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Law of Electronic Media in a Cyberspace Age (with David Loundy). 2 vols. Iowa City: University of Iowa College of Law, 1996.
Gerbner, George, Mowlana, Hamid, Schiller, Herbert I., eds., Invisible Crises: What Conglomerate Control of Media Means for America and the World. Boulder: Westview Press, 1996, pp. 82-90. "Freedom, Fun and Fundamentals: Defining Digital Progress in a Democratic Society."
"Free Speech on the Internet." Wired (Japanese edition), October 1995, p.112-3.
"Mad As Hell and I Can't Take Anymore." Iowa City Press Citizen, April 13, 1996, p. 11A.
"Cable Television Costs Are Way Too High." Iowa City Press Citizen, May 11, 1996, p.11A
"Campaigns: You Pay $4 or $4,000." Des Moines Register, July 21, 1996, p. 2C.
"Lo Ideal es que los Menores de 8 Anos No Vean TV; Pero lo Real es que Ella es la Gran Ninera." Interview with Juan Carlos Gonzalez in Espectaculos, (Santiago, Chile) August 16, 1996, p. 67.
"Kubby Cares About Those She Represents," Iowa City Press Citizen, October 10, 1996, p. 11A.
"City Plan Ignores Vital Pieceof Puzzle," Iowa City Press Citizen, October 25, 1996, p. 11A.
"Why Aren't More Tech Jobs in Iowa City," Iowa City Press Citizen, October 26, 1996, p. 11A.
"General Semantics: The Next Generation," General Semantics Bulletin, Number 63, 1996,. pp. 22-44.
"Can Australia Learn from the US Experience?," Australian Communications, December/January 1996-97, pp. 55-6.
"Locating Iowa in the Infocosm," University of Iowa Relations Press Group, Iowa City, IA, January 23, 1996.
"The Quest for Access," Media and Democracy Congress, Institute for Alternative Journalism, San Francisco, CA, March 1, 1996. [T]
"Running With the Speed of Change," Association of Banyan Users International Conference, Chicago, IL, March 11, 1996.
"Media Autonomy," United States Information Agency Russian and Ukrainian Media Fellows, Duke University, Durham, NC, March 19, 1996.
"What Australia Can Learn from the USA," AiC Conferences, Telecommunications Deregulation, Privatization, Reform Conference, Sydney, Australia, July 18, 1996.
Appearances before the National Council of Television; College of Journalists; Chilean Television Owners Association; Forum on Media Regulation, Catholic University of Chile's School of Journalism; Santiago, Chile, August, 19-20, 1996.
"Challenge of Change," Iowa Library Association, Waterloo, IA, October 10, 1996.
"Telecommunications Policy: U.S. and International Privatization and Rate Setting." United States Information Agency, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 2, 1996.
"Free and Open Mass Media: How to Maintain National Cultural Identity in an Era of Globalization." United States Information Agency, Universiti Kabangsan Malaysia, Bangi, Malaysia, December 2,1996.
"Free and Open Mass Media: How to Maintain National Cultural Identity in an Era of Globalization." United States Information Agency, Telekoms University, Melaka, Malaysia, December 3, 1996.
"Free and Open Mass Media." United States Information Agency, Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of Journalism and Communication, Hong Kong, December 9, 1996.
* "The Quest for Access," Media and Democracy Congress, Institute for Alternative Journalism, San Francisco, CA, March 1, 1996.
1996 Telecommunications Act, Infowatch, KRNA-FM, Iowa City, IA, March 10, 1996.
1996 Telecommunications Act, WOI-AM, Ames, IA, April 2, 1996.
Cable TV Rates, WSUI-AM, Iowa City, IA, July 1, 1996.
TV Ratings, WSUI-AM, Iowa City, IA, December 23, 1996.