Table of Contents
The Microsoft Case United States v. Microsoft (Apr. 3, 2000)
Important Caveat
Reasons for Covering Case
Antitrust Purpose
The Sherman Act: 15 U.S.C. Secs. 1 and 2
Sec. 2 Charges
Sec. 1 Charges
District Court Finds for U.S.
Sec. 2 Analysis: Elements
Monopoly Power: The Market
Anticompetitive Means
Browser: Internet Explorer (IE)
Original Equipm’t Manufacturers
OEM: No Other Explanation
MS Copyright Claim
Internet Access Providers
Apple, ICPs, ISVs
MS Conduct Taken as Whole
Sec. 2: “Attempt to Monopolize”
Sec. 1: “Restraint of Trade”
Tying Elements
MS Tying
More MS Restrictions
Sec. 1: Exclusive Dealing
Exclusive Dealing: Elements
Exclusive Dealing: MS
States’ Charges
Summary and Recap I
Summary and Recap II
Author: Nicholas Johnson
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