Law of Electronic Media
Fall 2000
[Nicholas Johnson, University of Iowa College of Law, Iowa City, Iowa]

Class meeting: The first class meeting is Wednesday, August 23, 2000, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., Room 125.

Casebook:  Carter, Franklin and Wright, The First Amendment and the Fifth Estate (5th ed. 1999). [In picking up a casebook, be aware that (a) our authors have another casebook, called The First Amendment and the Fourth Estate, and (b) there may be used copies of the 4th edition of our casebook around.  Neither will work.]

Syllabus:  The course syllabus is available from the class Web site now, or in hard copy from Mr. Johnson’s assistant, Jessie Kriebs, Room 433, by mid-August.  If you want guidance any earlier, ask Mr. Johnson (or check the Web site, below).

Contacts:  Feel free to stop in Mr. Johnson’s office (BLB 445) any time the door is open.  Or, if you prefer, you may make an appointment.  The best phone number for messages is 337-5555.  His e-mail address is  His Web page, with links to former Law of Electronic Media classes is  [click on "Teaching"]. His assistant is Jessie Kriebs, Room 433, 335-9091.
