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Culver Attacks Earthpark Grant

WHO-TV13, Des Moines

October 25, 2006

[Note: This material is copyright by WHO-TV13, and is reproduced here as a matter of "fair use" for non-commercial, educational purposes only. Any other use may require the prior approval of WHO-TV13.]

Des Moines Iowa, October 25, 2006- Secretary of State Chet Culver would not support the use of public money in the construction of the Earthpark project in Pella. That according to Culver's campaign spokesman Brad Anderson. Culver along with Running mate Patty Judge appear in a new campaign ad criticizing a 50 million dollar federal grant for the Earthpark project. Culver's challenger in the race for Governor, Jim Nussle, supported the spending bill in Congress. Earthpark officials tell channel 13 that they regret that Culver decided to make the Earthpark project a campaign issue. They also remind Culver that the $50 million investment will create a $130 million return to the central Iowa economy each year. Culver's campaign says they support the project. However according to Anderson, the project should be built with private funds. "Now is the time to be fiscally responsible." Says Anderson.