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Date: Thu Jan 23, 1997 12:23 pm CST
From: HotFlash
EMS: INTERNET / MCI ID: 376-5414
TO: HotFlash
EMS: INTERNET / MCI ID: 376-5414
BCC: * Nicholas Johnson / MCI ID: 103-5393
Subject: HotFlash 4.06 - Mercy, Mercy, Mercy
HotFlash 4.06
for the week of 17 January 1997
Hello and welcome to HotFlash, the weekly newsletter of events and
information for HotWired and WIRED magazine.
Mercy, Mercy, Mercy
We've all seen those "clever" marketing sites that, having made the
rapid passage from innovation to anachronism, now haunt the Web like
zombies waiting to die. This week Michael Schrage proposes giving those
rotting dotcoms a decent burial, and solicits your help in picking the
one most in need of euthanasia. Check out Schrage on markets, Garfinkel
on technology, Frauenfelder on culture, and McChesney's HotSeat - in
this week's Packet, made possible by Oldsmobile.
Meanwhile, a warning for Web designers: Eventually you'll encounter a
customer who won't take "your browser sucks" for an answer. On Monday,
Jeff Veen reminds us that a Web site should be accessible to the many,
not just the elite. The perils of browser arrogance, an overview of
layers, and secrets of the DNS - this week in Webmonkey, a service
station for the wired world.
Scandal, accusation, and mistrust have become an integral part of
American public life. How do the media deal? They cop out, says Jon
Katz, who finds the conduct of the press in the Paula Jones case
unimpressive at best. Catch Katz's critique in The Netizen, where flayed
sacred cows are daily fare.
Had your fill of mainstream media? Don't despair. Each day, throughout
the day, Wired News delivers a cutting-edge chronicle of the wired
world, with original reports on the business, technology, politics, and
culture of the Digital Revolution. Wired News is always on. Come check
it out.
This week Ned Brainard finds Apple looking for a teacher, as a desperate
board casts far and wide in search of sage advice. In Monday's Flux.
There's work for a marketing VP at Liquid Audio, a Net audio start-up
with sounds, talent, technology, and industry connections to die for.
We've also found open jobs at Foreign Affairs, Nikolas Weinstein
Studios, the CERT Coordination Center, and Navio. In Dream Jobs, made
possible by Dockers Khakis (tm).
The blood on your mug may look dramatic, but calm down - a nosebleed
won't kill you, says Dr. Weil. The good doctor helps you staunch the
flow from your leaking proboscis - and provides answers on vitamin C
safety, sushi-based sickness, the mysteries of mono, and the quest for a
quick tan. And for instant answers, ask the Doc Weil Database.
If you've a penchant for whiskey and the tongue of a rogue poet, here's
a drink with a bite to make a Scot proud: The Robert Burns, in Cocktail.
And we bring good tidings for jaded bar patrons: Now the most versatile
liquor on the planet actually tastes good. Infused vodkas, in Fillet.
The world's food problems won't succumb to the old methods, asserts
Martina McGloughlin, who argues for the use of biotechnology in
agriculture. Margaret Mellon counters that biotech is an expensive
short-term fix whose long-term consequences may be disastrous. Their
debate continues this week in Brain Tennis.
Log in to a new and improved groove, as the world's beat freaks rally to
the banner of the Beta Lounge.
And a note from our research department: We've had many requests for our
study of advertising effectiveness on HotWired. You can find it at:
This week's guests in
Tuesday in Wired Talk: Based on the story "Super-Toys Last All Summer
Long," Stanley Kubrick's forthcoming film "AI" should be a defining
moment in the evolution of intelligent machines - at least on the silver
screen. Paula Parisi follows the buzz on the Net and gives us the skinny
on Kubrick's new vision of thinking machines in "AI".
Tuesday in Head Space: Science fiction author, authority, and gadfly
Damon Knight is known for sharp and skeptical fiction. Also a rigorous
critic, Damon runs writers 50 years his junior ragged and terrorizes the
Net with tough-writer advocacy. Join Damon and host Martha Soukup for a
session of sci-fi tough love.
Thursday in Electronic Frontiers: Digital town criers Jonah Seiger of
CDT and Shabbir Safdar of VTW join host Jon Lebkowsky as we look at the
cyber-rights agenda for 1997 - and what you can do to help.
For more detailed descriptions of these and other events, go to:
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passwords, and you just can't keep track. Don't let an eight-digit
password keep you from posting to Threads, chatting, tuning up your
browser, or changing your preferences. If you've forgotten yours, all
you have to do is reply to this message, change the subject line to read
PASSWORD (that's important), and include a one-sentence note with your
name, email address, and membername (if you remember it).
Or you can call our toll-free support services number: (888) 276 8777.
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browser to:
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This week's HotFlash is brought to you by Peak Technologies:
Peak Net.Jet is a Java-based software product that functions as an
online, real-time Web accelerator to make surfing the Web faster. It
directly addresses the number one issue on the Internet - SPEED. By
preloading links and sites, increasing modem utilization, and learning a
user's browsing patterns, Peak Net.Jet saves downloading time to make a
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