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Would you like to listen to portions or all of a one-hour program Nicholas Johnson produced for National Public Radio — interviews and sounds from RAGBRAI V, 1977? Click here.

1976 – Gregory, Nicholas and Sherman Johnson – RAGBRAI – Iowa City

1976 – Sherman & Nicholas – Rear Wheel Dip Beginning, Missouri River

1976 – Nicholas and Donald Kaul, taking a rest break in Audubon, Iowa

1976 – Nicholas, Becky Jacobsen Strahl, Sherman – ending with the traditional front wheel dip in the Mississippi River

1976 – Mother (Edna), Nicholas, Sherman, Gregory, Muscatine, Iowa finish

1976 – Gregory and Nicholas – back home in Iowa City after crossing state

1977 – rest stop while Donald Kaul resets his back

1977 – Nicholas, holding his recording equipment, in RAGBRAI V’s destination finish: Lansing, Iowa

Photo credits, with many thanks to: Becky Jacobsen Strahl