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Will Red Rock's beauty remain after Earthpark development?
John Pearson
Des Moines Register
October 12, 2006
[Note: This material is copyright by the Des Moines Register, and is reproduced here as a matter of "fair use" for non-commercial, educational purposes only. Any other use may require the prior approval of the Des Moines Register.]
Declaration of the area's beauty by the project promoters seems, at first blush, to be disarming, but I am still worried because the promoters appear to appreciate exactly one-half of the issue: the view of the lake from their development. I am worried about the view of their development from the lake.
Earthpark will be but one component of the larger Point at Red Rock development that will include condominiums, hotels, a shopping center, water park, marina and an area of commercial, retail and office buildings. Also parking lots - lots of parking lots. All the makings of urban sprawl along beautiful Red Rock Lake. The specter of the urbanization of yet another remnant of open space makes me anxious for the future of the lake as a refuge from the urban growth monster.
Hopefully, the developers will be sensitive to this issue and design with nature to blend into the topography and scenery. Hopefully, they will use the greenest construction methods to minimize their footprint on the landscape. Hopefully, the scenery at Red Rock Lake will remain beautiful.
Bobbing in the bay in my kayak, I watch, wonder and wait.
- John Pearson,