In the Matter of
7 F.C.C.2d
122 (1967), 9 Rad. Reg. 2d (P & F) 687
January 25, 1967
[*122] The Commission, on January 25, 1967, with
Commissioners Cox and Johnson dissenting and issuing
statements, instructed the Chief, Broadcast Bureau, to act on various
renewal applications under his existing delegation of authority.
I wish to record my dissent to the renewal of certain AM radio stations
-- some already renewed, a few being renewed at this time, and some to be
renewed in the future, if and when other difficulties are resolved.
Some of these are stations whose license periods expired on December 1,
1966. My dissent was noted at that time, with the indication that I would file
my views at a later time. Due to the pressure of other matters another renewal
period has expired before my dissent could be drafted. Since my reasons are
essentially the same for the two groups, I will discuss only the February 1,
1967, renewals now before us, simply noting in the footnote n1 below the
December renewals to which I dissented, grouped according to my major objection
to their program proposals.
n1 (a) Because of inadequate news programming:
WAAA, WGTL, WGIV, WESC, WTHB, WAAK; (b) because of inadequate public affairs
WAIR, WCNF, WHNC, WAAK, WKIX; (c) because of inadequate aggregate time for
public affairs and other (agricultural, religious, and instructional)
stations, more than one reason is given.)
The February 1 renewals about which I have question involve the same
issues as did those of December 1 -- on their face, they appear to reflect too
little service in the informational and inspirational areas and too great a
concentration on entertainment and, in some cases, perhaps, sports. Certainly,
the amount of proposed news and other (agricultural, religious, and
instructional) programming is minimal. There may be sound reasons for this in
individual cases, or it may be that the renewal applications of some of the
stations do not fairly reflect the service actually provided. I do not believe
we should renew -- as the majority has voted to do -- without making further
inquiry to determine whether these stations are, in fact, reasonably serving
the ascertainable needs of their communities.
Let us consider what we had before us when we acted on these renewals.
The applications filed showed the following:
[*123] One station (WGNP) proposes no news programs.
There stations (WDCJ, WAYR, WRHC) propose from 0.6 to 1.6 percent news.
n2 One station (WLEY) previously proposed 14.9
percent news and now proposes 10 percent. However, in its 1966 composite week
it broadcast only 0.6 percent news. Its present proposal is in a range which
raises no question, but I think it should have been queried -- and probably
designated for hearing -- on its failure to perform as promised.
Seven stations (WDCJ, WGNE, WGNP, WIVV, WMEN, WOCN, WONS) propose no
public affairs programs.
Six stations (WSBB, WKIZ, WJNO, WZEP, WYOU, WAXE) propose from 0.03 to
0.4 percent public affairs.
WSUN) propose from 0.6 to 0.9 percent public affairs.
One station (WOCN) proposes no public affairs or other (agricultural,
religious, instructional) programs.
Five stations (WSBB, WJNO, WFUN, WOKB, WZST) propose from 0.1 to 2.6
percent public affairs and other.
propose from 3 to 3.9 percent public affairs and other.
WONS, WKIZ, WMFJ, WNEL, WINT, WBOP) propose from 4 to 4.9 percent public
affairs and other.
I would like to treat each station individually, after considering its
full renewal application which may contain explanatory information not called
to our attention. However, time does not permit this, and I will have to deal
in generalities, with some particularization in a few cases. But I repeat that
the above is the only information before the majority when they voted to renew
the licenses of these stations. I think that these bare data call for inquiry
rather than routing renewal.
Consider the matter of news programming. Broadcasters talk very
persuasively -- and at length -- about their journalistic functions, and we
have licensed many stations for small communities on the representation that
there was a need for a local outlet for community expression, usually with
special emphasis on news and public affairs. WGNP is the only station assigned
to Indian Rocks Beach, Fla., a community of some 2,000 population near, but not
contiguous to, St. Petersburg. In its last renewal it proposed 3.9 percent
news, but in its 1966 composite week it broadcast none at all and it proposes
none for the future. This seems, on the surface, to raise a question of promise
versus performance which should be further explored. In addition, it would seem
likely that Indian Rocks Beach has a need for a local news service which is not
being met either by the stations or by the newspapers in Tampa-St. Petersburg.
Though I have not checked the record, I would suspect that the original
application for the facility emphasized this need and what the station would do
to fulfill it. I do not believe this Commission should ratify, without further
inquiry, a program proposal submitted by the only station in a community and
making no provision for news.
WAYR is the only station assigned to Orange Park, Fla., a community
with a population of some 2,600, some 13 miles from downtown Jacksonville. In
fact, as far as I can determine, it is the only station [*124] in
Clay County, which has a population of about 20,000. It proposes to devote 1.4
percent of a typical week to news. As a daytimer it has varying hours, so it is
perhaps better to talk about it on an hourly basis. Thus considered, the
station represents that it will present 0.84 of a minute of news per hour, with
no allowance of any time for a morning or evening news roundup of, say, 10 or
15 minutes. In fact, if we assume a day on which the station was broadcasting
for 13 hours, its total news time would be less than 11 minutes for the whole
day. And I think this kind of a representation says something about the kind of
news the station will present. It would hardly seem likely that so minimal an
effort would be thought to justify any local news staff, in the sense of
someone whose major responsibility would be the gathering and presentation of news
of the community and county. I am afraid that the station's audience will not
only get very little news, but that it will consist mostly of "rip, or
clip, and read" material.
WRHC is 1 of 10 AM stations assigned to Jacksonville (1 of which may
not be on the air yet). It proposed 1.6 percent news, or 0.96 of a minute per
hour. While it is true that the other stations no doubt provide a more
extensive news service, it seems to me that one of two things must be true.
Either this station has an audience which listens principally to its
programming and gets virtually no news, or its audience listens to its other
programs but turns to other stations for news. If the first, a segment of the
public is less informed than it should be as to news developments; if the
latter, the station is shirking part of its responsibility and letting other
stations in the community bear the cost of providing the people of Jacksonville
with radio news. I think neither alternative is a desirable one. I have not
been able to check the revenue, expense, and other figures for all the stations
dealt with here, so may be criticizing some for doing things they can's
afford -- though the majority did not know this, if it is the case, when they
acted. However, I have checked on this station and it has substantial revenues
and produces what I would imagine most broadcasters would regard as a
satisfactory salary-profit figure. I do not think we should routinely renew a
station in these circumstances which proposes so little in the way of news. I
recognize that all these figures are minimum representations and that the
stations may intend to exceed them. However, they are all we have to go on and
I do not think we should accept nominal figures on the assumption that the
stations will do substantially better. WRHC represented in its last previous
renewal application that it would broadcast 4.9 percent news, but actually
presented only 2.9 percent in the 1966 composite week. It is, of course, now
proposing still less. It seems to me that it -- and I am afraid other stations
-- are downgrading their commitments in the more expensive and difficult, and
often less popular program categories because they feel the majority of the
Commission will not do anything about it. I think this represents abdication of
one of our major regulatory responsibilities.
Public affairs programs constitute another important aspect of
broadcast journalism. Broadcasters have claimed that many, many
[*125] small communities require stations which can discuss local affairs,
present local candidates, editorialize on local issues, and otherwise serve as
a means of local expression. The Commission has recognized this as an important
area of broadcast service. Yet here we have seven stations which propose no
programs of this type at all. This includes the only station in Arlington,
Fla., a community of 23,000 nearly adjacent to Jacksonville; the only station
in Indian Rocks Beach (discussed above); 1 of 2 stations in Panama City Beach,
Fla.; the only station on the island of Vieques, off Puerto Rico; and 2 of the
4 AM stations in Tallahassee, the capital of Florida. Certainly, these seem to
me situations in which we should inquire further before accepting total absence
of any programming in this important program category.
Another group of stations proposes from 0.03 to 0.4 percent in this
category. The former is virtually equivalent to no undertaking at all, and the
latter represents less than 22 minutes a week for a daytimer on an assumed
rough average of 13 hours per day, and only some 40 minutes per week for a
full-time station operating 24 hours a day. This still seems to me a grudging
contribution to the public's understanding of its problems -- especially when
it is noted that this includes one of the two AM stations in New Smyrna Beach,
Key West, De Funiak Springs, and Vero Beach.
The third category noted above includes stations with from 0.6 to 0.9
percent public affairs -- the latter figure representing only 91 minutes a week
for a 24-hour-a-day station, and much less, of course, for stations -- daytime
only or otherwise -- which operate on more limited schedules. This group
includes the only station in communities such as South Miami (which, of course,
receives service from Miami and Miami Beach, but was found deserving of a
station of its own), Immokalee (a town of over 3,000 population which is not
close to any larger community), Marathon (a community of over 3,000 in the
Florida Keys), and Winter Garden (a town of over 5,500 some 15 miles west of
Orlando), as well as 1 of the 2 stations in Sebring (a community of some 7,000
people which is not near any major community). I think we should inquire
further before accepting these proposals as a reasonable service to the
communities in question. n3
n3 From a late filing it appears that WSLC in
Clermont proposes to devote only 0.19 percent of its time to public affairs.
This means less than 10 minutes out of its weekly schedule of 87 hours, which
hardly seems adequate service in this important area by the only station in
this community of over 3,300 population.
In a statement attached to report No. 6064, issued July 8, 1966, I set
forth my reasons for dissenting to the renewal of the licenses of 19 AM or
combination AM-FM broadcast operations in New York and New Jersey because they
proposed to devote less than 5 percent of their time to the public affairs and
other categories. I made clear -- as I want to do here -- that it was quire
possible that the proposals could be justified, but that I was protesting the
routine grant of their applications without inquiring further into the matter.
I am of the same view with respect to the 30 stations listed above
which propose less than 5 percent public affairs and other (religious,
instructional, and agricultural) programming. I see no reason to restate
[*126] my earlier arguments, so am simply attaching them in an
appendix. However, I would note a few specifics as to these applications. WSBB,
one of two stations in New Smyrna Beach, proposes a total of 0.1 percent for four
of our seven program categories; WOKB, the only station in Winter Garden,
proposes 1.2 percent. Without explanation, this seems to me so ridiculously
inadequate that I cannot comprehend my colleagues' acquiescence without some
inquiry into the matter. WDCJ, the only station in Arlington, proposes 3.6
percent for these categories -- along with the 0.6 percent it proposes for news
-- which seems, again, to raise obvious questions.
Others of the stations in this category listed above propose a little
more in these areas, and in some instances they operate in markets with other
broadcast services -- but quite possibly more complex problems requiring
broadcast exposure and consideration. However, the proposals are still so
minimal as to require further investigation. A very hurried check indicates
that some of these stations are not profitable, which may explain some of the
programming deficiencies in question. If this is true, I think we should know
it, because such information might be of value to us in our overall regulation
of AM broadcasting. On the other hand, however, my check indicated that some of
these stations are producing quite satisfactory profits or other returns to
their owners, so that the need of finding other explanations for their program
policies is even clearer. So for these reasons -- and those more basic ones
stated in connection with New York-New Jersey renewals -- I think the
Commission should not renew these licenses without further inquiry.
WOCN is a special case. It originally proposed 100 percent entertainment,
but later amended to add 5.4 percent news programming. However, it still
proposes no public affairs, religious, instructional, or agricultural programs.
Apparently this station had in the past won some kind of approval for an
all-entertainment format, though I have no recollection of ever participating
in such a judgment. If so, I think this is an undesirable precedent. If all of
the other stations in Miami can claim the same privilege, I would think we
could expect a fairly general sloughing off of nonentertainment programming,
with consequent diminution in the service radio would provide to the community.
If the Commission has authorized this kind of programming on the grounds that
the station broadcasts especially meritorious musical programming and would not
permit other stations to devote nearly all their time to less meritorious
entertainment, I would think this would involve the majority in the kind of
subjective programming actions they normally avoid. Again, I do not think it is
sound policy to excuse a station -- even in a multistation market like Miami --
from any responsibility for public affairs or other programming, unless it be
shown that it has undertaken a corresponding obligation in some other area
aside from entertainment, sports, and perhaps news. I might agree that a
station could avoid responsibility for extensive religious programming if it
demonstrated that it was [*127] making a special effort in the area of
instructional programming. What bothers me about approving a very narrow
program format is that it may shift the burden of less popular and more
difficult or expensive programming to the remaining stations. I do not consider
this fair to the competing stations or in the interests of the radio audience
in the community.
For these reasons I dissent to the renewals in question, whether now or
hereafter granted.
I dissent to the renewal of the licenses of these stations without
further inquiry as to the adequacy of their service in the areas of public
affairs, agriculture, instruction, and religion. What I have to say applies
also to WBBF, Rochester, and WTLB, Utica, both in New York, and to WJRZ and
WVNJ, Newark, N.J. These four stations are not being renewed at this time
because of other deficiencies which will no doubt soon be resolved. However, I
believe the Commission should have directed letters to them as well as to the
stations listed above.
We have recently adopted a new AM-FM program from which is being used by
current renewal applicants to report the programming they propose to present
during the upcoming license period. Under more carefully drawn definitions,
applicants are asked to state the minimum amount of time they propose to devote
normally each week to "news," to "public affairs," and to
"all other programs, exclusive of entertainment and sports." This
latter grouping includes "religious," "agricultural,"
"instructional," and "other" programming.
A study of the applications filed by the June 1, 1966, renewal group
discloses that 19 AM stations propose to devote less than 5 percent of their
broadcast time to the "public affairs" and "other"
categories. In some cases other portions of the application seem to suggest
that these figures are too low, since reference is made to programming that
does not seem to fit into the time allotment indicated. If this is true, we
should write the stations to get the matter clarified.
However, if the figures given are accurate, this means that these
stations propose to spend as little as 21 minutes a day on such programming and
to devote from 95.4 to 98.5 percent of their broadcast time to
"entertainment," "news," and "sports." Certainly
these latter categories of programming serve the public interest and would be
expected to occupy a large percentage of the time of most stations. However,
the remaining categories so minimally represented in the proposed schedules of
these stations are also vitally important to the public. But they are far less
likely to be commercially salable than entertainment, news, and sports; are
often more difficult to develop and present; and generally attract smaller
audiences. In short, normal self interest and competitive pressures do not
serve to stimulate programming in these [*128] categories as well as
in the areas more likely to attract maximum audiences and advertiser support.
If broadcasting is not to drift into an ever-increasing concern for
ratings and profits -- and if broadcasters who would like to serve the full
range of interests and needs in their communities are not to be placed at an
intolerable disadvantage by their more materialistic competitors -- I believe
that the public, through its Government, must regularly review the performance
of those to whom it has entrusted the airwaves. I think this review should be
designed to see that certain very general minimum standards are maintained --
and that this can be done without violating the first amendment or section 326
of the Communications Act.
I am not prepared to say that all 19 of these stations are falling so
far short of their obligation to serve the public interest in the areas of
public affairs, religion, instruction, and agriculture that their licenses
should not eventually be renewed. But I am satisfied that they should not be
given renewals on the information new before us. I think we should make further
inquiry as to the basis for their determination that the minimal time proposed
will be sufficient to serve their communities' needs in these critical areas.
If the matter is then still in doubt, we should explore the question further in
local hearings. There may be valid reasons for the level of programming
proposed in some, or all, of these cases. But if, without determining this, we
simply accept whatever is proposed -- no matter how slight -- then this makes a
farce of the whole reporting and reviewing process.
Our new program form requires an applicant to state the methods used to
ascertain the needs and interests of the public served, to describe the
significant needs and interests he believes his station will serve during the
coming license period, and to list typical and illustrative programs (excluding
entertainment and news) which he plans to broadcast to meet those needs and
interests. To permit a renewal applicant to recite a long list of community
activities engaged in by his staff, to indicate that he concentrates on
"government, politics, and public affairs," or to refer to his
"dedication in the area of public affairs, documentary, and discussion
programs" -- as 2 of the 19 stations here in question do! -- and then to
accept without question a grudging 20 or 30 minutes a day as fulfilling his
obligation to serve his community's needs in these important areas seems to me
an abdication of our duty to the public whose interests we are charged to
This process should lead to the ascertainment of specific needs and to
the development of identifiable programs to serve those needs. We cannot say
that a licensee in a community faced with the typical problems of today has
either accurately measured the needs of his audience or adequately served them
if the end result is a schedule overwhelmingly devoted to entertainment and
sports, enriched in some cases by a competent, or even distinguished, news
service, but with only a crumb of time here and there to discuss and analyze
the problems reported in the news, or to bring the inspiration of religion
or [*129] the wisdom of its lay and clerical leaders to the public, or to
educate them concerning the arts, the sciences, new vocations, or leisure time
activities. Radio is now some 45 years old. Surely, it should strive to be --
with due allowance for the admitted need for a viable economic base --
something more than a jukebox, a ball park, and a news ticker. If it is permitted
to aim no higher than this, I think a vital resource for community service will
be squandered -- and this agency will be largely responsible for that result.
It will not do, I think, to wrap oneself in the first amendment and say
that broadcasters must be free to speak as they will. Let them speak, and let
them present others whom they believe to be qualified to speak -- but if none
of this speech is devoted to commentary on crucial problems of the day, or to
religious inspiration, or to instruction, or to service to the agricultural
audience (if the station has one), all this concern for freedom has a hollow
ring. I think objections to our consideration of the degree to which
broadcasters meet the needs of their communities arise more from a desire to be
free from the observance of standards of service which may restrict profits
than from a burning desire for freedom of expression. Surely, the licensees of
these stations can provide adequate time for these important community needs
and still have plenty of time for the broadcast of any message they may have
for their audiences.
I think it is ridiculous to argue that a broadcaster who has played
records, covered sports events, and presented news for more than 23 hours of
each day -- all commercially sponsored -- is being subject to an impairment of
his freedom to speak if someone inquires whether it would not better serve the
public interest, though perhaps not his private interest, if more than 25 or 30
minutes of the remaining hour could be devoted to public affairs, religion,
etc. No one proposes to tell him what issues he should discuss, what candidates
he should present, what religious services or other programs he should
broadcast, what subjects he should teach, or what special programs for the
agricultural audience he should offer. He is free to design his service in
these areas as he wishes -- but I do not think his right of free speech can be
equated with freedom to squeeze the last collar of profit from his use of his
publicly licensed channel by playing more records, presenting more sports, and
broadcasting more news. The public interest in such programming has presumably
been adequately served already -- certainly in relation to the attention given
to the other areas in which broadcasters have traditionally served their
audiences. I think the maintenance of minimum standards of service in these
often less-favored categories of programming actually promotes freedom of
expression, since they are precisely the ones which involve ideas and opinion.
I think that discharge of a broadcaster's obligations in these areas will
represent a more significant exercise of free expression than the playing of
another record!
I think it should be recognized that many stations do present
substantial amounts of programming in these categories. In this renewal group,
12 stations showed 15 percent or more of their time devoted to
[*130] these areas, and 6 of these devoted 20 percent or more of their
time to such programming. It, therefore, seems clear that an inquiry to the
stations here in question asking them to explain the basis for their proposals
would not be unreasonable. It is the contrary course of accepting, without
question, whatever they choose to offer the public which seems unreasonable to
me. I, therefore, dissent to the renewal of these licenses without further
I dissent from the almost complete lack of concern for the programming
performance and proposals of licensed stations the Commission evidences by this
It is appropriate that this Commission give attention to the painting
and location of antenna towers, and that it enforce licensees' compliance with
the engineering standards of frequency and power essential to an orderly
national system of broadcasting.
But to assume that such actions are the beginning and end of our
responsibility in licensing radio stations seems, to me, to ignore what the
broadcasting business and our statutory mandate are all about.
Broadcasting is programming. n1 It is probably the most powerful means
of mass communications man has ever turned loose upon himself. It gains its
power not from kilowatts but from content -- from its capacity to create and
contort the mind and spirit of a nation.
n1 As this Commission earlier put it: "It is generally recognized
that programming is of the essence of radio service." Programming Policy,
20 R.R. 1901, 1910 (1960).
Individual broadcasters operate and program at the pleasure of the
American people, as limited licensees of the public's airwaves. n2 Most
broadcasters of my acquaintance take this responsibility seriously -- as
conscientious citizens and as proud professional men, as well as in their
capacity as responsible FCC licensees.
n2 The Communications Act provides that
"no * * * license shall be construed to create any right, beyond the
terms, conditions, and periods of the license." 77 U.S.C. sec. 301 (1964).
And if any doubt could remain as to the meaning of this provision, the Supreme
Court has expressed itself unequivocally: "The policy of the act is clear
that no person is to have anything in the nature of a property right as a
result of the granting of a license. Licenses are limited to a maximum of 3
years' duration, may be revoked, and need not be renewed. Thus the channels
presently occupied remain free for a new assignment to another licensee in the
interest of the listening public." Federal Communications Comm'n v.
Sanders Bros. Radio Station, 309 U.S. 470, 476 (1940).
But this agency also has its responsibility: To renew the broadcasting
licenses of none but those licensees serving the public interest. n3 How can
that responsibility best be exercised with regard to the programming product of
the station owner?
n3 The Communications Act provides that,
"Upon the expiration of any license * * * a renewal of such license may be
granted * * * for a term of not to exceed 3 years * * * if the Commission finds
that public interest, convenience, and necessity would be served thereby."
47 U.S.C. sed. 307(d) (1964). And, as the court of appeals has recently
reminded us: "A broadcaster seeks and is granted the free and exclusive use
of a limited and valuable part of the public domain; when he accepts that
franchise it is burdened by enforceable public obligations. A newspaper can be
operated at the whim or caprice of its owners; a broadcast station cannot.
After nearly five decades of operation the broadcast industry does not seem to
have grasped the simple fact that a broadcast license is a public trust subject
to termination for breach of duty." United Church of Christ v. FCC, 359 F.
2d 994, 7 R.R. 2d 2001, 2010 (D.C. Cir. 1966).
[*131] I would be among the last to make hasty proposals as
to how the Commission’s responsibility can best be exercised. I would be among
the first to caution of the real dangers of governmental abridgment of our
freedoms of speech and press. Even had I the power to do so, I would be
disinclined to impose my personal standards of taste upon millions of American
listeners and viewers. Governmental previewing of all commercial radio and
television shows, or the prescribing of their program formats, is, quite
wisely, out of the question under our American system.
There are many paths open to a Commission in search of a responsible
and effective way to contribute to better programming in the public interest. The
alternatives need not be politically unrealistic, offensive to the broadcasting
establishment, or appear the hallmark of a "tough regulator." Indeed,
some proposals might even be seen by the industry as far preferable to what
they must now endure. I will suggest (without endorsement) some illustrative
possibilities a little later in this opinion.
It is even conceivable that rational analysis might lead a reasonable
man to conclude that the public interest in programming would be best served by
encouraging broadcasters to select those program formats that will create the
greatest possible advertising revenue. If that position -- held by some
broadcasters -- has now been endorsed by the present Commission majority, as it
appears to have been, I would prefer that we make this an explicit, public,
reasoned judgment rather than go through the motions of appearing to review
programming against a public-interest standard when in fact doing nothing of
the sort. n4
n4 The economic-administrative-esthetic rationale
for doing nothing about programming might run along these lines. The only
feasible way to administer standards of programming quality is in the
marketplace. Let the broadcaster program what he will. So long as (1) the
broadcaster seeks to maximize profit, (2) advertising revenue is based on size
of audience, and (3) a given market is served by competing stations, a station
owner must program to interest the public. ("The public interest is what
interests the public.") When his programming quality falls below a given
level, or commercial content rises too high, he will lose audience, his
advertising rates will decline, and ultimately he will be driven out of the
market and into bankruptcy. Moreover, to pose the conclusion from the either-or
logic of such advocates, "If we do not rely upon the diversity achieved by
affording these broadcasters a wide area of freedom and independence, then we
must rest our hopes for diversity, quality, and freedom entirely on the good
will and judgment of the seven men comprising a Government Commission."
Loevinger, "The Issues in Program Regulation." 20 Fed'l
Communications B.J. 3, 15 (1966).
The legal rationale is that, "an attempt to impose any regulatory
standard on programming * * * is not content-neutral and is inconsistent with
the first amendment" (ibid.). See also Lee Roy McCourry, 2 R.R. 2d 895,
898 (1964) (Commissioner Loevinger dissenting); Television Program Forms, 8
R.R. 2d 1512, 1524 (1966) (Commissioner Loevinger dissenting); Loevinger,
"Religious Liberty and Broadcasting," 33 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 631
(1965); Kalven and Rosenfield, "Minow Should Watch His Step in the
Wasteland," Fortune, Oct. 1962, p. 116, reprinted in, 3A O'Neil.
"Government Regulation of Radio and Television," 450 (mimeo.
materials, Univ. Calif. (Berkeley) 1966). Yet one must note that the inquiry
into program content can on occasion go pretty far before those who hold to
this view find it applicable in a given case. Pacifica Foundation, 1 R.R. 2d
747, 752 (1964). ("We find, therefore, that the programming matters raised
with respect to the Pacifica renewals pose no bar to a grant of renewal.")
But the Commission can do nothing until it is willing to alter its
present complacent and comfortable hear-no-evil, see-no-evil slouch in front of
the radio and television sets of America.
The matter presently before the Commission would appear to be
relatively routine -- if the staff and majority's response is any indication.
In fact, that is the heart of the problem. The FCC's Broadcast
[*132] Bureau is about to issue renewal licenses to 206 standard
broadcast stations in Florida, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands for 3-year
terms beginning February 1, 1967. Whether the authority to issue the renewals
has been delegated by the Commission to the Bureau is unclear. n5 In any event,
the Bureau feels compelled to report its actions to the full Commission and
await word that its report has been noted before issuing the licenses. The
Commission has duly noted the report and the licenses will issue.
n5 The Bureau may renew licenses if, among
other things, the applicants "accord with Commission policy and
standards." 47 C.F.R. sec. 0.281(a)(1) (1966).
The Commission's current ambivalence, born of the conflict between
authority and inaction, is revealed in the searching questionnaire which each
renewal applicant must fill out, but which is then put to little if any useful
purpose whatsoever by the Commission. Each applicant for renewal must indicate
what proportion of his programming he proposes for a number of categories, such
as news, public affairs, and "other" (meaning agricultural,
religious, and instructional). Those applicants whose proposals the staff
thinks might concern individual Commissioners are singled out for attention in
the Bureau's report.
Let us examine for a moment. Because Commissoner Cox has provided in
his opinion a very thorough and useful analysis of these applicants'
programming a summary will be adequate for my present purposes.
In the group whose applications for renewal the Commission now
Two stations propose no news programming whatsoever.
Seven propose no public affairs programming -- a total of 23 conceding
they plan less than 1 percent.
A total of 88 stations plan to spend less than 5 percent of their time
on all "other" (agricultural, religious, and instructional)
programming combined.
And note that these are "just promises." Promises that
licensees can assume will be ignored by this Federal regulatory commission
(judging by today's action). For the report also shows that although only 23
stations (over 10 percent of the group of 206) presently intend to program less
than 1 percent "public affairs" during 1967, for the year 1966 not
23, but 49 of the 206 fell below this standard. n6
n6 Statistics aside, if the Commission will
renew licenses of stations which propose no public affairs programming, or a de
minimis amount, it is hard to see why any licensee would feel himself bound to
present any programming in this vitally important area.
What is the point of pretending this is anything other than the total
abdication of Commission responsibility that must be obvious to any casual
observer? n7 The point, of course, is that millions of Americans are reassured
in the belief that there is an FCC in Washington, [*133] reassured
in the assumption that the Federal Government is insisting the public's
airwaves be operated in the public interest. The point is that, through
inaction, the Government enables the occasional irresponsible broadcaster to
walk the streets of his community with head high. Each licensee can be
self-confident in the satisfaction that on his studio wall hang, side by side,
two framed imporimaturs: The Seal of Good Practice of his industry association,
and a license from his Federal Government. The existence of the FCC, like other
governmental agencies, creates a sense of security and complacency for the
citizenry, snug in its assumption that there is effective regulation. So
assuming, it does not demand more.
n7 Though scarcely a "casual
observer," at least one U.S. court of appeals has reached a similar
conclusion: "The theory that the Commission can always effectively
represent the listener interests in a renewal proceeding * * * is one of those
assumptions we collectively try to work with so long as they are reasonably
adequate. When it becomes clear, as it does to us now, that it is no longer a
valid assumption which stands up under the realities of actual experience,
neither we nor the Commission can continue to rely on it." United Church
of Christ v. FCC, 359 F. 2d 994, 7 R.R. 2d 2001, 2010-11 D.C. Cir. 1966). Prof.
Louis Jaffe has noted that "There are many persons * * * who feel that
neither the industry nor the FCC can be trusted to protect the listener
interest." Jaffe, "Standing to Secure Judicial Review: Private
Actions," 75 Harv. L. Rev. 255, 284 (1961).
Ultimately, of course, responsible regulators must formulate useful and
appropriate procedures for Commission evaluation of programming in the public
interest. In devising such procedures one would hope for means that are
effective, appropriate, legal, fully considerate of the owner's investment and
professional experience, and fully representative of local interests. But so
long as we do that, the method we choose is in no sense as important as that we
stop abiding the foolishness that section 326 renders us impotent. n8
n8 Sec. 326 of the Communications Act provides
in pertinent part: "Nothing * * * shall give the Commission the power of
censorship over * * * radio communications * * * and no regulation * * * shall
interfere with the right of free speech * * *." 47 U.S.C. sec. 326 (1964).
Other sections of the act, its legislative history, prior Commission action,
relevant court opinions, and the thoughtful comment in the literature would
appear to suggest the inappropriateness of arguing this provision prohibits any
Commission involvement in programming review. See, e.g., Programming Policy, 20
R.R. 1901 (1960), and authorities and analysis in Rosenbloom, Authority of the
Federal Communications Commission," in "Freedom and Responsibility
and Broadcasting," 96 (Coons ed. 1961), and Barrow, "The Attainment
of Balanced Program Service in Television," 52 Va. L. Rev. 633, 644 n. 45
(1966). But see note 4, supra.
I agree with Commission Cox that -- given the Commission's present
standards and procedures and the past promises of these 206 licensees -- the
licenses of some of the broadcasters presently before us
[*134] ought not to be renewed without further examination. n9 I am much
less certain, however, that the prescription of programming categories is
necessarily the best long-range, overall approach for this Commission to take. n10
Local conditions do vary. This variance, this diversity, is at the heart of the
greatness of America -- and its broadcasting system. It may be as foolish for a
New York City station to carry farm news as it would be irresponsible for a
rural Iowa station not to.
n9 Simply in terms of presently applicable
statutes and Commission decisions, a station operator is not entitled to retain
his license when he operates the station without regard to local needs and
interests or the basic purposes for which radio licenses are issued. The
Commission has previously made this amply clear. It has stated in its 1960
report regarding Programming Policy, 20 R.R. 1901, 1909, that, "The
Commission may not grant, modify, or renew a broadcast station license without
finding that the operation of such station is in the public interest. Thus,
faithful discharge of its statutory responsibilities is absolutely necessary in
connection with the implacable requirement that the Commission approve no such
application for license unless it finds that 'public interest, convenience, and
necessity would be served'." This "implacable requirement"
includes at least the assurance that a licensee will properly devote his
station to the development of an informed public opinion and that he will make
a reasonable effort to ascertain and meet local programming needs.
With respect to the first of these elements, the
Commission stated as follows in its Report on Editorializing by Broadcast
Licensees, adopted in 1949, 14 R.R. 3055, at 3056: "It is axiomatic that
one of the most vital questions of mass communication in a democracy is the
development of an informed public opinion through the public dissemination of
news and ideas concerning the vital public issues of the day. Basically, it is
in recognition of the great contribution which radio can make in the
advancement of this purpose that portions of the radio spectrum are allocated
to that form of radio communications known as radio broadcasting.
Unquestionably, then, the standard of public interest, convenience, and
necessity as applied to radio broadcasting must be interpreted in the light of
this basic purpose. The Commission has consequently recognized the necessity
for licensees to devote a reasonable percentage of their broadcast time to the
presentation of news and programs devoted to the consideration and discussion
of public issues of interest in the community served by the particular
On the other basic aspect of public service
(ascertainment and service of local needs), the
Commission stated in the 1960 report, at 1912: "The confines of the
licensee's duty are set by the general standard 'the public interest,
convenience, or necessity.' The initial and principal execution of that
standard, in terms of the area he is licensed to serve, is the obligation of
the licensee. The principal ingredient of such obligation consists of a
diligent, positive, and continuing effort by the licensee to discover and
fulfill the tastes, needs, and desires of his service area. If he has
accomplished this, he has met his public responsibility. It is the duty of the
Commission, in the first instance, to select persons as licensees who meet the
qualifications laid down in the act, and on a continuing basis to review the
operations of such licensees from time to time to provide reasonable assurance
to the public that the broadcast service it receives is such as its direct and
justifiable interest requires." The entire licensing and allocation system
is based upon the public value of local facilities serving local needs -- among
which, it is universally agreed, the dissemination of information on public
affairs ranks high.
Accordingly, it seems to me the Commission has
no alternative but to designate for hearing the license renewal of any station
which proposes no time, or patently insubstantial amounts of time, for news
programs, public affairs programs, or other nonentertainment programming coming
under the heading of agricultural, religious, and instructional. The same
conclusion would flow, of course, with respect to any station whose past
performance indicates such a programming policy. Such action by the Commission
does not deprive the licensee of his continuing responsibility to make the
initial programming judgments. It does deprive the licensee of the power to
make such judgments arbitrarily and without regard to the public interest he is
licensed to serve. This is the Commission's own "implacable" duty. I
thus agree with Commissioner Cox that -- given the Commission's present
standards and procedures and the past promises of these 206 licensees -- the
licenses of some of the broadcasters presently before us ought not to be
renewed without further examination.
n10 For example, programming categories (1) are
extraordinarily broad, and are incapable of meaningful impact on the character
and quality of programs; (2) fail to distinguish between relative impact of
programming in terms of, for example, the time of day the programming is
scheduled; (3) are accompanied by inadequate procedures for obtaining (and
meaningfully reviewing) a record of stations' actual programming logs, let
alone content; (4) often fail to take account of the local role of
broadcasting, and variation in programming needs, desires, and service (for
example, coverage of sponsored local high school sports, or other events, may
be a form of public service in some communities); (5) do not distinguish the multiple-station,
special-service market from the single-station market, and, of course, (6) are
not subject to meaningful enforcement by the Commission when substantial
discrepancies are found between proposals and performance. And see Lee Roy
McCourry, 2 R.R. 2d 895, 898 (1964) (Commissioner Loevinger dissenting).
Nevertheless, it may well be this approach, adequately refined, is the most
effective and administratively practical solution.
Moreover, the number of stations in a community are relevant in evaluating
the programming of each. Presumably, most people would agree that Broadcasters
in one- or two-station markets should program a wide variety of services --
including a substantial amount of news and public affairs. In the major
markets, where 10 or 20 stations may be available, the listener may be able to
receive an "all news" station, the networks' news and other
programming, and a "community" or "educational" station
providing treatment of local issues. Considering the programming available to
such a community as a whole, it may be that little harm is done by other
stations providing mostly talk shows, classical music, or rock-and-roll. n11
But these are not the extremes we deal with today.
n11 I appreciate that the matter may not be
quite this simple. In the first place, it may be that (a) most radio listeners
do, in fact, have one favorite station which they listen to virtually all of
the time, and that (b) this ought to be relevant to the Commission. (It is
also, of course, quite possible that neither is true.) If that is the case,
perhaps may be that there is no administrative feasible way to achieve balance
in the total radio programming within a major market without holding each
station to the same standard. So long as "market forces" tend to produce
"balanced programming" in a given metropolitan area there is, of
course, no problem. But what if they do not? Assuming that some program formats
are more expensive than others, how is the Commission to decide which what if
they do not? Assuming that some station owner is to bear the greater financial
[*135] Perhaps, rather than devising a more effective role
for the FCC, we (and the broadcasting industry) should welcome greater public
participation in program judgments. n12 Would some well-publicized,
community-wide local hearings into the public service of selected radio
stations -- like those in Chicago and Omaha for television stations -- be
useful at the time of license renewals? Should we provide more meaningful
opportunity for applicants competing for those stations doing least well in
serving their communities? Should we make efforts to encourage more
letter-writing from the public to the FCC and the broadcasters? Could ratings
services, or other polling techniques, be turned to better advantage? Should we
provide more precise procedures to be used by broadcasters in surveying the
programming needs of the communities they serve? Would it be useful for
someone, perhaps the broadcasters themselves, to identify the most important
issues confronting the communities involved and the broadcasters' response to
those issues? Could periodic, publicized, transcribed, "open-mike"
programs, inviting public comment on the station's service, be turned to useful
purpose? In polling public opinion, how can we gather information about
possible listener and viewer preference for the kinds of alternative
programming they are not now receiving and have not experienced?
n12 "[Individual] citizens and the
communities they compose owe a duty to themselves and their peers to take an
active interest in the scope and quality of the television service which
stations and networks provide and which, undoubtedly, has a vast impact on
their lives and the lives of their children." FCC, "Television
Network Program Procurement." H.R. Rept. No. 281, 88th Cong., 1st sess.,
20 (1963). To which the court of appeals has added, "Taking advantage of
this 'active interest in the * * * quality' of broadcasting rather than
depending on governmental initiative is also desirable in that it tends to cast
governmental power, at least in the first instance, in the more detached role
of arbiter rather than accuser." United Church of Christ v. FCC, 359 F. 2d
994, 7 R.R. 2d 2001, 2010 (D.C. Cir. 1966).
Another area of potential Commission activity with significant impact
on programming diversity, if not quality, are regulations of the often
anticompetitive and restrictive practices surrounding program creation,
procurement, and distribution by networks and others.
The creation and support of noncommercial, experimental, educational,
"public television" represents another area of potential Commission
activity affecting the quality and variety of programming fare received by
America's listeners and viewers. n13
n13 "President's Message on Health and
Education," 113 Cong. Rec., S2677, S2679 (daily ed. Feb. 28, 1967).
Such observations are certainly not exhaustive or dispositive, and some
may not even be relevant. But even this brief survey is sufficient to suggest
the magnitude and depth of issues and alternatives that must be explored. n14
n14 Certainly I am very mindful of the
complexity and sensitivity of the issues involved. Many wise, experienced, and
responsible men have struggled with them in the past; undoubtedly many more
will do so in the years to come. Any judgments or even concerns which I express
now are, of course, tentative. But the problems are so central to the FCC's
effective and meaningful functioning that I believe it useful for Commissioners
to state their positions from time to time -- whatever they may be. My
predecessors and colleagues followed this practice, and I have chosen this
occasion to do so. Obviously, the issues warrant far more from a Commissioner
than the cursory initial comments I have set forth in this opinion. Hopefully,
in the months and years to come, I may be able at least to participate in the
kind of more substantial contribution I have called for.
[*136] Two conclusions are clear. First, there are many
courses open to us that could vastly improve broadcasting and its vital role in
our society without engaging in the fruitless debate about possible censorship
that leaves us divided and motionless. Second, within the experience of this
Commission, America's great broadcasting industry, and its thoughtful students
and critics, simply must lie viable alternatives to the abdication of
responsibility evidenced by the Commission's approach to the renewals approved