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CyberWire Dispatch

Date: Sat Jan 04, 1997 10:53 am CST

From: David J. Loundy

EMS: INTERNET / MCI ID: 376-5414


TO: * Nicholas Johnson / MCI ID: 103-5393

Subject: CWD--Hormel Hell

>X-Authentication-Warning: daemon owned process doing -bs

>Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 15:42:44 -0800 (PST)

>From: "Brock N. Meeks" <>


>Subject: CWD--Hormel Hell





>CyberWire Dispatch // Copyright (c) 1997 // January 3 //


>Jacking in from the "Make Mine Spam Lite" port:


>Washington -- This is a story of abuse in cyberspace. It's an ugly,

>twisted, tortured tale, but one that needs to be told. It is the story

>of the original, undisputed Spam King -- Hormel Foods, the makers of



>The brand identity of any product is worth its weight in gold and

>companies go hammer and tongs to protect those trademarks. Spam, one of

>Hormel's best known products, has endured pot-shots for decades,

>according to Mary Harris, the company's main "Spam spokeswoman." But

>somewhere along the line, the company lost control of "spam" as it went

>spinning out of control, being appropriated into the lexicon of

>cyberspace as a pejorative for the act of flooding a newsgroup or

>Internet Service Provider with unwanted electronic mail.


>"Spamming" as this Email flooding is popularly known, takes its name

>from a Monty Python sketch where all the menu items at a particular cafe

>come with Spam. A quick search of the WEB using the Alta Vista search

>engine returned more than 20,000 hits for the keyword "spam."


>All that ill-will being associated with Hormel's top gun product doesn't

>exactly sit well with the corporate suits, Harris says. Like the use of

>the word "band-aid" when referring to a "plastic strip first aid device"

>or "xerox" to mean "a photocopy" using "spam" in cyberspace is just a

>fact of life for Hormel. "Unfortunately, there is so little we can do

>about it," Harris says, noting that the company would have to "police

>the entire Internet and how do you do that?"


>But it's not only the use of "spam" as a verb that tweaks Hormel, there

>are plenty of web sites that refer to Spam in other ways. "Most of it

>is plain, unadulterated garbage," Harris says. For example, there is

>"spam hiku." (Honest, I'm not making this up.)


>Here are a couple "spam hiku" samples found, unattributed, on a web



> Soft, pink, newborn joy,

> glistening within steel womb.

> What? No placenta?



> Highly unnatural,

> The tortured shape of this "food":

> A small pink coffin


>While Hormel isn't exactly thrilled with Spam parodies, it apparently is

>only tweaked when those parodies are unofficial. Take the "Spamettes"

>for example. This is company sponsored group that "takes popular songs

>and turns them into 'spam songs,'" according to Harris. The Spamettes

>are a big attraction during the company's annual "Spam Jam" which takes

>place on the fourth of July. (I swear, this is the truth.)


>Then there is "Spam Man" the product's official mascot that is given to

>showing up at promotional events. Spam even has its own in-house

>lawyer, Kevin Jones. I tried to reach Jones, but he didn't return my

>phone calls.


>There also is a Spam gift catalog, "a whole universe of Spam," Harris

>said. There's a "whimsical Spam silk neck tie" which is "garnished with

>nostalgic Spam luncheon meat graphics, this tie inspires a look of

>unmistakable good taste" for only $32.50. Or there's the Spam Can Boxer

>shorts, "one of the most popular products!" Harris says. The catalog

>copy says these are the "best way we can think of to fill your drawers

>full of delicious Spam luncheon meat," and they'll set you back only

>$18.50. Why Leno or Letterman haven't discovered this treasure trove of

>joke material is beyond me.


>Perhaps Hormel is bent that one of its best known products is the butt

>of so much cyber-abuse because there's no real "butt" in Spam. The

>product is all pork shoulder, ham, water, sugar and sodium nitrate "as a

>preservative," Harris says. Which means that can of spam in your pantry

>will be good until sometime well into the next millennium.


>While no one knows how much Spam is produced in cyberspace, in

>"meatspace" some 110 million cans of Spam are produced per year,

>according to Hormel. An additional 10 million can are sold overseas.

>Some 435 cans are consumed per minute in the U.S.


>Josh Quittner of the Netly News fired the first known shot in the domain

>name wars in a story he wrote for Wired magazine. That article

>chronicled how he registered "" and created the

>"ronald.mcdonald" Email ID. Quittner, using negotiating skills that

>qualify him for the next Commissioner of Baseball, got the McDonalds

>corporation to perform public service for one of New York's elementary

>schools in exchange for the rights to domain name.


>Since Quittner's stellar article, a virtual trademark war has been

>fought in cyberspace. Some companies threaten legal action, choosing a

>kind of "no negotiations with terrorists" policy, while others choose

>the path of least resistance: they open up the corporate coffers and

>pony up a fat check.


>Hormel itself has "bought back several domain names," says Harris, but

>she declined to give specifics. Hormel does own the "" domain,

>though it sits idle. A call the administrative contact for the domain

>was not returned, though his Email address is listed with MCI Mail, as

>is the domain's technical contact.


>This isn't to say that Hormel takes the misappropriation of its Spam

>trademark lying down. The company took the Muppets to court last year

>when they found out that a new character, a pig named "Spa'am" was to be

>introduced in the Muppet movie "Treasure Island." A judge in 2nd U.S.

>Circuit Court of Appeals agreed with a lower court ruling which

>basically told Hormel to "lighten up." The court said the Muppet

>character's name "is simply another in a long line of Muppet lampoons"

>and would be seen as "the joke it was intended to be."


>Although Harris says the company has "no official policy" on the

>cyber-abuse of their product, the company is at least waging a kind of

>quiet war to protect its trademark at the source: InterNIC, the central

>domain name registry.


>A bit of Web trolling discovered that Hormel is keeping a close eye on

>InterNIC. From a site simply called "SPAM!" comes this notice: "SPAM!

>is now at a new URL due to pending negotiations with Hormel. They have

>forced a hold on the domain name through InterNIC.


>In the broader net trademark wars, Harris says the company sends out

>letters telling the offenders they "object to the improper use of our



>Of course, if things get ugly, Hormel can always call on Quittner to

>mediate the dispute. They could cough a fat arbitration fee and give

>him a lifetime supply of Spam.


>No need to thank me, Josh. Just send me a case every Christmas.


>Meeks out...

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