to Nicholas Johnson's Coralville Rain Forest Web Site
Fallon Urges Aid to Iowa Truck Farms
Rod Boshart
The Gazette
May 7, 2006
[Note: This material is copyright by The Gazette, and is reproduced here as a matter of "fair use" for non-commercial, educational purposes only. Any other use may require the prior approval of The Gazette.]
Fallon said Saturday he wants to develop a local food industry that would revitalize rural areas and replace billions of dollars of imported food trucked into Iowa with p r o d u c t s grown on Iowa truck farms.
With a relatively modest government investment, Fallon said, Iowa can help small operations get started and encourage direct marketing of homegrown products building on the success of farmers markets in Iowa to replicate the concept on a grander scale.
The local foods industry is blossoming in a small way on its own, but with some help from the state, this could be a huge opportunity for Iowa, he said. Im talking about restoring something that used to work very well in Iowa, but its working well right now on a small scale.
Fallon, a seven-term state representative from Des Moines, said Iowa spends $8 billion annually on food, with 86 percent of those products grown outside of Iowa. We ought to be embarrassed by that, and we ought to fix that, he said.