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Earthpark Debate in Riverside

KWWL-TV7, Waterloo, Iowa

August 3, 2006

[Note: This material is copyright by KWWL-TV7, and is reproduced here as a matter of "fair use" for non-commercial, educational purposes only. Any other use may require the prior approval of KWWL-TV7.]

Some city council members in the town of Riverside have serious questions about bringing an artificial indoor rain forest to their community.

We probably won't find out where Earthpark finally decides to locate until next month.

But Thursday night, city leaders here in Riverside took a real serious look at whether or not to support this project.

Most folks in Riverside are impressed with plans for a $155 million indoor rain forest and aquarium. Developers want to put it on land across the road from a new casino that opens later this month.

Earthpark Executive Director David Oman laid out project plans for the riverside city council one last time. Oman expects the project will have a $130 million a year economic impact on the area.  But council members still have plenty of questions...and concerns.

For the project to happen in riverside, the city must come up with $25 million. Riverside Casino and Golf Resort came forward with $12 million and suggested another $8 million come from the casino's non-profit group.  That leaves $5 million to be raised locally.  One council member says that's not possible.

The indoor rainforest was originally planned for Coralville, until Earthpark and city leaders failed to agree on a land deal.  David Oman does not want to commit to Riverside, and have something similar happen.

If Earthpark locates in Riverside, it's estimated more than two million tourists a year will make their way to the Eastern Iowa town.