The district supports the following student reporting objectives:
1. To assist students in evaluating their growth or achievement.
2. To record for students their growth or achievement.
3. To inform parents of the progress made by students.
4. To assist students, parents, and staff in working together
to facilitate student growth and achievement.
The superintendent, with assistance from administrators and teachers and with concurrence of the Board of Directors, shall develop procedures for evaluating and reporting student progress to parent(s)/guardian(s).
It is the policy of the district that a minimum of one conference each semester shall be held with the parent(s)/guardian(s) of all elementary students. Additional conferences are encouraged as determined by individual student need. At the secondary level, parents/guardians are encouraged to request individual conferences if deemed necessary.
Date of Adoption: October 11, 1977
Revised: April 11, 1989
March 10, 1992
March 28, 1995
July 8, 1997
Assessment is defined as an activity in which information is gathered for the purpose of identifying behaviors and drawing inferences about the student’s knowledge and abilities. This is done both formally and informally. Informal assessment often results from spontaneous, day-to-day observations. Formal assessments are typically planned in advance and are used for a specific purpose.
Evaluation is defined as an activity in which information is gathered for the purpose of judging student work. The focus is on determining how well something is done. This is done by observations, tests, written assignments, reports, and other teacher assignments.
Assessment and evaluation are conducted at three levels, the classroom, the school, and the district. A variety of assessments are employed.
Standardized achievement tests are given to all students to provide one source of information that can be used with information from other sources for the following:
1. Diagnosis and appraisal of individual student strengths and
2. Identification of students who need the services of other
3. Placement of individual students in appropriate instructional
4. Assessment of students relative to various norm groups.
5. Counseling students and their parents/guardians as part of
educational, vocational, and personal planning.
6. Evaluation and improvement of curriculum.
A report of district test results will be made annually to the Board of Directors.
Parental consent is required for students to participate in surveys or undergo analysis or evaluation in programs funded by federal money if the survey, analysis or evaluation reveals any of the following information:
• political affiliations;
• mental and psychological problems potentially embarrassing to the
student or student's family;
• sexual behavior and attitudes;
• illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating and demeaning behavior;
• critical appraisals of other individuals with whom students have
close family relationships;
• legally recognized, privileged and analogous relationships, such
as those of lawyers, physicians and ministers; or
• income, but not including income required by law to determine eligibility
for participation in a program or for receiving financial assistance under
such program
Legal Reference: Goals 2000: Educate America Act Pub. L. No 103-227,
108 Stat. 125 (1994)
January 24, 1995 20 U.S.C. ( 1232h (1988) Iowa Code (( 280.3;
256B; 282.1, .3, .6 (1995) 281 I.A.C.12.5(13), .5
Date of Adoption: October 11, 1977 :
Revised: October 14, 1980
April 11, 1989
March 10, 1992
August 8, 1995
December 10, 1996
June 9, 1998
Date of Adoption: October 11, 1977
Revised: April 11, 1989
March 10, 1992
March 28, 1995
July 8, 1997
The Board has the responsibility to formulate policies that students must meet to be eligible for high school graduation. The education standards and minimum requirements set by the Code and the Department of Education will be observed.
To receive a high school diploma from this school district, a student must have earned a total of 294 credits in grades 9-12. Additionally a student must complete requirements as follows:
Language Arts .................................... 60 credits
Social Studies ..................................... 45 credits
Science .............................................. 30 credits
Mathematics ....................................... 30 credits
Physical Education/Health (3) ........... 27
Electives ........................................... 102 credits
Courses taken in the named areas beyond the requirements are counted as part of the elective credits. All students are required to register for 5 classes plus physical education in grades 9 and 10; and 4 classes plus physical education in grades 11 and 12.
Transfer students from another school that does not require as many credits as Iowa City, who are in danger of not graduating at the regular time, will be given individual consideration by prorating the number of credits needed for graduation according to the amount of time the student spent in the other school.
Graduation requirements for special education students will be in accord with the prescribed course of study as described in their Individualized Education Program. Prior to the student's graduation, the IEP team shall determine that the graduation requirements have been met.
Legal Reference: Code of Iowa Sections 257.25 (6a-6j); 280.14, HF 2425, 7/80. Sections 256.11; 256.11A; 280.3; 280.14
Date of Adoption: October 26, 1982
Revised: November 23, 1982
March 10, 1992
May 25, 1993
June 7, 1995
July 28, 1998
1. Students must pass the following seventh grade courses:
Language Arts
Full year course
Global Studies
Full year course
Full year course
Full year course
Physical Education Full year course
Keyboarding/Typing Trimester course
Trimester course
Visual Studies
Trimester course
Life Skills
Trimester course
General Music
Trimester course
Personal Development Trimester course
2. Students must pass the following eighth grade courses:
Language Arts
Full year course
American Studies
Full year course
Full year course
Full year course
Physical Education
Full year course
Personal Development Trimester course
Industrial Technology Trimester
Communications Elective Trimester equivalent
Fine Arts Elective
Trimester equivalent
Practical Arts Elective Trimester equivalent
Additional Elective
Trimester equivalent
Date of Adoption: October 26, 1982
Revised: April 11, 1989
April 14, 1992
June 7, 1995
July 8, 1997
Legal Reference: Sections 256.11; 256.11A; 280.3; 280.14 Code of Iowa (1991). Education [281] Sections 12.2; 12.3(7); 12.5; 4.10(9)"d", IAC
Date of Adoption: December 20, 1983
Revised: April 11, 1989
March 10, 1992
May 23, 1995
Honor graduates shall be recognized according to the following distinctions:
4.00 with Highest Honors***
3.75 - 3.99 with High Honors**
3.50 - 3.74 with Honors*
The commencement program shall carry the appropriate number of asterisks beside the name of the graduate along with a description of the recognition.
Grade point average is to be determined at the end of the third trimester, immediately before commencement. Driver education and physical education grades are not to be included in determining grade point average. Credits and grade points earned in music are limited to the first 60 credit hours.
Date of Adoption: February 10, 1987
Revised: April 11, 1989
March 10, 1992
June 7, 1995
The Iowa City Community School District shall also maintain such confidential student records as is consistent with the district's responsibilities for the provision of special education programs and services. Generation of, access to, utilization, and management of all student records shall be in accordance with procedures established pursuant to relevant state and federal law, rules, and regulations.
Legal Reference: Code of Iowa Revised: April 11, 1989 281 (P.L. 94-142 Education of all Handicapped Children Act of May 25, 1993 1975) 34 CFR 300.560-575 34 CFR 90.5-99.6 (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974) 34 CFR 90.5-99.6
Date of Adoption: October 11, 1977
March 10, 1992
June 7, 1995
July 8, 1997
Legal Reference: Code of Iowa 281.12
Date of Adoption: April 12, 1983
Revised: March 10, 1992
August 8, 1995
July 8, 1997
Date of Adoption: June 23, 1987
Revised: March 8, 1988
April 11, 1989
March 10, 1992
June 7, 1995
July 8, 1997
July 28, 1998
Applications for shared time assistance shall be submitted to the superintendent or superintendent’s designee who will study each request on an individual basis and determine if cooperation is possible.
The administration shall, upon request, furnish to the Board of Directors a detailed report on shared time.
A nonpublic school student attending a public school shall be under jurisdiction of the public school system while attending the public school. Rules and regulations of the public school shall apply to the "shared time" student.
Date of Adoption: December 14, 1977
Revised: April 11, 1989
March 10, 1992
August 8, 1995
July 8, 1997
Requests for textbooks and/or instructional materials shall be made to the superintendent or designee, who shall determine whether the materials can be made available.
Date of Adoption: November 22, 1977
Revised: April 11, 1989
March 10, 1992
August 8, 1995
July 8, 1997
Applications shall be submitted to the superintendent. Each application will be considered annually on an individual basis.
To be accepted into a program, approved arrangements must be made to pay the actual cost per participant as determined by the financial officer. Any participation fees paid by district students must also be paid.
While a student is participating in a program, he or she will have the same rights and responsibilities as any other participating student and will be subject to all rules and regulations of that program.
Date of Adoption: September 8, 1986
Revised: April 11, 1989
March 10, 1992
August 8, 1995
July 8, 1997
The Board will permit research activities to be carried out in the Iowa City Community School District so long as they are appropriate to the goals of the district’s educational program, do not unduly burden students or staff and do not unduly infringe upon instructional time.
Date of Adoption: November 22, 1977
Revised: April 11, 1989
March 10, 1992
June 7, 1995
July 8, 1997
Date of Adoption: August 22, 1989
Revised: March 10, 1992
Date of Adoption: September 19, 1989 Legal Reference:
Revised: March 10, 1992 Code of Iowa 281.12
June 7, 1995
July 8, 1997
The district’s policy requires that there be no preference shown for any one religion. Also there shall be no preference of religion over non-religion or non-religion over religion. The district’s policy does not mean indifference. It supports teaching about religion in the context of the district’s curriculum, but not the sponsorship of the practice of religion.
The district should offer instruction about religions and the role and influence of religion in history, literature, art, music, science or any other area of study in which religion has played a role, but at no time should any religion or any non-religion be promoted.
It is essential that teachers deal with religion honestly, fairly and forthrightly in the interest of education that will produce informed and tolerate individuals.
The district’s policy of being neutral with respect to matters of religion is to be applied through its educational programs in such a way that:
a. A student shall not be singled out on the basis of religion.
b. There shall be no imposition of any particular view nor celebration
of any particular religious holidays. For the purpose of the application
of this policy, Halloween is not a religious holiday or a religious celebration.
c. When religion is included in the curriculum, the focus will
be on the study of what people believe but must not be on teaching a student
what to believe. The purpose is to educate, not convert. The
effort is an academic one, not a devotional one.
d. Tolerance of various religious beliefs is to be encouraged
to enhance understanding that tolerance is an important aspect of a pluralistic
and democratic society.
e. When possible the scheduling of special events including school-related
programs for parents shall be avoided on major religious holidays.
f. A pupil’s absence from school for religious holidays shall
be recognized as an excused absence. The school district will attempt
to be sensitive to the customary religious practices of students enrolled
in its schools. However, as with any excused absence, it is the responsibility
of the parent or student to communicate with the teacher, coach or principal
when religious activities at home will interfere with attendance at school
or school activities or when school activities conflict with the religious
beliefs of the child.
g. Graduation, when scheduled on weekends, will not begin before
1:00 PM.
Date of Adoption: October 24, 1989
Revised: March 10, 1992
April 26, 1994
June 7, 1995