Iowa City Community School District Board Policies

Read this important notice before referring to these Board policies:  This resource is not an official presentation of Board Policies.  It is a volunteer effort by Board Member Nicholas Johnson. If you have business with the Iowa City Community School District as a student, teacher, parent, contractor, agency employee, or in any other capacity that may turn on the precise content of one or more Board policies (or administrative regulations) you must refer to the loose-leaf notebooks containing the most up-to-date versions which can be found at (a) any ICCSD school (usually in the media center), (b) the Iowa City Public Library, or (c) the Central Administrative Office of the ICCSD (509 S. Dubuque St., Iowa City, Iowa).

Policies are under constant, three-year review, new policies are in various forms of draft status, and so forth, and I am unable to assume the responsibility for making each of those changes in this Web site every time they occur.  Policies known to be undergoing change at this time have been omitted.

This reference/resource is made available primarily for the convenience of anyone who would like an easy first look, and for academics and policy persons less concerned about the precise status of individual policies.  I hope and intend for it to be as accurate as possible. But for your sake, and that of the Board/Administration, be sure to check with the official sources if the issue in question is of significant consequence for you.

-- Nicholas Johnson, September 26, 1998/October 27, 1998       E-mail:


Educational Philosophy  Series 100 Board of Directors  Series 200 Administration  Series 300 Staff Personnel  Series 400 Student Personnel  Series 500 Educational Program  Series 600 Support Services  Series 700 Business Procedures  Series 800 Buildings and Sites  Series 900 School-Community Relations  Series 1000