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Earthpark to locate in Pella

Iowa City Press-Citizen's Hawk Central

September 28, 2006

[Note: This material is copyright by the Press-Citizen, and is reproduced here as a matter of "fair use" for non-commercial, educational purposes only. Any other use may require the prior approval of the Iowa City Press-Citizen.]

Pella was selected today as the location for the $155 million indoor rainforest known as Earthpark.

Project board members met today to decide its location. Riverside and Pella were the two remaining communities in the running. Pella was chosen, board members said, because of its beautiful location and because the town is used to supporting tourism.

David Oman, director of the Earthpark Project, said, “[Pella] is one of our more unique communities. They have an understanding of tourism, and are comfortable with tourism.”

Earthpark architect Patrick Whaley said that he thought Pella would suit the project very well.

“I was really taken by its natural beauty. I think we might break the building up to a degree to really use the landscape.”

Oman said that Riverside had been notified of the decision before the afternoon press conference.

“I just spoke with Dan [Kehl, Riverside Casino CEO], and they wished us well. They are going to have many great years head with their new facility,” said Oman.

The Earthpark facility will be on 3.5 acres. 16 communities have been considered for the project with Coralville being the initial site under consideration.

The decision of where to locate Earthpark has been delayed since May.

Riverside Mayor Bill Poch said he actually felt a bit of relief when the decision was announced.

"We've been wondering what's going on, we're a bit sad they chose Pella. But we're glad for Pella," Poch said. "We'll just go right on with our daily lives. Riverside is in a good position."

Riverside's brand-new casino and resort was a big backer of getting Earthpark to Riverside, and the casino actually purchased about 100 acres of land with the intent of building Earthpark on it.

"Obviously we are disappointed. We were looking forward to having Earthpark here, and complementing our business." said casino CEO Dan Kehl. He said he hasn't decided yet what would happen to the 100 acres of land.

"We will decide what we're going to do, if anything, with the site," he said.