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In the Matter of AMENDMENT
APPLICATIONS, AND SECTIONS 1.227, 1.516, 1.571, AND 1.591,
No. 18495
F.C.C.2d 191(1969)
FCC 69-534
14, 1969 Adopted
[*191]1.Our proposal to require local notice to
the public before instead of after the filing of applications for renewal of
broadcast station licenses was supported by all parties except American
Broadcasting Co. and General Electric Broadcasting Co., Inc.Pointing out that
broadcast licensees in given areas normally expire on a fixed, known date at
3-year intervals, these two parties contended that those desiring to file
competing applications thus ample notice without the prefiling
publication.Storer Broadcasting Co. suggested that local publication within the
4 weeks (rather than the proposed 6 weeks) preceding the deadline for filing
renewal applications would be ample.
2.We believe that local public notice prior to
filing is preferable to post-filing notice because it gives more notice to the
public and affords additional time for republication of defective notices.This
will expedite the readying of renewal applications for grant prior to
expiration of the current license term.Stations which find a 4-week period
ample, as suggested by Storer, may time their local notices accordingly.We
retain the proposed 6-week leeway, however, for the benefit of stations who may
find it more convenient to allow a longer time in which to assemble their
renewal applications, including the required certification of the giving of
local public notice.
3.All but two parties supported our proposal to
establish deadlines for the filing of petitions to deny broadcast station
license renewal applications and applications mutually exclusive therewith.A
number of the parties urged, however, that the deadlines be advanced.We had
proposed that in the case of timely filed renewal applications, this deadline
be the 15th day of the last full calendar month of the expiring license
term.This proposal was supported by Columbia Broadcasting System, McClatchy
newspapers, Golden West Broadcasters, Mullins[*192]Broadcasting Co., Palmer
Broadcasting Co., WOC Broadcasting Co., and Westinghouse Broadcasting Co., Inc.
4.ABC and General Electric Preferred a cutoff
date 30, rather than 15 days, before expiration of the current license
term.This, they say, would leave enough time to dispose of frivolous petitions
to deny, without deferring action on the renewal applications beyond the
expiration of the current license term.
5.The law firm of Dempsey & Koplovitz urges
that the filing of competing applications and petitions to deny be barred if
filed more than 30 days after the Commission gives public notice of the
acceptance of the renewal application for filing.This party suggests that the
cutoff should in any event be no later than 60 days after the date renewal
applications are required to be filed.This would leave the Commission free to
act on renewal applications at any time within the last 30 days of the license
term, as permitted under section 307(e) of the Communications Act.
6.Another group of parties urged that competing
applications be barred unless filed by the date the renewal application is due
to be filed.These included the National Association of Broadcasters, National
Broadcasting Co., Storer Broadcasting Co., Taft Broadcasting Co., and the
licensees of 102 AM, FM, and TV broadcast stations, in behalf of which two sets
of joint comments were filed by their counsel.These parties urged principally
that competitors for the facilities of existing stations should base their
proposals on surveys of their communities, and that it is undesirable and
inequitable to afford them the opportunity to examine the renewal application
and then outpromise the proposals of existing stations.They believe that
simultaneous filings are proper because the competing applicant knows in
advance the date when the renewal application is due, and because competing
proposals should be the product of familiarity with the community and
independent evaluation of its broadcast needs.
7.We do not agree that it would give competing
applicants undue advantage to see the renewal proposals of the existing station
before filing a competing application.First, it is questionable whether the
later filing would give competing applicants significant advantage.The program
services of the existing station are publicly known.Few stations alter their
proposals significantly at license renewal time.A satisfactory community
survey, evaluation and preparation of a sound programming proposal would be
difficult to prepare after a renewal application is filed.
8.We are now persuaded that it is desirable to
fix the cutoff date at the first day of the last full month of the expiring
licensee term, instead of the 15th day, as proposed.This will leave the
Commission free to act on renewal applications otherwise ready for grant, at
any time during the last 30 days of the current license term as permitted by the
act.We do not believe that a persuasive case has been made by parties favoring
a cutoff 30 days after public notice of acceptance of the renewal
application.It appears appropriate, in the public interest, to permit competing
applications and petitions to deny renewal applications to be filed up to the
date beyond which the orderly processing of and action upon the bulk of each
area's renewal applications[*193]would be impeded by holding up all renewals
against the possibility of such filings.The date we have chosen meets this
test, and is not, we think, unfair to existing stations or contrary to the
principles of the Communications Act, which permits competition, at license
renewal time, for existing facilities.
9.We have carefully considered the two oppositions,
filed by the United Church of Christ and the National Citizens Committee for
Broadcasting, to the establishment of a cutoff date for the filing of
applications for existing broadcast station facilities for which a license
renewal application is pending.These parties believe a cutoff to be adverse to
the public interest because members of the public should have every possible
opportunity to file complaints and petitions to deny license renewal
applications aganst broadcasters who fail to serve the public interest, and
because a cutoff would protect deficient licensees at the moment those
deficiencies became known to the Commission and the public, among other related
10.On the first point, and to the extent that
petitions to deny renewal applications may rest, in part, on the contents of
renewal applications, including composite logs mentioned by the United Church
of Christ, we think the 60-day interval between the filing (and substantially
simultaneous local availability to the public) of a renewal application and the
cutoff date is adequate for the purposes of evaluation of, and comment to the
Commission on, renewal applications by parties seeking to oppose their
grant.Nor would the cutoff on formal petitions to deny preclude the submission of,
or our consideration of, informal complaints about a station which may be filed
with the Commission at any time.Invariably, when such complaints have substance
material to a pending license application, they are entertained and carefully
considered despite their failure to meet the requirements of a formal petition
to deny.
11.As for competing applications, we cannot
agree with the contention that there is hardship in requiring their preparation
and filing by a date 2 months after the license renewal applications is
filed.The United Church of Christ also suggests that the Commission's deferral
of action on a renewal application may provide the first spur to the
development of a competing application.But the mere circumstance that our
action on a renewal application is deferred past the expiring term is not
necessarily indicative to dereliction on the licensee's part of a kind which
raises a presumption of unfitness.Invariably, among each bimonthly group of
licensee renewals, action is deferred in some dozens of cases, mostly because
of technical or procedural circumstances which can be, and are, remedied by the
licensees, and which do not raise presumptions of unfitness or dereliction so
serious as to disqualify the applicant or even to weigh materially against the
applicant in a comparative hearing.In those cases where our investigations and
hearing processes establish disqualification, the renewal application is denied
and the facility becomes available for other applicants.
12.Where competitors for a facility rely upon
deficiencies of existing service and upon programming proposals so
significantly superior as to enable them to be given decisional weight in a
comparative hearing,[*194]we see no hardship in looking to such competitors to
commence their preparation -- including the required community survey and the
elaboration of programming proposals based upon careful evaluation of its
results -- early enough to permit the completion and filing of the competing
application not later than 2 months after the renewal application is due to be
filed and a month before the license term expires.The programming services of
the existing station are matters of public knowledge, as are the dates when the
license term expires and when renewal applications are due to be filed.We think
that the cutoff date we now adopt reasonably balances all the pertinent
considerations of the public interest, administrative practicality and
reasonable notice to prospective applicants, complainants and licensees.
13.Several parties in their reply comments
suggested that the rule should fix the cutoff, in the case of older renewal
applications already on file, at 30 days after publication of the rule in the
Federal Register.The rule changes we adopt herein will enter into effect on
June 25, 1969.That will be the cutoff date for filing applications mutually
exclusive with, and petitions to deny, then pending applications for renewal of
licenses whose terms expired June 1, 1969, of earlier.This conforms
substantially with the suggested provision, but designates a fixed cutoff date,
embodied in the rule, applicable to now pending renewal applications on which
action has been deferred past the expiration of the previous license term.The
regular cutoff date prescribed in the rules (first day of the last full month
of the expiring license term) will apply to pending applications for the
renewal of licenses expiring August 1, 1969, n1 and thereafter.
n1 The Aug. 1, 1969,
expiration date applies to radio and regular television stations in Pennsylvania
and Delaware, and to television
translators inMontana.
14.We retain the proposed delay of the deadline
for late-filed renewal applications.
15.In cases where renewal applications are
deferred pending action on assignment and transfer applications, the deadlines
applicable to the assignor or transferor will apply.
16.Accordingly, It is ordered, under authority
found in sections 4(i), 303(f), and 307 of the Communications Act of 1934, as
amended, that effective June 25, 1969, the rule amendments Are adopted, and
this proceeding Is terminated.
WAPLE, Secretary.
I concur in this action, though I would have
preferred the proposal set forth in the Notice.That would have fixed the cutoff
date at the 15th of the month preceding the renewal date, thus giving the
public 25 percent more time, after the date by which the station's renewal must
be filed, in which to complete and file a petition to deny or a competing
I sympathize with the desire of the United
Church of Christ and the National Citizens Committee for Broadcasting that the
public have as much time as possible to file whatever pleadings may be
felt[*195]necessary in order to improve local broadcast service.This leads them
to feel that there should be no cutoff, so that counterpleadings could be filed
against a renewal application even after expiration of the old term --
assuming, of course, that no action has been taken and the station is,
therefore, in deferred renewal status.
However, I don't think such a vague, open-ended
arrangement serves anyone's interest, certainly a station whose renewal has not
been granted before the expiration of the old license because of some technical
deficiency in its filing or because of delay on the Commission's part has a
right to be concerned about an extended period of exposure to adverse filings.I
think the Commission needs to have the option of deferring renewal while it
completes processing or conducts an investigation, without feeling that it is
thereby exposing the subject station to risks not shared by others in its
renewal group.
And I really think that those members of the public
who are dissatisfied with the performance of a local station and want to do
something about it are best served by definite rules which tell them precisely
when they must act.Most of us tend to work toward deadlines.So the members of
such a group can plan most effectively if they know that their pleadings must
be filed by a specified date.If they simply proceed on the assumption that
renewal of the station they are concerned with might be deferred, and count on
being able to file after the renewal date, they are likely to find their
efforts aborted by an announcement that the Commission has renewed the
license.Indeed, even in the absence of the rule we have just adopted, their
opportunity to challenge the station's renewal could be terminated by a grant
any time within 30 days prior to the renewal date.So I think they are better
off knowing that they can file any time up to the specified date, and that they
have to meet that deadline.
The cutoff date has to fall before the renewal
date so that all unopposed applications which are found to be in proper order
can be granted in a timely fashion -- simple good administration requires
that.The real question, therefore, was whether the cutoff for filing should be
fixed at 15, 30, or 90 days before the renewal date.I think the first
alternative would have been the best, since it would have fit our processing
patterns and at the same time would have allowed public groups the maximum
reasonable time for contesting renewal of stations which they feel have not served
the public interest adequately.Having been unable to persuade my colleagues to
adhere to this proposal -- though it had substantial broadcaster support -- I
concur in the 30 day provision as the next best alternative.
The majority's "Report and Order", 16
R.R. 2d 1512 (1969), makes two changes in the Commission's rules: first, it
requires broadcast licensees to notify the public, during the 6-week period
before they must file their renewal applications, that their license renewal is
pending in Washington
before the Federal Communications Commission; second, it cuts off the filing of
any petition to deny a license renewal or any mutually exclusive application
which is received more[*196]than 60 days after the date on which renewal
applications must be filed.n1 I have no major complaint with the first change -- although I would
also require licensees to bradcast the new deadlines specified in our rules for
the filing of petitions to deny and competing applications.My essential
disagreement with the majority concerns its second change -- the 60-day cutoff
for the filing of petitions to deny and competing applications.
n1 If the renewal
application is not timely filed, petitions to deny or competing applications
must be filed within 60 days after the Commission has given public notice that
it has accepted the late application for filing.
In our "Notice of Proposed Rule
Making" in this proceeding (FCC 69-253, docket No. 18495, released Mar.
20, 1969, 34 Fed. Reg. 7964), we stated our view that it might be desirable to
limit the filing dates for petitions to deny and competing applications in the
interests of orderly and timely processing of such pleadings.(Id.
at par. 3.) We suggested a cutoff date of 2 weeks before the expiration of any
broadcast license (or 75 days after filing).Although most of the broadcasting
industry comments supported this 75-day cutoff, the Commission majority has
seen fit to double the industry's ante and cut an additional 16 days off the
time previously given to the public to file petitions to deny or competing
If the public is to lose one-third of its
present filing time, one would hope the majority would be able to offer a
strong public interest justification for its action.Unfortunately, it has not.I
urge any interested reader to examine carefully paragraph 8 of the majority's
opinion.I do not believe he will find there any reasoned justification for a
60-day cutoff date.The majority does not even attempt to explain why it has
picked 60 days, and not 75, or 30, or even zero (simultaneous filings).It
assures us only that it is persuaded its decision is correct, and that 60 days
is the period beyond which the orderly processing of and action upon the bulk
of each area's renewal applications would be impeded by holding up all renewals
against the possibility of such filings.(Majority opinion, at par. 8.)
But of course this reasoning is both specious
and misleading.It is specious, because the Commission has never held up renewal
applications beyond the 60-day period against the possibility of such filings
-- nor does any party make this contention.Indeed, the Communications Act
expressly permits the Commission to renew broadcast licenses at any time during
the last 30 days before expiration.(47 U.S.C. §307(e).)
The majority's reasoning is also misleading,
because it suggests that renewal applications would normally be granted shortly
after the 60-day period had run.In actual fact, this has never been the
case.During the past six renewal periods, for example, virtually no license was
renewed earlier than the last week before expiration.This would suggest, at the
most, that a cutoff date 7 days before expiration might be appropriate; but
nothing in the majority's opinion supports cutting off filings 30 days before
expiration.The paucity of reasoning in the majority's opinion unavoidably
suggests that there is no public interest justification for reducing the
public's filing time.It can only be understood as an out-and-out concession to
the industry's interests.
Quite apart from the majority's failure to
justify its decision, there are, in addition, definite reasons why the
majority's 60-day cutoff is not in the public's best interest.First, the
Communications Act already gives incumbent licensees a substantial headstart in
preparing their renewal applications by allowing them to omit information they
have previously filed with the Commission.n2 This means that existing licensees can file abbreviated
renewal applications, while competing applicants must start from scratch.For
this reason it does not seem unfair to give competing applicants additional
time to prepare their filings.
n2 47 U.S.C. §307(d)
provides: "In order to expedite action on applications for renewal of
broadcasting station licenses and in order to avoid needless expense to
applicants for such renewals, the Commission shall not require any such
applicant to file any information which previously has been furnished to the
Commission or which is not directly material to the considerations that affect
the granting or denial of such application.* * *"
Second, members of the public may often find it
necessary to examine the licensee's renewal application before filing their own
documents.This is so for many reasons.The licensee may have upgraded his
programing since the last renewal period -- making a petition to deny or a
competing application unnecessary.To this extent, the extra time accrues to the
benefit of the broadcaster as well as the public.Or a member of the public may
wish to question the licensee's promise versus performance in terms of
programing during the last renewal term, and compare it with the licensee's
current promises.Or a citizens group may wish to check the accuracy of facts
contained in the licensee's application -- whether, for example, the community
leaders allegedly surveyed were actually consulted, or the list of individuals
consulted was truly representative for that community, or network programming
on racial issues was systematically preempted.Or, finally, a group having
negotiated a contract with a licensee similar to the Texarkana
agreement, see KCMC, Inc., 19 F.C.C. 2d 109, 16 R.R. 2d 1067 (1969), may wish
to examine the licensee's application to determine whether it has performed its
promises.Much of this information may become available only when the renewal
application is filed.Members of the public may have difficulty assimilating and
analyzing (much less even obtaining) this information in the 8 short weeks now
allotted them by the majority.
Third, the majority's 60-day cutoff date does
not mean that interested persons have 60 days to examine license renewal
applications on file with the Commission.Too often days or even weeks pass
before the Commission's staff gets around to making such renewal applications
available for public inspection.Administrative delays are legion, and
interested citizens groups (as contrasted with industry lawyers) too often get
the run around when they ask to examine a particular file.In the recent
Washington, D.C.-Virginia-West Virginia-Maryland group of license renewals, for
example, over a half-dozen applications due on July 1, 1969, were not available
for public inspection until after July 15, 1969 -- more than 2 weeks later.In
actual fact, therefore, citizens wishing to examine these applications had less
than 45 days, not 60.
The United Church of Christ has had perhaps
more experience in representing citizens groups in broadcasting matters than
any other comparable organization -- having successfully won the
WLBT-TV,[*198]Jackson, Miss., case and negotiated a landmark agreement with
KTAL-TV in Texarkana, Tex.In comments filed in this proceeding, the United
Church of Christ observed:
In preparing complaints and petitions to deny
which are sufficiently factual and specific to obtain a hearing, it is often
necessary to consult a station's pending license application and composite week
logs.These documents are not always immediately available to the public at the
beginning of the 90-day renewal period.Valuable time is lost in having these
documents duplicated for use away from the Commission offices.It should be
emphasized that public groups seldom can afford Washington
attorneys who have immediate access to Commission facilities or who can devote
unlimited resources to preparation of filings.Any time that is lost by the
public in Commission proceedings is therefore a hardship.
The majority simply rejects these arguments out
of hand.(See majority opinion, pars. 9-12.) It is apparently guided by what the
industry will find convenient, not what will enable the public to improve the
quality of broadcasting.
A fourth defect in the majority's 60-day cutoff
is that it makes it more difficult for competing applicants to evaluate the
licensee's existing programming service and fashion superior service.There is
nothing wrong with a competing applicant examining an incumbent's record and
out-promising it, so long as the Commission is given assurance that these
promises can be met.That is what the comparative process is all about.During a
competitive hearing, the incumbent licensee is given ample opportunity to
challenge the feasibility of any programming proposal presented by a competing
applicant.Indeed, the incumbent's experience in these matters will no doubt
carry substantial weight with the hearing examiner and the Commission.Thus, the
incumbent licensee may be able to show, for example, that it has already
attempted and discarded the very proposals advanced by the competitive
applicant as impractical or prohibitively expensive.Indeed, on programming
matters such as these, the incumbent licensee's experience will no doubt give
it a substantial advantage over the inexperienced new applicant.And after all,
the Commission itself has years of experience in this area and is well versed
in making such comparative determinations.It should not be lightly assumed that
the Commission is simply unable to sort out unrealistic
"pie-in-the-sky" ideas from programing proposals with true merit.
If a competing applicant can design and
implement a programming format which is clearly superior to the existing
licensee's format, then the real winner is the public.The essential point is
that the comparative (competitive) process ultimately promotes promotes
innovation in programming.Before one can build a better mounsetrap, one must
first know what existing mousetraps are like.Each year, for example, automobile
manufacturers examine the performance records of their competitors and then
attempt to out-promise them by producing a superior product.When they succeed,
the public benefits.When Congress enacted the Communications Act in 1934, it
hoped that a continual stream of new entrants into the broadcasting field, or
at least the threat of new entrants, would inject a dash of competition into
what they feared[*199] would otherwise become a monopolistic industry.The
omnipresent threat of new entrants would force broadcasters to upgrade their
own programming periodically, even though no actual competing applicant was
present, so that their product would stand up favorably if ever challenged by a
new entrant.
Unfortunately, it is an old lesson that those
who profess the loudest faith in a competitive free enterprise system more often
than not want protection from it.The same appears true of broadcasting.What the
industry really fears is competition.Rather than meet competition before
challenges arise by designing superior programming formats of their own, the
broadcasters ask this Commission to insulate them from competition.When that
happens, the public loses.And I am afraid that has happened today.
Another aspect of this proceeding warrants
comment.This Commission has often been criticized for its excessive deference
to the broadcasting industry at the public's expense.In a report on the sale of
the Overmyer stations, for example (see D. H. Overmyer, 10 F.C.C. 2d 822, 834,
11 R.R. 2d 967, 980 (1967)), the House Interstate and Foreign Commerce
Committee said just this year:
Failure to hold public hearings * * *
demonstrates the shocking abdication of regulatory responsibility and disregard
for the public interest which have characterized Commission performance under
the Communications Act and its own rules and policies.* * * The Commission
apparently confused its role as guardian of the public interest with that of
guardian of the private interest.
One reason for this widespread proindustry orientation, I
think, can be found by examining the background of this proceeding.
Our notice of proposed rulemaking in this
proceeding was released on March 20, 1969.We asked that comments be filed by
April 11, 1969, and reply comments by April 18, 1969.This gave interested
parties wishing to comment on our proposed rule only 22 days in which to find
out about it -- itself no easy task without a Washington lawyer to collect all
Commission documents as they are released, scan them for material relevant to
clients, and notify those clients of the need for submission of views -- and
draft comments.The response was typical of must rulemaking proceedings before
this Commission.In support of our proindustry rule, the Commission received
comments from a vast aggregation of industry wealth and power -- comments in
behalf of 166 broadcast stations (67 AM's, 52 F.M.'s and 47 TV's), three
networks, and one Washington, D.C. law firm with numerous broadcast clients.In
the citizens' behalf, representing the public, the rule was opposed by only two
groups: The United Church of Christ (filing a six-page document) and the
National Citizens Committee for Broadcasting (filing a one-page,
three-paragraph letter).Yet this terrible underrepresentation of the public has
been the norm at this Commission for decades.
It is little wonder that the decisions of this Commission
are often so one-sided.Even intelligent and able men have great difficulty
resisting the intellectual blandishments of the industry when they
are[*200]bombarded day after day by the most sophisticated legal and policy
arguments on the industry's side, and virtually nothing on the side of the
public.It is for this reason, I believe, that the reader can search the
majority's opinion in vain for any attempt at justifying this rule in the
public interest.n3
n3 One set of joint
industry comments filed in this proceeding, for example, invoked the
terminology of elementary considerations of procedural fairness at least seven
times in arguing for an even stricter cutoff rule, yet did not mention public
interest justifications even once.
To be sure, the majority states that its 60-day
cutoff reasonably balances all the pertinent considerations of the public
interest, administrative practicality and reasonable notice to prospective
applicants, complainants and licensees (majority opinion, par.
12), but it doesn't say why or how this cutoff
is in the public interest.On the face of it, it seems obvious that any
reduction of the time for filing comments by the public would prima facie not
be in the public's interest -- although obviously in the industry's interest.What
has happened, therefore, is that the industry has been given some small measure
of protection from competition at the public's expense.In terms of the legal
and economic talent arrayed against it in this proceeding, the public was
scarcely represented at all.The battle was not uneven; it was barely joined.
I dissent.
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