IEEP advances science literacy
John and Sandra Hudson
Iowa City Press-Citizen Letters
July 28, 2004
We do not apologize for tourism, as it always carries with it the prerequisite of excellence. For example, it is not sports, but excellence in sports that brings tourists to Kinnick and Carver. It is not culture, but excellence in culture that brings tourists to Hancher. Likewise, it will be excellence in science, technology and cutting-edge educational techniques that will bring tourists to the Iowa Environ-mental/Education Project.
This project is happening. If you are a scientist or have an interest in science, please accept the responsibility to see that it becomes the best it can be. We applaud Scott Carpenter for his vision of how research could be the anchor ("The Iowa Environmental/Education Project isn't just an attraction. It's also about ... Advancing science,"April 18).
If his vision is not yours, then let yours be heard. We encourage you to support this science opportunity. The Iowa Environmental Project will cast a positive light on science and bring the scientific paradigm to life for students and laymen alike.
John and Sandra Hudson
Iowa City