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Speed skating oval on-time and on-budget

CKNW-AM980, Vancouver, B.C.

September 19, 2006

[Note: This material is copyright by CKNW-AM980, and is reproduced here as a matter of "fair use" for non-commercial, educational purposes only. Any other use may require the prior approval of CKNW-AM980.]

RICHMOND/CKNW(AM980) - Exactly one year after construction officially started on the speed skating oval for the 2010 Olympics in Richmond, we're being told the work is on-time and on-budget.

Despite on-going accusations of the numbers being fudged to appease taxpayers, the City's Ted Townsend says the 178-million dollar project will open on schedule, "We have just recently started the pile-driving on the site which will continue over the next few weeks and then, in October, we actually start pouring concrete for the foundation. We're on schedule to meet our commitment to VANOC which is that the oval will be open in time for the 2008-2009 speed skating season."

Townsend insists other costs related to the project, including transportation improvements, should be factored into the overall budget for the oval.