Note: Although I am
not in the Web page "business," I occasionally create and maintain simple
Web pages as a favor for family, friends and students. In addition to the
pages of my own material, other sets of pages I have created include those
N. Domrin, a Russian lawyer, academic and occasional official, a friend
for whom I have high regard, who is a regular visiting professor at the
University of Iowa College of Law
a site with links to photos and the Web sites of Johnson's family members
Media, a site containing general information, and that created by Johnson,
regarding media law and policy in the Former Soviet Union Republic of Georgia
Grubbe, a working director and actor, also employed by the Cedar Rapids
Schools, and the son of my wife, Mary Vasey
Karl and Carolyn Grubbe,
an entrepreneur and artist, living high atop Alma, Colorado; he is also
the son of Mary Vasey
Wendell Johnson, a memorial
Web page for my late father, one of the world's first speech pathologists,
and leading general semanticists, for whom the University of Iowa's Wendell
Johnson Speech and Hearing Center is named
in Cyberspace Conference, held in Warsaw, Poland, in October 1997,
this site contains my notes, text of papers presented, some photos, and
information about the sponsors
Kathleen Nolan,
a friend, distinguished actor, and former President of the national Screen
Actors Guild
Board, a site created by Johnson since his election to the Iowa City
[Iowa] Community School District School Board -- a collection of his Iowa
City Press-Citizen columns on K-12 issues, uploaded Board policies,
educational policy research Web sites, and other resources
Mary Vasey, my wife, who
teaches in the Cedar Rapids Schools
If you have comments or suggestions regarding these
sites, please e-mail me at:
Thank you. -- Nicholas Johnson