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Good Advice on the Rainforest

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January 20, 2006

Good Advice on the Rainforest

UI Law Professor Nick Johnson's got an editorial in today's Press-Citizen. Bonus points: he mentions "blogger State 29."

His is more of a full-fledged website than a simple blog, and he was a very welcome attendee at the last Iowa Blogger Bash (not to mention subjecting himself to attending many of the shows I'm in, which is very cool for me but could be considered a violation of the 8th Amendment in some circles.)

He lists the mandatory minimum characteristics required for the rainforest idea to succeed:

Focus. . . .
Community-based. . . .
Logical location. . . .
Up-front financing. . . .
Business plans. . . .
Revenue streams. . . .
Realistic evaluation. . . .
I agree with the whole thing, including the one point that most pro-rainforest Iowans don't want to admit about the "location" issue:
Aquariums do best near oceans; Colonial Williams-burg in Williamsburg, Va. The Living History Farms, or Dubuque's Mississippi museum on the banks of that great river, gain significance from their location in Iowa. A rain forest does not.
Read the rest.

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