Editorial: "E-mail Raises Doubts About Rain Forest"
Iowa City Press-Citizen
November 8, 2004
Indeed, Ted Townsend's message to City Administrator Kelly Hayworth and Mayor Jim Fausett raises a number of questions, and in a climate where a good number of community members don't believe the rain forest can remain open, let alone be built, that's not good for project organizers or the city.
The initial question raised by the e-mail is what was Townsend hoping to accomplish? "GE, Ford, SGI, HP, Interface, USGBC, the US Depart-ment of Energy, the US Department of Education, CAA, and all the other world class entities WE are about to bring to your town, never heard of Coralville until WE introduced them to it. Frankly, none of them care a hoot about Coralville even now," he wrote. That's not the way to get the project done. It is difficult to tell if the e-mail was a temper tantrum or an attempt to intimidate. In either case, certainly there is a more constructive approach. An arrogant and pretentious tone won't win supporters among Coralville's residents, which is who city staff and the City Council are accountable to, after all.
At the same time, Townsend's obvious frustration raises questions about Coralville's commitment to the rain forest project. He's spent millions to get the project going and clearly feels it's playing second fiddle to the proposed Marriott Hotel and convention center. Is it? If so, what does that mean, not just for the project but Coralville taxpayers?
Of course, no one can blame Coralville if it gives the impression that the hotel/convention center is taking priority. It should be. It's been among Coralville's goals for more than decade, the city has a financial stake, and it has gone to court several times to ensure construction. Should Coralville really wait for the rain forest to raise the remaining $90 million needed to build the rain forest? Townsend suggests in his e-mail that Coralville's apparently lackluster hotel/convention center design is part of the problem.
So what type of hotel design is Townsend looking for? Something akin to what would be found at Disney World or on the Las Vegas Strip? That would require a substantial city investment probably worth more than the cost of the rain forest itself. To this point, Iowa Environmental/ Education Project staff always has publicly touted the hotel and convention center as the perfect accompaniment to the rain forest, indicating a strong, coordinated relationship between Coralville and Iowa Environmental/Education Project. But have project organizers' expectations of what the city must offer now changed?
The e-mail also raises the question of who really is in charge at Iowa Environmental/Education Project. Initially, it was Townsend, who dreamed up the concept. But as it gained speed, David Oman was hired as administrator, and Townsend faded into the background. The e-mail, however, indicates that Townsend is a key player. Or maybe, as the major investor beyond the federal government, he never left.
Most of the community is wondering when the Iowa Environmental/Education Project will announce its next major investor. With that unknown, it seems difficult for Coralville to change the course it's already on.
The issue:
• The founder of the
$180 million Iowa
Environmental/ Education
Project has
sent an e-mail critical
of Coralville to
that city's officials.
We suggest:
• The e-mail raises
several questions
about the project.
What do you think?
• Should Coralville
proceed with a
hotel/conference center
design more
amenable to IEEP's
• Send comments via
e-mail to
opinion@ press-citizen.com.
No faxes, please.