The policy-making authority of the school district rests with the Board of Directors and is the Board’s most important function. Written policies constitute the basic method by which the Board of Directors exercises leadership in and control over the operation of the school district.
It is the responsibility of the superintendent, as the Board’s executive officer, to coordinate a systematic review of policies and make suggestions to the Board when new policies or changes are necessary. All policies shall undergo such a review at least once every three years. Once the policy has been reviewed, even if no changes were needed, a notation of the date of the review shall be stated at the conclusion of the policy.
Policies may also be proposed by any member of the Board, by a member of the school district staff, or by any citizen in the school district. Policy proposals should be submitted to the Board, through the superintendent, prior to a regularly scheduled meeting.
Policies may be adopted, rescinded, changed, or amended by resolution adopted at any regular (or special) meeting of the Board by a majority vote of the members provided that such policy was presented for a first reading at a prior, public meeting or the Board waives the second reading.
The formal adoption of policies shall be recorded in the minutes of the Board of Directors. Only those written statements so adopted and so recorded shall be regarded as official Board policy.
Date of Adoption: December 12, 1967
Revised: November 11, 1969
June 10, 1980
August 22, 1989
January 28, 1992
April 11, 1995
The Board shall delegate to the superintendent the function of specifying required actions and designing the detailed arrangements under which the schools will be operated. These rules and these detailed arrangements shall constitute the administrative regulations governing the schools. They must, in every respect, be consistent with policies adopted by the Board. The Board itself shall formulate and adopt administrative regulations only when specific state laws require Board adoption and may do so when the superintendent recommends Board adoption in light of strong community attitudes, or probable staff reaction.
In general, administrative rules and regulations serve to implement the policies of the Board of Directors.
Date of Adoption: December 12, 1967
Revised: May 27, 1980
January 28, 1992
April 11, 1995
The advice and counsel of interested and informed patrons and staff in the planning and operation of the schools is encouraged. This advice should be offered only after careful deliberation. Formation of committees can either be by the Board of Directors or by the superintendent of the district. Members of the committee should be representative of the community and have a variety of philosophies.
Committees can be advisory to the Board of Directors or to the administration. If the Board of Directors desires input in a specific area, the intent to form a committee should be publicized to provide an opportunity for interested citizens to volunteer. After consultation with the Board and superintendent the selection of members of a Board committee is the responsibility of the president or designee. The Board shall approve the final selection. Whenever a Board committee meets, a notice of the meeting and a meeting summary shall be provided each member of the Board. When a final report of the committee is submitted to the Board, the committee is dissolved.
If the committee is administrative in nature and districtwide in scope, it shall be appointed by and report to the superintendent or designee.
In the use of committees, it is important to remember that:
1. The local school board is the legal body governing a school district and cannot delegate its authority.
2. A committee serving the Board of Directors cannot deprive the Board of its legal authority.
3. A committee developed by the Board, shall conduct its meetings in accordance with the open meetings law.
Date of Adoption: May 27, 1980
Revised: May 9, 1995
The advice and counsel of citizens in the planning and operation of the schools is encouraged. Formation of committees can either be by the Board of Directors or by the superintendent of the district.
If the Board of Directors desires input in a specific area, the intent to form a committee should be publicized to provide an opportunity for interested citizens to volunteer. Selection of the members of a committee is the responsibility of the president or designee after consultation with the Board and superintendent. The Board shall approve the final selection. Members of the committee should be representative of the community and have a variety of philosophies. Committees appointed by and advisory to the Board of Directors report directly to the Board.
Administrative advisory committees are formed through and report to the superintendent or designee.
Date of Adoption: December 12, 1967
Revised: May 27, 1980
September 19, 1983
Members of the Board of Directors shall not participate in discussion or vote on matters in which the member is financially interested, directly or indirectly. This includes any contract for services or materials, to be furnished or performed for the school district.
Statutes exclude a Board member from:
1. Receiving compensation directly from the district.
2. Appointing a relative within the third degree by consanquinity
or affinity to a paying position unless it is first approved by the Board
of Directors.
3. Being an agent for a textbook or school supply company that
does business with the school district.
In addition, a member of the Board of Directors cannot become a party to or beneficiary of a contract with the Board of Directors.
Legal Reference: Code of Iowa Sections 68B et. seq., 277.27, 71.1, 301.28
Date of Adoption: December 12, 1967
Revised: May 27, 1980
January 12, 1988
January 28, 1992
April 11, 1995
The Board of Directors at a meeting in July or August on or before August 15 shall appoint an attorney to represent the corporation and advise the Board. The attorney shall attend regular and special meetings when requested and be available for consultation as needed.
Legal Reference: Code of Iowa Chapter 279.37
Date of Adoption: December 12, 1967
Revised: July 13, 1976
May 12, 1980
January 28, 1992
April 11, 1995