Docket No. 17295
13 F.C.C.2d 874; 13 Rad. Reg. 2d (P
& F) 1691
July 17, 1968 Adopted
[*874] 1. A Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in the above-captioned matter was
released on March 20, 1967, and was published in the Federal Register on March
24, 1967 (FCC 67-320, 32 F.R. 4501). By its Order, released April 25, 1967, the
Commission granted an extension of time in which to file comments. In the Notice, the Commission proposed to
amend its rules governing stations in the Maritime Services to provide, in the
band 156-162 Mc/s, for the transition from a channel spacing of 50 kc/s to 25
kc/s, including changes in technical standards, allotment of available
channels, modification of existing or establishment of new definitions of types
of communication, establishment of dates for effecting the changeover, and for
availability of the new channels.
2. Comments were filed by: American Merchant Marine
Institute, Inc. (AMMI), American Telephone & Telegraph Co. (A.T. & T.),
Bendix Marine Division (Bendix), F. Ritter Shumway, Harbor Carriers of the
Association (PASA),
3. In the Notice the Commission set forth the
objectives of its two-part program to effect improvement in radiotelephony and
safety communications in the maritime mobile service. This two-part program involves substantial changes in the rules
in regard to, as the first part, the band 156-162 Mc/s to which this Report and
Order relates; and, as the second part, the band 2000-2850 kc/s. The nature of the maritime mobile service
communication problem and the method of use of the frequencies in the two bands
make it necessary to jointly consider the two bands. This is briefly amplified in paragraph 5, below.
4. Changes in the rules relating to use of VHF
are set forth in the following paragraphs; the proposals applicable to the band
2000-2850 kc/s will be treated in a separate proceeding.
5. In brief, the number of frequencies at 2
Mc/s, even after conversion to single sideband are and will be insufficient to handle
the quantity of communication generated by vessels presently equipped with
radio. Further deterioration of this
situation is inevitable due to the rapid growth in number of recreational
vessels; the number of licensed vessels is increasing at the rate of 1,000 per
month. Many of these vessels confine
their operations to within VHF range of shore and do not require communications
over distances as great as that obtainable from 2 Mc/s, under conditions where
interference and congestion are not controlling. With respect to the useful communication range of VHF as compared
to 2 Mc/s, it has been shown n1 that the
normal communications range of 2 Mc/s, in the absence of congestion and
interference, is substantially greater than that of VHF. There, relative wave propagation
characteristics in no way detract from satisfaction of the communication needs
of recreational vessels. To the
contrary, these characteristics can and should be employed to provide relief to
the current congestion and interference on 2-Mc/s frequencies. The Commission is, therefore, specifying the
following order of priority in availability of VHF and 2 Mc/s: Shorter distance
communication may be satisfied through use of VHF; and longer distance
communication, beyond the useful range of VHF, may be satisfied through use of
2 Mc/s. In the view of the Commission,
considering the complex nature of the problem here involved, the application of
this order of priority is essential to improvement and future development of
maritime mobile service communications and the radio safety system of that
n1 "Comparison of the Theoretical
Range of 2182 kc/s and 156 MHz Voice Communication Over Sea Water and Fresh
Water," by George W. Haydon, ESSA.
6. Two of the comments, one filed by F. Ritter
Shumway, who represented himself as the operator of a 55-foot motor sailer
operating entirely in the Great Lakes, and the second filed by the River
Operations Committee, composed of operating personnel from the major common
carriers on the Mississippi River system and tributaries, expressed objections
to the Commission's proposals. Sumway presented as his primary objection the
date of January 1, 1971, when the new regulations would be mandatory for all
VHF-FM transmitters in the maritime mobile service. He stated as an opinion that it would seem [*876]
advisable to require all equipment sold after 1970 to be capable of
conversion to narrow band operation but that conversion should not be required
until a date "well in the future," such as 1977. Shumway also had reservations concerning the
ability of the pleasure boatman to keep highly sophisticated equipment in
operation. Thirdly, he was concerned that the
7. The rationale followed by the Commission in
developing the technical specifications for the VHF-FM 25-kc/s channeling
system, including the dates for implementation, are developed elsewhere in this
Report. One additional objection
presented by Shumway, however, has been treated implicitly; i.e., channel
spacing of 30 kc/s should be adopted rather than 25 kc/s. Shumway stated from the viewpoint of cost it
is essential to use land mobile equipment which has the 30-kc/s channel
spacing. He stated further his
understanding that reduction of spacing from 30 kc/s to 25 kc/s involves
substantial technical problems including circuits and components which, in his
language, "will defeat a part of the very stated purpose of the FCC * *
*." The possibility of using 30-kc/s channeling was considered, and a
30-kc/s channeling system would work. The loss of new channels at 30 kc/s would
not alone have caused the Commission to decide in favor of 25-kc/s channels;
however, international agreement has been reached on 25kc/s channeling. In addition, the transitional period with
50- and 30-kc/s operation in the band would have posed very serious operational
problems which are avoided by the program adopted. Our understanding of the position presented by the manufacturers
also does not indicate unreasonable problems in developing and marketing
25-kc/s transmitting equipment. With
respect to Shumway's concern about the more sophisticated equipment necessary
for 25-kc/s channels, we note that satisfactory narrow band equipment has been
available on the market for some time and that the industry is generally
considered to be capable of producing satisfactory marine equipment.
8. The River Operations Committee feels that
river operations on the
9. It is recognized that all operational
requirements are not identical. The needs in the rivers are not the same as in
10. Several of the comments (AMMI, A.T. &
T., International, LCA,
11. The NPBOA requested the Commission to amend
the rules to facilitate use of VHF by a category of vessels which carry
passengers for hire, the area of operation of which is restricted by the U.S.
Coast Guard to within 20 miles from a harbor or refuge, and whose
communications come under part III of title III of the Communications Act of
1934, as amended. No opposing views
were filed. These communications come under part III of title III of the
Communications Act of 1934, as amended.
No opposing views were filed.
These vessels currently employ double sideband (DSB) radiotelephony on
frequencies of 2 Mc/s. Their
communication requirement could be satisfied through use of VHF and, at such
time as conversion of 2 Mc/s to single sideband (SSB) becomes mandatory, would
prefer to employ VHF. In this comment
it was pointed out that the shift of these vessels to VHF, when conversion to SSB
becomes mandatory, would contribute to the reduction of congestion on 2-Mc/s
frequencies. Additionally, it was
pointed out that by converting from DSB to VHF, on or about January 1, 1971,
this category of vessel could eliminate many of the complications arising from
the conversion from DSB to SSB.
12. The Commission concurs that the shift of
these vessels to VHF, instead of to SSB, would have the stated effect of
reducing congestion and would reduce the complications of the vessel operators
during the period of conversion. In
addition, the communications service obtained by the vessel operators on VHF
would probably be improved over that obtained with DSB at 2 Mc/s. Such vessels, when carrying passengers for
hire, would meet the criteria contained in the definition on "Commercial
Communications" and would, therefore, employ the [*878] frequencies allotted for "Commercial
Communications." The use of VHF by these vessels is currently permitted by
section 83.514(a) of the rules, where they are never more than 20 miles from a
public coast station. This limitation
in the current rules was adopted prior to implementation by the U.S. Coast
Guard of its nationwide system of VHF.
Inasmuch as the intent of section 83.514(a) can be equally fulfilled by
communication capability with these U.S. Coast Guard stations, the Commission
has adopted the amendment of section 83.514(a).
13. In connection with establishing 156.80 Mc/s
as the VHF distress, safety, and calling channel, the NPMRC recommended that
the rules be amended to:
Require that all VHF limited coast stations, other than Marine Utility
stations, maintain, transmit and receive capability on 156.80 Mc/s; and
Prohibit calling on any frequency available for internship working unless it is
known that the called ship maintains a simultaneous watch on such internship
working frequency and on 156.80 Mc/s. In the view of the Commission, such
action is in accord with the objective of establishing 156.80 Mc/s as a
national distress frequency. This
comment is, thus, directly responsive to the Notice. No opposing comments were filed.
The consequence of amendment of the rules as proposed, relative to
vessels which use VHF, will be to minimize the number which do not guard 156.80
Mc/s, increase the guard on 156.80 Mc/s, reduce the probability that calls will
go unheard, and, thus, improve the effectiveness of 156.80 Mc/s as the national
VHF distress frequency. Further,
amendment of the rules as recommended will be in accord with the Commission's
decision (docket No. 16082) to support the ITU principles of a compatible
system and the "calling-working" frequency concept of communications
in the VHF maritime mobile service band.
The recommendation, when implemented, will provide needed improvement in
the maritime radio safety system.
14. It is apparent that the first recommended
rule change will have impact upon those VHF limited coast station licensees
currently authorized to operate on VHF frequencies, but which do not now provide
transmit and receive capability on 156.80 Mc/s. The second recommended rule change is procedural insofar as it
applies to vessels equipped with multi-channel VHF transmitters and receivers,
since it is believed all multi-channel VHF equipment includes the frequency
156.80 Mc/s.
15. For the above reasons, the Commission is
adopting these two recommendations and has amended the rules to impose these
requirements effective March 1, 1969.
16. In the Notice the Commission proposed that
the channel designators for the new interspaced channels (intermediate between
existing 50-kc/s channels) be composed of (a) the number of the next lower
channel, followed by (b) the letter "A" or "B." Thus, the
interspaced channel between channels 5 and 6 was designated channel "5A";
the [*879] interspaced channel between
channels 6 and 7 was designated "6A," etc.
17. The WARC, on the other hand, agreed to a
different system of channel designators in which the interspaced channels
start, at the low frequency end of the band, with the channel designator 60 and
stop, at the high frequency end of the band, with channel designator 88. The two new channels at 156.75 and 156.85
Mc/s, derived from reduction of the guard bands on either side of 156.80 Mc/s
were designated as channels 15 and 17, respectively. The reduced guard bands on either side of 156.80 Mc/s were
designated as 75 and 76.
18. From the point of view of
19. In regard to the frequency tolerance, in the
band 156-162 Mc/s, to be applied to ship station VHF transmitters for operation
with a channel spacing of 25 kc/s, the Commission proposed in its Notice a
tolerance of 0.001 percent (10 parts per million), or one-half of the tolerance
currently applicable for a channel spacing of 50 kc/s. Of the 28 comments filed, only seven parties
n2 directed comments to the value of
tolerance to be applied. Of the seven
commenting, five n3 supported the Commission's
proposal. Two n4 expressed the view that a tolerance of 0.0005
percent (five parts per million) should be applicable, paralleling the
tolerance of 0.0005 percent which is currently applicable to the land mobile
n2 A.T. & T., AWO, Konel, Kaar,
n3 AWO Kaar Konel,
n4 A.T. & T., Tug Com.
20. As between a tolerance of 0.001 percent and
that of 0.0005 percent, the requirement in the VHF maritime services is for an
equipment that has multi-channel capability.
In the land mobile service, the majority of current equipment is single
frequency. While it is technically
possible and within the state of the art to produce a multi-channel equipment
which will maintain a tolerance which is equal to, or which is substantially
"tighter" than 0.0005 percent, no information is available to indicate
this is economically feasible for practical equipments in the maritime mobile
service. On the basis of information
available to the Commission, there would be economic hardship from the
requirement that multi-channel ship station equipment in the VHF maritime
mobile service conform to the same frequency stability as single frequency
equipment in the land mobile service.
Since a major objective of this rulemaking is to facilitate increased
usage of VHF by both commercial and noncommercial vessels, the Commission is
amending its rules to provide for ship stations operating in this band a
frequency stability of 0.001 percent (10 parts per million).
21. In regard to the frequency tolerance, in the
band 156-162 Mc/s, to be applied to coast station VHF transmitters for
operation with a channel spacing of 25 kc/s, the Commission proposed in its
NPRM a [*880] tolerance of 0.00025 percent (2.5 parts per million). Of the 28 comments filed, only five n5 parties directed comments to the value of tolerance
to be applied to coast station transmitters.
Of the five parties commenting, one n6
supported 0.00025 percent, two suggested n7
0.0005 percent, and two n8 suggested 0.001 percent. Of these five companies, two n9 were operating licensees (one favored 0.0005 percent
and the other 0.00025 percent) and three n10
were manufacturers (two favored 0.001 percent and the other 0.0005 percent).
n5 Kaar, Konel,
n7 Kaar, Tug Com.
n8 Konel, RCA.
n10 Kaar, Konel, RCA.
22. With increased usage of VHF, a large number
of current and future short-distance communication requirements can and should
be fulfilled with a coast station transmitter output power of 3 w or less. Since the interference-creating capability
at this power level is low, a tolerance of 0.001 percent is adopted. On the other hand, the interference-creating
capability will be maximum at output power levels above 100 w. The Commission is, therefore, adopting a
tolerance of 0.00025 percent for coast station transmitter output powers above
100 w. For the remaining transmitters,
operating with output powers between 3 and 100 w, inclusive, the Commission is
adopting a tolerance of 0.0005 percent.
The adopted frequency tolerance versus output power are set forth in the
following table.
tolerance Transmitter output
power (watts) Percent Parts per
million (10 n6)
3 0.001 10
3 to
100 .0005 5
100 .00025 2.5
23. In regard to the dates on which the above ship
and coast station frequency tolerances become effective, the Commission
proposed in the Notice that the new tolerances be brought into force,
applicable to all VHF ship and coast station transmitters, on January 1, 1971. In the comments filed, it was argued that a
longer period should be provided.
Accordingly, the requested adjustment has been made, as follows:
Ship Stations. -- The tolerance of 0.001 percent is applicable to types of
transmitters type accepted after March 1, 1969, and to all ship station VHF
transmitters after January 1, 1974. A
tolerance of 0.002 percent is applicable until January 1, 1974, to types of VHF
ship station transmitters type accepted prior to March 1, 1969. The Commission intends to withdraw type
acceptance for all VHF ship station transmitters which are not type accepted
for a tolerance of 0.001 percent on January 1, 1974.
[*881] Frequency Deviation
24. The Commission proposed that on January 1, 1968,
all VHF radiotelephony transmitters, operated in the band 156-162 Mc/s in the
maritime mobile service, reduce the (modulation) frequency deviation from +-15
kc/s to +-5 kc/s. A substantial number
of the comments filed urged that a decision be postponed until the results of
consideration at the WARC were available.
In view of the reasonable nature of the request, no action was taken to
implement this proposed requirement and the date of January 1, 1968, has passed.
25. The results of the WARC in regard to the
integral steps for transition from a channel spacing of 50 kc/s to 25 kc/s are
now available. These integral steps
Increase ("tightening") of frequency tolerance from 20 parts to 10
parts per million;
Improved receiver selectivity for operation with a channel spacing of 25 kc/s;
Reduction of (modulation frequency deviation from +-15 kc/s to +-5 kc/s .
26. The matter of "tightening" of
frequency tolerance is treated separately in other paragraphs in this Report
and Order.
27. Many of the comments filed discussed various
difficulties with VHF receiving equipment during the transition period. In that regard, the situation existing
nationally closely parallels the international situation. The WARC discussed in detail the various
conditions which will arise during the transition in frequency deviation from
+-15 kc/s to +-5 kc/s. The WARC
recognized that the wide latitude of different operational conditions could not
be adequately satisfied by a single solution.
It, therefore, did not develop a specific procedure for effecting the
reduction of frequency deviation; it left open the matter of whether the
reduction would be effected in a single step or in multiple steps; it
recognized that administrations having a pressing need for an increased number
of channels may effect the transition to a channel spacing of 25 kc/s in
advance of the dates adopted. In
consequence, the WARC decided to provide a period of 1 year in which to
complete the transition to +-5 kc/s.
The WARC accepted that there would be an intermixture of +-15 kc/s and
+-5 kc/s frequency deviation during the transition period.
28. In paragraph 44 of the Notice the statement
was included that a receiver the detector of which was adjusted for a frequency
deviation of +-5 kc/s will not satisfactorily demodulate a frequency deviation
of +-15 kc/s. Since that time, one
manufacturer n11 of marine VHF equipment conducted
comparative tests regarding reception of "wide-band" frequency deviation
transmissions, first, on a "wide-band" receiver and, second, on a
"narrow-band" receiver to ascertain the relative intelligibility,
tape recorded the results, and (informally) supplied a copy of the tape to the
Commission. No other operating agency
or manufacturer has submitted test information bearing on this subject. Based on available information, it is
concluded that a "narrow-band" receiver will acceptably receive a
frequency deviation of +-15 kc/s.
[*882] Inasmuch as (1) was are
only concerned with this technical point for the duration of the transition
period, where an intermixture of +-5 kc/s and +-15 kc/s frequency deviation
would exist, and (2) the duration of the intermixture period for most vessels,
in regard to stations with which they routinely communicate, will vary from
location to location, no further or exhaustive study of this point is
considered necessary.
n11 Konel.
29. In regard to VHF receiving equipment,
paragraphs 39 through 44 were included in the Notice to assure that appropriate
consideration was given to the impact of the proposed rule amendments upon VHF
receiving equipment. The attitude of
the Commission relative to modification of existing VHF receiving equipment was
expressed in paragraph 42 of the Notice, as follows:
In the view of the Commission, it will be desirable for the licensees to
modify their VHF receiving equipment for "narrow-band"
operation. The decision to modify
receiving equipment is at the option of the licensee. However, it must be recognized that failure to modify could
result in the reception of unwanted signals on the adjacent 25-kc/s channels,
when implemented in the area of concern.
30. This continues to be the view of the
Commission. Solution to the
difficulties with VHF receiving equipment can best be overcome by the licensee,
since he is in a position to determine the nature of the problem and the
corrective action which introduces the least adverse impact upon his system.
However, appendix 19 to the ITU Radio Regulations sets forth general
requirements for VHF receiving equipment.
31. The comments filed indicated no particular
difficulty in regard to modifying ship and coast station transmitters to reduce
the (modulation) frequency deviation from +-15 kc/s to +-5 kc/s. In reference to he conversion to +-5 kc/s
frequency deviation of transmitters aboard U.S. vessels in advance of other
administrations, one of the comments called attention to the circumstance that:
(a) For internship communications, U.S. vessels would employ +-5 kc/s and
foreign registry vessels would employ +-15 kc/s; and (b) for ship to coast
communications, U.S. vessels would transmit to foreign coast stations with +-5
kc/s, while foreign registry vessels would transmit to the same coast (stations)
with +-15 kc/s.
32. In view of the foregoing and based on the
need to increase the number of VHF channels available in the United States at
the earliest practicable date, the Commission has adopted rule amendments. As adopted, a period ending March 1, 1969,
is provided in which to complete adjustment of transmitters used aboard ship
and at coast stations to reduce the frequency deviation from +-15 kc/s to +-5
kc/s. Further, in regard to internship
communications, the Commission does not foresee the development of a mandatory
requirement, during the transition period, that
[*883] VHF Transmitter Power Ship
33. Bendix suggested that a maximum output power
limit of 35 w be established for VHF transmitters to be operated in the band
156-162 Mc/s. No opposing views were
expressed. In that regard, the WARC
adopted a common worldwide maximum carrier power limit of 25 w, which is
applicable to equipment to be brought into service after January 1, 1970. Since a maximum power limit is an essential
element to the design and development of new transmitters, the Commission is
adopting 25 w.
34. To minimize harmful interference in areas of
high density shipping, such as in harbors, ports, canals, and rivers, or inland
waters, the WARC adopted the additional mandatory provision that ship station
VHF transmitters have the capability to reduce, readily, the effective radiated
power (ERP) to 1 w or less. The
inclusion of this capability in new equipment has been recommended by the Intergovernmental
Maritime Consultative Organization. The
Canadian and other administrations have urged early provision of this
capability in their respective waters.
Since the term "effective radiated power" includes system
elements which are in addition to the power of the transmitter, a more readily
usable designation of power is required for type acceptance purposes. Inasmuch as the intent of the WARC is
fulfilled by use of an output power of 1 w (or an input power of 2 w), that
value is adopted.
The benefits of the lower power include reduction of inter-modulation
interference, receiver detuning, and receiver desensitization arising from
excessive RF input levels. By limiting
the requirement that this capability be included in all future ship station
transmitting equipment, type accepted after September 3, 1968, no adverse
impact is imposed on existing licensees.
On the other hand, as a technical characteristic applicable to new
equipment, manufacturers should be apprised, at the earliest practicable date,
of the requirement that such capability is to be incorporated into future
equipment. Since this Report and Order sets forth other technical
characteristics applicable to new VHF equipments, it is appropriate and timely
to include the foregoing technical requirement. Accordingly, rule amendments appropriate thereto are adopted.
Coast Stations
36. The rules presently permit public coast
stations to use up to 250 w input in the band 156.765-161.625 Mc/s and up to
1,000 w input in the band 161.775-162.025 Mc/s. In other bands, VHF limited coast stations are permitted up to
100 w input. Several of the comments
filed expressed concern in regard to the increase in inter-modulation
interference which will accompany the reduction in channel spacing from 50 to
25 kc/s. The severity and scope of this
type interference is made worse by use of higher power. As outlined under "ship stations,"
above, this matter was deemed to be of sufficient importance by the IMCO and
WARC to require that new ship station transmitters have a maximum output power
limit of 25 w, and include the capability to reduce this power to an effective
radiated power of 1 w or less.
[*884] 37. The use of higher power is desirable, necessary, and can be
justified where it is intended that communication be provided over the maximum
possible distance, for example, in the case where the tropospheric propagation
mode is to be employed. While the
Commission will consider and, where justified, will grant authorization to use tropospheric
techniques in the VHF maritime mobile band, it is not the intent of these rules
to provide for use of such techniques on a routine basis. As between the two terminals, the coast
station and the ship station, the coast station is in the advantageous position
in regard to height and gain of transmitting and receiving antennas, use of
specialized receiving equipment, selection of site to minimize local noise, use
of receivers at multiple locations, and availability and regulation of primary
power. In regard to recreational boats
and smaller commercial transport vessels, the choices regarding antenna
location, height, and directivity are limited, use of separate receiving and
transmitting antennas and specialized receiving equipment is not practicable,
the level of local noise is higher, primary power regulation is less than
optimum, and use of multiple receivers is unlikely to be feasible. In regard to larger commercial transport
vessels, the situation will be improved, but will be less advantageous than can
be provided at coast stations.
38. As between the coast station and ship
station, for equal power at the transmitter output terminals, the coast station
can place a higher signal level at the ship station, and, for the above reasons,
the coast station can satisfactorily receive a signal below the level which can
be satisfactorily received aboard ship.
Because of the lesser receiving capability at the ship station terminal,
the signal provided to the ship station from the coast station must be higher
than that in the opposite direction.
While higher transmitter power at the coast station provides a simple
solution, the situation in regard to inter-modulation interference in and to
receivers in the vicinity of the coast station is worsened. The proper solution for coast station transmitter
power lies in the use of the minimum power necessary to provide the required
service, after the other factors have been applied, that is, the area to be
covered has been determined, selection of site, height, and gain of receiving
and transmitting antennas, and type of receiving equipment.
39. Turning now to the provisions of section
81.134(d) and the transmitter power permitted public coast stations, it will be
noted that, in the band 156.675-161.625 Mc/s, a maximum input power of 250 w is
permitted and, in the band 161.775-162.025 Mc/s, a maximum input power of 1,000
w is permitted. With the output power
of ship stations limited to 25 w (50 w input power), a ratio of public coast
station to ship station power of 5 to 1 and 20 to 1 respectively, is
permitted. As outlined in paragraphs 37
and 38, above, it is possible for the coast station to employ techniques and
equipment not readily applicable to ship stations. The Commission is of the view that the practical requirements are
adequately fulfilled by a ratio of coast station to ship station power of 2 to
1. This ratio is subject to the
conditions that the power used by coast stations shall be the minimum necessary
for the service to be provided, and, further, that higher power may be authorized [*885]
to coast stations where a satisfactory showing of need has been made.
40. For the foregoing reasons, the Commission is
amending section 81.134 of the rules to limit the output power of coast
stations to 50 w or less. All licenses
granted after the effective date of this Report and Order will be issued with a
power limitation of 50 w or less, unless a satisfactory showing of need for
power in excess of 50 w has been made.
Audio Rolloff Filter
41. The Commission proposed in this docket that,
in the band 156-162 Mc/s, all radiotelephony transmitters in the maritime
mobile service be provided with a postlimiter audio rolloff filter. Of the 28 comments filed, only five n12 parties directed comments to the matter of including
the postlimiter audio rolloff filter in vhf/ radiotelephony transmitters. Three n13
of the five comments supported inclusion of the filter; however, one of the
comments, n14 additionally, recommended the value
of attenuation be the same as that applied to other services; and one of the
comments, n15 additionally, recommended that the
filter be required in new equipment only.
Two of the five comments n16
offered no objection to including the filter, but recommended that the
Commission indicate the desired technical specifications rather than a specific
electronic circuit.
n12 AWO,
n14 AMMI.
n15 AWO.
n16 RCA, Raytheon.
42. As concerns the comment n14 that the value
of attenuation called for by the postlimiter audio rolloff filter should be the
same for all services, it is correct that the value proposed for parts 81 and
83 is higher than the value currently appearing elsewhere in the rules. The Commission concurs that where the
channel spacing and method of deployment of channels is the same, the value of
attenuation should be the same for all parts of the rules. In the land mobile services in the bands at
150 Mc/s, the channel spacing is 30 kc/s, whereas, in the marine services, the
channel spacing will be 25 kc/s.
43. With respect to the comment n15 that the addition of the postlimiter audio rolloff
filter should be limited to new equipment, the Commission is unable to agree
that current equipment should be exempt from inclusion of this filter. The Commission believes, however, that a
transition period should be provided and, accordingly, is specifying a date by
which this filter must be included in current equipment. The requirement that a postlimiter audio
rolloff filter be included in radiotelephone transmitters operating in the band
156-162 Mc/s was based on tests conducted in the land mobile service, where it
was shown that noise spectra (splatter) of FM transmitters was substantially
reduced by the addition of the proposed filter. The filter minimizes unauthorized radiations beyond the
authorized channel and into both adjacent channels. Reduction of these
radiations makes the adjacent channels more usable, practically, by permitting
reception of "weaker" signals, which is interpreted in terms of
increased communications [*886] range.
The benefit from inclusion of this filter is to the users of the
adjacent 25-kc/s channels; no benefit accrues to the same channel user. In the view of the Commission, the
minimization of extra-channel radiation is an essential element in its program
to reduce the channel spacing in the band 156-162 Mc/s from 50 to 25 kc/s.
Accordingly, the rules as adopted provide a transition period of 5 years for
ship stations and 2 years for coast stations during which current equipment may
be modified.
n15 AWO.
44. The recommendation n17 that the Commission indicate the desired technical
specification, rather than a specific electronic circuit, is based on two
n17 RCA.
The Commission does not have requisite authority under the Communications Act
of 1934, as amended, citing section 303(e); and
The effect of the proposed amendment "* * * could well be to prevent
improvement in such equipment in keeping with advancement in the art."
45. With respect to (a) in the preceding
paragraph, RCA maintains that the Commission's authority is limited to the
regulation of the kind of apparatus to be used with respect to its external
effects and the purity and sharpness of the emissions. Accordingly, the commentator concludes that
the requirement with respect to the postlimiter audio rolloff filter is beyond
the statutory authority of the Commission.
The main thrust of this rulemaking is to implement those portions of
WARC applicable to the maritime mobile service band 156-162 Mc/s. For the reasons stated below the filter
requirement is considered necessary to carry out the provisions of WARC. The statutory authority for this
requirement, therefore, is section 303(r).
In addition, we feel that the proposed amendment does not require a
"specific electronic circuit." The amendment specifies (1) the
characteristics of a filter; and (2) where in the transmitter the filter shall
be placed.
46. In regard to (1), RCA offered no objection
to the values which the Commission has specified for the filter and it,
therefore, is concluded that these values are acceptable, and that the specification
of values for a filter is not outside of Commission authority.
47. In regard to (2), RCA and Raytheon do not
state: (i) The filter should or could be located at another point in the
transmitter; (ii) if located elsewhere, the filter would be equally effective;
and (iii) if set forth as a technical specification, the manufacturer would
place the filter at some other point in the transmitter. Further to (2), attention is called to the
following rule sections: 21.508(f), 21.605(e), 21.704(b), 81.111(h), 87.73(g),
89.109(d), 91.105(g), and 93.105(g).
These sections specify the point in the transmitter at which a filter
shall be placed.
48. In regard to the phenomenon here involved,
the Commission has no information which supports a technical view that the
required attenuation may be obtained by locating the postlimiter filter
elsewhere in the transmitter. The
comments submitted are silent in that regard.
While it is possible to include in the rules a technical specification
applicable to the spectrum radiated at the transmitter output, there are
practical reasons which indicate the "technical specification"
approach [*887] is less desirable than that proposed by the
Commission. Such technical
specification would go far beyond the simple preventative measure proposed by
the Commission; it would involve the whole of the radiated signal; the cost of
associated measurements would exceed the cost of the postlimiter filter; and it
is difficult to see how such a technical
could, as a practical matter, be applied to current equipment -- short of
retype acceptance of that equipment.
The increased cost would not be limited to higher priced VHF equipment;
it would also apply to the lower cost VHF equipment. This increased cost would not encourage the use of VHF, which is
a stated Commission objective.
49. In view of the foregoing, the Commission
finds that it is necessary to specify where the filter shall be placed if the
required attenuation is to be obtained.
The statutory authority for making such a requirement may be found in
section 303(r) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended.
50. Returning now to point (b), and the
potential of the proposed amendment to prevent improvement in equipment in
keeping with advancement in the art.
The development or evolution of a new technique, such that the proposed
filter would not be required or would be located at another point in the
transmitter, would be applicable to many radio services. To facilitate the application of that new
technique, when available, to the concerned radio services, it will be
necessary to amend the above listed sections of the rules. In that regard, the Commission foresees no
difficulty in amending the rules to provide for technical improvements or
advances in the state of the art, where a showing of need has been made. It was not claimed, however, that the
inclusion of the postlimiter filter would affect application of a known new
51. Taking into account that the new technique
is not available and that the Commission must base its actions on information
available to it, noting that the benefits accruing from inclusion of this
filter are substantial and that the techniques are available and well known, it
is the view of the Commission that the requirements for inclusion of the filter
must be overriding. Accordingly, the
rules are amended to include the poslimiter audio rolloff filter. The Commission will withdraw type acceptance
of transmitters not having the specified audio rolloff filter effective January
1, 1974.
of Channels
52. In regard to the definition of
"Noncommercial Communications," one comment n18 called attention to the phrase, included therein,
"* * * limited to those pertaining to the purposes for which the ship is
used * * *" and has pointed out that this could be misinterpreted on the
basis that if the purpose of a vessel is recreation or pleasure, the
communications on the allotted frequencies would be for that purpose. It was recommended that this phrase be
amended to "* * * limited to the needs of the vessel, * * *." No
opposing views were filed. The argument
presented is sound and is in full accord with the Commission's [*888]
intent. Accordingly, the
definition of "Noncommercial Communications" is amended.
53. In this proceeding the Commission is
establishing 156,80 Mc/s as the national VHF distress frequency. As stated in the Notice, there will be many
vessels with only VHF aboard. These
vessels will be able to communicate on VHF, but which will be unable to employ
500 or 2182 kc/s, the radiotelegraph and radiotelephone distress frequencies,
respectively. No VHF frequency in the
band 156-162 Mc/s is currently designated by the rules for distress purposes,
although provision is included, on a permissive basis, for the use of 156.80
Mc/s for the handling of distress messages.
The large number of VHF facilities which have been, and are continuing
to be, installed by the U.S. Coast Guard, the
54. As proposed in the Notice, 156.65 Mc/s is
available only for "Navigational Communication," except on the
55. The basic requirement to establish
navigational communications, that is, to provide the capability for near
instantaneous communication from the bridge of one ship to the bridge of
another ship(s), has been considered in detail by various groups, including the
Radio Technical Commission for Marine Services (RTCM), the Intergovernmental Maritime
Consultative Organization (IMCO), the International Telecommunication Union
(ITU), numerous U.S. groups in preparation for various international
conferences, and Commission docket No. 15035.
As discussed at the WARC, there is near worldwide agreement that such
capability is desirable and will substantially enhance the safety of life and
property at sea. There is divergence as to the frequency which should be
used. In consequence of the discussions
at the WARC, it was decided that in the international system, the frequency
156.80 Mc/s should be used to establish communications, followed by a shift to
a working frequency, such as 156.30 Mc/s.
This decision was taken notwithstanidng the argument that application of
the "calling-working" frequency concept could inject serious and
possibly dangerous delays in the bridge-to-Bridge communication, particularly
in high density areas where there is a concentration of vessels.
56. Further, on the basis of the anticipated
future high usage of VHF in
57. In regard to the frequency to be used for
bridge-to-bridge communication on the
58. In regard to the definition of Port
Operations Service, the WARC adopted an amendment which expands the communications
which may be handled on frequencies allotted for port operations. In addition, in consequence of the exchange
of views at the WARC, the intent and scope of No. 287, a footnote to the Table
of Frequency Allocations (see sec. 2.106) applicable to the band 156-162 Mc/s
was clarified. The general effect of
this clarification is to increase the uniformity of application by
administrations of the provisions of appendix 18 to the ITU Radio Regulations. Thus, the impact of these WARC actions upon
the Port Operations Service is such that various frequency shifts proposed in
the NPRM are no longer necessary.
Accordingly, the definition of Port Operation Service and No. 287 of the
rules are amended to conform to the WARC Agreement and are adopted.
5. The Commission proposed in the Notice,
footnotes 10 through 13, inclusive, page 4o of appendix 1, that the current
operations on frequencies 156.35, 156.45, 156.50, and 156.55 Mc/s be shifted to
replacement frequencies (156.275, 156.325, 156.675, and 156.725 Md/s,
respectively) in order to more closely align national usage with the
international allotment plan appearing in appendix 18 to the ITU Radio
Regulations. It now develops, in
consequence of actions by the WARC, that there no longer is need to shift these
existing operations to the replacement frequencies proposed. Accordingly, the proposed shifts set forth
in footnotes 10 through 13, inclusive, are not adopted.
60. With retention of current usage on 156.35
156.45, 156.50, and 156.55 Mc/s, there remains the matter of allotment of the
proposed replacements, as follows, 156.275, 156.325, 156.675, and 156.725
Mc/s. In respect to the Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking, it is noted that the balance in number of channels
allotted for the various types of communication can be maintained by a simple
exchange of allotments between these two groups of frequencies. Accordingly, that procedure [*890]
is being followed and the consequential changes in allotments are
61. The Commission also proposed in this docket
that the frequency 156.875 Mc/s be allotted for ship and coast use for
noncommercial communications, and that the frequency 156.925 Mc/s be allotted
for intership use for commercial communications. The WARC, on the other hand, allotted 156.875 Mc/s for intership
and 156.925 Mc/s for port operations.
Since neither 156.875 nor 156.925 Mc/s is in current use, the exchange
of these two allotments would impose no hardship on existing licensees. Further, where use of this intership
frequency is required, the exchange in allotments would reduce the number of
frequencies which had to be carried by foreign ships in
of Channels
62. Parts 81 and 83 are amended to permit
assignment of channels in accordance with the following:
The frequencies 156.75 and 156.85 Mc/s (channel designators 15 and 17) are
available for assignment on the effective date of this Report and Order. The
(modulation) frequency deviation is limited to +-5 kc/s.
The channels adjacent to 156.300 Mc/s (channel designators 65 and 66) will not
be available for assignment prior to January 1, 1971, and will be available on
a restricted basis during the period from January 1, 1971, to January 1, 1973.
In regard to VHF channels for public coast stations, the 50-kc/s frequencies
(channel designators 24-28, inclusive) will be assigned in advance of the
25-kc/s frequencies (channel designators 84-87, inclusive). Except for channel 28, the order of
assignment of both 50-and 25-kc/s frequencies will be in accord with the
priority numbering adopted by the WARC.
Channel 28 will be assigned interchangeably with channel 26 as the first
priority number.
In regard to the 25-kc/s frequencies (channel designators 67-74, 77-80, and 88,
During the period prior to March 1, 1969, these channels will not be available
for assignment to either ship or coast stations;
During the period March 1, 1969, to January 1, 1971, these channels will be
available for assignment to coast stations in areas where harmful interference
will not result to assignments on 50-kc/s frequencies (channel designators
07-20, inclusive); Provided, however, That the Commission will process reports
of harmful interference by licensees on 50-kc/s channels on the basis of the
facts then existing, with particular attention to the technical measures applied
by the respective licensees in cooperation with the Commission 's program to
reduce the channel spacing from 50 to 25 kc/s; and
Effective January 1, 1971, these channels will be available for assignment on
the same basis as the 50-kc/s frequencies (channel designators 07-20,
63. Consistent with the amendments being made to
parts 81 and 83, section 2.106 of part 2, the Table of Frequency Allocations,
in regard to the maritime mobile service in the band 156-162 Mc/s is being amended
to include therein: The new 25-kc/s channels and the deletion of footnote NG34
from this band; redesignation of the frequency 156.8 Mc/s as the national
distress, safety, and calling frequency, and the addition of the related new
footnote, U.S. 107; the modification of
64. In addition to the comments which are
treated in detail in this Report and Order, there are other matters which were
raised outside the scope of this rulemaking or were considered as not germane
to any issue in the proceeding. For example, a request was received which asked
that the channels 1 through 5 (156.025-156.275 Mc/s) be made available to
public coast stations. These channels
are presently allocated to the land mobile service. To make them a available to public coast stations would require a
reallocation, and the scope of this rulemaking does not extend to a reallocation
of frequencies.
65. In view of the foregoing, It is ordered,
That, pursuant to the authority contained in sections 4(i) and 303 (a), (b),
(c), (e), (f), (g), and (r) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended,
parts 2, 81, and 83 of the Commission's rules Are amended, effective September
3, 1968.
66. It is further ordered, That the proceeding
in docket No. 17295 Is terminated.
in the Maritime Band (In the Matter of Amendment of Parts 2, 81, and 83,
Reduction of Channel Spacing -- Docket No. 17295)
Commission today takes "frequency management" actions with regard to
the maritime communications in the 156-162-MHz band -- mainly the splitting of
channels to provide additional and more intensive spectrum utilization in this
band. I concur in the action that the
staff recommends to us, but I do so hesitantly because of what I believe to be
the inadequate measures this Commission uses in making frequency management
decision may be a wise one -- I simply have no way of knowing. There is no mechanism in the Commission's
decision making process which systematically presents alternative choices in
any meaningful way so that action by Commissioners could truly be called
decision making. We are more like
editors, correcting punctuation and spelling or infelicitous choice of
words. I have expressed my concern for
what the Commission is or (perhaps more importantly) is not doing in previous
opinions (see Channel Splitting in the 450-470- Mc/s Band, 8 P&F Radio Reg.
2d 1629, 1633; Frequency Allocations -- 450-470- Mc/s Band, 10 F.C.C. 2d 885,
897; Frequency Allocations -- 450-470- Mc/s Band, 11 F.C.C. 2d 648, 665;
Channel Splitting in the 450-470-Mc/s Band, FCC 68-243). I reiterate those concerns today.