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Iowa City Press-Citizen Opinion Saturday, April 13, 1996 11A

Mad as hell and I can't take anymore

I wish I had seen the ''Cable rate comparison chart'' before being interviewed by Geraldo Samor for his excellent article, "Pay television to cost even more,'' Press-Citizen April 5, page 10A. I would never have been so restrained in my criticism of the TCI proposed rate hike.

The residents of this community pay more and get less cable television than those of almost any city in America with a population of comparable professional and educational credentials.

It's bad enough that Cox Cable offers our neighbors up the road in Cedar Rapids nine more channels for $22.68 less per year. Maybe Cox is just more technologically advanced and efficient.

But even TCI is offering more service for less in other communities. If we lived in Ottumwa we'd get 10 more channels for $42.60 less per year. TCI provides Dubuque residents with 31 more channels for $46.68 less per year than what they charge us!

What's going on?

Remember the movie Network? Anyone out there want to join mc in a chorus of ''I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore?''

Nicholas Johnson

Iowa City

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