28 F.C.C.2d 409
MARCH 5, 1971
The Commission, by Commissioners
Burch (Chairman), Robert E. Lee, Johnson, H. Rex Lee, Wells and Houser, with Commissioner Johnson dissenting and issuing a statement,
Commissioners Robert E. Lee, H. Rex Lee and Houser issuing statements, and
Commissioner Bartley abstaining from voting, issued the following PUBLIC
A number of complaints received by
the Commission concerning the lyrics of records played on broadcasting stations
relate to a subject of current and pressing concern: the use of language
tending to promote or glorify the use of illegal drugs as marijuana, LSD,
"speed", etc. This Notice points up the licensee's long-established
responsibilities in this area.
Whether a particular record depicts
the dangers of drug abuse, or, to the contrary, promotes such illegal drug
usage is a question for the judgment of the licensee. The thrust of this Notice
is simply that the licensee must make that judgment and cannot properly follow
a policy of playing such records without someone in a responsible position
(i.e., a management level executive at the station) knowing the content of the
lyrics. Such a pattern of operation is clearly a violation of the basic
principle of the licensee's responsibility for, and duty to exercise adequate
control over, the broadcast material presented over his station. It
raises serious questions as to whether continued operation of the station is in
the public interest, just as in the case of a failure to exercise adequate
control over foreign-language programs. n1
n1 See Public Notice concerning
Foreign Language Programs adopted March 22, 1967, FCC 67-368, 9 R.R. 2d 1901.
In short, we expect broadcast
licensees to ascertain, before broadcast, the words or lyrics of recorded
musical or spoken selections played on their stations. Just as in the
case of the foreign-language broadcasts, this may also entail reasonable
efforts to ascertain the meaning of words or phrases used in the lyrics.
While this duty may be delegated by licensees to responsible employees, the
licensee remains fully responsible for its fulfillment.
[*410] Thus, here as in
so many other areas, it is a question of responsible, good faith action by the
public trustee to whom the frequency has been licensed. No more, but
certainly no less, is called for.
Action by the Commission February 24,
1971. Commissioners Burch (Chairman), Wells and Robert E. Lee with
Commissioner Lee issuing a statement, Commissioners H. Rex Lee and Houser
concurring and issuing statements, Commissioner
Johnson dissenting and issuing a statement, and Commissioner Bartley
abstaining from voting.
I sincerely hope that the action of
the Commission today in releasing a "Public Notice" with respect to
Licensee Responsibility to Review Records Before Their Broadcast will
discourage, if not eliminate the playing of records which tend to promote
and/or glorify the use of illegal drugs.
We are all aware of the deep concern
in our local communities with respect to the use of illegal drugs particularly
among the younger segment of our population. Public officials, at all
levels of government, as well as all interested citizens are attempting to cope
with this problem.
It is in this context that I expect
the Broadcast Industry to meet its responsibilities of reviewing records before
they are played. Obviously, if such records promote the use of illegal
drugs, the licensee will exercise appropriate judgment in determining whether
the broadcasting of such records is in the public interest.
While the title of the notice
seemingly applies to the licensee's responsibility to review all records before
they are broadcast, the notice itself is directed solely at records which allegedly
use "language tending to promote or glorify the use of illegal
Although I am concurring, I would
have preferred it if the Commission had not decided to restrict today's notice
to so-called "drug lyrics." The Commission may appear to many young
people as not being so concerned with other pressing broadcasting problem
areas. And to many of these young people (and not just to that segment
who use illegal drugs) the Commission may appear as "an ominous government
agency" merely out to clamp down on their music.
A preferable approach would have
been to repeat, with an additional reference to drug abuse of all kinds, our
1960 Program Policy Statement wherein we stated:
Broadcasting licensees must assume
responsibility for all material which is broadcast through their
facilities. This includes all programs and advertising material which
they present to the public... This duty is personal to the licensee and
may not be delegated. He is obligated to bring his positive responsibility
affirmatively to bear upon all who have a hand in providing broadcast material
for transmission through his facilities so as to assure the discharge of his
duty to provide acceptable program schedule consonant with operating in the
public interest in his community. n1
n1 Report and Statement of Policy
re: Commission En Banc Programming Inquiry, FCC 60-970, 20 R.R. 1901, 1912-1913
(July 27, 1960).
[*411] Because of the
Commission's expressed concern with the drug problem, I would hope that we could
initiate action with other appropriate Federal agencies to require a
reassessment by pharmaceutical manufacturers, advertisers, and the media,
looking toward the reform of advertising practices in the non-prescription drug
industry. Advertising Age expressed its concern with the increased use of
drugs -- both the legal and illegal types -- when it stated in an editorial:
With an estimated $289,000,000 being
spent annually on TV advertising of medicines, this serious question is being
raised: Is the flood of advertising for such medicines so pervasive that it is
convincing viewers that there is a medical panacea for any and all of their
problems, medical and otherwise? Are we being so consistently bombarded
with pills for this and pills for that and pills for the other thing that we
have developed a sort of Pavlovian reaction which makes us reach for a pill
every time we are faced with an anxious moment, be it of physical or psychic
origin? n2
n2 Advertising Age, May 11, 1970, p.
Drug abuse
is a serious problem in the United States. It is found in every sector of
the population, not merely among the young who listen to hard rock music.
I believe the broadcasting industry
has made a good start in helping to discourage illegal drug abuse. Many local
radio and television stations and the four networks have broadcast
documentaries and specials, carried spot announcements, helped to raise funds
for local drug abuse clinics and information centers, and have helped to
establish "tie-lines" and "switchboards" where all people
can call for free medical and psychological help and guidance. These
activities represent "communicating" in the best sense of the word.
My concurrence in this notice,
therefore, should not be regarded as a reflection on the good start that I
think most broadcasters have made in dealing with this problem. They must
continue with even more determination and support from everyone.
I join in the sentiments expressed
in the concurring statement of Commissioner Robert Lee and concur in the action
taken by the majority.
I take this opportunity, however, to
emphasize that the positive action taken by the Commission with regard to
popular song lyrics is only a portion of a much larger problem which I intend
to bring to the Commission's attention for future deliberation. It is my
fear, and the concern of many prominent Americans, that we are rapidly becoming
a "pill oriented society". We are constantly bombarded with
advertisements which would have us believe that life's problems can be solved
by swallowing a pill. We are told by the "pill pushers" that we
can "feel brighter" or be "(given) a lift" -- that our
tensions will be relieved and that there is a pill for virtually every
mood. Our children are told that pills are playful
"Pals". Indeed one leading advertising executive advocates
using "the idiom of the 18 year old (to) wrap" a "hard"
drug sell in "a velvet glove".
To the extent that broadcast media
contributes, wittingly or unwittingly, to the drug problem, the Commission is
charged with the responsibility of insuring that the public interest will
prevail through our recognition of the problem and the consideration of
This public notice is an
unsuccessfully-disguised effort by the Federal Communications Commission to
censor song lyrics that the majority disapproves of; it is an attempt by a
group of establishmentarians to determine what youth can say and hear; it is an
unconstitutional action by a Federal agency aimed clearly at controlling the
content of speech.
Under the guise of assuring that
licensees know what lyrics are being aired on their stations, the FCC today gives
a loud and clear message: get those "drug lyrics" off the air (and no
telling what other subject matter the Commission majority may find offensive),
or you may have trouble at license renewal time. The majority today
approves a public notice which (1) singles out as "a subject of current
and pressing concern: the use of language tending to promote or glorify the
illegal use of drugs such as marijuana, LSD, 'speed,' etc.;" (2)
emphasizes the importance of "someone in a responsible position... knowing
the content of the lyrics;" and (3) raises the specter of loss of license
unless the "pattern of operation" is such that a
"responsible" employee knows the content of song lyrics played on
broadcasting stations.
The contrived nature of this
offensive against modern music is demonstrated by the fact that, as the
majority itself concedes, "the licensee's responsibility for, and duty to
exercise adequate control over, the material presented over his station,"
is "a basic principle" of FCC regulation; it is so basic that today's
action is completely unnecessary. Licensees (that is, owners of stations)
simply can't listen to everything broadcast over their stations; they have to
delegate responsibility for knowledge of content to their employees; and we can
assume under existing regulations that those employees do know what is being
played. We can also assume that licensees are well aware of the
Commission's power to prohibit material that falls within statutory
prohibitions and beyond constitutional protection. Why, then, this focus
on "language strongly suggestive of, or tending to glorify, the illegal
use of drugs..." -- whatever that means -- unless the intention is in fact
to censor by threat what cannot be constitutionally prohibited?
Moreover, there is a serious
question as to whether the majority is in fact really as concerned about drug
abuse as it is in striking out blindly at a form of music which is symbolic of
a culture which the majority apparently fears -- in part because it totally
fails to comprehend it. If the majority were in fact concerned about drug
abuse, they surely would not choose to ignore song lyrics "strongly
suggestive of, and tending to glorify" the use of alcohol, which is the
number one drug abuse problem in this country.
It is common knowledge that drunken
drivers kill each year nearly as many Americans as have been killed during the
entire history of the war in Southeast Asia. There are more alcoholics in
San Francisco alone than there are narcotics addicts in the entire country.
Kenneth Eaton, Deputy Director of the Division of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
at the National Institute of Mental Health, recently declared: "In
relative terms, the physical consequences of heavy drinking are far larger and
more serious than those of heroin use;" he added [*413] that
the likelihood of death in withdrawal from chronic alcoholism is much greater
than in withdrawal from heroin addiction. n1 Dr. Robert L. Dupont, Director of the Washington, D.C. Narcotics
Treatment Agency, agrees "absolutely" with Eaton:
n1 The Washington Post, Feb. 7,
1971, p. A7, col. 1.
It's non-controversial.
Heroin as a drug is really quite
benign compared to alcohol, which is a poison.
* * *
We have two really serious drug
problems in Washington, heroin and alcohol. n2
n2 Id.
I do not think it's the business of
the FCC to be discouraging or banning any song lyrics. But if the
Commission majority is really interested in doing something about the drug problems
in this country, and is not just striking out at the youth culture, why does it
ignore songs like "Day Drinking":
* * * You know we just stopped in
for one short snort
Hey we are out on a binge
Hey we got no troubles just doing
our number
Day drinking again
Day drinking again
I'm starvin' to death
We've been drinkin' since ten
Food is fattening
Ah, but then, booze is happening
Day drinking again n3
n3 T. T. Hall, "Day
Drinking" ((C) 1970, Neweys Music, Inc.), Song Hits, March 1971, p. 43.
or "California Grapevine":
Well I'm sittin' on a bar stool
Somewhere way downtown
Well my moneys all gone and I been
here so long
I've forgotten why I came to town
I want to tell you
Son, I know you're gonna find
There ain't nothin' any sweeter or
wetter than they grow on the California Grapevine n4
n4 H. J. Joy, "California
Grapevine" ((C) 1970, Blue Book Music), Song Hits, February 1971, p. 43.
or countless other similar lyrics? n5
n5 Lady I'm looking for a jukebox
A bar stool that fits my bottom side
These streets are too dark for
I'm in no condition to ride
This midnight rider lost his saddle
And I'm in, no mood, for thinking
I need some liquid consolation
This night ain't fit for nothing but
T. T. Hall, "This Night (Ain't Fit
for Nothing But Drinking)" ((C) 1970, Newkeys Music, Inc.) Song Hits,
November 1970, p. 41.
Blues sells a lot of booze
Blues sells the booze and so I'm
And you gave me these blues
That's why I'm crying and dying
Somewhere, somebody's breaking someone's
But I guess they're only doing their
These people need their jobs who
haul and sell
And serve the brews and blues sells
an awful lot of booze.
H. X. Lewis, G. Sutton, "Blues
Sells a Lot of Booze" ((C) 1970, Al Gallico Music Corp.) Song Hits, March
1971, p. 45.
And my doctor says if I don't quit
It's gonna kill me
But I know a whole lot more old
drunks than old doctors.
J. Owen, "Here Come the
Elephants" ((C) 1970, Bluebook Music Co.) Song Hits, May 1971, p. 40.
[*414] And why has the
Commission chosen to focus on record lyrics and yet ignore commercials which
use language "tending to glorify the use of drugs generally"?
In asking Congress for a study of the effects on the nation's youth of nearly
$300 million worth of annual drug advertising on television, Senator Frank Moss
of Utah has said:
The drug culture finds its fullest
flowering in the portrait of American society which can be pieced together out
of hundreds of thousands of advertisements and commercials. It is
advertising which mounts so graphically the message that pills turn rain to
sunshine, gloom to joy, depression to euphoria, solve problems, dispel doubt.
Not just pills; cigarette and cigar
ads; soft drink, coffee, tea and beer ads -- all portray the key to happiness
as things to swallow, inhale, chew, drink and eat. n6
n6 Year of Challenge, Year of
Crisis, The du Pont-Columbia University Survey of Broadcast Journalism
1969-1970, at 88.
Rex Lee and Thomas Houser have expressed similar concerns in this very
proceeding. How can anyone possibly justify the FCC's failure to examine
the impact of commercials such as the following on television:
(Music) ANNOUNCER: Leave your
feeling of tension behind and step into a quiet world. You'll feel
calmer, more relaxed with Quiet World. The new modern calmative.
Each tablet contains a special calming ingredient plus a tension reliever to
let you feel relaxed. More peaceful. So leave your feeling of
tension behind with Quiet World. The new modern calmative. n7
n7 Shown on "To Tell the
Truth," WCBS-TV, New York, Sept. 9, 1968, 3:25 p.m.
commercial was broadcast over WCBS-TV in New York at 3:25 p.m. to an audience
made up primarily of mothers and children. Why do the majority choose to
ignore these gray flannel pushers? n8
n8 It cannot be argued that the
illegality of the drugs is the reason behind the majority's action, since the
majority says nothing at all about lyrics extolling other illegal activities,
such as cohabitation.
The answer to these questions is
simple: the exclusive concern with song lyrics is in reality an effort to
harass the youth culture, a crude attempt to suppress the anti-establishment
music of the counterculture and the "movement."
It is a thinly veiled political
move. This Administration has, for reasons best known to the President,
chosen to divert the American people's attention to "the drug
menace," and away from problems like: the growing Southeast Asian war, racial
prejudice, inflation, unemployment, hunger, poverty, education, growing urban
blight, and so forth. When the broadcasters support this effort they are
taking a political stance. Especially is this so when they,
simultaneously, keep off the air contrary political views. n9 When we encourage this trend, we are taking equally
political action.
n9 See, Fairness Doctrine Ruling, 25
F.C.C. 2d 242, 249 (1970); N. Johnson, "Public Channels and Private
Censors," The Nation (March 23, 1970) p. 329; N. Johnson, "The
Wasteland Revisited," Playboy (Dec. 1970), p. 229; N. Johnson, How to Talk
Back to Your Television Set 71 (1970).
The majority's interest in the whole
song lyrics issue was substantially increased by the Defense Department's Drug
Briefing, which was originally prepared for a briefing of radio and record
executives under the President's auspices at the White House. It is not
surprising that the Nixon Administration and the Defense Department, two
primary targets of the youth culture, should try to strike back. But it
is revealing and somewhat frightening that many of the song lyrics
[*415] singled out as objectionably pro-drug-use by the White House and
Defense Department turn out, in fact, to have nothing whatsoever to do with drugs.
They relate instead to social commentary. Thus, the Defense Department
spokesmen singled out a song by the Doors which says: "War is out -- peace
is the new thing." The White House finds alarming another which says:
Itemize the things you covet
As you squander through your life
Bigger cars, bigger horses,
Term insurance for your
wife... n10
n10 Transcript of White House Radio
Producers Briefing, Aug. 31, 1970, presented in the same form to the FCC, Dec.
9, 1970, p. 4 and lyrics of appendix, p. 1.
Is anything
that attacks the values of corporate America or the military-industrial-complex
now to be interpreted by the FCC and broadcasters as an incitement to drugs?
Beyond the hypocrisy of this blind
attack on the youth culture, this action is legally objectionable because it
ignores the Supreme Court's ruling that the First Amendment protects speech
which has any socially redeeming importance. People differ as to how they
feel about the reasonableness of the drug life as a way out of the often absurd
qualities of life in a corporate states. I happen to believe in getting
high on life -- the perpetual high without drugs. n11 But no one can argue that the use of drugs -- by
rich and poor, middle-aged and young -- is not a controversial issue of public
importance today. How can the FCC possibly outlaw the subject as suitable
for artistic comment? How can it possibly repeal the applicability of the
fairness doctrine to this subject?
n11 See, N. Johnson, "Life
Before Death in the Corporate State," Barbara Weinstock Lecture.
University of California, Berkeley, California, Nov. 5, 1970 (FCC 57177); N.
Johnson, "The Careening of America or How to Talk Back to Your Corporate
State," Poynter Fellow Lecture, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut,
March 8, 1971 (FCC 64807).
The courts have frequently
invalidated licensing schemes which give the licensing agency such unbridled
discretion, or which are so broad, that a licensee is deterred from engaging in
activity protected by the First Amendment. Thus, in Weiman v. Updegraff,
344 U.S. 183, 195 (1952), a case involving loyalty oaths demanded of
prospective teachers, the Supreme Court condemned the provision, saying:
"It has an unmistakable tendency to chill that free play of spirit which
all teachers ought especially to cultivate and practice; it makes for caution
and timidity in their associations by potential teachers."
As Mr. Justice Black has written:
[A] statute broad enough to support
infringement of speech... necessarily leaves all persons to guess just what the
law really means to cover, and fear of a wrong guess inevitably leads people to
forego the very rights the Constitution sought to protect above all others.
v. United States, 360 U.S. 109, 137 (1959) (dissenting opinion). This
danger, inherent in the overbroad and necessarily vague action which the
Commission takes today, is compounded when it involves the natural sensitivity
of those whose very existence depends on the licensing power of the censoring
Simply by announcing its concern with
the content of song lyrics as they relate to drugs, the Commission is
effectively censoring protected [*416] speech. The breadth of
the regulation is aggravated by the vagueness of the standard used --
"tending to glorify." What does that mean? It could include
"Up, Up and Away" sung by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Some
so-called "drug lyrics" are clearly discouraging the use of
drugs. Others, while less clear, can most reasonably be read to be
opposing drug usage. Many informed people argues that even the programs
and public service spots designed to discourage drug usage are often as likely
to have the opposite effect. How is the poor licensee to know which
lyrics are "tending to glorify"? Will he risk his license over
such an interpretation?
In Burstyn v. Wilson, 343 U.S. 495
(1952), a statute which authorized denial of a license if the licensor
concluded that the film reviewed was "sacrilegious" was held by the
Supreme Court to be an unconstitutionally overbroad delegation of discretion.
The Commission's action today is bond to be interpreted as a threat that the
playing of certain song lyrics could threaten license renewals.
Justice Brennan summarized the
Supreme Court's concern with actions which have a "chilling effect"
on the exercising of rights protected by the First Amendment:
To give these freedoms the necessary
"breathing space to survive,"... [we] have molded both substantive
rights and procedural remedies in the face of varied conflicting interests to conform
to our overriding duty to insulate all individuals from the "chilling
effect" upon exercise of First Amendment freedoms generated by vagueness,
overbreadth and unbridled discretion to limit their exercise. Walker v. City of Birmingham, 388
U.S. 307, 344-45 (1967) (dissenting opinion) (emphasis added). This is a
classic case of Federal agency action which is bound to have a "chilling
effect" on the exercise of First Amendment rights.
The Commission's action today will
have a chilling effect on the free spirit of our songwriters, because of the
caution and timidity which today's action will produce among licensees.
It will have a similar effect on the record industry, because of the
relationship between the radio play of a record and its economic success.
And where, after all, do we get authority to regulate that industry by putting
pressure on the move to require the printing of lyrics on dust jackets?
We are more dependent upon the
creative people in our society than we have ever fully comprehended.
"Legalize Freedom" says the latest bumper sticker. Full human
flowering requires the opportunity to know, and express creativity, one's most
honest-as-possible self. Governments are instituted among men --
according to our Declaration of Independence -- to promote "life, liberty,
and the pursuit of happiness." We seem to have drifted quite a way from
that goal. Not only do we need creative freedom to promote individual
growth, we also need creative artists to divert social disaster. The
artists are our country's outriders. They are out ahead of our caravan,
finding the mountain passes and the rivers. They pick up the new
vibrations a decade or more before the rest of us, and try to tell us what's
about to happen to us as a people -- in the form of painting, theater, novels,
and in music. In order to function at all, they have to function
free. When we start the process of Kafkaesque institutional interference
with that [*417] freedom -- whether by Big Business or Big Government
-- we are encouraging, rather than preventing, the decline and fall of the
American Empire: its view of the future, and the fulfillment of its people.
I hope the recording and
broadcasting industries will have the courage and commitment to respond to this
brazen attack upon them with all the enthusiasm it calls for. Given the
power of this Commission, I am afraid they may not.
For all these reasons, I dissent.