Copyright 2000 Prentice Hall Law & Business
The Computer Lawyer
May, 2000
SECTION: UCITA; Vol. 17, No. 5; Pg. 20
LENGTH: 10362 words
HEADLINE: I Why You Should Oppose UCITA
BYLINE: by Cem Kaner; Cem Kaner, J. D., Ph.D. (<>,
<>), practices law in Santa
Clara, CA, focusing on the
law of software quality. He is also a software
development consultant and
author. Beginning in August 2000, he will be a
Professor of Software
Engineering at Florida Institute of Technology.
n1 All references to UCITA are to the November
1, 1999 draft at
<>. I
have also reviewed proposed
amendments circulating in a file named CITA100AM.DOC.
This file is not yet
posted at the University of Pennsylvania Web site.
These proposed amendments
don't change the substance of the present article.
References to the Comments
to UCITA are to the October 15 draft comments posted
The Drafting Committee's responses to criticism
have been disappointing.
Proponents of UCITA dismiss criticisms, speaking of them
as "fabricated or
uninformed claims of opposition." n2 Even in the drafts
of UCITA itself, we see:
"Many public statements have been made about the effect
of Article 2B on
consumer protection. Most are political efforts
to mislead." n3
n2 Ray Nimmer, "UCITA: A Commercial Code
for the New Commerce," UCC Bulletin,
Dec. 1999, at 1, 2.
n3 July 24 -- 31, 1998 draft, prepared for
the 1998 Annual Meeting of the
National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State
Laws, available at
This quote comes from the
Prefatory Remarks, in the subsection headed "Consumer
Protection Rules."
As a proposed revision to the Uniform Commercial
Code (UCC), Article 2B was
co-developed by the National Conference of Commissioners
on Uniform State Laws
(NCCUSL) and the American Law Institute (ALI).
At its May 1998 annual meeting,
the ALI membership approved a motion stating that Article
2B "should be returned
to the Drafting Committee for fundamental revision."
n4 The revisions were not
made, and the ALI withdrew from the Article 2B process
in 1999. n5 The ALI
co-authors all revisions to the UCC. Without its
support, NCCUSL renamed
Article 2B as UCITA.
n4 A copy of the memorandum in support of
this motion is available at
<>. An industry
Web site,
<>, gives a good synopsis
of the supporting
n5 American Law Institute and National Conference
of Commissioners on Uniform
State Laws, NCCUSL to Promulgate Freestanding Uniform
Computer Information
Transactions Act, Joint Press Release, Apr. 7, 1999,
<>; American Law Institute,
"Article 2B Is
Withdrawn from UCC and Will Be Promulgated by NCCUSL
as Separate Act," ALI
Reporter, <>. "The
Council of the [American Law]
Institute continued to have significant reservations
about both some of its
[Article 2B's] key substantive provisions and its overall
clarity and
coherence." Jean Braucher, "Why UCITA, Like UCC Article
2B, Is Premature and
Unsound," UCC Bulletin, July, 1999, at 1, <>.
This article looks at some of the key criticisms
of UCITA. There are many
other significant problems with UCITA. These are
just examples, chosen to get
across the point in a short article that there are big
problems with this bill.
Opposition to UCITA
The first thing to realize about UCITA is
that it lacks the support of the
software industry. Yes, software publishers like
UCITA. And software
publishers are important players in the software industry.
But this pocket of
support does not mean that the bill has the support of
the industry as a whole.
The Association for Computing Machinery opposes
UCITA. n6 So does the
Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers. n7
These are the two main
professional societies in the field. Software engineering,
by the way, is a
licensed profession in Texas, Ontario, and British Columbia.
n8 The American
Society for Quality opposes UCITA, at the encouragement
of its Software
Division. n9 The Independent Computer Consultants Association,
which represents
individual software developers and small software service
providers, sent a
representative to several UCITA/Article 2B drafting committee
proposed changes (which weren't adopted), and eventually
came out in opposition
to UCITA. n10 The Free Software Foundation, which supports
the development of
open source software products like Linux, opposes UCITA.
n11 The Software
Engineering Institute, which was formed by the US Department
of Defense to
further the state of software practice, and which is
highly influential in the
field, opposes UCITA. n12 These are substantial organizations.
They are not
wild-eyed consumer advocates. They are major players
in the software industry.
They, along with several other developers' groups, all
oppose UCITA.
n6 Barbara Simons, Letter to NCCUSL, July
12, 1999,
<>; Barbara
Simons, "From the
President: Melissa's Message," 42 Comm. ACM, June 1999,
at 25.
n7 Paul J. Kostek, President, IEEE-USA, Letter
to NCCUSL, July 20, 1999,
n8 Steve McConnell & Leonard Tripp, "Professional
Software Engineering: Fact
or Fiction?" IEEE Software, Nov./Dec. 1999, at 13, 16.
n9 American Society for Quality, "ASQ Opposes
Law on Computer Software
Transactions," <>.
n10 Sharon Marsh Roberts, Independent Computer
Consultants Association,
unpublished letter to Article 2B drafting committee,
Oct. 5, 1998.
n11 Free Software Foundation, "Help Defeat
n12 Stephen E. Cross, Director, Software
Engineering Institute, Letter to the
NCCUSL Commissioners, June 1, 1999, <>.
Proponents of UCITA have suggested that the
primary opposition to UCITA comes
from consumers. n13 Certainly, consumer advocates oppose
UCITA, n14 as do the
Attorneys General of Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut,
Florida, Idaho,
Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi,
Missouri, Nevada, New
Jersey, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania,
Tennessee, Vermont,
Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin, and the Administrator
of the Georgia
Fair Business Practices Act. n15 The staff of the Federal
Trade Commission has
written two reports that are highly critical of UCITA.
n13 Carlyle C. Ring, H. Lane Kneedler, &
Gail D. Jaspen, "Uniform Law for
Computer Info Transactions Is Offered," Nat'l L.J., Aug.
30, 1999, at B07;
Carlyle C. Ring, Jr., & Raymond T. Nimmer, "Series
of Papers on UCITA Issues,"
n14 E.g., see Consumer Federation of America
(<>); Consumer Project
on Technology (Ralph
Nader) (<>, <>,
and <>) Article 2B
protest page:
<>; Consumers Union
<>; 1998, <>;
1997, <>; 1997, <>);
National Consumer Law Center (<>);
National Consumer
League (<>); United
States Public Interest
Research Group (<>).
n15 Letter from Attorneys General to NCCUSL,
July 23, 1999,
<>; letter from 11 additional
Attorneys General to
NCCUSL, July 28, 1999, <>.
n16 See Joan Z. Bernstein et al., Letter
to NCCUSL, July 9, 1999,
The opposition to UCITA is, however, much
broader than this. Many
intellectual property specialists oppose UCITA, including
50 intellectual
property law professors, n17 the American Intellectual
Property Law Association,
n18 and the Committee on Copyright and Literary Property,
the Communications and
Media Law Committee, and the Entertainment Law Committee
of the Association of
the Bar of the City of New York. n19 The press, n20 libraries,
n21 and the
entertainment industry n22 oppose UCITA, as do large
commercial software
customers. n23
n17 Letter from 50 IP professors to NCCUSL
and ALI, Nov. 17, 1998,
n18 Margaret A. Boulware, American Intellectual
Property Law Association,
"Proposed Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act
(UCITA)," July 16, 1999,
n19 Committee on Copyright and Literary Property
of the Association of the
Bar of the City of New York (co-sponsored by the Communications
and Media Law
Committee and the Entertainment Law Committee), report
on a proposal of the
National Conference Of Commissioners on Uniform State
Laws to adopt a proposed
Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act, June 21,
n20 National Association of Broadcasters,
Newspaper Association of America,
Magazine Publishers of America, letter to NCCUSL, May
10, 1999,
<>; National Writers
Union, "NWU Memo to UCC 2B
Drafting Committee," Oct. 9, 1998, <>;
Society of Media Photographers, Letter to the Article
2B drafting committee,
July 14, 1998, <>.
Also, InfoWorld and International
Communications Association are members of the 4CITE coalition
opposing UCITA,
n21 American Association of Law Libraries,
American Library Association,
Association of Research Libraries, Medical Library Association,
Libraries Association, several letters, <>,
The American Association of
Law Libraries, American Library Association, Art Libraries
Society of North
America, Association of Research Libraries, Special Libraries
Association, and
the Virginia Association of Law Libraries are members
of the 4CITE coalition
opposing UCITA, <>.
n22 Motion Picture Association of America,
National Association of
Broadcasters, and the National Cable Television Association,
several letters,
<>, <>,
n23 The Society for Information Management,
Circuit City, several insurance
companies, and Caterpillar, Inc., are members of the
4CITE coalition opposing
UCITA, <>.
Unreasonable, Surprising Terms
During the UCITA drafting process, lawyers
representing large corporate
customers said repeatedly that UCITA would force them
to change their business
practices. Their concern is that software contracts
contain remarkably
aggressive terms. They don't think that they would
be bound by the worst of
these terms in mass-market contracts under current law,
but these terms
certainly seem enforceable under UCITA, no matter who
pays for them or who
installs them on their company's computer system.
Therefore, these corporate
counsel said, they think that they will have to get involved
in a review of
every software acquisition and installation made by their
Here is an example of the problem.
Go to Intel's Web site, at
<> and click
on "photo album II." If the
page is the same as it was on March 21, 2000, this page
advertises the Intel
Photo Album II applet. It says, "Use the Photo
Album II applet to add high-tech
image transitions to your Web pages. Origami, Unseen
Wind and Brush are just a
few of the effects that will surprise and delight your
The product category appeals to consumers,
relatively junior designers of Web
sites, and other people who would not normally have much
power to bind a
corporation to significant contracts. This product
is free. No one has to sign
a check or purchase order to get it. It can be
obtained and used at a company
with no review by anyone involved with the management
of that company. Intel's
page provides two sets of samples of use of the product:
the Lincoln High School
Student Activity Center and TransWorld Travel.
Neither organization would be
classified as a consumer under UCITA.
Buried in the license agreement (at
starting 577 words into a
1,228-word document, is the following text:
Licensee agrees that all works of authorship,
inventions, improvements,
developments making use of the Applet or any portion
of the Applet, solely or in
collaboration with others, as well as all patents, copyrights,
trade secrets,
trademarks and other intellectual property rights therein
and thereto
(collectively, "Developments"), are the sole property
of Intel. Licensee agrees
to assign (or cause to be assigned) and does hereby assign
fully to Intel all
such Developments.
The next section puts licensees under a duty of disclosure to Intel.
Suppose that you are the corporate counsel
in a company that has a public Web
site and an internal site that includes a password-protected
section that
presents new technical ideas and specifications for your
advanced product's
group review. The ideas presented are valuable
trade secrets. Unfortunately,
one of your company's technical staff downloaded the
Intel Photo Album II
applet, didn't read or understand all of the legal terms,
and used it on the
public Web site and to create the New Ideas presentation.
If Intel's license
clause is enforceable, Intel now owns part of your public
site -- and your
secret presentation.
In early versions of Article 2B, a clause
like this might have been knocked
out. In Section 2B-308 (Dec. 12, 1996 draft), Article
2B, said: "A term does
not become part of the contract if the term creates an
obligation or imposes a
limitation which: (1) the party proposing the form should
know would cause an
ordinary and reasonable person acquiring this type of
information and receiving
the form to refuse the license if that party knew that
the license contained the
particular term." Unfortunately, even this weak exclusion
of surprising,
material terms is not part of UCITA. Had you reviewed
the license, you would
probably have rejected this term immediately and told
the staff member not to
use Photo Album II for any purpose inside your company.
But you didn't review
the terms. So if your staff used the product, how
can you protect your
company's work products and secrets from Intel?
You might try arguing that the term is unconscionable
under UCITA Section
111, but courts are rarely receptive to a business's
plea for relief from a
contract term on grounds of unconscionability. n24 You
might try arguing that
this term should not be enforced because something about
it violates a
fundamental public policy, n25 but I'm not sure which
policy you would cite.
n24 James J. White & Robert S. Summers,
1 Uniform Commercial Code, 4th Ed. @
4.9 (1995).
n25 UCITA @ 105(b): "If a term of a contract
violates a fundamental public
policy, the court may refuse to enforce the contract,
enforce the remainder of
the contract without the impermissible term, or limit
the application of the
impermissible term so as to avoid a result contrary to
public policy, in each
case to the extent that the interest in enforcement is
clearly outweighed by a
public policy against enforcement of the term."
Clearly, before allowing your company to
use any piece of software, clip art,
downloaded information, or anything else that can be
construed as computer
information, you must review each and every associated
license, even for
products that cost nothing or only a few dollars.
Otherwise, the intellectual
property of your company is at risk.
Email Receipt Rules
UCITA 102(a)(53) defines "receive" as taking
receipt and 102(a)(52)(II)
defines "Receipt" to mean "in the case of an electronic
notice, coming into
existence in an information processing system or at an
address in that system in
a form capable of being processed by or perceived from
a system of that type by
a recipient, if the recipient uses, or otherwise has
designated or holds out,
that place or system for receipt of notices of the kind
to be given and the
sender does not know that the notice cannot be accessed
from that place."
Under Section 215(a), "Receipt of an electronic message
is effective when
received even if no individual is aware of its receipt."
This definition creates serious problems.
It leaves you defenseless in
situations in which you never had access to a message
that was sent to you,
because you "received" that message, but you never got
it or could never read
it. It creates serious risks for anyone who uses
filters to automatically purge
pornography, get-rich-quick schemes, and other trash
from their electronic mail.
It also creates significant costs and risks for corporations
who receive
electronic mail.
Defenseless Against Non-Receipt
Suppose that your email address is <>.
And suppose that
you engaged in an electronic transaction (such as downloading
software from a
Web site) and that the associated non-negotiable, visible-only-after-the-sale
license specified in the fine print that all legal notices
could be sent to you
by email to <>. By clicking
OK to that license, you have
designated your Internet service provider (in this case,
YourISP) as the place
or system for receipt of such notices. When the
other party sends a message,
UCITA says that the message has been received by you
when it reaches
<> in good shape.
The fact that the message reached <>
does not mean that it will
reach you. There can be a problem at YourISP's
server (e.g., they lose your
messages) or a transmission problem (e.g., the message
gets corrupted or lost en
route to your machine) or the message might be corrupted
at your computer (e.g.,
maybe by a virus or by a bug in your mail program).
In any of these cases, you
don't see the message, but UCITA says that you have received
Note the difference between this situation
and the mailbox rule. Under the
mailbox rule, we create a presumption that a letter has
been received within a
certain time after it is sent. But that presumption
is refutable. In this
case, even though the message has never reached any screen
that lines up with
your eyeball, UCITA says that as a matter of law, you
have seen it.
You Can't Filter Your Email
The second issue is the filtering issue.
According to a recent article in
the Boston Globe, n26 a huge proportion of circulating
email is spam:
unsolicited junk mail. For example, 15 to 30 percent
of the email received by
America Online is spam. The article quotes estimates
that pornographers are the
source of 30.2 percent of the spam on the Internet, followed
by get-rich-quick
and work-at-home schemes (29.6 percent). People
who receive a lot of email
often use filters, programs that detect spam and erase
it before they ever have
a chance to notice it.
n26 Simson Garfinkel, "Declaring War on Spam:
Internet Service Providers and
Consumers Battle Electronic Junk Mail Problem," Boston
Globe, Dec. 9, 1999,
available via <>.
Suppose that you use a filter that wipes
out any message that originates from
the domain, <>. Someday, someone
might send you a legal notice
via <>. If your filter wipes out
messages from that source, you
will never see the legal notice. But under UCITA,
that notice will have full
legal effect because it reached your system, even though
it stood no chance of
reaching your eyeballs.
Under UCITA, anyone who engages in electronic
commerce (such as electronic
banking) will probably end up with email notification
clauses in their
contracts. If they filter the junk out of their
email, they risk being held
accountable for having received messages that their computer
completely hid from
them (as it was supposed to do). A risk-averse
person will not and should not
use spam filters because of the risks of filtering that
are imposed on them by
UCITA. Under UCITA, these people will have to hand-filter
every offensive piece
of pornography that is dumped to their system.
Corporate Email
UCITA's mailbox rule creates challenges for
the corporation as well.
Corporations receive a lot of spam. Today, in many
companies, much of this spam
is filtered (identified and deleted) as it comes into
the system. The corporate
computers identify the spam as having a traditional title
or as originating from
an ISP that routinely hosts spammers. As they filter,
some legitimate mail is
inevitably lost. So, imagine yourself as corporate
counsel. Do you tell your
company they can continue to automatically filter mail?
Or, because of the
UCITA-imposed risks on filtering, do you say that they
have to stop filtering
and actually inspect/read every message? How much
of your company's time are
you willing to waste on this? How much of their
time are they willing to let
you waste?
Another problem is the difficulty of finding
skilled network and system
administrators in the current job market. Under
UCITA, mail sent to
<> has been received when
it reaches Corporation's
server, but if Corporation is having trouble breaking
in a new system
administrator, a lot of mail might never reach any of
Corporation's employees.
Lost email is not like lost letters that go to the wrong
person but can be
rerouted back. Losing a day of email is like sending
all of your company's mail
to the shredder. It's gone. And if you just
lose a percentage of it, you might
not even realize that you have a lost mail problem until
your company is held
accountable for notices that no one ever actually had
the opportunity to read.
Known Defects
One of the fundamental assumptions of UCITA
is that "the complexity of
software products makes them inherently imperfect." n27
"Minor flaws ('bugs')
are common in virtually all software." n28 "In fact,
the idea of perfect
software is a goal or aspiration not presently attainable,
at least not without
exorbitant costs that would drive many thousands of small
companies out of the
business." n29
n27 Carlyle C. Ring, Jr. & Raymond T.
Nimmer, Series Of Papers On UCITA
Issues, section on Perfect Tender/Material Breach of
Substantial Performance,
n28 Carlyle C. Ring, Jr. & Raymond T.
Nimmer, Series Of Papers On UCITA
Issues, n. 10, <>:
"An A. B. A. Software
Contract Task Force recommended that the perfect tender
rule be abolished with
respect to software contracts because of the complexity
of the software product
and the fact that minor flaws ("bugs") are common in
virtually all software."
UCITA, Jan. 20, 1997 draft, Reporter's Note 8 to @ 2B-108.
n29 Carlyle C. Ring, Jr. & Raymond T.
Nimmer, Series Of Papers On UCITA
Issues, section on Perfect Tender/ Material Breach of
Substantial Performance,
This is a straw man. In the Article
2B/UCITA meetings, the debate about
accountability for defective software was not about whether
software should be
perfect. Clearly, it is impossible to test software
products exhaustively or to
prove by testing that a product is defect free. n30
n30 Cem Kaner, "The Impossibility of Complete
Testing," 4 Software QA 28
(1997), <>.
But what about known defects? It might
be impossible to find all the
defects, but that issue doesn't apply to the defects
that were actually found.
In mass-market software, a large proportion of defects
(often the vast majority
of them) that reach customers are discovered and intentionally
left unfixed by
the publisher before the product is released. n31 Several
representatives of the
software engineering community, and Ralph Nader's representative
(Todd Paglia)
and I repeatedly proposed that software companies should
be held accountable for
defects that they knew about at the time of sale and
chose not to disclose. n32
These proposals typically barred consequential damages
for defects that were
unknown or that were revealed to the customer in the
product documentation
(which makes it possible for customers to avoid or mitigate
losses caused by
known defects). Additionally, damages for known
defects in mass-market products
could be limited to demonstrable out-of-pocket expenses
and capped, perhaps at $
500 per customer. These proposals were rejected.
n31 Cem Kaner & David L. Pels, Bad Software:
What To Do When Software Fails
(1998), at 23.
n32 Cem Kaner & Todd Paglia, "Consumer
Issues and Article 2B," submitted to
the ALI, Dec. 5, 1997, <>;
John R. Reinert,
IEEE-USA President, Letter to NCCUSL, February 23, 1998,
Barbara Simons, "From the
President: Melissa's Message," 42 Comm. ACM, June 1999,
at 25; Sharon Marsh
Roberts, "Position Statement of the Independent Computer
Association," circulated at the 1998 NCCUSL Annual Meeting.
One of the arguments made by UCITA proponents
was that failure to disclose a
known defect should be dealt with under the law of fraud.
n33 Sometimes, such a
failure might be fraudulent -- as when the seller knowingly
makes a false
statement about the product. But in the sale of
goods, mere failure to mention
a known defect, even a material defect, may not give
rise to fraud liability.
Software publishers should be held accountable for breach
of contract if they
knowingly delivered a defective product without revealing
the defect.
n33 Carlyle C. Ring, Jr. & Raymond T.
Nimmer, Series Of Papers On UCITA
Issues, <>, state:
"Is it true that UCITA
takes away protections that I have under current law
where the licensor knows
that the software contains serious defects? No.
Under Article 2, common law,
and UCITA, that problem, when it exists, is a question
of whether the licensor
committed fraud. UCITA has the same rules as Article
2 on this issue. The law
of fraud is not changed by UCITA."
The proposal that software publishers should
be accountable for known defects
arose out of the special recognition in UCITA that software
companies need a
break because of the alleged inevitability of defects.
Some of the details of
that break include the de facto elimination of the requirement
that warranty
disclaimers and damage limitations be conspicuous and
made available to the
customer before the sale, elimination of the principle
of minimum adequate
damages, the adoption of a rule that excludes incidentals
and consequentials for
defects even when the agreed remedy fails, and the adoption
of a more
seller-favorable definition of material breach.
The proposal was a tradeoff --
let the new law reduce publisher risk for losses caused
by previously
undiscovered defects or defects that were disclosed to
the customer, but reduce
the customer's risk of losses caused by defects that
were known and left hidden.
Within the current state of software engineering,
it is usually commercially
unreasonable to attempt to create a defect-free software.
Accordingly, it is
reasonable to limit the liability risk of publishers
and other software
developers for defects that they didn't know about or
that they were honest
enough to disclose, even if those defects cause substantial
losses. But what if
the state of the art improves?
Watts Humphrey raised this issue at several
meetings of the UCITA/2B drafting
committee. Professor Humphrey is a former vice
president of IBM, is the author
of seven books on software engineering, and is widely
respected in the field.
He presented data to the drafting committee that showed
that new development
methods were succeeding in producing very large, very
complex products that were
nearly defect free. n34 Humphrey's comments at the drafting
committee meetings
were largely ignored. Ultimately, his points were
reiterated by the Director of
the Software Engineering Institute, Stephen Cross, who
The Article 2B draft assumes that software
products are inherently defective
and that the current quality practices in the industry
will not improve. The
history in other fields demonstrates that as a technology
matures, the
marketplace becomes more sensitive to quality issues.
In fact, software quality
is a growing concern to the user community, and software
quality is an active
current area of study. Considerable progress is
being made. . . . The Article
2B proposal makes no technical sense. We feel that
it would inhibit natural
market forces, damage users, and ultimately limit the
health and growth of this
industry. While we appreciate the efforts that
have been made to produce the
UCC-2B draft, we must urge you to oppose its adoption.
n34 Pat Ferguson et al., "Results of Applying
the Personal Software Process,"
30 IEEE Computer, May 1997, at 24; Watts S. Humphrey,
"Comments on Software
Quality," circulated to the Annual Meeting of the National
Conference of
Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, July 25 -- Aug.
1, 1997,
n35 Stephen E. Cross, Director, Software
Engineering Institute, Letter to the
NCCUSL Commissioners, June 1, 1999, <>.
Obvious Defects and Material Breach
Under current law, contracts for packaged
software (products that are
delivered to the customer without extensive customization)
are governed by
Article 2 of the UCC. Article 2 allows the customer
to reject a product for any
failure to conform to the contract that is detected during
a relatively brief
inspection period. n36 This is the perfect tender rule.
n36 UCC Article 2, @ 601.
UCITA retains the perfect tender rule for
mass-market software but eliminates
it for most business software transactions. n37 To reject
the product under
UCITA, the business must prove a material breach of contract.
(Even then, under
Section 803, the contract can specify that the customer
simply has no right to
cancel.) The elimination of perfect tender undermines
the credibility of a
customer's threat to cancel the contract unless obvious
defects are fixed. It
reduces the bargaining power of the customer.
n37 UCITA, @@ 601(b)(2), 704.
After the initial inspection period has passed,
the mass-market customer can
cancel the contract only if the breach is material. n38
For most defects, the
consumer or business customer will have to show a material
breach in order to
prove entitlement to a refund.
n38 UCITA, @ 601(b)
UCITA creates a new, more seller-friendly
definition of "material breach."
Here is the definition under UCITA:
UCITA 701(b): A breach of contract is material if:
(1) the contract so provides;
(2) the breach is a substantial failure to
perform a term that is an
essential element of the agreement; or
(3) the circumstances, including the language
of the agreement, the
reasonable expectations of the parties, the standards
and practices of the
business, trade, or industry, and the character of the
breach, indicate that:
(A) the breach caused or is likely to cause
substantial harm to the aggrieved
party; or
(B) the breach substantially deprived or
is likely substantially to deprive
the aggrieved party of a significant benefit it reasonably
expected under the
In contrast, here is the definition of a
material breach from the Restatement
of Contracts Second, Section 241:
In determining whether a failure to render
or to offer performance is
material, the following circumstances are significant:
(a) the extent to which the injured party
will be deprived of the benefit
which he reasonably expected;
(b) the extent to which the injured party
can be adequately compensated for
the part of that benefit of which he will be deprived;
(c) the extent to which the party failing
to perform or to offer to perform
will suffer forfeiture;
(d) the likelihood that the party failing
to perform or to offer to perform
will cure his failure, taking account of all the circumstances
including any
reasonable assurances;
(e) the extent to which the behavior of the
party failing to perform or to
offer to perform comports with standards of good faith
and fair dealing.
A Hypothetical on Material Breach
To see the difference between the two material
breach standards, imagine that
you are an attorney representing a customer of a packaged
software product with
a non-negotiable click-through license. (This might
but need not be a
mass-market product.) Suppose further that the software
had a defect that your
client considers serious. The vendor does not yet
have a fix for this defect
and has made no promise as to when (if) it will be fixed.
Your client wants a
refund for the software. The vendor (who published
the software) has refused to
give the refund. You have discovered that the defect
was known to the vendor at
the time of sale. It was not documented or revealed
to the customer.
Under UCITA and under the Restatement, your
customer is entitled to a refund
if she can prove a material breach of contract.
Under UCITA, Section 701(b)(1), the breach
is material if the contract says
it is. The contract was written by the vendor,
and so for the vendor, the UCITA
standard for material breach by the customer is whatever
the vendor's contract
says it is. There's probably nothing in the contract
useful for the customer.
Under Section 701(b)(2), the breach is material
if it is a substantial
failure to perform a term that is an essential element
of the vendor-drafted
agreement. It's unlikely that the vendor would
write a contract that contains,
as an essential term, a requirement that the product
do something that it cannot
do. This won't help your client either.
That leaves UCITA's Section 701(b)(3), which
allows your client to recover
for substantial harm or for being substantially deprived
of a significant
benefit. How much harm is enough to be called "substantial"?
How significant
does the benefit have to be before it is "significant"
and how badly must the
program misbehave before that benefit is "substantially"
gone? These are
questions of fact that will often leave the vendor with
room to argue that a
problem is not significant or substantial enough.
The Restatement analysis will be much more
favorable to your client. Under
the Restatement, your client's case will be evaluated
under five factors:
1. The extent to which your client
is deprived of the benefit: This is like
the UCITA standard except that if the other factors are
favorable to the client,
a breach can be material with a less substantial deprivation
of a less
significant benefit.
2. The extent to which your client
can be adequately compensated: If the
vendor won't pay incidental or consequential damages
and won't quickly fix the
defect, a customer might reasonably and legitimately
expect a refund (so that
she can go buy something that works) rather than a partial
3. The extent to which the party failing
to perform will suffer forfeiture:
A vendor who sells many copies does not suffer a forfeiture
when one customer
cancels the contract for one copy.
4. The likelihood of cure: The vendor isn't making any promises.
5. The extent to which the behavior
of the party failing comports with
standards of good faith and fair dealing: You can reasonably
argue that the
vendor's delivery of known, undisclosed defects fails
to reflect good faith and
fair dealing.
Lack of compensation, lack of cure, no risk
of forfeiture, and sharp
practices by the seller are a common combination in the
industry. It speaks
strongly to the bias of UCITA that these are taken out
of the equation.
Restrictions on Speech
UCITA Reporter Ray Nimmer complained of "distortions"
in the debate on UCITA,
identifying as a "misrepresentation" "that UCITA allows
licensors to prevent
licensees from commenting about the products. This
allegation makes nice copy
and superficial impact, but is simply untrue. You
can scroll through the UCITA
draft and not find any such provision." n39 Opponents
quickly point to UCITA
Section 102(a)(20), which defines "contractual use restriction"
as "an
enforceable restriction created by contract which concerns
the use or disclosure
of, or access to licensed information or informational
rights, including a
limitation on scope or manner of use." Section 307(b)
states that "If a license
expressly limits use of the information or informational
rights, use in any
other manner is a breach of contract." Under the statute's
own definition, a
nondisclosure clause is a contractual use restriction.
Under Section 307(b),
such a restriction is enforceable.
n39 "Correcting Some Myths About UCITA,"
These provisions may keep vital information
from the marketplace. Consider
the following restrictions, downloaded (July 20, 1999)
from <>,
the Web site for VirusScan, a mass-market software product,
on July 20, 1999:
"The customer shall not disclose the results of any benchmark
test to any third
party without McAfee's prior written approval." "The
customers will not publish
reviews of the product without prior consent from McAfee."
Clauses like these are enforceable in traditional,
negotiated licenses, and
they are used to block magazine reviews. n40 UCITA arguably
extends the
enforceability of such clauses even in mass-market products.
Perhaps they will
eventually be found to conflict with public policy but
until then, the plain
language of UCITA will have a chilling effect on criticism
of mass-market
n40 "The Test That Wasn't," PC Magazine,
Aug. 1999, at 29. According to that
article, Oracle "formally declined to let us [PC Magazine]
publish any benchmark
test results."
Security Problems Caused by Self-Help
UCITA Section 816 allows software vendors
to place disabling codes in
software and to activate them remotely (such as by sending
an email) to shut
down a customer's use of the product.
Such disabling codes create a hole in the
customer's system security. When a
licensor leaves a back door in its code, something that
allows them to shut the
software down with a single message:
* Sometimes, a defect in the vendor's software
will produce a shutdown by
accident. (UCITA regards software defects as inevitable,
so surely we can
expect some defects in the parts of the software that
govern self-help.)
* Sometimes, a third party will discover
how to shut systems down this way.
(For example, the third party might by a former employee
of the software
publisher.) Such a person might shut systems down for
the fun of it or he might
engage in extortion, either of the vendor or the customer.
You might say, yes,
there are criminals who do these things, but they are
beyond our control. But
in this case, the criminal is exploiting a security hole
that is authorized by
Section 816. If self-help were banned, this risk
would not exist.
UCITA Section 816 remedies for wrongful use
of such codes are probably not
triggered if the software is shut down accidentally or
by a third party (such as
a cracker who learns the code or a disgruntled former
employee of the vendor).
Self-help was portrayed in the UCITA meetings
as something essential to
protect the interests of small licensors. However,
the only group attending the
UCITA meetings that represents only small licensors,
the Independent Computer
Consultants Association, urged NCCUSL to ban self-help.
Instead, ICCA
recommended that a party wishing to terminate use of
its software should be
allowed to proceed by injunction and recover attorney's
fees. The availability
of attorney's fees goes a long a way toward making it
possible for a small
licensor to be able to afford to obtain the injunction.
This proposal was
rejected by the drafting committee. n41
n41 Sharon Marsh Roberts & Cem Kaner,
letter on self-help to NCCUSL and ALI,
Dec. 21, 1998, <>;
S. M. Roberts & C. Kaner,
"Self-Help Under UCITA," Circulated at the Annual Meeting
of the National
Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, July,
23, 1999,
Transfer Restrictions
Under UCITA, almost all software-related
transactions will be licensing
transactions. When a consumer buys a copy of Microsoft
Word and a copy of a
book about the program, the software transaction would
be a license, whereas the
book transaction is a sale, even if the two items were
side by side, bought from
the same cashier, and the software license was not available
to the customer
until after he or she paid for the product and took it
away. Under UCITA
Section 102(a)(42), a transaction can be a license even
if the licensee is given
title to the transferred copy.
This is a shift from long-established treatment
of intellectual property in
the mass market. n42 Under the first sale doctrine, a
publisher lost its
property interest in an individual copy of a book once
it sold that copy. The
restrictive notice could not transform a sale into a
license. n43
n42 To see the history of this issue in copyright
law, shepardize
Jewelers' Mercantile Agency v. Jewelers' Pub. Co., 155
N.Y. 241 (1898)
(rejecting the fiction of a lease offered to all comers
that restricted transfer
of the book and use of information in it), or Bobbs-Merrill
Co. v. Straus,
210 U.S. 339 (1908) (rejecting a restrictive notice on
a book that prohibited
the buyer from reselling the book for less than a minimum
n43 RCA Mfg. Co. v. Whiteman, 114 F.2d
86 (2d Cir. 1940) (licensing
language on record albums could not convert a mass-market
sale into a license.)
For patent law, look at the doctrine of exhaustion, starting
with Motion
Picture Patents Co. v. Universal Film Manufacturing Co.
243 U.S. 502 (1917).
According to an article by Connie Ring, Chairman
of the UCITA drafting
committee: "UCITA is intended neither to avoid nor to
contradict the large body
of existing federal intellectual property law." n44 Others
vigorously disagree.
For example, the American Intellectual Property Law Association
n45 protested to
NCCUSL that UCITA "eliminates the 'first sale' doctrine"
(which allows the owner
of a copy to sell it or give it away). Under UCITA
503(2), "a term prohibiting
transfer of a party's interest is enforceable, and a
transfer made in violation
of that term is a breach of contract and is ineffective."
A vendor who puts a
no-transfer clause in the license achieves a market-wide
restriction --
equivalent to elimination of the first sale doctrine.
By allowing vendors to
enforce such restrictions in the mass market, UCITA allows
them to evade the
federal balancing of private and public rights in intellectual
property. n46
n44 Carlyle C. Ring, H. Lane Kneedler, &
Gail D. Jaspen, "Uniform Law for
Computer Info Transactions Is Offered," Nat'l L.J., Aug.
30, 1999, at B07.
n45 Margaret A. Boulware, American Intellectual
Property Law Association,
"Proposed Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act
(UCITA)," July 16, 1999,
n46 Robert P. Merges, "Intellectual Property
and the Costs of Commercial
Exchange: A Review Essay," 93 Mich. L. Rev. 1570,
1613, 1995; Mark A.
Lemley, "Beyond Preemption: The Law and Policy of Intellectual
Licensing," 87 Cal. L. Rev. 111, 1999,
Committee on Copyright and
Literary Property of the Association of the Bar of the
City of New York
(co-sponsored by the Communications and Media Law Committee
and the
Entertainment Law Committee), "Report on a proposal of
the National Conference
Of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws to adopt a proposed
Uniform Computer
Information Transactions Act," <>.
UCITA Section 503(2) has several consequences.
For example in the face of
such a restriction:
* A consumer who buys a computer game cannot
lawfully give the game to his
sister after he gets tired of playing with it.
(Don't confuse this with giving
the sister a copy, which is already banned under the
Copyright Act. Section
503(2) says that the consumer cannot erase any local
copy on his machine, put
the original disk back in the original box, and then
give that disk and box to
the sister.)
* A consumer who buys a copy of an encyclopedia
on CD cannot donate the used
CD to his or her local library.
* Used bookstores and used record stores
will no longer be able to sell used
software. The marketplace in used software is eliminated
* A business that sells substantially all
of its assets to a second business
cannot transfer its software to the second business,
not even the mass-market
software that came pre-loaded on the computers bought
by the business. n47 The
selling company will have to either wipe out the hard
disks or inventory each
computer, finding every program, every piece of clip
art, clip music, and
downloaded data, and get permission of the original licensor
to transfer the
item to the buying company. The transaction costs
of this (the cost of
inventorying, finding all the licensors, getting all
the permissions) will be
n47 In fact, because the computer sales are
probably also governed by UCITA,
it is questionable whether the first business can transfer
the computers
themselves to the second business.
Consumer Warranty Protection
Among the most important ways that UCITA
affects consumers are its revisions
to warranty law. The three most important effects
are these:
* UCITA eliminates the longstanding requirement
that warranty disclaimers be
conspicuous and available to the customer at or before
time of purchase.
* UCITA pulls consumer software transactions
out of the scope of the
Magnuson-Moss Warranty Improvement Act and of other consumer
protection statutes
whose scope is specified as sales of goods.
* UCITA pulls the teeth out of the express
warranty by demonstration, making
it much harder to hold publishers' accountable for their
staffs' product
demonstrations at trade shows, retailers, and so on.
Warranty Disclaimers
Under UCC Article 2-314, a seller can exclude
the implied warranty by
conspicuously n48 disclaiming it. The exclusion
clause in a shrinkwrapped
software contract might be conspicuous on its page if
it is set apart from the
rest of the text by being in all capital letters.
But such a disclaimer cannot
be considered conspicuous at the time of sale (except
for people with X-ray
vision) because it is inside the box and not available
for viewing by the
n48 UCC @ 1-201(10): "'Conspicuous': A term
or clause is conspicuous when it
is so written that a reasonable person against whom it
is to operate ought to
have noticed it. A printed heading in capitals
. . . is conspicuous. Language
in the body of a form is 'conspicuous' if it is in larger
or other contrasting
type or color. . . . " UCC @ 2-316 requires that written
exclusions be
Over the past century, courts have consistently
refused to enforce post-sale
disclaimers of the implied warranty of merchantability.
n49 Under UCITA, n50
such disclaimers are fully enforceable in a click-through
or shrinkwrapped
license even if they are completely unavailable to the
customer before or at the
time of the sale. n51
n49 For citations and a long discussion,
see Cem Kaner & David L. Pels, Bad
Software: What To Do When Software Fails (1998), Chapter
7, especially footnotes
40 to 44 and the surrounding text.
n50 UCITA, @@ 208 and 209.
n51 One widespread marketing practice in
the winter of 1999/2000 has been the
offering of $ 400 rebates to buyers of computers, so
long as they sign up for
three years of service from a specific Internet service
provider. CompuServe is
one such provider, and it lays out the terms of the deal
Here is an excerpt from those
The $ 400 . . . Rebates require (1) the purchase
of any eligible computer;
and (2) . . . a contract commitment to a 3-year (36 months)
subscription . . .
to CompuServe 2000 Premier Internet service at $ 21.95
per month. Full
prepayment of the contract amount . . . is possible during
your first month of
service. . . . Offer subject to . . . your acceptance
of CompuServe's Terms of
Service. Membership termination prior to contract
commitment term requires
payment of a cancellation fee plus rebate repayment.
I have searched CompuServe's Web site for
these Terms of Service and cannot
find them. I have sent emails to CompuServe asking
for a copy of the Terms of
Service but have not received them. I downloaded
a copy of the CompuServe 2000
software and started to install it, hoping to get to
a display screen, but I
stopped installation at the point that the software requested
my credit card
number. This request came several screens after
the start of installation, but
before any link to a screen showing the Terms of Service.
The CompuServe transaction is an access contract.
Under UCITA @
102(a)(44)(b)(IV), this is not a mass-market transaction.
Therefore, under
UCITA's @ 112 (e)(B), once you pay for the CompuServe
service, you have no right
to cancel it (no "right to return") if you object to
the CompuServe terms of
service. Section 112(e) states: "However, a right
to a return is not required
if: (B) in a case not involving a mass-market license,
the parties at the time
of contracting had reason to know that a record or term
would be presented after
performance, use, or access to the information began
. . . " Additionally, look
at UCITA @ 304 (b): "If a contract provides that terms
may be changed as to
future performances by compliance with a described procedure,
a change
proposed in good faith pursuant to that procedure becomes
part of the contract
if the procedure: (1) reasonably notifies the other party
of the change." If the
CompuServe Terms of Service provide that CompuServe can
change the terms
whenever it wants, then even if the original Terms of
Service don't disclaim
warranties, a subsequent disclaimer will be enforceable
as a change of terms, so
long as CompuServe reasonably notifies you of the change.
If this were a
mass-market contract, then under @ 304(b)(2) you could
cancel it in the face of
this change, rather than accept the disclaimer, but this
is an access contract,
not a mass-market contract, so you would not have that
Additionally, even if CompuServe never disclaims
the implied warranty, under
UCITA @ 803(a)(1) it may include a clause in the Terms
of Service that precludes
"a party's right to cancel for breach of contract." Sharp
practices like this
are more feasible under UCITA because you have no right
to a minimum adequate
remedy (@ 803 Comment 6. "Minimum Adequate Remedy.
An agreed remedy provision
does not fail because the court believes that it does
not afford a "minimum
adequate remedy." Comments to UCITA, draft of Oct. 15,
Compare this to UCC Article 2 (Official Comment
1 to @ 2-719): "It is the
very essence of a sales contract that at least minimum
adequate remedies be
available. If the parties intend to conclude a
contract for sale within this
Article they must accept the legal consequences that
there be at least a fair
quantum of remedy for breach of the obligations or duties
outlined in the
Magnuson-Moss Act
The Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act n52 provides
consumers with additional
warranty rights, beyond the UCC. For example, under
the Act, a seller who
provides any written warranty with a consumer product
or who sells you a service
contract (such as extended technical support) for the
product may not disclaim
implied warranties. n53
n52 15 U.S.C. @ 2301.
n53 15 U.S.C. @ 2308(a) says, "No supplier
may disclaim or modify
(except as provided in subsection (b) of this section)
any implied warranty to a
consumer with respect to such consumer product if (1)
such supplier makes any
written warranty to the consumer with respect to such
consumer product or (2) at
the time of sale, or within 90 days thereafter, such
supplier enters into a
service contract with the consumer which applies to such
consumer product."
(Subsection (b) allows only one type of modification
-- a shortened time limit.)
The Magnuson-Moss Act applies to all consumer
goods. "Consumer goods" are
those that are "normally used for personal, family, or
household purposes." n54
This is a broad definition, and under current law, it
almost certainly includes
personal computers and most of the types of software
that you'd buy in software
n54 15 U.S.C. @ 2301(1).
According to the Federal Trade Commission: n55
The Act applies to written warranties on
tangible personal property which is
normally used for personal, family, or household purposes.
This definition
includes property which is intended to be attached to
or installed in any real
property without regard to whether it is so attached
or installed. This means
that a product is a "consumer product" if the use of
that type of product is not
uncommon. The percentage of sales or the use to
which a product is put by any
individual buyer is not determinative. For example,
products such as
automobiles and typewriters which are used for both personal
and commercial
purposes come within the definition of consumer product.
Where it is unclear
whether a particular product is covered under the definition
of consumer
product, any ambiguity will be resolved in favor of coverage.
n55 16 C.F.R. @ 700.1(a).
The Software Publishers Association's Guide
to Contracts n56 considered the
applicability of the Magnuson-Moss Act and concluded
that "it is reasonable to
assume that software purchased for home computer use
would be covered by the
n56 Thomas J. Smedinghoff, The Software Publishers
Association Guide to
Contracts and the Legal Protection of Software (1993),
at 88.
There are no published court rulings that
have settled the question of the
applicability of the Magnuson-Moss Act to software, but
it is generally believed
that courts would rule that the Act applies to consumer
software. Two related
lawsuits, Stuessey v. Microsoft n57 and Microsoft v.
Manning n58 included a
claim for violation of the Magnuson-Moss Act. In
these cases, because of
compression-related problems "about three in 1,000 [people]
lost data after
using MS-DOS 6.0." n59 In these two suits, customers
sued for consequential
damages (Stuessey) or for a free upgrade to DOS 6.2 (Manning).
Microsoft had
disclaimed the implied warranty of merchantability n60
but the Magnuson-Moss Act
voids the disclaimer and reinstates the implied warranties.
n61 Apparently, the
court accepted the applicability of the Magnuson-Moss
claim because, despite
Microsoft's disclaimer, the Manning court applied the
disclaimed warranty,
saying that "the software was not fit for the ordinary
purpose for which
software is used." n62
n57 837 F. Supp. 690 (E.D. Pa., 1993).
n58 914 S.W. 2d 601 (Texas Ct. App., 1995).
n59 Manning, id., at 606.
n60 I have a copy of the Microsoft MS-DOS
6 User's Guide. DOS 6 was sold in
OEM versions, in upgrade versions, and possibly in other
ways -- I don't know
what manual or license terms were supplied in all of
these cases. But in my
copy (Appendix E, p. 300), there is a disclaimer of implied
n61 Microsoft had warranted that MS-DOS 6.0
would "perform substantially in
accordance with the accompanying Product Manuals for
a period of 90 days from
the date of receipt." (Manning, id., at 609). In
the event of a written
warranty, the Magnuson-Moss Act reinstates implied warranties.
n62 Manning, id., at 609.
UCITA pulls software out of the scope of
sales-of-goods law by defining the
transaction as a license. Under UCITA, you are
buying an intangible, a license,
not goods. n63 This pulls software outside of the scope
of the Magnuson-Moss Act
n64 and of analogous state laws, n65 while allowing proponents
of UCITA to claim
that UCITA does not change consumer protection laws.
(It doesn't, in this case.
It merely takes software outside of their scope.) Proponents
initially rejected
these claims as misrepresenting the effect of UCITA (Article
2B). These days,
they say instead that the Magnuson-Moss Act was never
intended to apply to
software. n66
n63 As a "senior corporate attorney for Microsoft
Corporation" titled a
recent article of his, "The License Is the Product: Comments
on the Promise of
UCC Article 2B for Software Licensing"; Robert W. Gomulkiewicz,
Proceedings of
the Conference on the Impact of Article 2B, UC Berkeley,
April 23 -- 25, 1998.
n64 Similarly, software is taken outside
of the scope of some state-level
consumer protection laws, such as the Song-Beverly Act,
Cal. Civ. Code @ 1790 et
n65 Such laws can be stricter than the Magnuson-Moss
Act. For example, under
California's Song-Beverly Consumer Warranty Act, "Any
waiver by the buyer of
consumer goods of the provisions of this chapter, except
as expressly provided
in this chapter, shall be deemed contrary to public policy
and shall be
unenforceable and void." Cal. Civ. Code @ 1790.1.
The Act voids disclaimers
that don't strictly compliance with its requirements.
Id., @ 1792.3 The buyer
must be informed of a warranty disclaimer "prior to the
sale" and in writing.
Id., @ 1792.4(a). If a sale is by mail order, the
catalog must show the
warranty disclaimer, for each item that is sold with
a warranty disclaimer.
Id., @ 1794(b). These provisions are in direct
conflict with UCITA's rules that
allow post-sale presentation of disclaimers.
n66 Fred H. Miller, "Speaking Frankly About
UCC Article 2B," UCC Bulletin,
Mar. 1999, at 1.
Warranty by Demonstration
Software products are complex. Customers
often buy them in reliance on
demonstrations made by sales-people at stores and trade
shows. The UCC
recognizes that customers rely on demonstrations.
Under Article 2-313(1)(c),
"Any sample or model which is made part of the basis
of the bargain creates an
express warranty that the whole of the goods shall conform
to the sample or
model." UCITA gives vendors two ways to give demonstrations
that would create
warranties under Article 2 but that do not create warranties
under UCITA.
First, under Section 402(a)(3): "Any sample,
model, or demonstration of a
final product which is made part of the basis of the
bargain creates an express
warranty that the performance of the information will
reasonably conform to the
performance of the sample, model, or demonstration, taking
into account
differences that would appear to a reasonable person
in the position of the
licensee between the sample, model, or demonstration
and the information as it
will be used." (Emphasis added.)
If the vendor uses a preliminary "demo" version
instead of a final version,
then no warranty is created even if the customer thinks
she is looking at the
final version. Note that this is not fraud if the
vendor does not intend to
mislead the customer. Also, UCITA substitutes the
simple requirement of
conformance with "reasonable" conformance. A bright
line test becomes an issue
of fact for the jury. Under current law, a customer
can know with certainty
that there was a warranty and it was breached, but under
UCITA, the customer
cannot. UCITA provides an additional defense for
the vendor to take to the
jury, the "differences" that should be noticed by a "reasonable"
Second, under Section 402(b): "An express
warranty is not created by: . . .
(2) a display or description of a portion of the information
to illustrate the
aesthetics, appeal, suitability to taste, or the like
of informational content."
People buy products on the basis of their user interface.
If a vendor
demonstrates a product or publishes pictures of the product's
screens, but
delivers a different version that is less appealing,
less visually pleasing,
harder to use, and the like, the customer has no claim
for breach of warranty.
Such a situation might or might not be fraudulent, depending
on whether the
publisher intended to mislead people. Independent
of the fraud question, under
Article 2 this would be a breach of contract. Under
UCITA, it is not.
In Closing
This article reviews a few of the problems
with UCITA. There are many
others. The UCITA drafting process reflected a
cozy relationship between the
software publishing industry and the drafters.
The drafting committee meetings
were dominated by lawyers representing information publishers.
The UCITA bill is a sweetheart deal for software
publishing corporations, for
database access providers (West and LEXIS played significant
roles in UCITA and
will benefit from their increased ability to restrict
your right to use court
cases that you download from them), for computer manufacturers
(who can bring
their machines under UCITA), and maybe for some other
goods vendors (UCITA-like
provisions are being pushed at the UCC Article 2 revision
The level of bias behind UCITA is not appropriate
for a commercial statute of
its potential magnitude.
LOAD-DATE: April 25, 2000