" of topics "Executive Compensation," "Public Health," and "Public Power"]
"Activities" [Addition of Iowa Advocate "Faculty Notes" entry from Winter 2006 issue]
"Human Subjects Research Ethics" [Addition of links to "References and Endnotes Only," March 12, 2006; "Retroactive Moral Judgment and the Evolution of Ethics in Human Subjects Research: A Case Study in Context," June 17, 2001; "Cites, Sites, Sources and Notes, June 30, 2001; "Epilogue," July 30, 2001; Nicoline Grinager Ambrose and Ehud Yairi, "The Tudor Study: Data and Ethics," May 2002; "Retroactive Ethical Judgments and Human Subjects Research: The 1939 Tudor Study in Context," December 13, 2002; Tom Owen, "When Words Hurt: Stuttering Story Missed the Mark" and "UI Professor's Son Defends Him, Research," Gazette, July 13, 2003; Michael Flaum, "Research Did Not Cause Stuttering," Daily Iowan, September 4, 2002]
"Public Health" [New category, with "Retroactive Ethical Judgments and Human Subjects Research: The 1939 Tudor Study in Context," Chapter 9, Robert Goldfarb, editor, Ethics: A Case Study From Fluency (Oxford and San Diego: Plural Publishing, 2005); "Why Iowa Needs to Raise Its Cigarette Tax," The Gazette, March 11, 2005; "Market Competition Alone Won't Curb High [Pharmaceutical] Drug Costs," Quad-City Times, July 24, 2002; "Why Aren't We Doing More to Curb Binge Drinking?" Iowa City Gazette, April 16, 2002; "Focus Wrong to Attack Alcohol Problem," Iowa City Press-Citizen, May 5, 1998; "A Public Health Response to Handgun Injuries: Prescription -- Communications and Education," American Journal of Preventive Medicine, May/June 1993 (Supplement); Michael Jacobson, George Hacker, and Robert Atkins, The Booze Merchants: The Inebriating of America (Washington: Center for Science in the Public Interest, 1983), Forward by Nicholas Johnson, book review; “Dear Vice President Agnew,” New York Times, October. 11, 1970]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of Kevin Aylward, "An Indoor Rain Forest On The Prairie?" http://wizbangblog.com/, March 9, 2006; Michael Judge, "The Incredible Shrinking Rain Forest," Wall Street Journal, March 9, 2006; Andrew Taylor, "Take a Chance With C.R. Entertainment Offerings," The Gazette, March 9, 2006;
Editorial, "Don't Slow Development for Forest," Iowa City Press-Citizen, March 8, 2006; Timothy Walch, "Hoover Museum: Providing 'Living History' At Its Finest," Iowa City Press-Citizen, March 8, 2006;
Brian Morelli, "Rain Forest Slows Tiffin Planning; Development Waiting for Site Selection," Iowa City Press-Citizen, March 7, 2006]
March 20, 2006. "Main Page" [Addition to "Related Sites Maintained by Johnson" of topics "Animal Rights & Research," "Crime & Penal Reform," "Open Meetings;" Addition of link from "Law Student? Thinking About It?" to "What Do Law Clerks Do?" Texas Bar Journal, May 22, 1959]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of Bev Bacon, "Make More Productive Use of Coralville Rain Forest Site," The Gazette, March 19, 2006; Richard Doak, "Iowa's Winds Carry Potential for Economic Impact," Des Moines Register, March 19, 2006;
"WDM School Updates" and "Des Moines West School Updates," Des Moines Register, March 16, 2006;
Steve Woodhouse, "Rain Forest at Red Rock?" Corsicanna (Texas) Daily Sun, March 15, 2006;
Richard Doak, "Serious About Founders' Intent? Then Stop Business Giveaways," Des Moines Register, March 12, 2006]
March 27, 2006. "Animal Rights & Research" [Editorial, "USDA Snoozes on Animal Humane Laws," The Gazette, March 16, 2006]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of Ken Fuson, "You Heard It Here First: Your Cat is About to Attack," Des Moines Register, March 24, 2006;
Suzanne Barnes, "Coffee Town: Monticello; At Home in Monticello," The Gazette, March 22, 2006; Brian Morelli, "UI Grad Bases Waste-Reduction Company Here," Iowa City Press-Citizen, March 22, 2006;
Erik Hogstrom, "Envision Meeting 'Very Productive;' 126 People Gather to Discuss Ideas for Improving the Community," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, March 21, 2006;
Editorial, "Newton Promise: Bold or Misguided?" Des Moines Register, March 20, 2006]
April 3, 2006. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Editorial, "Progress But Lingering Problems," The Gazette, April 2, 2006; Barb Vakulskas, "Let's Move Past the Rain Forest," Iowa City Press-Citizen, April 2, 2006;
Dave DeWitte, "Grinnell, Tama Targeted for New Ethanol Plants," The Gazette, April 1, 2006; Editorial, "Rain Forest Prime Topic for April Fool's Day," Iowa City Press-Citizen, April 1, 2006; Brian Morelli, "Making New Plans for Rain Forest Site; Coralville Wants to Create Destination Area for Families," Iowa City Press-Citizen, April 1, 2006;
Erik Hogstrom, "Museum's Next Hook: Catfish Planet; The Exhibit Will Include a 22-Foot Walk-Through Catfish Model," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, March 31, 2006;
Erin Jordan, "Rain Forest Finalists Must Raise $25 Million," Des Moines Register, March 30, 2006; M.D. Kittle, "City's Rainforest Bid Still in Play; Dubuque's Vision of a Scaled-Down Project Has Not Been Dismissed," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, March 30, 2006; Zack Kucharski, "Rain Forest Pares List to 4 Sites; Finalists Given 6 Weeks to Raise Funds; Longtime Suitor Coralville Excluded," The Gazette, March 30, 2006; Jennifer Lickteig, "Rain Forest Dumps Coralville," The Daily Iowan, March 30, 2006; Brian Morelli, "Rain Forest Finalists Named; Cities Must Raise $25M," Iowa City Press-Citizen, March 30, 2006;
Editorial, "A Good Plan to Steer Polk County Growth; Expand Developed Areas, Preserve Cropland," Des Moines Register, March 29, 2006; Zack Kucharski, "Final Potential Rain Forest Sites Expected Today," The Gazette, March 29, 2006; Jennifer Lickteig, "Site Meant for Rain Forest to be Cleared," The Daily Iowan, March 29, 2006; Brian Morelli, "Coralville Out of Running for Project? Rain Forest Officials to Announce Finalists Today," Iowa City Press-Citizen, March 29, 2006;
Zack Kucharski,"Plan B in Works for Site; Coralville Seeks Ideas in Case Rain Forest Project Falls Through," The Gazette, March 28, 2006;
Ed Fallon, "Crime Stats Caution Against More Casinos," Ed's Blog, August 1, 2003;
Clark Kauffman, "Investors Set to Buy Firm Aided by State," Des Moines Register, June 10, 2003]
April 10, 2006. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Thomas Beaumont, "Pay Scandal Could Propel or Hinder Vilsack's Bid in '08; Management Competence is Theme for '08, Analyst Says," Des Moines Register, April 9, 2006; Editorial, "Keep Moving Forward After the Rain Forest," Iowa City Press-Citizen, April 9, 2006; Brian Morelli, "Under Construction; Coralville Makes Way for Marriott's Opening," Iowa City Press-Citizen, April 9, 2006;
Brian Morelli, "Tiffin Backers Woo Rain Forest; Prime Location Touted by Town's Supporters," Iowa City Press-Citizen, April 8, 2006;
Jennifer Lickteig, "C'ville Seeks Attractor," The Daily Iowan, April 7, 2006;
Editorial, "Get to Bottom of Job-Fund Misuse; Quit Buck-Passing; State Should Do Full Audit," Des Moines Register, April 5, 2006; Donna Katen-Bahensky, "Expand Efforts to Make the State Government Lean," Des Moines Register, April 5, 2006; Editorial, "City Blazing an Economic Development Trail; McGraw-Hill is an Example of How City Officials Keep Job Growth Flowing," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, April 5, 2006; link to editorial cartoon, Rytoonz, "The Rainforest! It's Back," Iowa City Press-Citizen, April 5, 2006;
Marc Hansen,"Maybe Board Members Are Too Busy to Watch," Des Moines Register, April 4, 2006; Clark McMullen, "Values Fund Success Greatly Exaggerated," Des Moines Register, April 4, 2006;
Editorial, "McGraw-Hill Give Dubuque Its Affirmation; Office-Building Plan Represents a Change for Port of Dubuque," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, April 3, 2006;
M.D. Kittle, "McGraw-Hill Expands Use of Port; Does the Planned Commercial Complex Fit the Mission of the Revised Riverfront?" Dubuque Telegraph Herald, April 2, 2006; Rob Kundert, "McGraw-Hill Port Expansion Welcomed; Council Members Believe $32 Million Project is a Real Tribute to Dubuque," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, April 2, 2006
Addition of link to, Editorial cartoon, "Rainforest Idol," Iowa City Press-Citizen, March 30, 2006 (in section, "The Week Prior to April 3"]
April 17, 2006. "Recent Publications" [Nicholas Johnson, "Values Fund May Not Be So Valuable for Taxpayers," Des Moines Register, April 13, 2006; Nicholas Johnson, "Tornado Damage, Iowa City, Iowa, April 13, 2006," April 14, 2006]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of Mel Holubar, "Czech Museum a Great Boon for Cedar Rapids,"The Gazette, April 16, 2006; Brian Morelli, "Rain Forest Project Excites Grinnell; City Competing with 3 Other Environmental Project Finalists," Iowa City Press-Citizen, April 16, 2006; David Montgomery, "The Amazon and I-80; Grinnell is a Finalist for an Indoor Rainforest Project with Educational and Economic Benefits, but Some Criticize Funding as Pork-Barrel Excess," The Scarlet & Black, April 14, 2006; Nicholas Johnson, "Values Fund May Not Be So Valuable for Taxpayers," Des Moines Register, April 13, 2006]
"Economics and Executive Compensation" [Addition of Richard Doak, "CIETC Director and Most CEOs Have Quite a Bit in Common," Des Moines Register, April 16, 2006; Del Jones, "CEOs Say How You Treat a Waiter Can Predict a Lot About Character," USA TODAY, April 14, 2006; Nicholas Johnson, "Values Fund May Not Be So Valuable for Taxpayers," Des Moines Register, April 13, 2006; Editorial, "In Salaries Probe, Focus on Prevention; Strengthen Audits, Whistle-Blower Protection," Des Moines Register, April 10, 2006]
April 24, 2006. "Crime and Penal Reform" [Addition of Los Angeles Times, "Drug Treatment Saves California Millions; Program Also Eases Jail Overcrowding," The Gazette, April 14, 2006]
"Iowa Child" [Additions of Editorial, "Target Steady Funding for Recreational Trails; Investment Will Boost Economy, Quality of Life," Des Moines Register, April 21, 2006;
Connee Harnden, "Be Careful, Iowa: Growth Comes At a Price," Des Moines Register, April 17, 2006: David Hurd and John Ruan III, "Historic Tax Credits Revitalize Downtowns," Des Moines Register, April 17, 2006; Rob Kundert, "Riverfront Attracts Cruise Business; La Crosse Family Hopes to Cash in on Dubuque's Revitalization," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, April 17, 2006
Mary Rae Bragg, "The ENVISION 2010 Top 10 Ideas: Building on Success," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, April 16, 2006;
John Kenyon, "Coralville Quickly Regroups on River District," Corridor Business Journal, April 10, 2006;
David Hunnicutt, "A Family Affair: A WELCOA Expert Interview of Ted Townsend," Wellness Councils of America (2003)]
May 1, 2006. "Recent Publications" [Nicholas Johnson, "First Amendment: Freedom For Religion," Iowa City Press-Citizen, April 29, 2006]
"Crime and Penal Reform" [Addition of Associated Press, "Mexico to Legalize Possession of Small Amounts of Drugs," The Gazette, April 29, 2006]
"Freedom of Religion, St. Pat's and Schools" [Nicholas Johnson, "First Amendment: Freedom For Religion," Iowa City Press-Citizen, April 29, 2006]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of Mike Kilen, "If Iowa Brags, Tourists Will Come; New Bike-Trail Group Hopes to Copy Southeast Minnesota's Success," Des Moines Register, April 30, 2006; David Yepsen, "Breathe Life Into Your Town," Des Moines Register, April 30, 2006; Rob Kundert, "Dubuque Seeks Communitywide Internet Access," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, April 30, 2006;
Steve Gravelle, "History Center Reduces Hours, Tackles Debt; All-Volunteer Staff to Reopen C.R. Museum on Saturday," The Gazette, April 28, 2006; Brian Morelli, "Applied Systems Leaving Coralville; Company Employs 100 People Locally," Iowa City Press-Citizen, April 28, 2006; Hieu Pham, "Officials Discuss Trail Linking C.R., Iowa City; Plans for Bike Path Still in Early Stages," Iowa City Press-Citizen, April 28, 2006; David Montgomery, "An Educational Eden?" The Scarlet & Black, April 28, 2006;
Jennifer Lickteig, "Coralville Site Panel Has 2 UI Students," The Daily Iowan, April 26, 2006; Mary Zielinski, "Rain Forest Site to be Picked in Early June," The Gazette, April 26, 2006; Brian Morelli, "Rain Forest Leaders Visit Riverside; Acreage, Ambiance, Access and $25M to Decide Site," Iowa City Press-Citizen, April 26, 2006]
May 8, 2006. "Recent Publications" [Nicholas Johnson, "Standing With Ed Fallon," May 2, 2006]
"Crime and Penal Reform" [Addition of Christoph Trappe, "Sex Offenders Tax Prison Capacity," The Gazette, May 6, 2006]
"Freedom of Religion, St. Pat's and Schools" [Addition of Edwin L. Clopton, "Be On Watch for a Different Crisis," Iowa City Press-Citizen, May 4, 2006;
Evan Fales, "Flap Could Have Been Avoided," Iowa City Press-Citizen, May 2, 2006;
Elizabeth Everson, "Other Symbols of the Storms," Iowa City Press-Citizen, May 1, 2006]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of Zack Kucharski, "Despite Past Problems, Suitors Optimistic About Iowa Rain Forest," The Gazette, May 8, 2006; Editorial, "The Difficulties of Balancing Insight, Industry and Incentives," Iowa City Press-Citizen, May 8, 2006;
Editorial, "Invest in Iowa's Great Outdoors," Des Moines Register, May 7, 2006; Carol Hunter, "Architects Discuss Strategies for Making Iowa's Cities Cool," Des Moines Register, May 7, 2006; Rod Boshart, "Fallon Urges Aid to Iowa Truck Farms," The Gazette, May 7, 2006; Brian Morelli, "Pella Seeks Rain Forest; Some Want Project Near Lake Red Rock," Iowa City Press-Citizen, May 7, 2006;
Associated Press, "Program Helps Small Towns Spruce Up; More Than 100 Iowa Towns Have Benefited from Support Efforts," The Gazette, May 6, 2006; Diane Heldt, "Grand Times for Old Cap; Long-Closed Landmark Reopens Today; Visitors in '06 Could Top Prefire Levels," The Gazette, May 6, 2006; Editorial, "Entrepreneurs Growing Here," The Gazette, May 6, 2006;
Rob Kundert, "Envision Focuses on Port Project; Citizens Given Crash Course in 2nd Phase of America's River," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, May 5, 2006;
John Butters, "Environmental Project Founder Has High Hopes," Lone Tree Reporter Online, May 4, 2006;
Karen Mracek, "Early Education Yields High Return; Fed Official: Childhood Learning is Economic Development Issue," The Gazette, May 3, 2006; Jack Pilling, "It's Time to Do Something to Revitalize Cedar Rapids," The Gazette, May 3, 2006;
Editorial, "Whether for Recreation or Alternative Transportation, Bike Trail a Good Idea," Iowa City Press-Citizen, May 2, 2006;
Rebecca Holdridge, "Plan Ignores Citizen Input, Encourages Sprawl," Des Moines Register, May 1, 2006; Rox Laird, "County Vision Calls for Sound Growth, Farmland Protection," Des Mones Register, May 1, 2006
Ted Townsend, "The Great Ape Conservation Act (H.R. 2963)," U.S. House Committee on Resources, June 23, 2005]
"Politics" [Addition of Nicholas Johnson, "Standing With Ed Fallon," May 2, 2006]
May 15, 2006. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Editorial, "Manufacturing Still Right for Iowa; But More Support Needed for Schools, Colleges, Research," Des Moines Register, May 14, 2006; Editorial, "Choose Iowa," The Gazette, May 14, 2006;
Editorial, "Think Big: Save the Botanical Center; To Raise Revenue: Link With Partners, Get Creative," Des Moines Register, May 13, 2006;
Bert Dalmer, "Iowa Events Center Loss is Less Than Expected; Arena Will Take in $1.4 Million More Than Was Budgeted," Des Moines Register, May 12, 2006; David Elbert, "Big State Incentives Seen As Bad Business; What Was Vilsack Thinking to Offer $50,000 Per Job to Keep Maytag Open in Newton?" Des Moines Register, May 12, 2006; Joe Sharpnack, "Maybe if I Change the Name & Hit It Some More," Iowa City Press-Citizen, May 12, 2006;
William Ryberg and Donnelle Eller, "Whirlpool:
Newton Never Had a Chance," Des Moines Register, May 11, 2006; Editorial,
"Newton Needs to Move Ahead Creatively Post-Maytag," Des Moines Register,
May 11, 2006; "Reviving Manufacturing," Des Moines Register, May
11, 2006;
Associated Press, "Despair in Newton;
Iowa Town Sustained by Maytag Suffers Serious Blow; Whirlpool Cuts 4,500
Jobs," The Gazette, May 11, 2006; George C. Ford, "Ethanol Plant
Planned in C.R.; Expansion By ADM Will Be Boon for Corn," The Gazette,
May 11, 2006; James Wyatt, "Cedar Rapids Runs Fun Ideas Out of Town," The
Gazette, May 11, 2006; Brian Morelli, "Thinking Big, Identifying Theme
IRL's First Tasks; Cultural diversity. Education. Technology. Environment,"
City Press-Citizen, May 11, 2006;
Jason Clayworth, "$450,000 Deficit Risks Botanical Center's Future; A Board Member Says Every Water Customer Pays About $5.17 Per Year to Cover the Amount," Des Moines Register, May 10, 2006;
Brian Morelli, "Yet Another New Name? Earth Park Floating Around," Iowa City Press-Citizen, May 9, 2006]
Opening Page/"About Nicholas Johnson" [Addition of link to Wikipedia bio]
May 22, 2006. "Iowa Child" [Addition of an "Executive Summary" and inclusion of "Earthpark" in name. Addition of all of the following stories from May 17 and 18 within one Web page to ease comparisons:
Major Rain Forest Announcement Today, The Gazette, May 17, 2006Richard Doak, "In Economic War Between States, High Court Ducks, Taxpayers Lose,"Des Moines Register, May 21, 2006; Editorial, "A Rose by Any Other Names Smells the Same," Iowa City Press-Citizen, May 21, 2006;
Several Cities Awarded Environmental Grants, The Gazette, May 17, 2006
Perry Beeman, "Rainforest Backers Make Announcement Today," Des Moines Register, May 17, 2006
Rain Forest Folks Announce Business Partner, The Gazette, May 17, 2006
John Schumacher, "Rainforest Project Make Announcements," KFJB Marshalltown/RadioIowa, May 17, 2006
Rod Boshart, "Rain Forest Gets New Name, Partner," The Gazette, May 17, 2006
Perry Beeman, "Rain Forest Has New Name, Partner," Des Moines Register, May 17, 2006
Rain Forest Gets New Name, Iowa City Press-Citizen, May 17, 2006
Rainforest Project Name Announced , KCCI-TV8, Des Moines, May 17, 2006
Tour "Earthpark," WHO-TV13, Des Moines, May 17, 2006
Steve Nicoles, "Riverside Has Money for Newly Named Earthpark," KCRG-TV9, Cedar Rapids, May 17, 2006
West Des Moines Leaders Meet With Rainforest Execs, KCCI-TV8, Des Moines, May 17, 2006Associated Press, "Environmental Project Dubbed 'Earthpark,'"[Dubuque Telegraph Herald, May 18, 2006
Perry Beeman and Erin Jordan, "Rain Forest to Team Up With Tech Firm," Des Moines Register, May 18, 2006
Rod Boshart, "Rain Forest Gains Name, Partner," The Gazette, May 18, 2006
Associated Press, "New Name, Partner for Project," Iowa City Press-Citizen, May 18, 2006
Dave Franzman, "Science Station Financial Crisis," KCRG-TV9, Cedar Rapids, May 19, 2006;
"How To Make $2 Million To $5 Million a Year," Iowa Pork Forest [blog], May 18, 2006; Keith Aldrich, "Rain Forest/Earthpark Pessimism," Town Crier, Pella, Iowa, May 18, 2006;
"Hypothetical," Side Notes and Detours [blog], May 17, 2006; Joe Kristan, "Locations for Earthpark Narrowed Down," Joe Says So [blog], May 17, 2006;
Editorial, "Need a Vacation? Try Iowa," Des Moines Register, May 15, 2006; "Gomers: A Rose By Any Other Name," The Gazette, May 15, 2006; Walt Winston, "Decision on Rain Forest Location Delayed," KGRN, Grinnell/RadioIowa, May 15, 2006;
Emily Klein, "Group Rules Out Possibility of An Outdoor Facility," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, May 14, 2006]
May 29, 2006. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Editorial, "Original Library a Treasure Worth Preserving," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, May 28, 2006; Eileen Moziski, "Library Books Expansion Plans; A Shuttle Van and a Renovation Are the Next Chapters in the Carnegie-Stout Public Library Story," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, May 28, 2006;
Erik Hogstrom, "Dubuque's Version of Moby Dick; Giant Catfish Will Provide Museum Visitors With a Walk-Through Experience," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, May 27, 2006;
Lenore Freeman, "Heat Iowa Homes, Not Domes," Des Moines Register, May 26, 2006;
"Winners & Losers: Winners," Des Moines cityview, May 25-31, 2006; M.D. Kittle, "Amount of Land Key in McGraw-Hill Deal; Company Would Like More Valuable Port Acres for Expansion, But City Would Like to Minimize Space, Dubuque Telegraph Herald, May 25, 2006;
Donald M. Huffman, "Explore Botanical Center's Rich Potential," Des Moines Register, May 22, 2006;
"Museum Hopes to Lure Big Crowds to New Exhibit; The New "Catfish Planet" Exhibit is Set to Open Saturday, May 27," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, May 21, 2006; Emily Klein, "Dubuquefest a Work of Arts; More Than 70 Artists Take Part in 28th Annual Event," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, May 21, 2006; Craig Reber, "Dubuque On Path to Extensive Trail System; Aim is to Use the System for Transportation and Recreation," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, May 21, 2006;
Ken Aurichio, "'Earthpark' Selects Siemens as Technology Provider," www.usa.siemens.com (Des Moines and New York), May 17, 2006; "How To Make $2 Million To $5 Million a Year," "EarthPark: Bat Wings And Nautilus Shells" and "Rainforest Announcement Today," State 29 [blog], May 17-18, 2006]
June 5, 2006. "Recent Publications" [Nicholas Johnson, "Voters Should Boycott Moneyed Candidates," May 30, 2006]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of Emily Kittle,
"Group Aiming to Boost Care; Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services,
Envision 2010 Committee Has Ambitious
Goals," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, June 4, 2006; Joe Jennison, "It's
a Bird, It's a Plane, It's Community Support," The Gazette, June
4, 2006; Hieu Pham, "Trailing Off; Bikes Provide Cheap Fun and Transportation,"
City Press-Citizen, June 4, 2006;
Howard Van Auken, "Government Programs Can Boost Small-Business Success," Des Moines Register, June 3, 2006;
Editorial, "Learn About Apes, Visible or Not," Des Moines Register, June 2, 2006; Rachel Gallegos, "West Branch Becomes a Main Street Iowa Community," Iowa City Press-Citizen, June 2, 2006;
John Butters and Ray Weikal, "Area Funds Found for Earthpark," Lone Tree Reporter Online, June 1, 2006;
Perry Beeman, "Ape Sanctuary Begins Offering Public Tours," Des Moines Register, May 31, 2006; Associated Press, "State Raises Ante on Casino Security; More Agents Are Assigned to Gambling Industry Than Criminal Investigations," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, May 31, 2006; Rob Kundert, "Bananas Thrive in City Greenhouse," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, May 31, 2006;
M.D. Kittle, "Port Party Prepares Comeback; 2nd Annual River Fest is Ready for its 2006 Return Voyage," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, May 30, 2006;
Erik Hogstrom, "Community Health Center Takes Shape; Many See an Urgent Need to Care for Those Who Have Little or No Insurance," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, May 7, 2006;
Madelin Fuerste, "Hola to the Future; Bilingual Classes Ready Students for Diversity," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, April 23, 2006;
Editorial, "The Envision 2010 Top 10 Ideas," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, April 16, 2006 (added links to stories in weekly series as they appear);
Kerry Waylen, Botanic Gardens: Using Biodiversity to Improve Human Well-Being (Richmond, U.K.: Botanic Gardens Conservation International, April 2006)]
"Politics" [Nicholas Johnson, "Voters Should Boycott Moneyed Candidates," May 30, 2006; Marc Hansen, "Old-School Democrats' Views Often Align with Fallon's," Des Moines Register, June 1, 2006]
June 19. Note: There were no updates June 12, 2006.
"Recent Publications" [Nicholas Johnson, "Taking One Step Beyond," Broadcasting & Cable, 75th Annversary Special Edition, May 22, 2006]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of Clark Sheets, "Attractions Should Sell Themselves," Des Moines Register, June 17, 2006;
Editorial, "Focusing Arts Growth," The Gazette, June 16, 2006;
John Butters, "Officials Make Pitch for Earthpark," The Kalona News, June 15, 2006;
Brian Morelli, "Earthpark Site List May Be Trimmed," Iowa City Press-Citizen, June 14, 2006;
Mary Zielinski, "Casino Offers Earthpark Boost," The Gazette, June 13, 2006;
Betty Athy, "Eminent Domain Veto Not Right for Iowans," The Gazette, June 12, 2006; "Riverside Residents Learn About Rainforest," KWWL-TV7, Waterloo, Iowa, June 12, 2006;
Editorial, "Passenger Train Service: Romanticism or Reality?; Honestly, How Many People Would Regularly Ride the Rails?," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, June 11, 2006; Mary Nevans-Pederson, "Envision Tries to Get Region All-Aboard; Passenger Rail Plan Remains a Long-Held Dream for Many," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, June 11, 2006;
Carol Lensing, "Support Science Station and IMAX Theater," The Gazette, June 8, 2006;
Eileen Mozinski, "Investors Throw Million of Dollars at Biodiesel Plant; The First Day of Public Stock Sales Generates $20 Million in Commitments," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, June 7, 2006;
Editorial, "West Branch is a Main Street Community," Iowa City Press-Citizen, June 5, 2006;
Tom Uhlenbrock, "Branson Singing a New Tune,"St. Louis Post-Dispatch, May 20, 2006;
Editorial, "The ENVISION 2010 Top 10 Ideas," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, April 16, 2006 [updated links to April 16-June 18 Sunday series];
"Rainforest Iowa: Right for America, Right for Puppies," IowaHawk [blog], September 2005]
"Politics" [Additions to Nicholas Johnson, "Voters Should Boycott Moneyed Candidates," Iowa Talks, WOI-AM, May 30, 2006, of full discussion by Representative Ed Fallon of issues related to campaign finance; and David and Sherry Borzo, "Fallon is Still a Winner," Des Moines Register, June 11, 2006]
June 26. "Blogs" [Nick's "FromDC2Iowa," [http://FromDC2Iowa.blogspot.com], started June 23, 2006]
"Economics and Executive Compensation" [Addition of Diane Heldt, "Regents: UI President Needs Higher Salary," The Gazette, June 23, 2006; Nicholas Johnson, "Pricey Presidents' Added Cost," Daily Iowan, March 7, 2006 (addition of links to Iowa Values Fund material)]
"Iowa Chld" [Addition of Bob Patton, "Shut Up, Governor Ray," ("Patton's Pad" editorial cartoon), Iowa City Press-Citizen, June 24, 2006; Dennis Magee, "Great Expectations: Businessman, Native Son Creating Ape Research Facility Near Des Moines," Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier, June 24, 2006;
George C. Ford, "Company Buys N. Liberty Bakery; Cole's Plans to Make Frozen Cheese Sticks to Sell to Supermarkets," The Gazette, June 23, 2006; Brian Naylor, "House Republicans Bank on Conservative Base for Elections," National Public Radio "Morning Edition," June 23, 2006;
Editorial, "The Financiers (Taxpayers) Have a Right to Know; The Values Fund Report is a Good First Step," Des Moines Register, June 22, 2006; David Goodner, "Invest in Iowa-Centered Research, Products," Des Moines Register, June 22, 2006;
M.D. Kittle, "'Impact Fee' Rising Fast for DRA; Racing Association Owes Diamond Jo More Than $700,000 for Taking a Bigger Share of Business," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, June 21, 2006; David Lewis, "Keep on Saving the Englert," Iowa City Press-Citizen, June 21, 2006;
Harry Baumert, "Iowa Values Report Card," Des Moines Register, June 20, 2006; Donnelle Eller, "Report: Job Promises Being Kept," Des Moines Register, June 20, 2006; Dave DeWitte, "Values Fund Report is Clarified; Development Director Says 59% of Pledged Jobs Have Been Created," The Gazette, June 20, 2006; Mary Nevans-Pederson, "4 Development Agreements Approved; Projects are Expected to Retain 461 Jobs and reate 74 New Ones," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, June 20, 2006;
Editorial, "Warehouse District Could be Next Great Thing; Main Street Dubuque is a Great Example of What Can be Done With Revitalization," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, June 19, 2006; Iowa Department of Economic Development, 12/31/05 End of Year Project Status Report, Revised, 6/19/06 1:30 PM [a Des Moines Register link]; Brian Morelli, "Riverside Searches for Money for Park," Iowa City Press-Citizen, June 19, 2006;
M.D. Kittle, "New Life From Old Buildings; Group Working to Create a Vibrant Warehouse District Downtown," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, June 18, 2006;
Masters Media Project Students, "The Riverside Project," The Daily Iowan, May 5, 2006 (23 articles, videos, photo slideshow);
Editorial, "The ENVISION 2010 Top 10 Ideas," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, April 16, 2006 (final update of links to April 16-June 18 Sunday series)]
July 3. "Recent Publications" [Addition of Nicholas Johnson, "Perspective on Military Murder and the Mission at Hand," Iowa City Press-Citizen, July 2, 2006; Nicholas Johnson, "When Too Much is Not Enough,"The Daily Iowan, June 30, 2006]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of Kurt Johnson, "Lower Taxes Do More For Growth," Des Moines Register, July 1, 2006; Rachel Gallegos, "You Ready to Bet? Riverside Casino Set to Open Early," Iowa City Press-Citizen, July 1, 2006; Rachel Gallegos, "Regulations Ensure Solid Investors for Casino," Iowa City Press-Citizen, July 1, 2006;
Perry Beeman, "Great Ape Trust Executive Has Resigned," Des Moines Register, June 29, 2006;
Mary Zielinski, "Riverboat Foundation Approves Grant Application," Washington Evening Journal, June 28, 2006;
Editorial, "TIFs a Valuable Tool for City Governments," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, June 25, 2006; Eileen Mozinski, "TIF Seen As Vital; Officials in Smaller Cities Say They Need to Stay Competive," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, June 25, 2006; Rob Kundert, "TIF Seen As Vital; Tax-Increment Financing is a Key to Dubuque's Revival," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, June 25, 2006; Rob Kundert, "Iowa's Laws Allow for Some Flexibility," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, June 25, 2006;
Deidre Bello, "Casino Searches for Investors," Iowa City Press-Citizen, February 26, 2005
"Terrorism and the War in Iraq" [Nicholas Johnson, "Perspective on Military Murder and the Mission at Hand," Iowa City Press-Citizen, July 2, 2006]
July 10. "Recent Publications" [Addition of Nicholas Johnson, "Line Blurs Between Campaign Contributions, Bribes," Des Moines Register, July 5, 2006; and see numerous additions to Nicholas Johnson blog, FromDC2Iowa.blogspot.com]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of Associated Press, "Tourism Takes on Different Looks in Iowa," The Gazette, July 10, 2006;
Mary Swander, "A Home-Grown Solution for Iowa; Slow-Food Movement Creates Healthy Future," Des Moines Register, July 9, 2006; Tom Witosky, "Iowa State's $135 Million Gamble; To Compete in Big-Time College Sports the Cyclnes Are Betting That Upgrading Sports Facilities Now -- and Taking on More Debt -- Will Pay Off Later," Des Moines Register, July 9, 2006; Rachel Gallegos, "Hoover Museum Constructs 1880s Atmosphere for Visitors," Iowa City Press-Citizen, July 9, 2006; Brian Morelli, "Farmers' Markets: Taking People Back to the Simple Things; Iowa Has the Most Farmers' Markets Per Capita in Nation," Iowa City Press-Citizen, July 9, 2006;
Megan Hawkins, "Endangered Ape Dies Before Historic Surgery," Des Moines Register, July 8, 2006;
Harry Baumert, "Vilsack Says State Economy Has Improved on His Watch; The Governor Credits the Values Fund for the Creation of Thousands of Jobs," Des Moines Regislter, July 7, 2006;
Nigel Duara, "Grinnell Off List of Contenders for Rain Forest," Des Moines Register, July 6, 2006; Brian Morelli, "Earthpark Now Down to 3 Sites; Grinnell Pulls Out Unable to Raise Money," Iowa City Press-Citizen, July 6, 2006; "No Earthpark for Grinnell," Iowa Pork Forest (blog), July 6, 2006; Matt Schillig, "Build Bridges, Not Rain Forest," Kalona News, July 6, 2006;
Associated Press, "Democrat Says Values Fund Ignores Minorities," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, July 5, 2006;
Ira Lacher, "Money and Jobs in Time for Mars Colony?" Des Moines Register, July 4, 2006;
Chris Moseng, "Capitalism is Now About What?" Iowa City Press-Citizen, May 1, 2006;
"Iowa Rainforest Project (p. 2)," eomaha.com Forum, November 20, 2005-May 18, 2006;
"Iowa Rainforest Project (p. 1)," eomaha.com Forum, November 10-17, 2005.]
"Politics" [Addition of Nicholas Johnson, "Line Blurs Between Campaign Contributions, Bribes," Des Moines Register, July 5, 2006]
July 17. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Richard Doak, "Muscatine Remaking Itself," Des Moines Register, July 16, 2006;
William Petroski, "New Licenses Likely on Hold 'till '08," Des Moines Register, July 14, 2006;
Dave DeWitte, "Vision Iowa Begins Funding Negotiations; Davenport, Wayland Seeking CAT Grants for Civic Improvement Projects," The Gazette, July 13, 2006;
Jane Norman, "Townsend Pledges $1 Million for Diplomacy Center in DM; The National Institute Would Promote the Idea of One-on-One Relationships Between Nations," Des Moines Register, July 12, 2006; William Petroski, "Gamblers Left Behind $1.15 Billion at Casinos; Average Patron Lost $57 During Past 12 Months," Des Moines Register, July 12, 2006;
Jason Clayworth, "DM Officials Ponder Ways to Grow Interest in Botanical Center; Plans for Cultivating Public Interest in the Struggling Facility Get a Fresh Look," Des Moines Register, July 11, 2006;
Mary Zielinski, "And Now There Are Three," Washington Evening Journal, July 10, 2006]
July 24. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Joe Hastings, "The case for community support for C.R. museums," The Gazette, July 23, 2006;
"Lifestyle: Family Events; Museums: Kids Discovery Museum," Seattle Post-Intelligencer, July 21, 2006;
Mary Rae Bragg, "Museum digs into mining; Ham House wins grant to create a living history of lead mining," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, July 20, 2006]
July 31. "Recent Publications" [Addition of Nicholas Johnson, "Internet Neutrality," "Live and Local," PATV of Iowa City, June 26, 2006]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of Bradley Franzwa, "Basic Math from Riverside," July 31, 2006;
"Location, Location, Location," Des Moines Business Record Online, July 30, 2006;
Elizabeth Kutter, "First Phase of Meskwakis’ $111 Million Expansion Done; New Building Features Bingo Hall, Lounge for High-Stakes Poker," The Gazette, July 28, 2006;
Mary Zielinski, "Riverside to Meet Earthpark Officials," The Gazette, July 27, 2006;
Jeffrey Patch, "Rain forest site finalists:
Pella, Riverside; Each town has raised $25 million to compete for the Earthpark
project," Des Moines Register, July 26, 2006;
Zack Kucharski, "Rain forest contenders
down to 2; Tiffin drops out; Riverside, Pella confident they’ll prevail,"
Gazette, July 26, 2006; Mike McWilliams, "Riverside, Pella finalists
for Earthpark; Contenders Met or Exceeded $25M Funding Criterion," Iowa
City Press-Citizen, July 26, 2006; "Earthpark or Pork Forest?" Radio
Iowa, The Blog, July 26, 2006; Mary Zielinski, "Riverside Council Defers
Land Purchase," Washington Evening Journal , July 26, 2006;
Zack Kucharski, "Riverside, Pella Named Earthpark Finalists; Tiffin Officials Withdraw Proposal," The Gazette Online, July 25, 2006; O. Kay Henderson, "Pella, Riverside Finalists for 'Earthpark,'" RADIOIOWA, July 25, 2006]
August 7. "FromDC2Iowa.blogspot.com" [Addition of "Zielinski Captures Meeting," August 5, 2006; "State 29 on 'Earthpork,'" August 5, 2006; "Riverside Weighs Rain Forest," August 4, 2006; "State 29 Highlights 'Money in State Politics,'" August 3, 2006; "Update on 'Iowa's Casinos Breaking Law?'" August 3, 2006; "Rain Forest 'Remaining Issues' Still Remain," August 3, 2006; "Iowa's Casinos Breaking Law?" August 2, 2006; "Leno, Losses and Rain Forests," August 1, 2006]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of Gregg Hennigan, "Rain Forest Plan Raises Questions in Riverside," The Gazette, August 4, 2006; Mike McWilliams, "Earthpart, Riverside Meet; About 40 Attend Project Question-and-Answer Session," Iowa City Press-Citizen, August 4, 2006; Mary Zielinksi, "Riverside Wants 'Hard Copy' Answers for Earthpark Questions," Washington Evening Journal, August 4, 2006;
KWWL-TV7, "Earthpark Debate in Riverside," August 3, 2006; Ray Weikal, "Earthpark List Narrowed to Riverside and Pella," Lone Tree Reporter Online, August 3, 2006;
Perry Beeman, "Vet: Ape Died of Heart Disease," Des Moines Register, August 1, 2006; Gregg Hennigan, "Casino to Open Aug. 31; Riverside Resort to Open with Arnold; Leno Booked Sept. 16," The Gazette, August 1, 2006; Rachel Gallegos, "Big Names Rolling In To Casino; Arnold, Leno to Take the New Stage," Iowa City Press-Citizen, August 1, 2006]
August 14. "Recent Publications" [Nicholas Johnson, "Earthpark Business Plan: A Review," August 12, 2006; Nicholas Johnson, "Caution: Rain Forest Ahead," Iowa City Press-Citizen, August 9, 2006]
"FromDC2Iowa.blogspot.com" [Addition of "Rain Forest: What's Coming Monday, August 14," August 13, 2006; "Best Rain Forest Summary Contest," August 13, 2006; "Hat's Off to Hennigan," August 13, 2006; "What is 'the press'?" August 9, 2006; "To Riverside, With Love," August 9, 2006; "State 29 Sites Rare Cupacabra," August 8, 2006; "Boondoggle Has Life Everlasting," August 8, 2006; "Caution: Wide Load, Rain Forest Ahead," August 7, 2006]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of Lee Rood and Donnelle Eller, "Diverted Millions Bring Progress -- And Big Debt," Des Moines Register, August 13, 2006 (a major series about TIFs); Gregg Hennigan, "Money Matters; Questions Loom Over Riverside Casino Foundation," The Gazette, August 13, 2006;
Nicholas Johnson, "Earthpark Business Plan: A Review," August 12, 2006;
Gregg Hennigan, "Riverside Casino Hiring Plans Expand," The Gazette, August 11, 2006; Rachel Gallegos, "Riverside Casino Partners With Spa," Iowa City Press-Citizen, August 11, 2006;
Nicholas Johnson, "Caution: Rain Forest Ahead," Iowa City Press-Citizen, August 9, 2006;
Joe Sharpnack, "The Boondoggle That Wouldn't Die!" The Gazette, August 8, 2006; Betsy Ralph, "Chinese Writer Tours River Museum; Magazine Reporter and Photographer Plans a Feature About the River," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, August 8, 2006;
Editorial, "Ankeny Rediscovering Small-Town Iowa," Des Moines Register, August 7, 2006; Editorial, "Riverside's 15 Minutes of Fame Continues," Iowa City Press-Citizen, August 7, 2006]
August 28. "Iowa Child" [Addition of Editorial, "Casino Still a Gamble for Local Economy," Iowa City Press-Citizen, August 28, 2006;
Gregg Hennigan, "New lure for young gamblers; Riverside casino raises concerns that UI students may ‘binge gamble,’" The Gazette, August 25, 2006;
Erik Hogstrom, "River museum attendance lags; Officials plan to lay off a few full-time employees after previously cutting some part-time jobs," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, August 24, 2006; Associated Press, "Musco plans $15 million expansion; Lighting company’s employment could triple in Oskaloosa," The Gazette, August 24, 2006;
George C. Ford, "Iowa ranked No. 4 nationally in capital investment," The Gazette, August 23, 2006; James Q. Lynch, "E. Iowa's small towns work to draw tourists," The Gazette, August 23, 2006;
O. Kay Henderson, "Earthpark Fundraising So Far: $75 million," RADIO IOWA, July 30, 2006]
September 4. "FromDC2Iowa.blogspot.com" [Addition of "A Funny Thing Happened," September 2, 2006; "TIF-ing My Toolshed," September 2, 2006;
"Correction Re: Governor Vilsack and Rain Forest," September 1, 2006; "It's Getting Harder to be a Democrat," September 1, 2006; "Thanks to State29, K. L. Snow, Everest Poker News," September 1, 2006; "Out of Body, Out of Mind," September 1, 2006; "Rain Forest Breaks Silence, Not Ground," September 1, 2006;
"Gazette Shames Press-Citizen," August 31, 2006;
"Sam Garchik: 'What's he stand for?'" August 30, 2006; "More on 'Open' Political Fundraisers," August 30, 2006; "Gallegos Wins Casino Preview Coverage Comparison," August 30, 2006; "Press-Citizen's 'Shuffle Up' Stories Available," August 30, 2006;
"Hat's Off to Senator Dvorsky," August 29, 2006; "Casino Offers Research Opportunity," August 29, 2006;
"State 29's Rain Forest Solution," August 28, 2006; "The Gazette: Promoting Casino Gambling?" August 28, 2006; "Press-Citizen: Promoting Casino Gambling?" August 28, 2006]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of Mike Deupree, "Does Riverside pose trouble for UI students?" The Gazette, September 3, 2006; Dave Rasdal, "Place your bets; In 15 years, Iowa gambling industry grows up and keeps growing," The Gazette, September 3, 2006 (with chart of casino data); Editorial, "Our View: Our Quick Take on Last Week's News Stories; Riverside Casino & Golf Resort Opens," Iowa City Press-Citizen, September 3, 2006;
Hieu Pham, "Developers ask for TIF money; Request made to fund Hieronymus Square high rise," Iowa City Press-Citizen, September 2, 2006;
Mark Magoon, "All Bets Are Off," The Daily Iowan, September 1, 2006; William Petroski, "More Iowa counties show interest in casino licenses," Des Moines Register, September 1, 2006; Steve Gravelle, "Leach holds C.R. hearing on Internet gaming bill," The Gazette, September 1, 2006; Gregg Hennigan, "Let the games begin in Riverside! Casino’s opening draws oohs, aahs and crowds," The Gazette, September 1, 2006; Rachel Gallegos, "Guests toast casino; Gambling begins in Riverside," Iowa City Press-Citizen, September 1, 2006;
Editorial, "A prosperous Iowa? It's about quality of life; Keep enhancing it to build workforce," Des Moines Register, August 31, 2006; Rachel Gallegos, "Riverside casino ready to roll today," Iowa City Press-Citizen, August 31, 2006; Deanna Truman-Cook, "Live like a high roller at Riverside casino," Iowa City Press-Citizen, August 31, 2006;
Gregg Hennigan, "Casino wows visitors; Riverside facility opens Thursday night," The Gazette, August 30, 2006; Rachel Gallegos, "Residents get casino sneak preview; Riverside Casino & Golf Resort opens at 9 p.m. Thursday," Iowa City Press-Citizen, August 30, 2006; "Earthpark Board Tours Proposed Sites," KWWL-TV7, Waterloo, August 30, 2006;
William Petroski, "E. Iowa casino to lure U of I fans; It will offer post-game parties, stadium shuttles," Des Moines Register, August 29, 2006; Gregg Hennigan, "Gambling: The Talk of the Towns; Washington County residents greet new casino and resort with excitement and caution," The Gazette, August 29, 2006;
"Shuffle Up and Play; After two votes and millions of dollars in construction, the Riverside Casino & Golf Resort is ready to deal," Iowa City Press-Citizen (special eight-page casino supplement), August 28, 2006; Donald C. Mahanna, "Casino needs no free advertising," Iowa City Press-Citizen, August 28, 2006]
September 13. [For a variety of reasons, see Nicholas Johnson, "Mid-Week Update, Rain Forest, Etc.," September 13, 2006, there was no update Monday, September 11. Among them was Nicholas Johnson's New York City lecture, "General Semantics, Terrorism and War," September 8, 2006, which is available online at http://www.nicholasjohnson.org/writing/nysgs908.html. The plan is to resume the regular Monday updates September 18, at which time the intervening material regarding the Iowa Child ("Earthpark") project will be added.]
September 18. "Recent Publications" [See above, September 13, for Nicholas Johnson, "General Semantics, Terrorism and War," September 8, 2006.]
"FromDC2Iowa.blogspot.com" [Addition to blog of "UI Football Promoting Gambling?" September 16, 2006; "Professor Yin Says 'No" to Bug Burgers," September 16, 2006; "Supervisor Sullivan Says 'TIF, TIF, Tsk, Tsk," September 16, 2006;
"I've Got Sun in Morning & The Gazette on Fridays," September 15, 2006;
"Press-Citizen's Casino; Gazette's E-Frosty," September 14, 2006;
"Mid-Week Update, Rain Forest, Etc.," September 13, 2006;
"Voting for Garchik," September 11, 2006;
"NYC Speech: 'General Semantics, Terrorism and War,'" September 9, 2006; "Free College Education," September 9, 2006; "Balance and the Balance of Trade," September 9, 2006;
"Royal Flush," September 7, 2006;
"Iowa: It's a Big State . . .," September 6, 2006; "Ya don't play-a da game . . .," September 6, 2006;
"The Other (Costly) White Meat," September 5, 2006; "Hat's Off to State 29," September 5, 2006;
"Gambling and Paternalism," September 4, 2006; "Choice: 'Tax & Spend' or 'Borrow & Spend'?" September 4, 2006; "Rain Forest: Monday, September 4 ]Update," September 4, 2006;
"'Is This Eden? No It's Iowa,'" September 2, 2006.]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of some of the relevant blog entries, above, and Mary Zielinski, "Riverside City Council May Hire Consultant to Deal with Earthpark," Washington Evening Journal, September 12, 2006;
William Petroski, "Kinnick 'Hotel' Ad Omits 'Casino;' By design an ad for Riverside's complex does not mention gambling," Des Moines Register, September 8, 2006;
Perry Beeman, "Speaker Says Rain Forest Helped Town's Economy; A project similar to one proposed for Iowa has drawn 8 million visitors," Des Moines Register, September 7, 2006; "Riverside Casino Opens, Could Earthpark Be Next?" The Kalona News, September 7, 2006; Eric Hnson, "Earthpark Site Decision Coming Soon; Experts From England's Park in Town," KCCI-TV7, September 7, 2006.]
September 25. "Recent Publications"
[See commentary about
"General Semantics, Terrorism and War," September
8, 2006, speech text in Richard Doak, "Two Iowans Speak Clearly on War,
Verbal Confusion," Des Moines Register, September 24, 2006 (linked
from blog entry, "Thank You Richard Doak, September 24, 2006, below); see
Mark Mazzetti, "Spy Agencies Say Iraq War Worsens Terror Threat," New
York Times, September 24, 2006, added in footnote to "General Semantics,
Terrorism and War," September 8, 2006 (linked from blog entry, "Don't Like
to Say 'I told you so, but . . .," September 24, 2006, below)]
"FromDC2Iowa.blogspot.com" [Addition to blog of "The Limits of Empire," September 24, 2006; "Thank You Richard Doak," September 24, 2006; "Don't Like to Say 'I told you so,' but . . .," September 24, 2006;
"Press-Citizen Says 'Tough TIF,'" September 22, 2006;
"More on Riverside Questions," September 21, 2006;
"The $185 Million Dollar Questions," September 20, 2006; "Riverside: 'Thanks But No Thanks'?" September 20, 2006;
"Rain Forest's Big News: 'Nothing to Announce,'" September 19, 2006;
"Media on Casino's Leno," September 18,
2006; "Rain Forest: Monday September 18," September 18, 2006.]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of some of the relevant blog entries, above, and Editorial, "Gomers: What's Gone Wrong?; A Bad Oman?" The Gazette, September 25, 2006;
Mary Zielinski, "Earthpark Report Stresses Riverside Responsibilities; City Must Help Project Obtain $20 Million Vision Iowa Grant," The Gazette, September 23, 2006; Rachel Gallegos, "Casino Officials Buy Land for Earthpark," Iowa City Press-Citizen, September 23, 2006;
Tim Higgins, "Lamberti Criticizes Earmark Spending; In a Tight 3rd District Race, Opponent Boswell Praises Efforts to Bring in Federal Money for High-Profile Projects in Iowa," Des Moines Register, September 22, 2006; Editorial, "TIF Not the Right Economic Tool for Building the Hieronymus Tower," Iowa City Press-Citizen, September 22, 2006;
Kathryn Fiegen, "Riverside Gets Earthpark Answers; Questions Focused on Project's Financing," Iowa City Press-Citizen, September 21, 2006;
Editorial, "Blogs and Bills Stopping Pork," The Gazette, September 20, 2006; Gregg Hennigan, "Riverside Unsure on Rain Forest; Will Long-Awaited Answers Erase Unease About Communication?" The Gazette, September 20, 2006; "Answers to Riverside's Questions," Iowa City Press-Citizen, September 20, 2006; Kathryn Fiegen, "Riverside Gets Earthpark Answers," Iowa City Press-Citizen, September 20, 2006;
"Speed Skating Oval On-Time and On-Budget," CKNW-AM980, September 19, 2006; Kathryn Fiegen, "Time Ticks for Site Decision; Earthpark Board to Meet September 28," Iowa City Press-Citizen, September 19, 2006;
Darwin Danielson, "Casino Hopes to Add
Earthpark Next Door," Radio Iowa, September 5, 2006.]
October 2, 2006. "FromDC2Iowa.blogspot.com" [Addition to blog of "Athletics and Academics," September 30, 2006; "Let's Welcome the Prairie Robin," September 30, 2006; "Pixiedust in Pella," September 30, 2006;
"Gazette to Earthpark: 'Ask not, what Pella can do for you, . . .," September 29, 2006;
"Rain Forest Tiptoes Through the Tulips: 'Rewrite!'" September 28, 2006; "Rain Forest: 'Shell and Pea Games' vs. Basics," September 28, 2006;
"Rain Forest Decision Tomorrow (28th) Says Register," September 27, 2006; "State 29 Solves School Finance," Septembeer 27, 2006;
"Press-Citizen Promotes Student Gambling," September 26, 2006;
"The Limits of Empire II: The Assassination
Policy," September 25, 2006; "Rain Forest: Monday September 25 Update,"
September 25, 2006.]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of Mike Deupree, "Riverside: Disappointed, or Dodged a Bullet?" The Gazette, October 1, 2006; Editorial, "No Rain Forest for Eastern Iowa," Iowa City Press-Citizen, October 1, 2006;
Gregg Hennigan, "Where Will Pella Get Money for Rain Forest? Specifics lacking, though local financing helped seal the deal," The Gazette, September 30, 2006; Rachel Gallegos, "Casino, Resort Rolls Through Its First Month," Iowa City Press-Citizen, September 30, 2006;
David Pitt, "Organizers Hope Earthpark Follows Success of U.K. Project," Argus Leader, September 29, 2006; Perry Beeman, "Rain Forest to be Built Near Pella; Full financing has not been revealed for Earthpark, estimated to draw about a million visitors annually," Des Moines Register, September 29, 2006; Editorial, "Earthpark Trying This Again," The Gazette, September 29, 2006; Gregg Hennigan, "Pella Lands Rain Forest; Funding uncertainties doomed Riverside, says Earthpark CEO," The Gazette, September 29, 2006; Kathryn Fiegen, "Earthpark Leaving Eastern Iowa; Riverside loses project to Pella," Iowa City Press-Citizen, September 29, 2006; "Earthpark Coming to County," Knoxville Journal Express, September 29, 2006;
Steve Nicoles, "Riverside Loses 'Earthpark' to Pella," KCRG-TV9, September 28/29, 2006; Perry Beeman, "Pella Gets Nod for Earthpark," Des Moines Register (online), September 28, 2006; Gregg Hennigan, "And the Winner Is . . .; Rain forest expected to pick either Pella or Riverside today," The Gazette, September 28, 2006; "Earthpark to locate in Pella," Iowa City Press-Citizen's Hawk Central, September 28, 2006; Don Van Hulzen, "Make All the City a TIF District," Iowa City Press-Citizen, September 28, 2006; Darwin Danielson, "Pella Named Site for Earthpark Project," Radio Iowa, September 28, 2006; O. Kay Henderson, "'Earthpark' decision today at 12:30 p.m.," Radio Iowa, September 28, 2006; "Rain Forest Park to Be in Red Rock-Pella Area; Pella Says Earthpark Will Benefit Community," KCCI-TV8, September 28, 2006; "Earthpark Board Members Pick Pella," KMEG-TV14, September 28, 2006; "Earthpark Picks Pella," KWWL-TV7, September 28, 2006; "Riverside's Rainforest Hopes Rejected," KWWL-TV7, September 28, 2006;
Hieu Pham, "Students Find New Ways to Earn Cash," Iowa City Press-Citizen, September 26, 2006.]
October 9, 2006. "Recent Publications"
[Addition of Nicholas Johnson, "Let's Not Gamble With Students' Lives,"
City Press-Citizen, October 3, 2006.]
"FromDC2Iowa.blogspot.com" [Addition to blog of "More College Football Conflicts & Concerns," October 7, 2006; "Loebsack Votes Smart," October 7, 2006; "The Next Step: Theories of Terrorism," October 7, 2006;
"Understanding TIFs (Revised 10/06/06)," October 5, 2006;
"Why Do They Hate America?" October 4, 2006;
"In Memorium: Bill Grubbe," October 3, 2006; "Press-Citizen Practices Free Speech Spirit," October 3, 2006;
"Rain Forest: Monday October 2 Update,"
October 2, 2006.]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of Scott Dochterman, "Alcohol Sales: Fair or Foul? Fans in Luxury Seats Enjoy Access; Critics Say UI Sends Mixed Signals," The Gazette, October 7, 2006;
M.D. Kittle, "Dubuque Only Horse in Race; $80 million port project is the lone applicant to show up for Vision Iowa funds," Dubuque Telegraph Herald, October 4, 2006; Rachel Gallegos, "Local Museums Work to Overcome Flatlining Attendance; Bringing in Kids Getting Harder," Iowa City Press-Citizen, October 4, 2006;
Editorial, "Earthpark Doesn't Belong in Pella -- or Iowa," The Daily Iowan, October 3, 2006;
Steve Bowers, "The Rape of the Taxpayer Via Iowa's Earthpork (oops, Park)," Political Gateway (blog), October 1, 2006;
Mary Zielinski, "Pella Selected as Location
for Earthpark," Washington Evening Journal, September 28, 2006.]
October 16, 2006. "FromDC2Iowa.blogspot.com" [Addition to blog of "Iowa: A Great Place to Live But I Wouldn't Want to Visit There," October 15, 2006;
"Optiva," October 13, 2006;
"'Hat's Off' to the Press-Citizen," October 12, 2006; "Riverside Gambling Casino's Future," October 12, 2006;
"Gambling: Checking the Math," October 11, 2006;
"I'll Drink to That," October 10, 2006; "Gambling: Do the Math," October 10, 2006;
"Rain Forest: Monday October 9 Update,"
October 9, 2006.]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of Cindy Cullen Chapman, "Southern charm Galveston is a mix of classic sights, contemporary attractions," The Gazette, October 15 2006;
Associated Press, "Indoor Rainforest to be Built in Iowa; Massive Project Modeled After Popular British Attraction," Charlotte Observer, October 12, 2006; John Pearson, "Will Red Rock's Beauty Remain After Earthpark Development?" Des Moines Register, October 12, 2006;
Mike Sullivan, "Environment-Oriented Theme Park Could Be Major Tourist Draw for Iowa," Pella Chronicle/Weatherford Democrat, October 11, 2006;
Associated Press, "Earthpark Planned for Iowa," USAToday, October 10, 2006;
Mike Sullivan, "Earthpark Committee Chooses
Pella," The Pella Chronicle, October 9, 2006.]
October 23, 2006. "FromDC2Iowa.blogspot.com" [Addition to blog of "Science Station Lessons for Pella - Part V," October 23, 2006;
"More on Corporate Welfare from 'Hat's Off' Winner," October 22, 2006;
"Science Station Lessons for Pella - Part IV," October 21, 2006;
"'Hat's Off' to Gazette's Janet Rorholm," October 20, 2006; "More More Science Station Lessons for Pella," October 20, 2006;
"More Science Station Lessons for Pella," October 19, 2006;
"Call the Cops: $3.755 Million Robbery in Progress," October 18, 2006; "Science Station Lessons for Pella," October 18, 2006;
"Rain Forest: Monday October 16 Update,"
October 16, 2006.]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of Editorial, "Homers and Gomers," The Gazette, October 23, 2006; Janet Rorholm, "C.R., Linn Say Science Station Asks Too Much; Non-Profit Must Erase $1.3 Million in Debt," The Gazette, October 23, 2006;
Donnelle Eller, "Efforts to attract jobs can pop under pressure; Towns provide incentives, businesses break the deal," Des Moines Register, October 22, 2006; Associated Press, "Seattle residents critical of 'metronatural' slogan," The Gazette, October 22, 2006; Editorial, "Serious Responsibilities," The Gazette, October 22, 2006;
Janet Rorholm, "Board to regroup at Science Station; Evisioning a fresh start, leader asks members to resign," The Gazette, October 21, 2006;
Janet Rorholm, "Chilling Effect; Non-profits in C.R. area fear Science Station’s money woes could hurt their fundraising," The Gazette, October 20, 2006;
Janet Rorholm, "A plea for help; Support urged to keep debt-ridden C.R. Science Station open," The Gazette, October 19, 2006;
Hieu Pham, "Council OKs TIF to Build Biobank," Iowa City Press-Citizen, October 18, 2006; Janet Rorholm, "Debt dooms C.R. Science Station; Center, IMAX theater to close Nov. 15 unless ‘sizable’ bailout spares them," The Gazette, October 18, 2006;
"Questions and Answers on Earthpark," Pella
Chronicle, October 9, 2006.]
October 30, 2006. "FromDC2Iowa.blogspot.com" [Addition to blog of "State29 on Death (of the Rain Forest) and Taxes," October 27, 2006;
"The Politics of Gambling," October 26, 2006;
"It's Not About 'Taxes,'" October 24, 2006;
"Seattle's Optiva," October 23, 2006; "Rain
Forest: Monday October 23 Update," October 23, 2006.]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of Todd Dorman and Charlotte Eby, "Earthpark: Good for the State, or Example of Federal Waste?" Globe-Gazette, October 28, 2006; Peter Rugg, "Candidate Forum: Many Issues, Some Sparks," Muscatine Journal, October 28, 2006;
State29, "Here's Culver's Anti-Rainforest Ad," October 27, 2006; State29, "Did You Mean Culver Reinforced?" October 27, 2006;
O. Kay Henderson, "Culver Blasts Rainforest Money as Waste," RadioIowa, October 26, 2006; O. Kay Henderson, "Grassley Unhappy with Culver Rainforest Ad," October 26, 2006; State29, "The Final Nail In The Rainforest Coffin," October 26, 2006, State29, "Still No Des Moines Register Article On Culver's Dissing Of The Rainforest," October 26, 2006,
"Campaign Ad Calls Rainforest Wasteful Spending, Organizers Say Earthpark Will Bring in $130M Annually," KCCI-TV8, October 25, 2006; "Culver Attacks Earthpark Grant," WHO-TV13, October 25, 2006; State29, "Chet Culver Against Earthpork Rainforest," October 25, 2006;
Editorial, "Failing on Perception and Reality,"
Gazette, October 24, 2006; Dorothy de Souza Guedes, "C.R. Woman Pleads
Guilty in Gambling Case," The Gazette, October 24, 2006; Associated
Press, "Spat on TouchPlay, Gambling Heats Up in Gov's Race," KWWL-TV7,
October 24, 2006.]
November 6, 2006. "FromDC2Iowa.blogspot.com" [Addition to blog of Nicholas Johnson, "In Memoriam: Willis Weber," November 5, 2006; Nicholas Johnson, "More Confirmation: Mess-o-potamia Was Predictable," November 5, 2006;
Nicholas Johnson, "Swimming Upstream: Managing Athletics," November 3, 2006;
Nicholas Johnson, "Update on the Downturn," November 1, 2006;
Nicholas Johnson, "Defining a 'Tourist,'" October 31, 2006; Nicholas Johnson, "Riverside's Tax to Nowhere," October 31, 2006;
Nicholas Johnson, "Rain Forest: Monday
October 30 Update," October 30, 2006.]
"Iowa Child" [Addition of Scott Dochterman, "See the game, hit the casino; UI and new resort forge partnership," The Gazette, November 5, 2006;
Tom Witosky, "Iowa athletics on probation; Men's swimming is found to have had major violations by NCAA," Des Moines Register, November 3, 2006;
David Yepsen, "Culver Backfires with Foolish Rain-Forest Spot," Des Moines Register, October 31, 2006;
Editorial, "Homers: Come See Us," The Gazette, October 30, 2006; Rachel Gallegos, "Riverside Voters to Decide on Hotel/Motel Tax," Iowa City Press-Citizen, October 30, 2006;
Darrell Dobernecker, "Pella Mayor Answers
Earthpark Quesitons," City of Pella, undated.]