The primary function of the Board of Directors in the Iowa City Community School District is to assure that a high quality educational program is provided for all students of the district. Success in assuring such programming is dependent in large measure upon the competency of the staff who serve in direct and/or supporting positions. It shall be the policy of the Board of Directors to recruit and retain professional, caring, skilled and talented individuals of diverse backgrounds.
It shall be the policy of the Board of Directors to appoint all certificated personnel only upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools, except for the appointment of the superintendent. Support personnel will be selected by the superintendent.
Reference: Code of Iowa, Chapter 20
Date of Adoption: May 10, 1970
Revised: July 27, 1976
December 10, 1991
May 13, 1992
June 11, 1996
November 26, 1996
April 28, 1998
The Iowa City Community School District affirms its commitment to the provision of equal employment opportunities for all employees or potential employees of the district regardless of race, creed, color, gender, national origin, religion, age, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, or veteran status except where age, gender or disability constitute a bona fide occupational qualification necessary for job performance.
The district shall develop an Affirmative Action plan to implement this policy. The plan will be evaluated and updated every two years.
Legal Reference Code of Iowa 19B.4
Date of Adoption: May 10, 1988
Revised: December 10, 1991
May 13, 1992
June 22, 1993
June 11, 1996
November 26, 1996
April 28, 1998
Sexual harassment will not be tolerated by the Iowa City Community School District.
Section 1. RATIONALE
(a) Sexual harassment undermines the employment relationship by creating an intimidating, offensive, or hostile environment. When through fear of reprisal a student or staff member submits, or is pressured to submit to unwanted sexual attention, the district's ability to carry out its mission is undermined. Sexual harassment has no place in the Iowa City Community School District.
(b) Sexual harassment is especially serious when it threatens relationships between staff and student or supervisor and subordinate. In such situations, sexual harassment exploits unfairly the power inherent in a supervisor's position.
(c) While sexual harassment most often takes place in situations of a power differential between the persons involved, the district also recognizes that sexual harassment may occur between persons of the same status. The district will not tolerate staff or student behavior which creates an unacceptable working or educational environment.
For the purposes of this policy, sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:
A. submission to such conduct is explicitly or implicitly made a term or condition of an individual's employment or status in a class, program, or activity;
B. submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as a basis for an employment or educational decision affecting an individual; or
C. such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work or educational performance, or of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment for work or learning.
The district will not tolerate and strictly prohibits any conduct that constitutes sexual harassment as defined in this policy.
Sexual harassment encompasses any sexual attention that is unwanted. Examples of the verbal or physical conduct prohibited include, but are not limited to:
A. physical assault;
B. direct or implied threats that submission to sexual advances will be a condition of employment, work status, promotion, education, grades or letters of recommendation;
C. direct propositions of a sexual nature;
D. a pattern of conduct that would discomfort and/or humiliate a reasonable person at whom the conduct was directed that includes one or more of the following: (i) unnecessary touching, patting, hugging, or brushing against a person's body, sexually explicit statements, questions, jokes or anecdotes; (ii) remarks of a sexual nature about a person's clothing or body; or (iii) remarks about sexual activity or speculations about previous sexual experience, repeated and unwanted questions or gestures.
(a) Staff and students of the district who, without establishing a pattern of doing so, engage in isolated conduct of the kind described in Subsections 3 (D) or who exhibit a pattern of engaging in such conduct but fail to realize that their actions discomfort and/or humiliate demonstrate insensitivity that necessitates remedial measures. When district administrators become aware that such activities are occurring in their areas, they should discuss such conduct with those involved and, where appropriate, recommend remedial measures designed to help them understand the harm they are doing.
(b) If, after participating in the remedial measures or failing to participate after being recommended to do so, a person continues to engage in the conduct described in Subsection 3(D), he or she will be deemed to have engaged in a pattern of conduct intended to discomfort or humiliate the one at whom the actions or statements are directed.
Legal Reference: Code of Iowa 19B.12
Date of Adoption: June 8, 1993
Revised: November 26, 1996
April 28, 1998
Section 1. RATIONALE
Each employee or student of the district has the right to work and learn in an environment free from harassment. If by speech, acts or conduct, a person engages in harassing behavior, they will be in violation of laws governing individual's rights and in violation of this policy.
The policy of the Iowa City Community School District is to maintain a learning and working environment that is free from harassment. The district will not tolerate conduct or behaviors that diminish the dignity of individuals with respect to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, gender, age, marital status, sexual orientation, veteran status or disability.
It shall be a violation of this policy for any district employee to harass another employee or student, for students to harass other students or staff, or for non-employees to harass students or staff. Each employee shall be responsible for promoting understanding and acceptance of state and federal laws, board policy and procedures governing harassment within his or her school or office. Additionally, each administrators shall be responsible for assuring compliance within his or her school or office.
Violations of this policy will be cause for disciplinary action up to and including termination of staff or expulsion of students. Other individuals whose behavior is found to be in violation of this policy will be subject to appropriate sanctions.
Harassment means conduct or behaviors of a verbal, written or physical nature that diminish individual dignity when such conduct or behaviors have the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work or learning environment; have the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work or learning; or otherwise adversely affect an individual's employment or learning opportunities. Harassment with respect to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, gender, age, marital status, sexual orientation, veteran status or disability is of particular concern.
Examples of harassment include but are not limited to slurs, negative stereotyping, physical and/or verbal hostile acts, and written or graphic material which is posted or circulated in the workplace or learning environment aimed at degrading an individual which may include members of specifically protected classes.
The standard for determining whether verbal or physical conduct is sufficiently severe or pervasive to create a hostile or abusive work environment is whether a reasonable person in the same or similar circumstances would find the conduct intimidating, hostile or abusive. The "reasonable person" standard includes consideration of the perspective of persons in protected class status.
Section 3. Inadvertent Offenses
Staff and students of the district show insensitivity and require remedial measures when they (1) engage in isolated conduct of the kind described above, or (2) exhibit a pattern of engaging in such conduct but fail to realize that their actions cause discomfort and/or humiliation . When district administrators become aware that such activities are occurring, they should discuss such conduct with those involved, and take the necessary disciplinary actions which shall include a recommendation for that person to complete an educational program designed to help them understand their inappropriate behavior.
If a person continues to engage in the conduct described above, after participating in the educational program or failing to participate after being recommended to do so, he/she will be deemed to have engaged in a pattern of conduct intended to cause discomfort or humiliation. This will be cause for additional disciplinary measures.
Legal Reference: Code of Iowa 708.7
Date of Adoption: May 10, 1994
Revised: December 10, 1996
April 28, 1998
Leaves of absence will be granted to any employee who is a member of Reserve Forces for reserve training or active duty purposes. An employee’s leave(s) shall not exceed a total of 30 work days in any calendar year. Year-round employees will be granted military service leave(s) in addition to their regular vacation time. During the period of the absence the district shall pay the employee his/her regular salary and compensation.
An employee who is not a year-round employee and who is a member of a military reserve unit is expected to attend training during non-work days. Under circumstances when the superintendent or designee determines this is not possible, the employee shall be granted military service leave with full pay and compensation.
Date of Adoption: July 27, 1976
Revised: July 26, 1988
May 13, 1992
June 9, 1998
Legal Reference: Code of Iowa, Chapter 68B.22(4)(i)
Date of Adoption: December 16, 1980
Revised: July 14, 1981
April 28, 1992
July 15, 1992
April 11, 1995
June 9, 1998
The district will provide certified and support staff and administrators access to an electronic network for both internal communication and Internet access. To ensure the smooth operation of the network, the district will establish and monitor guidelines for end users regarding proper conduct and efficient, ethical and legal usage. Use of the network system will be in support of the educational mission of the district and will be consistent with the ICCSD Strategic Plan and educational objectives. Transmissions by faculty and staff which violate any district, state or U.S. regulation or law are prohibited.
With access to computers and global computing networks comes the availability of material that may not be considered to be of educational value in the context of the school setting. The district does not make use of filtering software and, as such, a user has the potential to access what may be considered controversial information. Faculty and staff are prohibited from accessing material from electronic networks which is inconsistent with the educational mission of the district. In addition, as faculty and staff are responsible for the selection of electronic as well as print and visual materials for their classrooms, they are charged with following the same Board Policies in selection of electronic materials as in selecting other materials.
Date of Adoption: June 9, 1998
It shall be the policy of the Board of Directors of the Iowa City Community School District that all certified employees, administrators and support staff, in accordance with State Rules of Iowa 281, Ch.12 12.4(14), shall submit to the Office of Human Resources a certificate from a physician stating that the employee has been examined by the physician and found to be free of contagious disease, particularly tuberculosis, and that the individual is physically capable to render service while in no way endangering public health.
The Board of Directors agrees to compensate each certified employee, administrator and support staff member upon presentation of written proof of payment to the Office of Human Resources up to forty dollars ($40) toward the costs incurred in meeting the above public health requirements but not to exceed the total cost of the examination.
Legal Reference: State Rules of Iowa 281 - Ch12, 12.4(14)
Date of Adoption: July 27, 1976
Revised: July 26,1988
May 13, 1992
June 9, 1998
All certified and support staff of the school district shall be reimbursed for travel expenses incurred for district-related travel which has been previously authorized by the superintendent or designee.
The rates for reimbursement shall be for actual expenses incurred for travel, including lowest available fare for public carrier, or no more than the maximum allowed per mile by state law for use of a private automobile.
Designated certified and support staff shall be reimbursed for mileage in moving from building to building within the district while in the performance of their assigned duties, with the exception of travel to and from work and home.
The district will obtain automobile liability insurance to provide protection for certified and support staff who drive their personal automobiles while participating in district business which has been previously approved by the superintendent or designee. This liability insurance will not provide coverage while the employee is driving his/her automobile to and from work or for other personal use.
Date of Adoption: July 27, 1976
Revised: July 26,1988
September 9, 1996
June 9, 1998
The term "certified" staff as used throughout the 400 and 401 series in the policy book refers to all personnel covered by the negotiated agreement between the Iowa City Education Association and the Board of Directors, Iowa City Community School District.
Date of Adoption: July 27, 1976
Revised: May 10, 1988
May 13, 1992
April 28, 1998
Recruitment of all certified staff of the school district shall be the responsibility of the superintendent of schools. In the discharge of this responsibility, the superintendent shall consult with the appropriate administrative and supervisory staff.
Date of Adoption: May 10, 1970
Revised: July 27, 1976
May 10, 1988
May 13, 1992
April 28, 1998
The Board of Directors encourages prospective certified employees with diverse points of view and backgrounds to become candidates for positions in the Iowa City Community School District. In order to be employed by the Iowa City Community School District all employees must combine the qualities of strong moral character with professional expertise and thorough preparation in their teaching field(s).
The qualifications of applicants seeking employment shall be evaluated upon the merits of the candidates’ applications without regard to their race, creed, color, religion, age, gender, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation disability, or veteran status except where age, gender or disability constitute a bona fide occupational qualification necessary for job performance.
Date of Adoption: May 10, 1970
Revised: July 27, 1976
May 10, 1988
May 13, 1992
June 22, 1993
November 26, 1996
April 28, 1998
In order to provide first aid assistance in life-threatening situations, current cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) certification is required for all persons coaching district athletic teams. This stipulation extends to assistant coaches as well as head coaches of all sports teams at all grade levels. The American Heart Association Course for CPR Certification Module A is recommended as the means to obtain certification. Staff who are physically challenged and medically unable to meet this requirement may request and may be granted by the superintendent/designee exemption from the CPR certification requirement.
Date of Adoption: November 22, 1988
Revised: May 13, 1992
April 28, 1998
All certified staff shall be properly certificated as required by statutory enactment and the Iowa Board of Educational Examiners. It shall be the responsibility of each certified staff member to obtain and maintain current, valid certification for the level(s) and endorsement area(s) in which he/she is teaching and/or working.
All certified staff, in addition to having Iowa certification, shall meet the certification requirements of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.
Legal Reference: Code of Iowa 272
Date of Adoption: April 28, 1970
Revised: July 27, 1976
May 10, 1988
May 13, 1992
November 26, 1996
April 28, 1998
Contracts of continuing contracted, certified staff shall remain in force and effect for the period stated in the contract and thereafter shall be automatically continued in force and effect for equivalent periods except as modified or terminated by mutual agreement of the Board of Directors and the staff member, or as provided by law.
Date of Adoption: July 27, 1976
Revised: May 10, 1988
May 13, 1992
April 28, 1998
The Board of the Iowa City Community School shall not consider age as a factor in determining the continuation of the contract of a certified staff member. Under the Iowa Public Employee’s Retirement System the normal retirement date of covered employees is:
The first of the month in which a member attains the age of sixty-five
years if the member has not completed thirty years of membership service.
The first of the month in which the member attains the age of sixty-two
years if the member has completed thirty years of membership service.
The first of any month in which the member has completed thirty years
of membership service if the member has attained the age of sixty-two years
but is not yet sixty-five years of age.
The first of any month in which a member meets the membership service
and age requirements to retire under Section 97B.49, Subsection 15 of the
Code of Iowa.
Legal Reference: Code of Iowa 97B.45, 97B.46
Date of Adoption: July 27, 1976
Revised: January 23, 1979
May 10, 1988
May 13, 1992
April 28, 1998
Requests for resignations and retirements shall be submitted by the employee in writing, signed by the resigning or retiring employee, directed to the superintendent or designee, and referred to the Board of Directors with an administrative recommendation.
In the event a certified staff member terminates employment without proper release from a contract before the expiration date of the contract, the superintendent of schools or designee is directed to advise the Iowa Department of Education so that their officials may take appropriate action.
Certified staff who do not return a contract or provide written information regarding their future employment status within appropriate timelines shall be considered to have voluntarily resigned their employment with the district.
Date of Adoption: July 27, 1976
Revised: May 10, 1988
May 13, 1992
November 26, 1996
April 28, 1998
In order to gain experience in other educational settings and/or for the purpose of promoting international goodwill, the Board of Directors may contract with another board or other educational authorities for the exchange of teaching services.
The superintendent or designee shall review the benefits of such a proposed exchange and make a recommendation for action on the proposed exchange to the Board.
Date of Adoption: July 27, 1976
Revised: May 10, 1988
May 13, 1992
April 28, 1998
All substitute teachers whose services are utilized by the Iowa City Community School District must be properly certified according to guidelines established by the Iowa Board of Educational Examiners. Procedures governing substitute teaching will be distributed to substitute teachers.
Date of Adoption: July 27, 1976
Revised: May 10, 1988
May 13, 1992
April 28, 1998
It is the policy of the Iowa City Community School District to cooperate with institutions of higher education in the practical preparation of future teachers through supervised student teacher programs. Such programs will be developed by the teacher training institution in cooperation with the school district’s Human Resources Office. Contracts for student teaching between institutions of higher education and the district shall be brought before the Board of Directors for action.
The function of the student teacher program will be to give the student experience in the profession of teaching under the guidance of an experienced educator.
The assignment of student teachers will be initiated by the teacher training institution which must seek prior approval from the building administrator and the Director of Human Resources.
Procedures associated with student teaching will be published in the "Student Teachers’ Handbook."
Date of Adoption: July 27, 1976
Revised: May 10, 1988
May 13, 1992
April 28, 1998
The Iowa City Community School District Board of Directors believes evaluation of certified staff to be an essential and positive component of professional growth. A formal evaluation procedure with established criteria will be developed and implemented by the district administrative staff under the supervision of the superintendent.
Date of Adoption: September 14, 1978
Revised: May 10, 1988
May 13, 1992
April 28, 1998
The continued growth and development of certified personnel represents an essential element of an effective school system. Therefore, the Iowa City Community School District supports activities and programs designed to assist certified staff members in maintaining, further developing and extending their professional skills.
Resources made available for such staff development activities will be allotted using these criteria:
1. Activities that constitute a response to district and building goals
or priorities.
2. Activities that are supported by research as enhancing the quality
of the learning experience provided for students.
3. Activities specifically designed for the purpose of increasing the
knowledge or skill of the school employee.
Date of Adoption: March 16, 1993
Revised: April 28, 1998
The term "support staff" as used throughout the 402 series in the policy book refers to all personnel, except administrators, not covered by the negotiated agreement between the Iowa City Education Association and the Board of Directors, Iowa City Community School District. When a negotiated agreement between the Board of Directors and an employee association results in a conflict with policies found in the 402 series, the language of the negotiated agreement will prevail.
Date of Adoption: April 12, 1983
Revised: July 26, 1988
May 13, 1992
April 28, 1998
Recruitment and selection of support personnel shall be the responsibility of the superintendent or designee.
Selection shall be based upon the merits of the candidate’s application in conjunction with the provisions of the applicable policies of the Board of Directors.
Date of Adoption: July 27, 1976
Revised: July 26, 1988
May 13, 1992
April 28, 1998
Contracts with non-certificated staff shall be in writing and shall state the length of time the contract is in force, the total compensation for the contract period, and the schedule of periodic payments.
Such contracts shall be approved by the Board of Directors and shall be signed by the President and filed with the district’s Office of Human Resources.
Date of Adoption: July 27, 1976
Revised: July 26, 1988
May 13, 1992
The Board of the Iowa City Community School shall not consider age as a factor in determining the continuation of the contract of a support staff member. Under the Iowa Public Employee’s Retirement System the normal retirement date of covered employees is:
1. The first of the month in which a member attains the age of sixty-five
years if the member has not completed thirty years of membership service.
2. The first of the month in which the member attains the age of sixty-two
years if the member has completed thirty years of membership service.
3. The first of any month in which the member has completed thirty
years of membership service if the member has attained the age of sixty-two
years but is not yet sixty-five years of age.
4. The first of any month in which a member meets the membership service
and age requirements to retire under Section 97B.49, Subsection 15 of the
Code of Iowa.
Legal Reference: Code of iowa 97B.49
Date of Adoption: July 27, 1976
Revised: January 23, 1979
July 26, 1988
May 13, 1992
April 28, 1998
Resignations of support staff should be submitted by employees in writing, signed by the resigning employee, and directed to the superintendent or designee.
Staff who do not provide written information regarding their employment status within appropriate timelines shall be considered to have voluntarily resigned their employment with the district.
Date of Adoption: July 27, 1976
Revised: July 26, 1988
May 13, 1992
April 28, 1998
It shall be the responsibility of the superintendent or designee to assign all support staff. Changes in assignment of support staff may be initiated by: 1) an employee submitting a request to his/her immediate supervisor and the Office of Human Resources, 2) the immediate supervisor, or 3) a district administrator(s) to ensure the efficient operation of the district’s mission.
Prior to the reassignment of a support staff employee, the administrator/supervisor will discuss the reassignment with the employee.
Date of Adoption: July 27, 1976
Revised: July 26, 1988
May 13, 1992
April 28, 1998
Deductions from the Iowa City Community School District’s non-certificated employees’ payroll checks shall be limited to the following items:
1. Federal income tax
2. State income tax
3. Blue Cross- Blue Shield premiums
4. State retirement tax
5. Social Security tax
6. Annuity premiums pursuant to Public Law 87-370
United States Savings Bond
Any contribution to a charitable organization pursuant to Board Policy
Date of Adoption: July 27, 1976
Revised: July 26, 1988
May 13, 1992
April 28, 1998
The district shall provide each support employee a brochure describing the life, disability, and medical insurance benefits for which he/she is eligible. The district shall be responsible for providing to employees enrollment forms and information regarding the district’s insurance program. It shall be the responsibility of the employee to properly enroll for insurance benefits.
Date of Adoption: July 12,1977
Revised: July 26, 1988
May 13, 1992
April 28, 1998
Support staff shall be evaluated through an established evaluation program. In the discharge of this duty, the superintendent shall consult with the employees’ supervisor(s).
Date of Adoption: July 27, 1976
Revised: July 26,1988
May 13, 1992
April 28, 1998
It is the policy of the Board of Directors to provide an effective means of resolving complaints which may arise among support staff members. Utilization of this grievance procedure shall mean only that there has been an alleged violation, misinterpretation, or misapplication of the conditions of employment, as specified in Board Policy or Administrative Regulation, against the person making the complaint.
Date of Adoption: July 27, 1976
Revised: July 26,1988
May 13, 1992
June 9, 1998
Failure on the part of a support staff employee to properly discharge the duties assigned shall be deemed sufficient cause for suspension and/or dismissal.
The superintendent or designee shall have authority to suspend or terminate the services of any support staff employee.
Date of Adoption: July 27, 1976
Revised: July 26,1988
May 13, 1992
June 9, 1998
Regularly employed full-time support staff shall be granted temporary leaves of absence for personal illness or injury and circumstances which are temporary in nature, as approved by the superintendent or designee.
All employees shall be granted leaves of absence as afforded by the Family and Medical Leave Act.
Persons in the following types of employment are not entitled to temporary
leave benefits:
1. Casual or part-time employees who work on an on-call or as needed
2. Extra help employed during summer and vacation periods.
3. Probationary personnel.
Date of Adoption: July 27, 1976
Revised: July 26, 1988
May 13, 1992
June 9, 1998
All non-exempt support staff as defined by the Fair Labor Standards Act, shall be compensated for any approved hours worked over forty hours in a work week. This compensation shall be in compliance with the state and federal laws.
Each non-exempt support staff employee compensated on an hourly basis, whether full or part time, permanent or temporary, will be paid no less than the Federal Minimum Wage. Whenever an non-exempt support staff employee must work more than forty hours in a given work week, the employee shall be compensated at one and one-half hours of compensatory time for each hour of overtime worked or compensated at one and one-half times his/her normal hourly rate of pay. The superintendent or designee will retain the right to determine which form of compensation will be provided by the district. Overtime will not be permitted without prior authorization of the superintendent or designee.
Each non-exempt support staff employee paid on an hourly basis must receive prior approval from his/her supervisor or principal and must complete district documentation procedures for overtime claims, and submit the claim to his/her immediate supervisor and the Payroll Office. Failure of the employee to maintain and submit accurate overtime records will be grounds for disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.
It is the responsibility of the superintendent or designee to maintain records and to establish regulations and procedures to comply with the requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act.
Legal Reference: Fair Labor Standards Act 29 USC Secs. 206 et. seq., 20 CFR Secs 511-800
Date of Adoption: April 9, 1987
Revised: July 26, 1988
May 13, 1992
August 24, 1993
June 9, 1998
The continued growth and development of support staff personnel represents an essential element of an effective school system. Therefore, the Iowa City Community School District supports activities and programs designed to assist support staff members in maintaining, further developing and extending their job related skills.
Resources made available for such staff development activities will be allotted using these criteria:
1. Activities that constitute a response to district and building goals
or priorities.
2. Activities that are supported by research as enhancing the quality
of the learning experience provided for students.
3. Activities specifically designed for the purpose of increasing the
knowledge or skill of the school employee.
Date of Adoption: March 16, 1993
Revised: June 9, 1998
Employees who operate school vehicles are subject to drug and alcohol testing if a commercial driver's license is required to operate the school vehicle and the school vehicle transports sixteen or more persons including the driver or the school vehicle weighs twenty-six thousand one pounds or more. For purposes of the drug and alcohol testing program, "employees" include applicants who have been offered a position which includes operation of a school vehicle.
Those employees operating a school vehicle as described above are subject to pre-employment, random, reasonable suspicion, post-accident, return-to-duty and follow-up drug and alcohol testing. The employees shall be subject to the drug and alcohol testing program beginning the first day they operate or are offered a position to operate school vehicles and continue to be subject to the drug and alcohol testing program throughout their employment. Applicants who are subject to this policy will be informed of the requirements for drug and alcohol testing in notices or advertisements for employment, in the application form and at the interview.
Employees who violate the terms of this policy by refusing to submit to a drug or alcohol test or failing to pass a drug or alcohol test as outlined in administrative regulation 402.21 will be subject to discipline up to and including termination. Employees who violate this policy will be required to successfully participate in a substance abuse treatment program approved by the Board. Failure to do so will result in discipline up to and including termination.
Legal Reference: Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of
1991, 41 U.S.C. 701-707 (1988) 42 U.S. C. 12101 et seq. (Supp. 1990), 34
C. F. R. Pt. 85 (1993), 49 C. F. R. Pt. 40; 382; 391,81-123 (1994)
Code of Iowa 124; 279.8; 730.5 (1993)
Date of Adoption: January 28, 1997
The Iowa City Community School District is committed to providing employees a safe and healthy place in which to work. Each employee is also encouraged to recognize his/her responsibilities for sustaining this objective.
The superintendent or designee shall be responsible for organizing and coordinating safety programming and training for all employees.
Date of Adoption: June 22, 1976
Revised: July 26, 1988
May 13, 1992
June 9, 1998
The Iowa City Community School District shall establish and maintain a smoke-free environment within district buildings. A smoke-free environment means that no person will be exposed to tobacco smoke in the course of his/her activities in school district buildings.
At any activity conducted on school grounds no smoking will be permitted except in designated areas located outside district buildings.
Date of Adoption: May 26, 1987
Revised: July 26, 1988
May 13, 1992
June 9, 1998
The Iowa City Community School District shares with the community the responsibility to provide an optimal school and work environment for the intellectual, emotional and physical development of its students. As all district employees provide role modeling for students, the Iowa City Community School District is committed to providing a drug-free workplace.
The district prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of controlled substances in the workplace or on school district premises or at such times that the above activities have or may have an adverse effect on the employee’s work performance, behavior or effectiveness.
Drug-free awareness information will be provided to assist employees in broadening their knowledge of the harmful effect of controlled substances and in the treatment of alcoholism, or addiction to controlled substances. The district will inform employees of the district’s policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace policy.
The district will impose disciplinary sanctions up to and including termination on any employee who is found to be in violation of this policy and the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988. An employee may be required to attend as a condition of employment substance abuse counseling and/or to participate in inpatient substance abuse rehabilitation.
Any employee who receives a criminal drug statute conviction for a violation in the workplace must notify their immediate supervisor within five (5) days of the conviction. Federal agencies with whom the district has grants or contracts will be notified of the conviction within ten (10) days after having received such notice.
As a condition of employment, all employees must agree to abide by the terms outlined in this policy.
Date of Adoption: August 22, 1989
Revised: May 13, 1992
June 9, 1998
Employees who operate school vehicles are subject to drug and alcohol testing if a commercial driver's license is required to operate the school vehicle and the school vehicle transports sixteen or more persons including the driver or the school vehicle weighs twenty-six thousand one pounds or more. For purposes of the drug and alcohol testing program, "employees" include applicants who have been offered a position which includes operation of a school vehicle.
Those employees operating a school vehicle as described above are subject to pre-employment, random, reasonable suspicion, post-accident, return-to-duty and follow-up drug and alcohol testing. The employees shall be subject to the drug and alcohol testing program beginning the first day they operate or are offered a position to operate school vehicles and continue to be subject to the drug and alcohol testing program throughout their employment. Applicants who are subject to this policy will be informed of the requirements for drug and alcohol testing in notices or advertisements for employment, in the application form and at the interview.
Employees who violate the terms of this policy by refusing to submit to a drug or alcohol test or failing to pass a drug or alcohol test as outlined in administrative regulation 402.21 will be subject to discipline up to and including termination. Employees who violate this policy will be required to successfully participate in a substance abuse treatment program approved by the Board. Failure to do so will result in discipline up to and including termination.
Legal Reference: Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of
41 U.S.C. 701-707 (1988)
42 U.S. C. 12101 et seq. (Supp. 1990)
34 C. F. R. Pt. 85 (1993)
49 C. F. R. Pt. 40; 382; 391,81-123 (1994)
Code of Iowa 124; 279.8; 730.5 (1993)
Date of Adoption: January 28, 1997
Revised: June 9, 1998