David Vernon Memorial Web Site

Newspaper Obituaries
Descriptions of His Life

There are a number of published memorials to David Vernon and his remarkable life. There will be more -- for example, a forthcoming memorial issue of the Iowa Law Review (available sometime in the summer of 2002).

The descriptions of his life contained in the memorial service programs are available in text form as well as scanned images on the service program pages for the Agudas Achim Community Synagogue and UI College of Law services.

Here are the obituaries published in the local papers November 6 and 7, 2001:

Sean Thompson, "UI law prof, 'a giant,' dies at 76," The Daily Iowan, Nov. 6, 2001, p. 1 (the University of Iowa student newspaper)

Heather Woodward, "Ex-law dean Vernon dies," Iowa City Press-Citizen , Nov. 6, 2001, p. 3A (the local Iowa City paper)

Lyle Muller, "Vernon's legacy remembered," Iowa City Gazette, Nov. 7, 2001, p. 3B (the Iowa City edition of the Cedar Rapids Gazette which also carried its own obituary).

There is also a picture of Dave receiving an honorary degree from Durham University in England -- a red robe for the man with the red socks.

The red socks were a tradition with him, as some of his friends commented in the tributes available here. On November 9, the day of the law school memorial, Professor Bill Buss was previously scheduled to present a faculty seminar, which all agreed Dave would never want to have cancelled. As an additional tribute to David Vernon on that day faculty members were encouraged to wear red socks. Here is a picture of some of them in the faculty lounge on the occasion of Professor Buss' presentation. (They are, from left to right, Professor James Tomkovicz (foreground), Dean Bill Hines and Professor Randall Bezanson (background), Professors Marcella David (foreground), Todd Pettys (background), Ann Estin  and the leg of Mark Janis (foreground).)

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