Note: (1) No one has
been deliberately omitted from this list. It is drawn from the business
cards and other sources exchanged during the conference.
(2) Necessarily, I have no way of knowing the most appropriate
persons to designate as representatives of the various sponsors and have,
therefore, simply provided the names of those I encountered.
(3) Because most of these are "public persons"
who either wish to be accessible, or are whether they want to be or not,
I have assumed that none has objection to being listed. Such assumptions
are not always correct. If anyone does object, a quick e-mail to me will
result in the name and information being removed as promptly as possible.
(4) Those for whom I have e-mail addresses have those
addresses set up with the "Mail To" feature enabling you to click
on the address to produce a form that can be used to send an e-mail immediately.
If your Web browser doesn't support this feature, enter the e-mail address
as you normally would using your e-mail software.
(5) Finally, as always, I would of course appreciate being
told of any errors.
-- Nicholas Johnson
Co-Organizers and Co-Sponsors
Centrum Dziennikarstwa w
Warszawie [Warsaw Journalism Center]