The Board of Directors believes that all students should be given the opportunity to develop to their maximum potential. The educational program shall be consistent with stated district goals.
Date of Adoption: July 19, 1977
Revised: April 11, 1989
March 10, 1992
May 23, 1995
July 8, 1997
1. elementary schools, grades kindergarten through six,
2. junior high schools, grades seven and eight,
3. senior high schools, grades nine through twelve.
Legal Reference: Code of Iowa Sec. 257: 3.2(2), (3), (4), (6)
Date of Adoption: July 19, 1977
Revised: December 20, 1983
April 11, 1989
March 10, 1992
May 23, 1995
July 8, 1997
The Superintendent shall have the responsibility for submitting the proposed school calendar to the Board of Directors for approval and adoption.
The Board of Directors shall amend the school calendar when it is determined to be in the best interest of the school district.
Legal Reference: Code of Iowa Chapter 279.10
Date of Adoption: July 19, 1977
Revised: April 11, 1989
March 10, 1992
May 23, 1995
July 8, 1997
In the event that no school days have been cancelled, the last three school days for students will be deleted from the calendar; if one school day has been cancelled, the last two school days will be deleted from the calendar; if two school days have been cancelled, the last school day for students will be deleted.
In the event that more than 3 school days have been cancelled, the day or days needed to make 180 school days for students will be weekdays added to the end of the original 183-day calendar.
Announcement of any deletion or addition of school days will be made by April 15 and a revised calendar will be published.
Legal Reference: Code of Iowa Chapter 279.10
Date of Adoption: May 10, 1983
Revised: April 11, 1989
March 10, 1992
May 23, 1995
July 8, 1997
In accordance with the Iowa Code there shall be emergency and safety drills. The administrator in charge of each building shall have jurisdiction over the building for drills. The administrator will make emergency decisions as to when the building must be evacuated, and when students are to seek protection areas. It is the responsibility of the administrator to notify the Superintendent or designee of any emergency decisions.
Plans for emergencies shall be developed which will include safety rules and emergency procedures for staff, students and patrons to follow in each type of drill.
Legal Reference: Code of Iowa Chapter 100.31
Date of Adoption: March 18, 1969
Revised: June 12, 1979
April 11, 1989
March 10, 1992
May 23, 1995
April 22, 1997
The Iowa City Community School District recognizes the importance of program evaluation for improving educational opportunities for students. The district shall evaluate programs using multiple criteria to assess objectives, methodologies, procedures, products, and outcomes.
Program evaluation in the Iowa City Community School District shall be in accordance with Code of Iowa Chapter 280.12.
The Superintendent shall establish the necessary administrative structures and procedures of curriculum development and revision.
Legal Reference: Code of Iowa Chapter 280.12
Revised: August 16, 1977
Date of Adoption: February 8, 1977
April 11, 1989
March 10, 1992
May 23, 1995
December 10, 1996
July 8, 1997
Curriculum describes the school-connected learning experience of any pupil and also indicates the arrangement of a group of courses to be taken by groups of students having a common objective.
The Superintendent shall annually prior, to December 1 furnish to the Board of Directors a description of all course changes in the secondary Program of Studies. New courses must be approved by the Board of Directors prior to being submitted to students for registration.
The elementary and secondary school curriculum shall meet the educational requirements established by state statute and the Department of Education.
The Board of Directors recognizes that instruction should be based on careful planning. Curriculum guides shall be prepared whenever such guides will be of assistance in the instructional program. It is the policy of the Iowa City Community School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, gender, national origin, religion, age, marital status, sexual orientation, veteran status, or disability, in its educational programs, activities or employment practices.
Legal Reference: Code of Iowa Chapter 256.11
Date of Adoption: August 16, 1977
Revised: April 11, 1989
March 10, 1992
May 23, 1995
December 10, 1996
July 8, 1997
The Board, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, may establish a summer school program. The program offered during the summer school shall provide opportunities for remediation, maintenance, and enrichment.
Date of Adoption: August 16, 1977
Revised: April 11, 1989
March 10, 1992
May 23, 1995
July 8, 1997
The Iowa City Community School District recognizes that some students have different educational needs than other students. The district shall provide an appropriate educational program and related services to students identified in need of special education. The special education services will be provided from birth until the appropriate education is completed or age twenty-one, in accordance with Iowa Code 281.8. The district shall provide an appropriate education for a student in need of special education. Children requiring special education shall attend general education classes, participate in extracurricular activities, and receive services in a general education setting to the maximum extent possible. The appropriate education for each student shall be written in the student's Individualized Education Program (IEP).
Special education students shall be required to meet the requirements stated in Board Policy for graduation or in their IEP's. Prior to the student's graduation the IEP team shall determine that the requirements have been met.
It shall be the responsibility of the superintendent and the area education agency Director of Special Education to provide or make provision for appropriate special education programs. While the superintendent shall be custodian of school records, the building principal shall be responsible for maintaining the records of the children identified as in need of special education. These records may be viewed by authorized school personnel and in accordance with the requirements of Board Policy. Policies and procedures shall be filed at the area education agency.
Legal Reference: Board of Education v. Rowley, 458 U.S. 176 (1982) Springdale School District #50 v. Grace, 693 F. 2d 41 (8th Cr. 1982) 20 U.S.C. Chapter 33 (1992). 34 C.F.R. Pt. 300, Subpart C (1991). §§256.11(7); 273.l; 273.2; 273.5; 273.9(2); 273.9(3); 280.8; and Chapter 281 Iowa Code (1991)
Date of Adoption: December 20, 1983
Revised: April 11, 1989
March 10, 1992
May 25, 1993
May 23, 1995
In a manner consistent with the Code of Iowa, the Education of All Handicapped Children Act )P.L. 94-142), and the Iowa Department of Education Rules for Special Education, children, birth through 21 years of age, identified by Grant Wood Area Education Agency as handicapped, and their parents or guardians, shall be afforded all the rights and procedural safeguards to which they are entitled. These include:
- A free and appropriate public education within the least restrictive,
appropriate educational environment as detailed in the student’s Individualized
Education Plan (I.E.P.),
- Due process in identification, evaluation, educational placement,
programming, and re-evaluation,
- Facilities appropriately suited to the needs of the students,
- Confidentiality of information and records.
The district will have a plan that addresses physical, functional, social and societal integration.
Date of Adoption: April 28, 1987
Revised: April 11, 1989
March 10, 1992
August 8, 1995
The Board of Directors believes that a broad and balanced program of student activities, based on individual and group needs, interests, and abilities is vital in helping students achieve maximum personal development.
The Iowa City Community School District shall sponsor and direct activities which promote educational interests and provide a wide range of recreational, vocational, and cultural opportunities for all students. Participation by all students will be encouraged, and no student will be denied participation on the basis of race, creed, color, gender, national origin, religion, age, marital status, sexual orientation, veteran status or disability. Student activities will be limited by budget and safety consideration rules established by the Department of Education and Iowa City Community School District policies and regulations aimed at the maintenance of a balanced educational program for all students. Activities will be directed by a schools’ administration and staff and must have the approval of the principal.
Date of Adoption: August 16, 1977
Revised: April 11, 1989
March 10, 1992
June 7, 1995
July 8, 1997
It shall be the responsibility of the secondary school principals to determine whether a student group is curriculum-related.
Secondary school student-initiated, noncurriculum-related groups, upon receiving permission from the principal, may use school facilities for group meetings during non-instructional time.
Non-instructional time shall mean any time before the first period in the day and after the last period of the day in which any student attends class. Meeting shall not interfere with the orderly conduct of the educational program or other school district operations. It shall be within the discretion of the building principal to determine such interference exists. Activities relating to and part of the educational program shall have priority over the activities of any other organization.
School district personnel will be assigned to monitor approved student organization meetings. School district personnel shall not participate in the meeting or encourage attendance for student-initiated noncurriculum-related groups. Non-school persons cannot direct, conduct, or regularly attend activities or meetings or these noncurriculum-related, student-initiated groups. Students from the respective schools may attend and participate in meetings of noncurriculum-related groups, but such attendance shall be strictly voluntary and student-initiated.
Student-initiated, noncurriculum-related groups will not use the school name, school mascot name, school district name, or any name or emblem that might imply school district sponsorship. The use of school equipment will be subject to the discretion of the building principal.
Legal Reference: Board of Education of Westside Community Schools v.
Mergens (US June 4, 1990). Bender v. Williamsport Area Community
School District, 741 F. 2d 538 (3d Circ. 1984), vacated and remanded on
other grounds, 106 S. Ct. 1326 (1986). 20 U.S.C.a. §§4071
et seq. (1989). Iowa Code §§ 287.1 - .3, 297.9 (1989).
1. Illegal copies of copyrighted programs may not be made or used
on school equipment.
2. When software is to be used on a disk sharing or network system,
efforts will be made to secure this software from copying.
3. The ethical and practical problems caused by software privacy
will be taught in all schools in the district.
4. District employees will be expected to adhere to the provisions
of Public Law 96-517, Section 7(b) which amends Section 117 of title 17
of the United States Code to allow for making of a back-up copy of computer
programs. This states that "... it is not an infringement for
the owner of a copy of a computer program to make or authorize the making
of another copy or adaptation of that computer program provided:
a. that such a new copy or adaptation is created as an essential
step in the utilization of the computer program in conjunction with a machine
and that it is used in no other manner, or
b. that such a new copy and adaptation is for archival purposes
only and that all archival copies are destroyed in the event that continued
possession of the computer program should cease to be rightful."
5. The legal or insurance protection of the district will not
be extended to employees who violate copyright laws.
6. The principal of each school site is responsible for establishing
practices which will enforce this policy at the school level.
Date of Adoption: December 20, 1983
Revised: April 11, 1989
March 10, 1992
June 7, 1995
July 8, 1997
Date of Adoption: September 14, 1977
Revised: November 23, 1982
March 10, 1992
May 23, 1995
July 8, 1997
1. The staffing ratio allocated to the school unit.
2. The number of students in a particular class, unit, or section.
3. The student composition of the class, unit, or section.
4. The adequacy of the facility.
5. The subject matter and method of teaching.
Priority shall be given to maintaining a lower pupil-teacher ratio at grades K-3. Final determination in regard to class size shall be by the Superintendent.
Date of Adoption: September 14, 1977
Revised: April 11, 1989
March 10, 1992
June 7, 1995
July 8, 1997
Legal Reference: Code of Iowa Chapters 276.8, 301
Date of Adoption: January 26, 1982
Revised: April 11, 1989
March 10, 1992
May 11, 1993
March 28, 1995
July 8, 1997
Date of Adoption: September 14, 1977
Revised: April 11, 1989
March 10, 1992
June 7, 1995
July 8, 1997
Controversial issues should be fairly presented in a spirit of honest intellectual inquiry so that individual students may understand differing points of view. Students should learn to formulate their own opinions based upon dispassionate, objective, unbiased study and discussion of the factual bases underlying the controversy.
Date of Adoption: September 14, 1977
Revised: April 11, 1989
March 10, 1992
March 28, 1995
July 8, 1997
Date of Adoption: October 10, 1989
Revised: March 10, 1992
March 28, 1995
• overall maintenance of a districtwide health plan that meets internal and external regulations
• health assessment and health education
• individualized health planning and specific physical care for designated students
• communicable disease prevention and control
• medication administration
• specialized athletic health services
• emergency care
• crisis management
Health services are provided under the direction of the Director of Health Services, who reports to the Superintendent; in consultation with the Health Services Advisory Committee; and in collaboration with Grant Wood Area Education Agency, the Johnson County Department of Public Health, many community agencies and all other departments and committees within the school district.
A complete list of Health Services Program goals are available in the Director's office. A summary of Health Services Program activities is provided to the Board of Directors at least annually.
Date of Adoption: September 27, 1977
Revised: April 11, 1989
March 10, 1992
June 7, 1995
June 24, 1997