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(Nicholas Johnson Affiliations)

(Note: This listing is incomplete.  Many organizations with which I have been affiliated in the past are not included, and by definition those without Web pages are not listed.  URLs change, or are abandoned, from time to time. Those listed below were correct when entered in June 1996, and when confirmed, May 19, 1998. -- N.J.)

Nicholas Johnson serves on the Executive Board, Board of Directors, or Advisory Board of a number of non-profit organizations. Some of those with web sites include:

Center for Media Education, run by Jeff Chester and Kathy Montgomery

Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR), which publishes EXTRA! (Jeff Cohen, Executive Director)

Hightower and Associates, Jim Hightower is extremely bright, compassionate, and very, very funny -- and one of the few radio commentators left of Rush Limbaugh

International Society for General Semantics, which publishes the journal ETC. (Earl Hautala, President; Paul Dennithorne Johnston, Executive Director and Managing Editor)

(Other general semantics sites include the Institute of General Semantics, General Semantics for Kids, sites maintained by John McPherson, and Craig Presson, and a French language site at Semantique Generale for the European Society for General Semantics.)

Project Censored, originally the creation of Dr. Carl Jensen, the Director is now Dr. Peter Phillips

Volunteers in Technical Assistance (VITA) (Paul Glaser, Chair; Henry R. Norman, President)

Working Assets Long Distance (Laura Scher, CEO; Michael Kieschnick, President)

Although there is no formal relationship, the following are some of the web sites for other organizations with which he currently has some tie, or has worked, or otherwise supported in one way or another, in the past:

Adbusters, a publication and project of The Media Foundation

Advocacy Institute, which provides all-purpose counsel to public interest organizations, was started by former FTC Chair Michael Pertschuk and former Common Cause President David Cohen. This site contains current and back copies of the Institute's publication, "Tobacco News."

AlterNet, a project of the Institute for Alternative Journalism

American Bar Association, to which Nicholas Johnson belongs, runs a program called CEELI (for Central and East European Law Initiative), for which he worked on media law with the Parliament of Georgia (Former Soviet Union), during February-March 1998.

American Civil Liberties Union

American Radio Relay League is the national association of radio amateurs (or "ham radio operators") with which the Iowa City Amateur Radio Club is affiliated.  Nicholas Johnson is the "extra class" operator of amateur radio station N0EAJ and a member of both organizations.

Amnesty International (and Amnesty International USA)

Aspen Institute, Communications and Society Program run by Charles Firestone (scroll down to "Policy Programs" of the Aspen Institute and click)

Association of Progressive Communications, which includes online services such as PeaceNet, and maintains at its web site the "Institute for Global Communications Progressive Directory" with links to numerous progressive organizations

Carter Center Commission on Radio and Television Policy (CRTP)

(Nicholas Johnson served in the Administration of President Jimmy Carter as a Presidential Advisor for the 1979 White House Conference on Libraries and Information Sciences (WHCLIS). There does not seem to be a web site for the National Commission on Libraries and Information Sciences (NCLIS), but any web search engine will produce sites for a number of its publications.

The CRTP is run out of the De Witt Wallace Center for Communications and Journalism at Duke University by Dr. Ellen Mickiewicz, Director, and Dee Reid, Program Director,

Center for Defense Information

Center for Science in the Public Interest, directed by Michael Jacobson

Common Cause Ann McBride, President. (Nicholas Johnson served two terms as a national board member, 1989-1995.)

Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR)

Democratic National Committee. Nicholas Johnson formerly served as a Presidential appointee in the administrations of Democratic Presidents Johnson and Carter, and on the board of the DNC's Harriman Communications Center. He has run in Democratic primaries for the U.S. Senate and House from Iowa, served on the Executive Committee of the Johnson County [Iowa] Democrats, and as Precinct Co-Chair for Johnson County Precinct 1.

Federal Communications Commission (where Nicholas Johnson served as a Commissioner, 1966-1973)

Federal Communications Law Journal, including full text of articles by Nicholas Johnson

Hells Bells is a site holding an audio tape series about AT&T, including interviews with Nicholas Johnson

Institute for Alternative Journalism

Inter@ctive Week

Johnson, President Lyndon B. provided Nicholas Johnson (no relation) with his first two Presidential appointments, as U.S. Maritime Administrator and Commissioner, Federal Communications Commission. This link goes to the LBJ Library in Austin, Texas, where some of the papers relating to those terms of service are housed.

Lexis Counsel Connect

Loundy, David

(David Loundy was an outstanding Law of Electronic Media student at the UI College of Law who has gone on to make a career of his expertise in the field. His web site is one of the best available sources of "E-Law" -- both that which has been written by him and links to sources elsewhere. He and Nicholas Johnson have co-authored a two-volume casebook, Law of Electronic Media in a Cyberspace Age, first used at the UI College of Law, Fall 1996.)

Maritime Administration (MARAD (where Nicholas Johnson served as U.S. Maritime Administrator from 1964-1966 during the Administration of President Lyndon B. Johnson -- at which time MARAD was a part of the U.S. Department of Commerce)

Metro High School, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa is where Nicholas Johnson's wife, Mary Vasey, teaches

Nader Organizations

(Among Ralph Nader's many commendable qualities is one that is often overlooked: the absence of ego and need for "control" that enables him not only to come up with innovative solutions for social ills, and imaginative ways to attract talent and fund organizations, but the psychological ability to spin them off, once they are up and running. "" is one of his creations that maintains this site which provides a collection of links to a partial listing of the dozens of organizations that are in his debt for one reason or another. Other sites include the unofficial Ralph Nader for President Page, and a sampling of Ralph Nader's Writings -- which are pages maintained by others.)

PC DOC, Gregory P. Johnson, the Personal Computer Doctor, is Nicholas Johnson's son

United States Information Agency (USIA) (Nicholas Johnson has travelled for the USIS to Kazakhstan, Chile, Malaysia, Poland and Hong Kong)

United States Supreme Court (Nicholas Johnson served as law clerk to Supreme Court Justice Hugo L. Black, 1959-1960)

Wired Magazine, including full text of Nicholas Johnson article

World Academy of Art and Science World Academy of Art and Science, Harlan Cleveland, President (Nicholas Johnson is a "Fellow" of the Academy, and served on its Executive Committee 1993-97)

Nicholas Johnson has been associated with a number of universities over the course of his lifetime.

He was literally born on a university campus, the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics in Iowa City, Iowa, the son of Edna and Wendell Johnson (for whom the Wendell Johnson Speech and Hearing Clinic is named). He was an early entrant, at age 2, in the University of Iowa's experimental schools: the Iowa Child Welfare Research Clinic, University Elementary School, and University High School ("U-High") -- where he delivered the last commencement address in 1972. (Each of these institutions is now closed).

He earned his B.A. degree from the University of Texas at Austin in 1956, and his LL.B. from its School of Law in 1958.

His first teaching job was at Boalt Hall, the law school of the University of California at Berkeley (1960-1963).

While serving as an FCC Commissioner (1966-1973), he sometimes taught a seminar at the Law Center of Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.

He served as a Poynter Fellow at Yale University in 1971.

He served as Chair of the Virtual Classroom Project at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT).

And he has served as a visiting professor at a number of institutions, including the Law School at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (1976), the Communication Arts Department of the University of Wisconsin, Madison (1980), the S. I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University (1980), and the Communications Studies Department of California State University, Los Angeles (1986).

From 1986-1991 he was a member of the faculty of Western Behavioral Sciences Institute, and its International Executive Forum (online computer adult education), which in its later years was affiliated with the University of California, San Diego.

Since 1981 he has been teaching at the College of Law at the University of Iowa in Iowa City, Iowa, USA.


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