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Stay the Course with Rain Forest

Richard L. Rex

Iowa City Press-Citizen

December 7, 2005

[Note: This material is copyright by the Press-Citizen, and is reproduced here as a matter of "fair use" for non-commercial, educational purposes only. Any other use may require the prior approval of the Iowa City Press-Citizen.]

Your city officials should be congratulated in having the vision to commit to the Environmental Project. Now is the time to be patient and let the project's board of directors and supporters have the opportunity to bring this facility to Eastern Iowa. It will happen and it should happen in Coralville.

Coralville is well suited to host such a facility as it sits at the intersection of Interstate 80. Yes, you need answers and you should receive them. Some of us who have long supported this project feel your frustration. However, none of us have ever been involved with a project of this size and scope and therefore it is a learning experience for us as well. I feel very confident that the leadership of the Iowa Environmental Project will continue to steer this ship to a successful conclusion given the opportunity. Now is not the time to abandon ship. Don't let those of us who don't live in Coralville dictate a course of action. Follow your leaders and you will see success. Stay the course.

Richard L. Rex
West Branch